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melbourne supporters are weak dogs


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Says it all, one loss and the dogs are barking, I for one did not like what happened but I also accept, that we are not good enough at this stage but I also look at the bigger picture. Gee after one round lets hang them all and we can go and do something else for the rest of the year, fair dinkum no wonder other supporters think we are a joke, when the going gets tough the tough gets going, guess that does not apply to us. I have followed this side for 42 odd years and will go to the grave following this side but I will not bag the the side like what has been written on the web sites after this loss, ( and I have watched worse ) I suggest some of you burn you membership and don't follow the club as we don't need your crap.

This club is staring to get it's act together at last on and off the field and all we need now is weak dogs to bag it........

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Guest Schtacker

I don't see anything wrong with what people are saying - except those who are threatening not to sign up for their memberships again, which are very few

Everyone else is merely expressing what they think is broken about this club and there is a hell of a lot of truth to it all

What is your response? Just to sit back, comfortable in the knowledge that the 'experts' will fix everything?

I will continue to sign up and I will continue to attend games, and the vast majority of us are the same

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Everyone's emotions are a bit all over the place at the moment and that's understandable but I have to say listening to SEN after the game when some Demon 'supporter' was going to buy a membership but decided not to because 'why should I bother?' after the game on Sunday.

That attitude is corrosive. No-one should buy a membership to be apart of glory, you should buy a membership to take some sort of ownership over the club. In good times and bad, especially bad.

You cannot come back to the MCG in 3/4 years time when Morton, Bate, Grimes, McLean, Jones, Batram, Frawley, Dunn, Sylvia, Buckley, Maric, Bell, Moloney, Cheney, Meesen, Rivers, Newton, McNamara, Davey, Wonaeamirri, and Bode (or some of them) are dominating when you weren't willing to watch as they tried and failed upto that point.

I doubt many of those supporters are on this site, but I hope the masses realise the importance of owning failure.

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mate i dissagree with your post..

As much slack as melbourne supporters get i believe them to be the most loyal and passionate supporters i've ever come across... yer so what some demon supporters are having a bit of a sook, but thats half the fun of being a member of a football team or any sporting team..

It's easy to go for a big state team like eagles or crows or one of the big vic sides, for even when things are going bad it's still all rosey for them...

It takes real heart to support a team like melb who have a great history but are just going through ruff times..

ur post sucks


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No-one should buy a membership to be apart of glory, you should buy a membership to take some sort of ownership over the club. In good times and bad, especially bad.

You cannot come back to the MCG in 3/4 years time when Morton, Bate, Grimes, McLean, Jones, Batram, Frawley, Dunn, Sylvia, Buckley, Maric, Bell, Moloney, Cheney, Meesen, Rivers, Newton, McNamara, Davey, Wonaeamirri, and Bode (or some of them) are dominating when you weren't willing to watch as they tried and failed upto that point.

Sure you can.

I do understand where you're coming from. Since I started working part-time, while in school, I've had a MFC membership every year without fail. I haven't often got 'value for money', but it's about contributing to the Club. However, to others, AFL and the MFC is simply entertainment.

With that in mind, buying a membership is, for the most part, to gain access to the footy on match days. It's not about taking 'some sort of ownership' of the Club, but about entertainment. With the insipid performance we displayed on the weekend, on the back of a poor 2007, I can understand some people deciding they'd rather spend their time and money on other forms of entertainment over the next few months.

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Guest unstable punt
Says it all, one loss and the dogs are barking, I for one did not like what happened but I also accept, that we are not good enough at this stage but I also look at the bigger picture. Gee after one round lets hang them all and we can go and do something else for the rest of the year, fair dinkum no wonder other supporters think we are a joke, when the going gets tough the tough gets going, guess that does not apply to us. I have followed this side for 42 odd years and will go to the grave following this side but I will not bag the the side like what has been written on the web sites after this loss, ( and I have watched worse ) I suggest some of you burn you membership and don't follow the club as we don't need your crap.

This club is staring to get it's act together at last on and off the field and all we need now is weak dogs to bag it........

weak dogs? you call me a weak dog to my face and l would seriously think about smashing yours, Demon supporters are just venting their frustration at a miserable start to the season. We are not weak dogs, so l suggest you refrain from abusing your fellow Demon supporters because basically shows you are worse than a weak dog more like a gutless dog, you pratt.

