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  1. I believe that's debatable but I did hear she was good for a night on the tiles.
    3 points
  2. The most disappointing comment in this saga comes from Demetriou, who if quoted correctly has said that he "thought it was a stroke of genius" for the Giants to offer Scully's father a contract. Someone should ask him what's the point of the established 16 team competitions competing between 2014-18 when the organising body has so obvoiusly modified the rules to ensure that the 2 teams they need to be succesful will be. How will the supporters of existing teams feel when they are dudded by the governing body, whose role should be ensuring that the competition is as fair as practically possible. The whole thing stinks
    2 points
  3. That's a bit unfair ht. If we are continually going to refer back to 186 then everyone will be tarnished and we will never move forward It may have been an aberration, a monumental low-point......but it should not be used as a yardstick
    2 points
  4. 2011 was the only years that I can recall where Green had a bad one. Almost everyone was in favour of him getting the captaincy but it just didn't work; that aside he has been a fantastic player for us and it is a shame that he is remembered for the the one bad year and not the plenty of good ones.
    2 points
  5. Twelve months ago, Tom Hawkins was going nowhere. Two months ago he won the Cats a grand final. The big fellas take time. Hopefully we can get something good out of him!
    1 point
  6. So do all you geniuses think we should have traded 36 for 37.
    1 point
  7. A small defender is exactly what we need, and all the better if he frees up Grimes to play where he belongs!
    1 point
  8. Disagree thats where Mcdonald was taken last year, good players make it through to the rookie draft, 50 is like just over half way through the draft. Also James McDonald is now the oldest player ever to be drafted!!! Would have loved Manson - can't believe he wasnt taken at all ... I was wrong.
    1 point
  9. Great footy name! And great clip on the afl website. the run around on the 50 m arc on the boundary to slot a goal is cheeky
    1 point
  10. Waylen Manson anyone?
    1 point
  11. Has Vlad said what time Meatloaf is coming on?
    1 point
  12. This pick 68 is a gun kick and a real smooth mover, a bit of the Chris Judd's about him' Never heard of again
    1 point
  13. The word "elite" will be bandied about far too liberally.
    1 point
  14. I actually liked his draft as far as the MFC selections go. Although I don't know much of the specific players, I thought that the types of player he had for is were spot on. Small defender who is skilful and strong overhead is important for team defence, a small forward who tackles and can finish (with score to develop) and a big bodied mid. I think we'll add some body size around the ball, but that may also mean drafting a defender so that Tappy can shift into the midfield rotations. Big chance tonight to see in which direction Neeld is trying to take the list. I love draft day!
    1 point
  15. Maybe it is a sign of a true leader? Green was omitted from the leadership group at the beginning of the season a few years back because he was injured and not involved - the players never saw him. Jack Grimes wins leadership awards when he is injured. It doesn't mean he has to be captain, but it does point to the fact that some are more comfortable with being a leader than others.
    1 point
  16. It's one of the reasons why it's so difficult to assess the performance of recruiters from the outside, and why I generally avoid judgement of them - because 99% of what they do is invisible to me. If you judged a recruiter purely on who he picked and who he didn't, every recruiter ever known to the game would bomb out because every single one has missed some real gems.
    1 point
  17. its over 18,000 atm. the site is slow to update. going really well. i work at etihad in membership shared services.
    1 point
  18. I'm with Rpfc (gulp). It's time for a new era. Green isn't a leader and Moloney doesn't have the mind for it. Step up Jack Trengove and Jack Watts. Born leaders and class players both of them. Let them learn on the job and grow into the role. It won't matter if they make a few early mistakes. Ahhhhhh ... it's good to be back.
    1 point
  19. 'Family code'? When someone reaches a certain level of importance and self-importance and arrogance they start to revel in their own hubris, and to be so unreflective as to say this is quite startling. I think he has only a short time left before the commission has to move past him. What an effing ridiculous thing to say in the name of PR in the northern states. Just ridiculous.
    1 point
  20. Interesting to read the negative sentiment to Cale working on a fairly obvious problem he has had for years. FWIW - Stef Martin's flatmate (until last month) was telling me that he had to take it upon himself to seek help outside the club to develop his body. One presumes the club has input on this, but it's obviously not done Stef any harm and I would welcome similar physical developments in Cale (not suggesting he is capable of bulking up to the same size, nor that he needs to).
    1 point
  21. I've been umming and arring for a while about Demonland Membership. But after this I think I've pretty much made my mind up. Very clever guys. Advertising that's so bad it makes you want to buy a membership. Cheque's in the mail.
    1 point
  22. Its telling that we dont have enough options for Captain. Neeld needs someone with all of the following qualities: a consistent on field perfomer, a consistent under pressure performer, on field tactical awareness, a good communicator on and off the field, respect of his team mates, intelligent with the ability to relay Neeld's message to the group, capable of moments of on field inspiration. So who ticks all those boxes? Beamer doesn't. Chip comes close but may not be a natural communicator. Jones likewise but not yet an inspirational player. Grimes is yet to prove to be consistent due to injury. Russian? Trengove might be on the way there. Col, could be but keeps failing to live up to the promise. I can see why Green got the gig in the first place. In this situation I understand why Roos went for joint captains to get all the qualities needed and not to put the spotlight too much on one player. Maybe for a year or so we should do the same until there is a clear candidate.
    1 point
  23. Wow, there's a lot of bad tattoos in that group.
    1 point
  24. I'd find it hard to believe this wouldn't be approved by Misson first. And who's to say with a bit more bulk Morton's game style wouldn't change? His style is largely predicated by his light frame. If he had Jobe Watson's build, he'd go in for a lot more hard footy and contested marks.
    1 point
  25. What if the coach and the program had been vetted by the club? I would assume that he'd run it by our coaches before he did something like that.
    1 point
  26. Then why post in this thread? For whatever faults he may have, he is a 200+ game, 10 year player at the Club that should deserve appropriate respect.
    1 point
  27. Green remains an impressive bloke and clearly committed to the club whatever the outcome.
    1 point
  28. Oddly, I love watching Zac Dawson play. Not Melbourne of course, but everything he does seems to verge on Slapstick. A classic example occurred late this season when he jumped into a pack to spoil. The ball went straight up in the air. Zac made a few rapid rotations on the spot trying to find it before it came down right on his head. You can't teach comic timing like that.
    1 point
  29. Aussie at the end of the day is a grown man who has been presented with numerous opportunities albeit with a few major setbacks on the way but when it came to show some faith and repay the club he was found wanting. I don't want that type of player at Melbourne.
    1 point
  30. Caleb Hanie is the Bears backup QB. He was the Bears 3rd string QB in the NFC Championship game last year against the Packers. For such a big game he handled himself well. Threw 2 interceptions (one returned by BJ Raji for a TD and one that ended the game). Had a TD pass as well.
    1 point
  31. 36. Waylon Manson 52.Aaron Hall 54. Alex Woodward Id be very happy with this, and id rookie Brad Couch,Travis Tuck,Wonamerri and Josh Waldhutter
    1 point
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