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Everything posted by Chook

  1. I LOL'd. TJ: Most uninterested No. 1 Pick ever? Talent to burn, but no fire to burn it with.
  2. That, and the fact that Stewert Dew was an awesome kick, something which Moloney clearly is not. But because of his role as our best stoppage player, he is worth keeping in the team - particularly when you add in his leadership ability. Another probelm with Nathan Jones is that when he is tagging you, all you have to do to beat him is drag him into the forward line, where is midget-ness and lack of pace means he can be out-marked very easily. In my 2012 best-22, Nathan Jones would get games on a match-up by match-up basis. Against Geelong-type midfields, where leg-speed isn't an issue, but strength is, Jones would come in for [insert light-weight mid here], but would likely not get a game against Essendon-type "blazing-speed" teams. So yes, Beamer will be in the 22 because he is a good leader and our best "tap it down my throat" mid.
  3. Oh, should I agree with you then, or would that make me a sheep for following you? If there are two sides to an argument and each has one supporter, is the third man in destined to be a sheep no matter what he does?
  4. AAARRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate, hate, hate that term. What, are we all under the false assumption that there are two of someone and have to be told how many copies of that individual exist, or what? Seriously, can someone tell me or is it just one of those ridiculous footy things that creep into the general usage of everyone connected in any way to the game. PLEASE SOMEONE RESPOND!!! I HAVE TO KNOW!!!
  5. Yeah, you were. And you're only making it worse. So sad.
  6. Morton was the first person younger than me to ever play for Melbourne, so it's a special milestone for me, too.
  7. 5 Norf supporters + 18 thousand demons = 18 005. jk 9000 + 18000 = 27000
  8. That's pretty much what all the sensible people are saying. The only ones who disagree are Hawthorn supporters and the AFL, who like to stick their heads in the sandy dunes of Etihad stadium, rather than deal with their problems.
  9. Uh, I think their intention is to get everyone to the 'G today.
  10. Thank God there are others around here who understand how insanely one-sided this deal is. Sure, St. Kilda need a Warnock-type, but not as badly as they'd need Kosi.
  11. I'm not a fan of Kosi at all, but I would take that trade yesterday if you let me.
  12. I honestly think that if a person taking a mark in the back pocket lined up as if they were taking a shot on goal (did up the laces, pulled up the socks, threw the grass up in the air, put their mouth-guard away, etc.), they'd be allowed to take as long as the forwards, and go off their line, which is silly, since a mark is a mark, no matter where it's taken.
  13. Agreed. I have a growing feeling that he'll still be here when we're right on top and he'll still be saying the same old things. As our team improves and he stays the same publicly, he's not going to get as much credit for our better performances as some of the more high-publicity coaches, but I think that's fine. Anyone who has spent any amount of time training for something would probably put consistency right at the top of the list of "Most Important Factors," when it comes to improving their performance. Stability is key, and DB provides that in everything he does, from his emotions to is ability to never have a bad-hair day.
  14. Er, "You're batting so far out of your league" sounds like sledging to me. Being miked up doesn't stop some of them from overstepping their bounds.
  15. Newton is one of those guys who looks worse than he really is. Unfortunately for him (and us) that just means he's bad while looking terrible, instead of an ordinary-looking good.
  16. I'm sorry, is it wrong not to want to advertise how great it was that we lost a game. Just as you all are, I'm glad we got JT, but I don't go shouting "ALL HAIL JORDAN McMAHON" from the rooftops because I don't want people to have any reason to illigitimize our Premierships in the future. And I don't think puking is chivalrous at all. And don't call me kid. And I hate being in the bottom 8. I just think there's such a thing as taking a joke and milking everything you can out of it, to the point that it becomes a little bit much. And that point occurred about eight to ten months ago.
  17. Can someone tell me why everyone and their dog insists on adding the word "one" before a person's name these days? "One Sammy Allica, one James Hird, one T. Cloke?" Why not just say the person's name without the one in front of it. Yours Truly, "One" Chook
  18. Er . . . In a lot of card games, long suits are strong suits (ie they are one and the same).
  19. Look at me, I'm a Meltank supporter! Go Jordan McMahon! :Puke:
  20. It's human nature. We all want to be right, even at the expense of rationalism, progress, sanity, whatever.
  21. Screw "Clubman" (whatever that means)! Brad Miller is a great guy and I reckon everyone who barracks for Melbourne would be disappointed that he wasn't quite good enough. Usually when you see a guy his age get de-listed, some (or most) supporters are glad to see the back of them, but not Frosty. Good luck Brad, and feel free to give us some of the best-looking Father Son Picks ever in around twenty years.
  22. Really? Cause I would have sworn you were interested in the Melbourne Demons. I must have mistaken you for someone else then.
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