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To fix a problem you have to be able to admit it. 104 points is a problem, whether you're a good team or not. I pay my membership, so I have every right to "bark like a dog". At least I have more bark then the MFC does.

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I have no issue with the fans being mad, Sunday was pathetic.

However I must say the below.

Get over yourselves, open your eyes and realise that most of our "kids" are pretty damn shithouse. Heres looking at you Garland....

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weak dogs? you call me a weak dog to my face and l would seriously think about smashing yours, Demon supporters are just venting their frustration at a miserable start to the season. We are not weak dogs, so l suggest you refrain from abusing your fellow Demon supporters because basically shows you are worse than a weak dog more like a gutless dog, you pratt.

Gee that's the best you can do threaten with violence, it is alright to vent your frustration but not to abuse them like they have been doing on the sites, kids like Newton, Weetra, Morton etc. will take time, I agree the title is a bit harsh, but there still is no need to personally abuse players like they have, people should look at the bigger picture and not the little one. Yes it was hard to watch, but there is no need to eat our own.

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Gee that's the best you can do threaten with violence, it is alright to vent your frustration but not to abuse them like they have been doing on the sites, kids like Newton, Weetra, Morton etc. will take time, I agree the title is a bit harsh, but there still is no need to personally abuse players like they have, people should look at the bigger picture and not the little one. Yes it was hard to watch, but there is no need to eat our own.

your the one who started by insulting people don't get on your high horse nwo that someone has stood up to you...

as for your earlier comments....are you serious???

so we should just accept that shizent hat they offered...3/4 time and 2 goals...gee thats great....thigns are really starting to look up aren't they??

at the start of last year we were considered the best Victorian team..what the hell happened??

and you talk about things improving off field...where??..how?? no members..no sponsors..no home..no money...a board thats living in la la land...

its supporters like you that give this club a bad name..its supporters like you who just turn a blind eye to whats happening..that has allowed our club to become what it is today..a LAUGHING STOCK

if we don't ask the hard questions and go after the club after on field and off field performances that are deplorable..when do we ask the hard questions..when we're extinct as a club???

I am sick and tired of the sycophants who walk around with their head up their clacker going on about how great things are..and to think of the big picture....WE ARE THINKING OF THE BIG PICTURE..and its bloody telling us a scary story....

why don't you wake up and smell the coffee this club that you have so much faith in is going nowhere under the current administration....

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Guest unstable punt
Gee that's the best you can do threaten with violence, it is alright to vent your frustration but not to abuse them like they have been doing on the sites, kids like Newton, Weetra, Morton etc. will take time, I agree the title is a bit harsh, but there still is no need to personally abuse players like they have, people should look at the bigger picture and not the little one. Yes it was hard to watch, but there is no need to eat our own.

listen buddy l didn't abuse any one individual player, not one. My belief is they play for the red&blue l give them the benefit of the doubt, always has been, even Miller who IMO is not up to it. l repeat, I HAVE NEVER ABUSED A DEMON PLAYER so don't bracket everyone the same. l get sick of people on this site taking their frustrations out on someone like Yze(who has given heaps to this club) or Green who IMO did put in a lot more than most on Sunday. l've been supporting this club since the day l was born (curse the old man) and will go on till the day l die, l'm 45 so l have seen a hell of a lot of shyte Demon teams. l think Bailey is going to get rid of the old blokes over the next few years and bring the young ones on but like hawthorn has done, it will take a few years. lf l remember correctly the dawks were getting thrashed like this 3-4 years ago.

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listen buddy l didn't abuse any one individual player, not one. My belief is they play for the red&blue l give them the benefit of the doubt, always has been, even Miller who IMO is not up to it. l repeat, I HAVE NEVER ABUSED A DEMON PLAYER so don't bracket everyone the same. l get sick of people on this site taking their frustrations out on someone like Yze(who has given heaps to this club) or Green who IMO did put in a lot more than most on Sunday. l've been supporting this club since the day l was born (curse the old man) and will go on till the day l die, l'm 45 so l have seen a hell of a lot of shyte Demon teams. l think Bailey is going to get rid of the old blokes over the next few years and bring the young ones on but like hawthorn has done, it will take a few years. lf l remember correctly the dawks were getting thrashed like this 3-4 years ago.

Mate, we are on the same page as I agree with your statement, and have said so for a while about where the club is heading into the future, as I said earlier the name of the post is harsh and was born out of frustration of posters, who just take pot shots, for the sake of it, ( by the way my old man was tigers supporter, so it could have been worse for me ).

