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Everything posted by Chook

  1. When told that Brad Green puts resin on his jumper for use during a game, WYL promptly burned down the MCG shouting "Curse Green and his black soul for using white resin." Mad fan pickets AFL Headquarters. "No more green grass," reads the sign. When asked of the meaning behind the message, the supporter cries out "For too long have our Red and Blue Jumpers been Defiled by green grass Stains. It's about Time someone made those AFL fat Cats accountable for this conspiracy."
  2. "Captaincy now a two-horse race between Green and Davey" says Channel 7 News.
  3. I still think Frawley into the midfield for a burst could be a Premiership move in the not-too-distant future. But to put a defender into the forward-line without notice probably won't work.
  4. Part of it is that left-footers sort of have to do their own thing, since usually whoever teaches them how to kick is a right-footer. This causes them to kind of do what comes naturally to them.
  5. He's got what I call a fat face, as if he's squeezed his cheeks together and had them stuck that way.
  6. The white adds contrast, which increases visibility. The fact that you noticed it suggests it's working.
  7. Thanks a lot. Austin Wonaeamirri has got a body better suited to powerlifting than AFL. I think he's just a tiny bit too short to be good enough consistently, although I would love for him to make it. His team-mates just have to play to his strengths and not lob it to him in a two on one situation, where he'd have a snowball's chance in hell of marking it. Don't worry. You won't have to see that name much from now on.
  8. Yeah, it's definitely a weapon that turns into a crutch with age. Lefties might feel like they don't need to get better on their right, because no-one expects you to kick with your left in the first place. I also read that left-handers' brains are more one-sided than right-handers', so it might actually be physically harder for us to learn a skill on our non-dominant side than the other 80% of the population.
  9. I'm a left footer too and it's simply practice. It took me a while to get good on my right and can see how some might get discouraged from using it simply by how weird it feels. It takes quite a long time to get that "throwing a lump of meat at a ball" feeling to go away. I have the advantage that I'm pretty short, so my drop has less time to go wrong. I can imagine that the taller you get, the harder it would become to kick reliably.
  10. Haven't you heard? The new Demonland slogan is "where Jayceebee fans come to worship."
  11. Sorry to double post, but if you had a designated sub, match-fitness would not be such a priority. I think the biggest hurdle to overcome if you were a coach going down the path of a "designated sub" situation, would be cultural. Just as benching a player used to be seen as a punishment, having someone as a sub week after week because you viewed that as the best way to use them, might result in disenfranchising that player a little bit. After all, most footy players want to play footy, not watch it.
  12. Even if we had such a person, I would imagine that would make him good enough to fit into the starting 21. Also, say Jamar goes down injured and we have Bennell as our substitute, we're obviously not obligated to play him in the ruck. We would most likely switch things up so that Newton/Spencer/Martin goes into the ruck semi full-time, causing some others to change their roles, which would likely put Bennell into the position he would have normally played anyway. Frawley injured: Frawley subbed off, Garland switched to Frawley's spot, Rivers switched to Garland's spot, Bennell subbed on and put into Bruce's spot, etc. Thus, versatility is not necessarily the key to being a good substitute, although versatility within the team is still important.
  13. That blue is fantastic. It's, for want of a better term, "Carlton blue." Considering that's their only colour, they ought to know a bit about it.
  14. Same here. One of the things I really regret about my parents splitting up when I was little is that I don't get to go to the footy with my dad.
  15. Not working for me neither.
  16. "I don't think they're be a club every who has done what we did." English fail. That's all good news, though.
  17. You can only raise your chances by posting in this thread.
  18. Watching James Frawley is like watching sex on the football field. He just oozes power and confidence. It really is a strange feeling to have a defender wearing a Melbourne jumper who actually doesn't cause you to crap your dacks every time he goes near the ball.
  19. If we can call our country's leaders idiots, then surely we can criticise a few past players, especially when they're a little too in awe of themselves. Having said that, there's a fine line between criticism and going overboard, and unfortunately, where that line is placed differs from person to person Calling someone selfish because they claim they're biggest disappointment was not winning MotY is as valid as that claim itself. I like Robbo for his entertainment value, but I certainly like him less now than I once did, and that's a shame.
  20. For anyone whinging about our draw, or for anyone who wants a more in-depth analysis, take your bigfooty allergy medication and head over to http://www.bigfooty.com/forum/showthread.php?t=772740
  21. Other potential draftees from that year were Kel Varnson and Martin van Nostrand. Unfortunate tragedy befell the trio however on a pre-season trip to France. Their small private jet ("I bet Chris Judd flies in a bigger one" Vandelay was heard to remark) was grounded in a country town, and the trio, along with Varnson's ex-girlfriend, were embroiled in a legal mix-up. Unsurprisingly, renowned close-talker and Muck-Raker No. 1, Craig "Stinker" Huchison, was there to witness it all. A tell-all account is reportedly in the works, with the rights to the book already sold to Pendant Publishing.
  22. Aaron Davey. Changed the way football would be played forever. Not many people have done that.
  23. Chook


    Maturity isn't about how hairy your armpits are.
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