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Has the club finally realised that the red and blue army thing is not working?


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I opened todays age sports section to find a members' ad of about the size of half a page, thanking the 23,497 members and basically begging supporters to become members....its a good ad, but its all too late IMO... instead of wasting ads (which i've seen at least 2 for) on the red and blue army, they should have done the plain and simple buy a membership ad

the kangaroos have 30,000 members, we will be lucky to get 25,000 members....

dont forget that the roos dont have the crappy $40 memberships...they have thirty thousand actually fully paid up members...

we are falling behind the rest of the competition, because melbourne fans look at buying a membership as a reward for the club when they are doing well, rather than helping the club out...i cant tell you how many people have said, "whats in it for me," or "that result is why i dont buy memberships," or "they dont give me any enjoyment anymore."

as we know that melbourne cant really get relocated, people think that we are safe and dont need to help but the fact is, we are not safe and need the members..

hopefully paul macnamee gets down to the nitty gritty and stops all of this red and blue army crap and spends the money on actuall advertising...i also think that the club should make a you tube channel showing highlights and membership ads.

anyway, rant is over for me, im off to do work.

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The thing that worries me about the kangas is how many of those 30,000 will sign up again next year as everyone and their dog signed up to help them who doesnt even support them. Sure its great 4 this year but its not a long term fix

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Well hopefully Paul McN might adress this but I ( and not alone ) have said for years that the MFc is nothing short of [censored] uselss at marketing...and this is my only real grievance with Gardner..is he's an ad guy.. and we are shizen hauzen.

There is no sense pulling punches here... we'd make a loss with a [censored] up in a brewery the way we go about things.

FFS,, is the MFc was Coca Cola theyd still be an out of date tonic drink gathering dust on some Drug-Stores shelf !!

Please spare me all the ...we have no money sh!t.. many companies have made mileage out of nothing !!

Dee-reaming and others KNOW there are ways of pushing a barrow without bankrupting yourselves.. but you need to get off your arse ( MFC ) and do stuff, think a bit laterally and keep reapplying the paint...one coat doesnt cut it!!

MFc are simply gutless at promoting themselves.. no other way of putting it.. they dont try anything ...its all too hard.

some of us are sick to death of sending e mails and such.. all falls on deaf ears.

Youre a right in a sense Nugget.. the R'n B army is dying where it stands..

You dont need to be wiining to garner interest..just look like you have some dynamics are are doing something.

In more ways than one this joke of an 150th year wil be our do or die.. If we fail to become relevent , even in some small way this year then the writing is on the wall.

We go about things with a Little League mentality in an AFL world !! god help us !! I hope MacNamee does something.

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I opened todays age sports section to find a members' ad of about the size of half a page, thanking the 23,497 members and basically begging supporters to become members....its a good ad, but its all too late IMO... instead of wasting ads (which i've seen at least 2 for) on the red and blue army, they should have done the plain and simple buy a membership ad

Is there anything that the club has done lately that supposed supporters can't wait to jump on and criticise?

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Is there anything that the club has done lately that supposed supporters can't wait to jump on and criticise?

i think your mistaken...i said its a good ad, but its all too late...hence the club has done something LATELY thats good, but i just believe in my own opinion that its too late, and that we should have done something this good earlier in the piece before everyone has jumped off the bandwagon...or have ads earlier and now

i like the ad, i just think its too late

Maurie Lithen, im not critisising their move to do advertising like you gestured, but i wish it was done earlier

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If they had not done that then they would be bitching like they have they we dont advertise.

um no, if you read what i said, i actually think it was a good move but i wish it was done earlier instead of the red and blue army crap that has obviously died away.

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Is there anything that the club has done lately that supposed supporters can't wait to jump on and criticise?

ML..this lot havent a clue about what marketing is...Its all too little too late. You can sit there and 'moralise' al lyou like.. you can scoff at anyone with the temity to criticise.. But tell me..instead of offering patrronising off hands.. what actually has the club done ...to make capitalisation of this unique landmark year.?

There is no second chance next year.. somehow...Join in our 151st wont have quite the same ring to it.

If the MFc had been running our nations Bicentennary it would be scheduling everything in dec !!

So to those obviously more enlightened than some of us.. please educate us.. please list the myriad of marvellous things the club has done to promote itself in this unique year .

All of this 150th should have been moving up a gear or four in the middle of last year.. they started with a cake.. but forgot a party!!

I'll tell you how well they have done.. most people think its the AFL's 150th...end of argument !

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Is there anything that the club has done lately that supposed supporters can't wait to jump on and criticise?

Maurie, I like others just get frustrated by mediocrity. I'm no marketing guru, but the reality of memberships at MFC, is that there is a 'wait and see' attitude by supporters.

I keep reading that our NAB Cup and preseason was so poor because of the number of players on restricted programs. If that's the case, surely the mass marketing and impassioned pleas should have occured prior to the preseason. Or was the football departments' "everyones training the house down" spin relayed to the marketing dept., who in turn thought that the memberships will sell themselves.

