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Everything posted by Chook

  1. James Hird would have a few things to teach a guy like Bruce. And we all know how highly he rates him.
  2. Well that's much better than the alternative.
  3. That's for sure. One might even say he has a "chronic" lack of tact.
  4. Is that "concerned" as in worried (I'm concerned about young Jimmy's marks in school) or as in interested (as far as I'm concerned, Jimmy's marks are none of your business)?
  5. Mmm . . . Choko Royal. Sounds like an ice-cream.
  6. So what? He might be fuming at Wellman's disloyalty. Maybe he thinks it's rotten of him to leave. Who knows.
  7. I sometimes feel 10 kilos heavier after eating Chinese too.
  8. That's a very good point you've raised. I might not rate the importance of coaches as highly as most, but I do rate ones who can instill a good form of hive-mind type defensive zone.
  9. The time for Cameron Bruce to do that was six years ago, and he did. In six years time, when Aaron Davey is reduced to one year contracts, it will be because his time has passed also.
  10. Players, not coaches, make a good defence. I wouldn't worry too much about our back-line.
  11. Joking. I'm not about to ask him to go barrack for Carlton, so don't worry.
  12. No news on the signing. Just that it's "expected," whatever that means.
  13. I think the fact that Channel 7 said it implies that there's nothing official to the claim. Since when has anything that two-bit organisation reported ever been official?
  14. When told that Brad Green puts resin on his jumper for use during a game, WYL promptly burned down the MCG shouting "Curse Green and his black soul for using white resin." Mad fan pickets AFL Headquarters. "No more green grass," reads the sign. When asked of the meaning behind the message, the supporter cries out "For too long have our Red and Blue Jumpers been Defiled by green grass Stains. It's about Time someone made those AFL fat Cats accountable for this conspiracy."
  15. "Captaincy now a two-horse race between Green and Davey" says Channel 7 News.
  16. I still think Frawley into the midfield for a burst could be a Premiership move in the not-too-distant future. But to put a defender into the forward-line without notice probably won't work.
  17. Part of it is that left-footers sort of have to do their own thing, since usually whoever teaches them how to kick is a right-footer. This causes them to kind of do what comes naturally to them.
  18. He's got what I call a fat face, as if he's squeezed his cheeks together and had them stuck that way.
  19. The white adds contrast, which increases visibility. The fact that you noticed it suggests it's working.
  20. Thanks a lot. Austin Wonaeamirri has got a body better suited to powerlifting than AFL. I think he's just a tiny bit too short to be good enough consistently, although I would love for him to make it. His team-mates just have to play to his strengths and not lob it to him in a two on one situation, where he'd have a snowball's chance in hell of marking it. Don't worry. You won't have to see that name much from now on.
  21. Yeah, it's definitely a weapon that turns into a crutch with age. Lefties might feel like they don't need to get better on their right, because no-one expects you to kick with your left in the first place. I also read that left-handers' brains are more one-sided than right-handers', so it might actually be physically harder for us to learn a skill on our non-dominant side than the other 80% of the population.
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