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The Melbourne Football club has been "Rebuilding" since 1965 and quite Frankly i am sick and tired of it. So i will say whatever i like.

Sunday was a bloody disgrace and i will not put up with it. Don't ever refer to me as a weak Dog.

I have pride in myself and expect the same from my Football team.

Once again Sunday was a Disgrace and if it continues we as a team will die. Why would peoplle want to sign up after that. Hawthorn have rebuilt since the 96 Merger game We Havent. The whole place is held together with Gaffer Tape.

The only way is up.

Melbourne de3serves nothing right now-They have to earn RESPECT

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There seems to be a lot of pots calling kettles black on this post.

Some can abuse players as much as they like but disagree and all hell breaks loose

just remember opinions are like assholes, everyone has one.

Dont criticise or threaten other if theres differs to yours.

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mate i dissagree with your post..

As much slack as melbourne supporters get i believe them to be the most loyal and passionate supporters i've ever come across... yer so what some demon supporters are having a bit of a sook, but thats half the fun of being a member of a football team or any sporting team..

Our core supporter group, like anyone elses, is extremely passionate however with performances like Sunday it is going to be very difficult to expand that group. But that's beside the point of this thread.

I refrained from going on to this forum and 'ology after the match because i knew everyone's emotions would be all over the shop. Our club is finnancially in trouble and when it is imperative that we do well to attract new members we get humiliated, i'd recon that loss has prevented us from getting another 2000 memebers. True Melbourne supporters are not weak dogs, they are upset and angry at the players for putting in such an insipid performance. Here's the kicker, they all care so much about the club that they need to vent their emotions, i'm an optomist but what i saw on Sunday really worried me and for christ sake it's only round one.

In closing, we lost by 104 points, i think if ever our suppoters can lose the plot a bit, it would be now!

just remember opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. Dont criticise or threaten other if theres differs to yours.


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People seem to be forgetting that a lot of us here and a lot of the people who do care are the ones that do "support" the club and pay membership fees etc. etc. A major part in that whole "support" aspect is being able to criticise where appropriate. I have a right to complain and winge. I pay my money and invest, so why not?

I mean, I could sit back and have "faith" and be all jolly and believe they can win next week, but that would be fitting the typical Melbourne stereotype and that would be the epitome of being a weak dog, someone who can't admit a problem when there is wrong and get angry and critical when it's highly appropriate.

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People seem to be forgetting that a lot of us here and a lot of the people who do care are the ones that do "support" the club and pay membership fees etc. etc. A major part in that whole "support" aspect is being able to criticise where appropriate. I have a right to complain and winge. I pay my money and invest, so why not?

I mean, I could sit back and have "faith" and be all jolly and believe they can win next week, but that would be fitting the typical Melbourne stereotype and that would be the epitome of being a weak dog, someone who can't admit a problem when there is wrong and get angry and critical when it's highly appropriate.

Yes people can criticise where appropriate, don't have a problem with that, it's what and how they say it that gets up me, but when things go right they are back on the bandwagon singing praises.

While I am at it, there seems to be some that don't understand what the club is trying to do, it's just not a rebuild of the playing list and as why you little says since 1965 that will get us through it won't, it is the whole package that has to go with it. I remember Bill Guest wanting to go to Olympic Park before the Pies but everyone sat back and procrastinated about it, I also remember them looking a buying some houses along Jollmont and again procrastinated and the list goes on, this club lived of the back of the MCC and the AFL for to long. I can also remember most of the Boards always lfighting and leaking like the Titanic and until recently that has stopped.

Yes Steve Harris created havoc with the moving on of staff and cost cutting but I bet you that it had to be done, we had to get the debt, down, tax bill paid, so we could change our culture, a new home soon (thanks Victory for the delay ) but what has been born out of the ashes,

New football manager position created

Employment of development coaches and other coaches

New CEO someone who knows the right people and has been around with a proven record.

A club that will run the way businesses are supposed to be run and not ad hock.

So the club is rebuilding from the Top to bottom instead of bottom only and it will take time for things to filter through and we will be able to stand on our own feet and remember the AFL is committed for us to remain here, The Dogs, Nth Melb, are in the same boat money wise. Again I know the title was a bit harsh but look at the bigger picture, there is a future for us just not as quick as we thought.