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i agree with you BB, but i have to admit that the age handout was fairly nice but should have had some adds in it while they were on a roll...they are trying, i admit that, but a good advertisment like the one today should have been in the paper instead of the red and blue army adds.

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one handout does not a campaign make !!

Cant put all eggs in one basket.. I know the Aged are a sponsor.. but we see very little in the Herald Sun whose readership puts the Aged's a litttle in the shade.

The real trick ( or at least one arrow in a quiver) is to channel and coerce free press.

You sort of get the impression that only now is any momentum happening.. This ought to have been rolling last year.

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I think the club has done a very good job promoting the 150th anniversary. Like I have said before on a previous post, do people realise Richmond is celebrating its 100th year in the V/AFL? I only know because I spotted their logo has changed slightly, there has been no other mention in the media.

Don't forget the 150th celebrations take place Queens Birthday round. That weekend will include the Heroes dinner and obviously the game against Collingwood.

It is the players that have let the club down. They, IMO and despite what PG said this week, are either not committed enough or not good enough. I reckon membership is down at least 20% on what it should be based on pathetic performances in both the NAB Cup and opening two rounds.

If the players had come out and had a red hot go membership would be up and this thread would not exist.

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Slightly off-topic but I bought a suit from Peter Stevens last year and they told me I got a free Western Bulldogs membership with it. I told them I did not want it and did not fill in any forms. However I did pay on credit card and low and behold 2 weeks later I get a Western Bulldogs associate membership in the mail, did not get me into any games but I am assuming it counted towards membership numbers. After ringing up both Peter Stevens and the Doggies membership department and hurling abuse I was told my membership had been cancelled. I stopped receiving promo material (I had already received 2 mailouts in the post by this time) but never actually received anything in writing saying my membership had been cancelled so no doubt my completely unrelated suit purchase counted as 1 more Doggies membership for the 2007 figures even they I made a point of not wanting it. Very frustrating.

Maybe in 2009 MFC could consider something dodgy like this to inflate the numbers!

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torp...you have to admit that was clever though!! lol

a 100 for the Toiges is meaningless in the context that the AFL are making a big hullabaloo about 150.. I50 is the buzzword..and most think its something to do with the AFL...we know different.

now i know this seems petty.. but think it through. the member freebies.. Tie scarf.. etc. go find where the 150 is !!

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um no, if you read what i said, i actually think it was a good move but i wish it was done earlier instead of the red and blue army crap that has obviously died away.

The red & blue army will have served a purpose in providing a data base which will no doubt be used to encourage people to become members. In that regard having this follow up ad to become a member makes good sense. Pretty good lateral thinking IMO, the type that most here are asking for!

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FFS,, is the MFc was Coca Cola theyd still be an out of date tonic drink gathering dust on some Drug-Stores shelf !!

Please spare me all the ...we have no money sh!t.. many companies have made mileage out of nothing !!

ummm...please enlighten me BB.

The companies you speak of that make mileage out of nothing are businesses that always have a point of diference. Melbourne FC is a club in a market of 10. Coke would die if they didn't pump millions and millions of dollars into promoting themselves because there's that much competition around.

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its simple.. Coke realised it had to do something. be something..back then.. noone had millions. But it repositioned itself.

Collingwood did this years ago

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its simple.. Coke realised it had to do something. be something..back then.. noone had millions. But it repositioned itself.

Collingwood did this years ago

And what did Coke use to pay for the advertising to "reposition"? It's Easy...

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Slightly off-topic but I bought a suit from Peter Stevens last year and they told me I got a free Western Bulldogs membership with it. I told them I did not want it and did not fill in any forms. However I did pay on credit card and low and behold 2 weeks later I get a Western Bulldogs associate membership in the mail, did not get me into any games but I am assuming it counted towards membership numbers. After ringing up both Peter Stevens and the Doggies membership department and hurling abuse I was told my membership had been cancelled. I stopped receiving promo material (I had already received 2 mailouts in the post by this time) but never actually received anything in writing saying my membership had been cancelled so no doubt my completely unrelated suit purchase counted as 1 more Doggies membership for the 2007 figures even they I made a point of not wanting it. Very frustrating.

Maybe in 2009 MFC could consider something dodgy like this to inflate the numbers!

I believe the criteria for what the AFL considers a club membership (and therefore what counts under Membership numbers) doesn't account for "associate" memberships like that Dogs one.

Years ago the MFC/MCC members weren't counted as MFC members, when there was only the 40 dollar associate membership. I believe now both the 40 and the 120ish dollar ones are counted, but I stand to be corrected. The expensive one definately is, and I'm sure the cheaper one is now as well.

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of course i used money.. but it wasn the squillions ( even by standards back then ) to do so.. it was by a determined action to be "something"

All right heres something that would have cost practically nothign.. and would have helped 'reposition " the public perception of Mfc. and has contect re 150th... etc.

Much is made about the Collingwood jumpers..Essendon too ( and carlton are getting sh!tty now also ) Despite al lteh AFL says ..the Maggies do what they want.. they dont buckle to the AFL.. Essendon basically laughs at them too.

