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Everything posted by Chook

  1. Yeah, he's too "Little."
  2. Cue Curb Your Enthusiasm music for added hilarity.
  3. Liam Jurrah's not a two-year-old and Aaron Davey's not his momma. I'm sure he'd cope.
  4. Chook

    Daniel Motlop

    The Travis Johnston of forwards. No thanks.
  5. Maybe. It doesn't really matter, though, does it?
  6. Didak is nowhere near as good as Dale Thomas.
  7. It's hilarious to me that people still don't rate Dale Thomas. I'd definitely put him in my top ten players of 2010.
  8. Yours, by the sound of it. Hope there's no injuries and just enjoy the fact that we get something to talk about during the off-season.
  9. I think I might just die if I saw Ricky Petterd in a Collingwood jumper, especially after what happened in Round 2 this year.
  10. But still, if they put the Chinese badminton team on channel 31, let me know, because I would watch it. But I certainly hear your point about exactly who would be watching ICS and I understand that "niche" sports - even if they are heavily followed in their home country - often only raise interest from those who already like the game (ie expats, rather than native Chinese).
  11. I was impressed by him in the Round 2 game against the pies and have had him in my best 22 ever since, so I would like to say that I was on the Macdonald bandwagon very early. I like the cut of his jib, and can see him in our back-line for a few years yet.
  12. If they put the Chinese table tennis or badminton team on TV, I'd watch it. Accessibility is usually the biggest hurdle for interest to overcome. Humans (especially me) are lazy, but if it's on TV, chances are much higher whatever it is will be watched.
  13. I hear you. When we're in trouble and our forwards have started to leave our forward 50 because their supply has dried up, a high kick into the forward line might give them time to get back and provide a contest, and would certainly be better than a long kick to no-one. Similarly, a grubber to the boundary-line might set up a throw-in situation which is infinitely better than kicking to a two or three on one situation. But hopefully our midfield will be good enough in the future that our supply won't dry up enough for these tactics to be worthwhile.
  14. Don't worry. He's in a better place now. Although he could have used those sunnies in the church there at the end.
  15. Agreed. Not as cool as Jack Shephard's though.
  16. Football genius. Nothing more for me to say.
  17. Gorillas make crappy footballers. Let's not go down that path.Also, how did Paul Roos go against Dean Bailey this year?
  18. There's always going to be an opponent on Grand Final day and history suggests that it's likely to be the same team twice in a row, so there's a chance it could be the Pies.
  19. Why do they call him BJ? Shouldn't it be BG?
  20. Why do you think the wooden spooner is under-achieving by winning 8 games and losing to the Premier by a total of 1 point over the course of two games?
  21. Good idea. Although, I do need some new toilet paper . . .
  22. Depends what you watch it for. If you watch it for the bitching and the hot mactors, then you're an idiot, but if you watch it to see the strategy behind the game, then there's something to the show.
  23. And if the idea that it's unfair to have to travel to Victoria two weeks in a row is such a big concern, then why even have the Grand Final at the MCG every year anyway? Isn't that equally unfair? But I don't hear anyone complaining about that "outdated VFL anachronism" as Gerard Healy put it/
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