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Again I know the title was a bit harsh but look at the bigger picture, there is a future for us just not as quick as we thought.

"Melbourne Supporters are weak dogs" is hardly an insight into the future of the club and a call to arms for supporters to stick with the club through the re-building phase. i agree that many supporters lose perspective, but i think that is a given in most football teams, probably in most sports. it is an impassioned environment with fickle outcomes, and paid up members have a right to vent frustation at the organisation that they help maintain, even if this is not always done in the proper fashion

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Yes people can criticise where appropriate, don't have a problem with that, it's what and how they say it that gets up me, but when things go right they are back on the bandwagon singing praises.

While I am at it, there seems to be some that don't understand what the club is trying to do, it's just not a rebuild of the playing list and as why you little says since 1965 that will get us through it won't, it is the whole package that has to go with it. I remember Bill Guest wanting to go to Olympic Park before the Pies but everyone sat back and procrastinated about it, I also remember them looking a buying some houses along Jollmont and again procrastinated and the list goes on, this club lived of the back of the MCC and the AFL for to long. I can also remember most of the Boards always lfighting and leaking like the Titanic and until recently that has stopped.

Yes Steve Harris created havoc with the moving on of staff and cost cutting but I bet you that it had to be done, we had to get the debt, down, tax bill paid, so we could change our culture, a new home soon (thanks Victory for the delay ) but what has been born out of the ashes,

New football manager position created

Employment of development coaches and other coaches

New CEO someone who knows the right people and has been around with a proven record.

A club that will run the way businesses are supposed to be run and not ad hock.

So the club is rebuilding from the Top to bottom instead of bottom only and it will take time for things to filter through and we will be able to stand on our own feet and remember the AFL is committed for us to remain here, The Dogs, Nth Melb, are in the same boat money wise. Again I know the title was a bit harsh but look at the bigger picture, there is a future for us just not as quick as we thought.

Do not Quote me out of Context-Other Clubs would never put up with the Performance of this club over the last 40 Years. If we were not Called Melbourne we would be Long dead. Thank God we are called Melbourne coz i am glad we are still Rocking. But our senior players never seem to have the Grunt of Other sides. And we accept it. I have had enough and i will keep saying it all year

NOT ONE MEMBERSHIP ADVERT HAVE I HEARD ON THE RADIO THIS YEAR NOT 1 its not good enough... we are a basket case right now

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Says it all, one loss and the dogs are barking, I for one did not like what happened but I also accept, that we are not good enough at this stage but I also look at the bigger picture. Gee after one round lets hang them all and we can go and do something else for the rest of the year, fair dinkum no wonder other supporters think we are a joke, when the going gets tough the tough gets going, guess that does not apply to us. I have followed this side for 42 odd years and will go to the grave following this side but I will not bag the the side like what has been written on the web sites after this loss, ( and I have watched worse ) I suggest some of you burn you membership and don't follow the club as we don't need your crap.

This club is staring to get it's act together at last on and off the field and all we need now is weak dogs to bag it........

I don't mind what most of us are saying @ the moment because it's a realisation finally, that most have been overly optimistic about our current list for the last 3 or 4 years. So in a way this is the best thing that can happen to the club for our future in '09 - '10. Were lucky that we have a group of talented yet unproductive young fellas who'll start to take over the mantle next year, as they realise it's all up to them now, BUT We are lacking in Quality talls who are strongly built too compliment these kids.

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Upgraded membership this year. I don't regret it. Last week is last week. Be angry, get frustrated (i certainly did) and then get over it, and remember that in a week's time after the siren blasts and the umpire balls it up as the crowd roars, it's a whole new ball game, and enjoy it.

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Upgraded membership this year. I don't regret it. Last week is last week. Be angry, get frustrated (i certainly did) and then get over it, and remember that in a week's time after the siren blasts and the umpire balls it up as the crowd roars, it's a whole new ball game, and enjoy it.

Simple but quality post Chooka. This is exactly what keeps me going back every week, even when things seem FUBAR. It'd be nice if everyone felt this way.

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Upgraded membership this year. I don't regret it. Last week is last week. Be angry, get frustrated (i certainly did) and then get over it, and remember that in a week's time after the siren blasts and the umpire balls it up as the crowd roars, it's a whole new ball game, and enjoy it.

I am there for the long haul- I have seen this club kicked around for too long that's all.

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