But as much as I hate these teams..I admire these clubs. They have backbone.. their supporters must "feel " good with clubs that are tough..no nonsense etc.

and then there's us ....say no more..

Still what if..

Back last year when they lit a few candles ( must have blown the budget that ) on a cake...hoorah hoorah hoorah !

what if they had then unvelied a jumper like: ................................... ( its just an example for arguments sake..lol )


They just come out and say ..in honour of OUR 150th we will play with the 150 emblem.

Dont wait for any yes or such from teh AFL..just tel lthem we're playing with it. This no dout will cause a bit of a stir. The papers love a bun fight. SSuddenly there's press..( all free) about melbourne wanting to show of fits heritage.. and teh landmark year etc etc etc.. Melbourne is being put out there as being a self starter, a bit maverick, no nonsense and proud..damn proud. More than likely the AFl wil say..no way chums.. more press...more standoff.. Melbourne come out with .."and who's bloody 150th is this anyways !".. Attention is drawn by teh press ( more free media ) to our cause..etc etc.. the AFL who invariably are hated by all clubs equally will have few friends.. People will admire Melbourne for its stance..

hey the Dees have balls.. no more nancy boy mamby pamby sportcoat wearers.. thses boys have cohunas !! Go DEES

As the media is want to.. a poll pops up.."Ought Melbourrne be allowed to wear the 150 in honour of IT'S anniversary? "


Mfc and AFL negotiate a truce.. Melb is fully acknowledged in AFL's hype about 150.. Melb gets to wear a 150 "one year only "lol log..just a bit smaller than intended. Fence sitter supporters like this bold new Melbourne.. sign up in record numbers.


Not a ball bounced and already we are far ahead of where we are now..

and its that simple !!

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The red & blue army will have served a purpose in providing a data base which will no doubt be used to encourage people to become members. In that regard having this follow up ad to become a member makes good sense. Pretty good lateral thinking IMO, the type that most here are asking for!

I agree that the Red & Blue Army was a good idea...the follow up membership campaign came through too slowly to be effective and the birthday celebrations seem to be focused on the QB weekend.

Whilst the QB weekend should be good [especially if we beat the filth] I can't help thinking that not promoting the 150th hard enough as a membership drive during Jan / Feb / March was a big opportunity lost, and that this years finances will suffer accordingly.

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The thing that worries me about the kangas is how many of those 30,000 will sign up again next year as everyone and their dog signed up to help them who doesnt even support them. Sure its great 4 this year but its not a long term fix

I think that point escapes many people. There team is up at the moment and I know from people in North that they are chuffed at the figure but know that many of that 30,000 will not re sign.

And there is only very few times you play the "fighting for survival" card before the message goes flat.

I understand that there are 3,000 of previous year Kangas members that have not resigned. So what's there best outcome and how will that stop the wolves at their door? Its a fragile sunrise that seems to have alot of people bluffed.

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I think the club has done a very good job promoting the 150th anniversary. Like I have said before on a previous post, do people realise Richmond is celebrating its 100th year in the V/AFL? I only know because I spotted their logo has changed slightly, there has been no other mention in the media.

Don't forget the 150th celebrations take place Queens Birthday round. That weekend will include the Heroes dinner and obviously the game against Collingwood.

It is the players that have let the club down. They, IMO and despite what PG said this week, are either not committed enough or not good enough. I reckon membership is down at least 20% on what it should be based on pathetic performances in both the NAB Cup and opening two rounds.

If the players had come out and had a red hot go membership would be up and this thread would not exist.

I dont see how by any standards the MFC can be regarded as having promoted the 150th year well at all! The only functions are high cost events which average members or supporters wont be involved in ( how many going to pay $500 per head???) As noted in other threads no mention of 150th on jumpers or cars stickers and nothing in January February or march to get supporters to sign up. Now at least 6000 members behind Nth melb. Wud have thought if promotions of 150th and the Red and Blue army hade been done well more supporters wud have already signed up and MFC should have nudged 30,000 also even if only for the 150th!

The reason these things are unsuccessfull is very simple. 1 turnover of staff means always inexperienced youngsters doing the promoting and not pusuasive or informed about MFC and our history , 2 the delivery and follow is always error riddled and 3 nothing is provided for new members to participate in to become involved in the MFC family at a reasonable initial cost.

As noted above many Melbourne supporters including MFC and coterie members do have a wait and see stand as have been waiting for and administration to deal with these fundamental and elementary issues before they will commit further financially!

It was reported that there were less tha 30 people at the President's lunch last Sunday!

None of this after round 2 is due to the poor onfield performance by the team! poor offfield since November. may compound the problem but not the cause. Planning for any organisation's 100th or more is put in place at least 3 years before. No evidence of anything comprehensive planned for this year.

Lost opportunities on both counts. The red and blue army initiative was to increase members. As MFC has not reached last year's yet is clearly failing. Is disappointing for us all. thats all!

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