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Canberra: Training (6/2/08) and Practice Match (8/2/08)


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Attended training at Ainslie Oval this morning. What follows is a short synopsis of what I observed.

Overall impression was one of great enthusiasm throughout the group. Constant talking, backslapping and encouragement during a very solid 2 hour session, about half of which was devoted to what I'd describe as 'competitive match day simulations'.

On the injury front Cam Bruce was nowhere to be seen (as would be expected), Matty Wheelan jogged laps, and Dunny and Wheaters walked laps (no indication what was restricting these two). More worrying, (and without wanting to set too many alarm bells ringing) Chooka McLean spent the entire session sitting in the stand, looking pretty disconsulate and with his knee strapped.

Returning from injury: Flash participated in the whole session and looked to be sharp and unrestricted. Barts did everything except the competitive stuff. To me he looked really good and free in his movement. He iced his knee when he came off, but I suspect this was just precautionary. Riv completed the whole session and looked ok. Beamer did most of the work, but to me he looked a bit stiff in his movement late in the session (hopefully I'm just jumping at shadows). A couple of the veterans (Neita and Robbo) sat out the competitive stuff, but I presume that's just 'easing' their older bodies into the season.

For most of the session there were things going on all over the oval, and it was difficult (for me at least) to take everything in. However, there were a few standouts from my perspective. A very trim Bater played a running link between defence and attack in the match simulations, and he won just about every competition he was involved in. He looked sensational. Chunk also looks to have fined down over summer, and won every hard ball that I saw him compete for. Flash looked to be back to his best. As quick as ever with those magical foot and hand skills and exceptional ball control below his knees. Millsy was also very good, especially in the competitive stuff.

Hope you find my observations interesting, as I have done browsing Demonland since I found it a few weeks ago.

I'm really looking forward to attending what DB described as a 'scratch match' on Friday. That should provide a better insight into how we are travelling in the lead up to the NAB Cup.

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Thanks for the report!

Any word on any of the younger boys? The new draftees, and also Simon Buckley (who a mate of mine saw last week in St Kilda and said was looking absolutely hugely ripped)?

Also, how's Juice Newton looking?

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Thanks for the info. I must admit I had almost forgotten how good a season Bartram had first up. I hope he can remain fit and get up and going again.

Regarding Mclean, what is the go with his knee? Is it injured or sore? First I have heard of it but have not been at training this year.

Cheers again

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Thanks for the report!

Any word on any of the younger boys? The new draftees, and also Simon Buckley (who a mate of mine saw last week in St Kilda and said was looking absolutely hugely ripped)?

Also, how's Juice Newton looking?

Yeah. Bucks does look to be in great shape. Appears bigger, stronger than last year, and he did some nice things. Other reports about him being in for a big year might just be spot on. I hope so, I didn't observe too much in his senior appearances last year. I didn't notice Juice too much so I can't really comment. Of the draftees, Cheeney probably left the best impression with what I saw this morning. I can certainly confirm that he seems to be an out and out 'goer'.

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Barts will be a ripper if he can get 100% and stay that way.

Dunno about Chooka's knee. He was in the stand with his training gear on and the knee strapped when I arrived 15 mins before the scheduled start of training, so my guess is that it's something that had gone amiss that morning. I'm hoping that if it was anything too serious, he would have been off somewhere else getting treatment.

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Barts will be a ripper if he can get 100% and stay that way.

Dunno about Chooka's knee. He was in the stand with his training gear on and the knee strapped when I arrived 15 mins before the scheduled start of training, so my guess is that it's something that had gone amiss that morning. I'm hoping that if it was anything too serious, he would have been off somewhere else getting treatment.

Thanks oldfart.... was that you I was standing next to at the ground... I was the pelican wearing the suit (I skulked away from work)

Thought I'd just add my 2 cents worth - unlike DOF I wasn't there the whole session as I got there about 8.45 when they'd almost finished warming up and then had to skulk off again about 9.40 to a meeting, when I returned about an hour later they were leaving the ground...

As already stated Brock didn’t participate at all, but didn’t appear to be carrying any injury, I didn't see any strapping on his knee. He participated in the U16 coaching clinic the day before and was moving freely - he looks considerably taller this year for some reason - probably the cactus he's got growing on his head. I did spy what looked like a packet of antibiotics on the bench next to him, so I suspect it’s not a major issue.

Absent from the session were Cameron Bruce and Paul Wheatley- DOF has better eyes than me cause I didn't spot him at all. Adam Maric was also absent, DB telling us the previous evening that it’s his first week back at school.

