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Everything posted by buck_nekkid

  1. Defensive? HACKS! A simple fact- Hogan is a Forward you goons. If the newspaper idiots can't even get this right, what can we expect on more critical topics? Any ideas Ms Wilson? On topic, it will be great that he can be developing and skilling up at Casey towards a rapid injection into the seniors in 2014. Btw- worst case scenario: guesswork by the same genius that know where Hogan plays...
  2. Right next to Ms. wilson's so called 'article' is the rehash of the Sheedy 'I didn't get the job, they were hopeless, I'm the only one that can save them' piece by Adam Cooper. Nearly a full page of irrelevant, self serving rubbish. Some context: there is written evidence of breaking clear rules by Adelaide, Tippett and his agents. Tigers have serial issues with Dustin Martin, and now Edwards. Facts that could be reported and commented upon. Please, Ms Wilson, as you troll this site (pun intended) to feel important, please note that your continued poor efforts at true journalism and allowing your bias to show serves no one. Your editors have let you down by allowing you to make a fool of yourself by publishing your vitriolic opinion. You, madam, are the Alan Jones of sports Journalism. Please put your facts up or shut up. Report or comment on facts based stories would be a minimum standard of even high school journalists. To spend 5 days pumping your own bandwagon, hatred and attempts to damage an institution and everyone in it based purely on innuendo is really poor form. Attacking the legacy of a dead person who had more courage, dignity and decency in a toenail clipping than you have in your whole body is reprehensible, appalling and belittles you further. I would suggest you crawl under a rock... But the spiders and slugs may find you too repulsive.
  3. Sheesh! I'm over it! Why does good news always get squished under bad news? Was there really such stupidity? Is it provable? Get on with it Vlad. Over and done with. Had enough. Weren't we punished enough that we got Skunky? Time to pay the ferryman and get to the other side of this one.
  4. This is the best thing to happen in the trade period. Hats off for selling them a furphy! They can say what they like, but Ka Ching! You took them for a ride. Ha haha.
  5. Didn't he win the coaches award for his attitude? If so, isn't most of this just tripe?
  6. Back to an objective view: Cook could not hold a place in the Casey 1sts Cook rarely impacted (set alight) the 2nds to an extent that he forced his way back into the Casey firsts, from which he would need to go up another level to compete at AFL level. We have a number of other prospects ahead of him, including Fitzy. His 'weaknesses' are known to the football club- they have made a call on him based on what he did, what they think he can do, and what they need. And it isn't what they see in Cook. If he is delisted I wish him luck in whatever he chooses to do. It may be the kick in the bum he needs, or at the least the regime change, to get the best out of him. Who cares where he was drafted. If Howe was taken by us at 12 in this draft we would all be happy. If we secure a couple of good players each draft, we have done well, regardless of their number.
  7. Neeld said we would be the hardest team to play. When we have versatile, tall players forward, on the wings and off half back, we will be incredibly hard to match up on. Defenders will have to be wary at all times. Rotations of key positions, midfielders encouraged to deliver to strong targets..... Is it a dream, or am I starting to see a new demons reality emerging....
  8. Dear Brent, Thanks for your efforts up to 2011. Sorry 2012 didn't work out. Good luck where you end up. Any player that wins the bluey should leave with dignity, and our respect.
  9. So he is not committing to AFL until March. Or is this just the BS he sold the club? Port are into him. More room, less problems and more cash for our new list. Bring on the trades and drafts.....
  10. As we are now at VFL finals, blokes like the Russian may not have played enough games to qualify. Spencer probably has. Maybe it is not a demotion for Spencer, but making the best possible ruckman who has qualified for VFL available. Same for Jizzer. Would be great for some of these guys to get finals experience, even at VFL level. What are the qualification requirements for the VFL finals?
  11. Sack him when we have identified and recruited an outstanding individual and a midfield for them to coach . Malthouse would have struggled turning that pigs ear of a midfield into a silk purse. Royal had the poison coaching chalice. He may be the best in the game, but we can't see it through the cattle.
  12. I was at the game because I could, and I wanted to say my thanks to Brad Green who I have enjoyed watching for many years. I understand others couldn't make it. 4:40 on a Sunday is a shocking time to schedule. I understand that others couldn't have made 2:15 on a Saturday if they played it then. Life is like that. Everyone has a choice. I hope what we have in common is a love for the Dees and a desire to see them at the top again, playing great winning footy. I'm sticking with them. They are my team. Jump off if you want. That is your choice. See you at the footy next year.
  13. If we were a racehorse after today we should be shot. God, please make 2013 better than 2012.....
  14. He had a chat at the pre game in the Lindsay Hassett room. Soft interview, but no sign of dissent.
  15. I saw more that gives promise than not. You can either believe that we are heading in the right direction or we are doomed, that is your choice. We are still playing some bad, over possession low confidence football. But there are indeed glimmers of hope. In a group of players with such low levels of experience, and especially playing together so rarely as a core group, I took a lot from what I saw. Are we there yet? No. Are we on the path? I really think so.
  16. Sheedy is a media tart. What a great way to deflect the fact that his team has lost by massive margins every week, the players they spent large coin on are not delivering and there are bigger crowds at the opening of a pizza box. Sorry Sheeds, get over yourself. Unless you have a time machine, it is OVER. Get it? Or do I need to publish something in the Seniors magazine? Maybe if you focused less on the media and more on the Lesser Blacktown Rabble maybe you, too, could get some results. And if you believe that you had the upper hand in any multi-candidate interview process, you really are an egotistical [censored]
  17. In a team shredded by injuries, Bate gets dropped?? Isn't there a bye for Casey this week (??). Don't know, but he is going to have to get bitten by a radioactive spider or something (ranga-man) to be on the list if he can't hold his place in that side.
  18. A glass half empty is still a glass. I suppose Swan is slow. Judd lacks acceleration. D Martin has off field issues. Do they also have positives? Yes. I wonder how much we have to kick the list before they turn into the team of the century. I wonder if anyone at the club knows the status of our players?
  19. And this is the perfect season for it to happen. From here, the number of wins is cosmetic. If they need to be rested, operated on or retrained then now is the perfect time. Finishing bottom three won't be 'tanking' but the result of what happened this year. Get well soon, Flash, and refind your magic.
  20. It may only take the addition of 1-3 quality players to make these guys look so much better. The best teams have a couple of aces that make otherwise middle of the road players look good ( enough ). I think these guys will be stuffed into the cannon based on roles and fit. That said, any or all of these guys could be gone.
  21. 2 1/2 quarters of footy is not enough against a top side. However: 1. When we played, we competed. 2. There were some positive upsides in the way we spread, and scored >10 goals. We still have some gaping holes (midfield, small forward, rucking to advantage). I went away neither totally satisfied, or totally despondent. So many players just need to give 10% more, in quality and effort for this to start to look like something that can win on a regular basis.
  22. We will need to break the 10 goal barrier to win in the dry. So far this has been beyond us. As defensive as we play, we need to now start enhancing our attack if we want more than a sniff of the chocolates. I think we have the capability, but it is definitely a next step for the squad.
  23. Thanks for the report. Appreciate it. Any other insights greatly appreciated as well!
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