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Everything posted by Chook

  1. You can usually tell Pie vomit by the little chunks of meat and pastry strewn around! I kid, I kid.
  2. I wonder what the draw ratio is in games between clubs adjacent to each other on the ladder, which is a better indication of the evenness required for a draw to occur. You'd think that a Grand Final is played by teams one and two, so I wonder what the ratio would be if you discounted all those first verse last blow-outs that happen in the Home and Away rounds. Those would surely mess up the ratio.
  3. I'm in love with the idea of replaying the GF. And don't use the excuse that they don't do it in any other game, because the only reason they don't is that every other week already has a game scheduled for the week after. LOVE LOVE LOVE THE GF REPLAY!!! If it happened to Melbourne, of course I'd be shattered we didn't win, but come on. How awesome would it be to get a surprise extra game to watch. Footy-lover's dream. I would also guess that more hardcore supporters would get to go the next week, which is great. What do they do with the Draft Camp and Trade Week, though?
  4. Came fourth out of nine, but looked to me to be at about 60% the whole way through. I don't know how the handicap thing works in the real one at half-time, but I think that if thee is one, Jackie boy will have a fair head start.
  5. Is it wrong to be more excited about this than the Grand Final itself? Don't get me wrong, I'm pumped for the game, but I'm even more pumped to see Jack Watts' blistering pace. Don't forget, he was able to keep up with Lewis Jetta at the end of the Sydney game, so he's no slouch.
  6. Why don't any of them actually sing? Surely someone from the 700 odd footy players currently playing can do something other than parade around in a g-string! I was watching Saturday Night Live on Foxtel at the same time as the Footy Show was on and I prefered to see The Rock doing some wierd dance routine with a chair than see Jason Akermanis pretending to play the piano three times. Surely there's something wrong when a two-year old episode of Saturday Night Live is more interesting than anything we can dish up.
  7. People who are disappointed with Judd's win should just accept that the way the Brownlow is voted for, this problem is bound to occur, and that by changing the scoring method or anything, it's not the Brownlow anymore. But what if there were a second, side-award given to the highest vote getter from the team which scored the highest number of votes. In this case, I think that would have been Swan. This way you reward players from good teams even when there's a surprise god amongst worms, so to speak (as Judd was, compared to his team-mates.)
  8. It actually says a lot about where Carlton are at that Judd gets so many BOG's. There's no Pendlebury to take votes off him, for one. Judd's second Brownlow came because his teammates are so bad that he's the only one that stands out.
  10. Still think that after the Stynes interview?
  11. Just wait until this guy is dominating our backline in Septembers to come. 21 year old AA key defenders don't come along very often. Hell, good defenders are rare enough at Melbourne, so to see him carving up the tip rats and the beer gutted pot-heads alike is awesome viewing.
  12. Unfortunately it looks like it's a choice between a Collingwood flag and our little "haven't-won-a-premiership-in-fifty-years" club becoming one smaller - whether it's the Saints or (highly unlikely) the Doggies.
  13. Ablett, Bock, Brown, Brennan, Risky Telly, Krakouer + lots o' kids = top 8 finish.
  14. Sorry. I've been living under a rock. Who's Des Headland and what did he do?
  15. I challenge you to lose 10% of your body weight and tell me you feel "the same size" you did before. Ten kilos is a lot.
  16. Since the rules of the game change so often, we'd have to change our jumper every time we wear it!
  17. Holy crapola! That's enough to give you nightmares! I love it!
  18. Good post. I like it when people really break down why players are or are not good enough. It makes me feel like I'm actually learning something, rather than just wasting my time on a footy forum (even though that's still what I'm doing).
  19. Holy moly, guys. There's nothing dumber than a bunch of guys circle-jerking about how smart they all are. I for one have no idea about Sam Blease and whether he's going to make it, beyond what I read on this forum. So how about you stop bitching about others' stupidity and help them get smarter if you're so bloody intelligent yourselves. Credit to E25 for at least touching on the subject of his actual Casey performances before beating the hell out of the OP.
  20. 'Specially with a broken leg!
  21. This post has been made possible thanks to my broadcast partners "get a bike you lazy scum," "eat an apple once in a while," "hey look - what's that outside? Could it be the sun?" "Or maybe a banana if you're really hungry," "Yep, it's definitely the sun," and of course " ."Man, I wish they'd lay off the sponsers from time to time.
  22. I knew someone would say this. So what? Mark Jamar wasn't there either, but I'll bet he has some say in the leadership of our ruck division.
  23. Knowing 16 year-olds, I reckon him having a girlfriend now would make him want to get out of there more than ever in two years time.
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