My apologies in advance at not being able to pick out some of the newer recruits. Cale Morton was there, and I’ll say straight up that everything we’ve heard about him so far is accurate. He moves beautifully and has great foot skills. Got tackled in one of the evasive drills by Jeff White and looked to make amends very quickly- looked to be filthy with himself.

I was able to pick out Stefan Martin and Shane Valenti (who will be ready to step straight into senior footy straight away in terms of body shape anyway) There were plenty of others there that I couldn’t pick. One whose nickname is ‘pencil’ accurately describes his body shape.

There’s a lot to get excited about by Aussie W. Very quick and clean skills and I’d hazard a guess to say if he plays like he trains then will get a run sooner rather than later.

For those interested there also appeared to be a couple of Chinese trainee’s involved with the whole session.

Others not to participate in the session were Lynden Dunn who walked laps – not sure what the problem is, but hope it was merely precautionary. It looks like he’s been hitting the gym pretty hard as he is a very big unit now! I didn’t see Wheels train at all and he was later icing his calf. Neita did leave the training about half way through to ice his knee, but this appeared to be precautionary only as he was moving freely and didn’t appear concerned or inconvenienced at any stage.

The good news was that Ricky Petterd joined in most of the drills after doing some rehab work and Bartram completed all the drills that I saw. Col, Riv, Beamer, Flash and Ooze all trained strongly and looked to be over their complaints from last year.

I’m no great judge of training sessions, but if I had to rate the session, I’d say they were probably working at about 75% of intensity, and probably about the same for skills. As pointed out in every report so far, there’s a lot of emphasis on pressure/decision making in the drills, and it’s obviously still a work in progress for some of the boys – but still it’s pleasing to see Robbo have to handpass! All in all a solid session from the boys.

Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll get to see much of the practice game on Friday, but I’ll do my best to skulk away from work again.

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Thanks oldfart.... was that you I was standing next to at the ground... I was the pelican wearing the suit (I skulked away from work)

Yep Grazman.....I was the goose beside you. Hope you can get away on Friday and we can meet more formally

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Thanks oldfart, absolutely spot on about two things in particular

- lots of noise and enthusiasm, more than I remember seeing. Players seemed keener to follow up after a mistake too.

- Bate looked superb. No sign of the flat-footed lack of relfex in close, which was my main concern with him last year. Lots of shepherding and backing up.

Robbo and Neitz both sat out a chunk, but neither seemed troubled. Robbo in particular stayed interested from the stand - commenting on and shouting advice to the forwards in the drills. Chris Johnson came off with a bit of soreness in the leg, but also didn't seemd upset. Mclean spent the first half of the session talking with someone (an assistant coach, I presume) about all sorts of match-ups and different teams and so on. He did not participate in the drills, but I couldn't see anything actually wrong with him.

Rivers and Moloney both fully participated as far as I saw, and afterwards Rivers had just a bit of ice on the 'upper inside thigh', and... believe it or not... Moloney wasn't even iced after the full two hour session. Both these two guys were very involved and looking sharp.

My first time seeing Meesen and I gotta say I like him. Showed good agility during 'run and carry' drills. Surprising acceleration.

There were two Chinese guys joining in the skills drills, but not the match-simulations. They got a bit of a cheer when they put through a couple of goals.

A side note - there were three local young guys just doing a bit of kick-to-kick while the team was getting a post-session talking to. Not too shabby, one in particular really impressed me - I had to figure out which foot was his natural side (right, but used left without missing a beat when it was the appropriate foot). They were obviously planted there to impress... I hope they did because it's been a while since James Hird, Aaron Hamill and Shaun Smith, so Canberra is due for another AFL player.

And now for the bombshell... Yze looked fitter, stood up straighter,, and just generally seemed a cut above anything I've seen him do for as long as I've been going to training sessions (since 2005). Make of that what you will.

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how did austin wonamirri train??

He's quick, and can really make a tackle stick. Based on what I saw he's got a real future at the top level, but maybe not this year.

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Adam Maric was also absent, DB telling us the previous evening that it’s his first week back at school.

NOT QUITE UP AND ADAMM (from The Pulse with Steven Perkin - Herald Sun 6/2 p71)

While Melbourne spreads the AFL world in Canberra on its community camp, one of its young players has been left behind.

Adamm Maric is 17 and still goes to school, so as his teammates were packing for the nation’s capital, Maric was packing his schoolbags and preparing for Year 12.

Maric was pick No. 21 in last year’s national draft, despite missing the second half of the season with a shoulder reconstruction.

A student at Essendon Grammar, Maric has the school’s permission to play for Melbourne if selected.

“The school’s been pretty good. I’m disappointed to not be at camp, but as we all agreed it was important to get a good start to the school year,” Maric said.

His biggest problem is that his school coach doesn’t send him on a 20k run the day before he plays for Melbourne. And he’s a coach with vested interests – Ken Fletcher is Dustin’s old man and himself a Bomber great.

“He’s been coaching me since Year 9 and is pretty good at looking after me,” Maric said. “I’ve set a target to play senior footy this year and an ENTER score of at least 70. It’s going to be a busy year.”

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does that mean he plays for either essendon grammar or mfc not sandringham?

No idea... usually the private schools have restrictions on their students in relation to having to play for the school, but the important point to note is that he's a listed Melbourne player so he won't be playing any footy without the club's permission. I gather from the way Dean Bailey was talking yesterday, the club is really taking a big picture long term approach with Addam. I don't think it will hurt his overall development at all to be playing both PEGS and Sandy.

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yeah on that deanox...i was at melbourne grammar (no, i dont go to the snow every weekend and drive a bloody four wheel drive) when both hawkins and xavier ellis were selected at geelong and hawthorn respectively (even though it wasnt affitial official yet for hawkins) and they were both put onto special training regimes from their clubs and the school was very leniant (as was Scotch last year with rioli) about trainings and training programs, however they did both play for the school

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Re - players missing at training

If every player that didn't train today as well as Rivers, Bartram and Petterd who aren't ready yet miss the squad, this could be a possible squad for next Saturday V Geelong:

B Frawley Holland Bode

HB Bell Martin C Johnson

C Yze Moloney Green

HF Bate Miller Sylvia

F Davey Neitz Robbo

FOLL White McDonald Jones

INT Meeson P Johnson/Jamar Newton Weetra

Wonaeamirri Garland Buckley Warnock (edit Buckley in Valenti out)

Players to miss: Rivers, Whelan, Bartram, Petterd, Dunn, McLean, Carroll (susp) PJ or Jamar as well as the first year boys.

Seems to be a lack of midfield depth so hopefully McLean and Dunn play in our intra-club trial on Friday in order to get a game V Geelong.

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I'm really looking forward to attending what DB described as a 'scratch match' on Friday. That should provide a better insight into how we are travelling in the lead up to the NAB Cup.

A scratch match? Where when, what, huh?

Is that at Ainslie Oval again? What time friday?

KEEEEEEN to go and I have friday free!

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Re - players missing at training

If every player that didn't train today as well as Rivers, Bartram and Petterd who aren't ready yet miss the squad, this could be a possible squad for next Saturday V Geelong:

B Frawley Holland Bode

HB Bell Martin C Johnson

C Yze Moloney Green

HF Bate Miller Sylvia

F Davey Neitz Robbo

FOLL White McDonald Jones

INT Meeson P Johnson/Jamar Newton Weetra

Wonaeamirri Garland Valenti Warnock

Players to miss: Rivers, Whelan, Bartram, Petterd, Dunn, McLean, Carroll (susp) PJ or Jamar as well as the first year boys.

Seems to be a lack of midfield depth so hopefully McLean and Dunn play in our intra-club trial on Friday in order to get a game V Geelong.

You'd think Garland would get a run ahead of Stefan Martin, who I reckon will take some time to be AFL quality. Still not completely clear where Garland is gonna finish up, forward or back. Bate and Newton both mixed between forward and midfield at training, so that might help the depth there. Remember that Colin Sylvia has actually done the full preseason, so might just have the condition to spend a lot more time in the midfield. Also don't forget Buckley, unless there's an injury I don't know about.

I think we're looking at a very good [censored] cup squad, despite the missing players, discounting the absolute newbies, and even if we rest a few veterans.

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You'd think Garland would get a run ahead of Stefan Martin, who I reckon will take some time to be AFL quality. Still not completely clear where Garland is gonna finish up, forward or back. Bate and Newton both mixed between forward and midfield at training, so that might help the depth there. Remember that Colin Sylvia has actually done the full preseason, so might just have the condition to spend a lot more time in the midfield. Also don't forget Buckley, unless there's an injury I don't know about.

I think we're looking at a very good [censored] cup squad, despite the missing players, discounting the absolute newbies, and even if we rest a few veterans.

Re Garland - remember this is just a squad, so Garland could easily start on the ground. I'd like to see both he and Martin in the squad however.

I plain forgot about Buckley. He will certainly get a gig next Saturday. Its his third year in the system, so his time is now. I reckon he has a touch of class about him too. Noticed that in his first practice game for Sandi back in 06.

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A scratch match? Where when, what, huh?

Is that at Ainslie Oval again? What time friday?

KEEEEEEN to go and I have friday free!

The Canberra Times says Friday 8 Feb., Ainslie Oval, 9:00am to 11:00am. See ya there!

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