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Abusing, Baiting & Trolling


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General warning to all.

It's ok to argue your point without getting nasty.

Also please use the ignore function if you do not like a posters views. Mods can't ban someone just for having an unpopular view.

Abuse however is not tolerated regardless of opinion.

I will add that if you continually bait people in an attempt to troll you may be warned or banned.

I do not like doing this as what constitutes trolling can be subjective so please don't flog a dead horse.

We're all frustrated with a lack of success. Have your opinions but keep it constructive and civil. We don't all have to agree but we have to be respectful.

I'll remind people to please use the Report function to alert Mods rather than take the matter into your own hands further escalating the situation and derailing the discussion. Note that a differing view isn't necessarily a reportable offence. The ignore function is often handy in these situations.

Also please refrain from any political, religious or ideological views in footy discussion.

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3 minutes ago, old dee said:

Could not agree more. Sadly However it will happen it is the human condition.

Amazes me that we all support the same team on here.

Keep up the good work.

Have to roll these threads out every year it seems.

Winning a premiership won't be the solution. People will complain about the sheen of the Cup. 

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Regardless  of our views we have a right to our opinion Yes, and being respectful of each other after all we follow the same club and that means we have a connection you like it or not. If you don't like some ones  opinion so be it. Move on 

 I fell in love with this great football club in 1960 and l blame my father for that  but  l thank him forever. 

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1 hour ago, Demonland said:

General warning to all.

It's ok to argue your point without getting nasty.

Also please use the ignore function if you do not like a posters views. Mods can't ban someone just for having an unpopular view.

Abuse however is not tolerated regardless of opinion.

I will add that if you continually bait people in an attempt to troll you may be warned or banned.

I do not like doing this as what constitutes trolling can be subjective so please don't [censored] a dead horse.

We're all frustrated with a lack of success. Have your opinions but keep it constructive and civil. We don't all have to agree but we have to be respectful.

I'll remind people to please use the Report function to alert Mods rather than take the matter into your own hands further escalating the situation and derailing the discussion. Note that a differing view isn't necessarily a reportable offence. The ignore function is often handy in these situations.

Also please refrain from any political, religious or ideological views in footy discussion.

It's the wilful abuse and denigration of players - especially certain players - that is most depressing. It's also gutless.

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1 hour ago, Demonland said:

General warning to all.

It's ok to argue your point without getting nasty.

Also please use the ignore function if you do not like a posters views. Mods can't ban someone just for having an unpopular view.

Abuse however is not tolerated regardless of opinion.

I will add that if you continually bait people in an attempt to troll you may be warned or banned.

I do not like doing this as what constitutes trolling can be subjective so please don't [censored] a dead horse.

We're all frustrated with a lack of success. Have your opinions but keep it constructive and civil. We don't all have to agree but we have to be respectful.

I'll remind people to please use the Report function to alert Mods rather than take the matter into your own hands further escalating the situation and derailing the discussion. Note that a differing view isn't necessarily a reportable offence. The ignore function is often handy in these situations.

Also please refrain from any political, religious or ideological views in footy discussion.

Thanks Andy.

Good timing too given the off season is my favorite time of year - hope springs eternal, all new recruits are guns and we are training the house down.

Just one quibble. I will struggle to avoid political, religious or ideological views in my discussion of footy as all human communal activity is political in nature, footy is my religion and game plan is ideology. 

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32 minutes ago, binman said:

Thanks Andy.

Good timing too given the off season is my favorite time of year - hope springs eternal, all new recruits are guns and we are training the house down.

Just one quibble. I will struggle to avoid political, religious or ideological views in my discussion of footy as all human communal activity is political in nature, footy is my religion and game plan is ideology. 

I think this is true, in that if you ignore all aspects of politics, social issues etc. you dont make it apolitical, you just make it "conservative" (I'm meaning the current political status quo, not using that as a pejorative). 

For example, the current discussion around coaches mental health is inherently "political". Is calling someone "crazy" offensive or is that "too PC"? Should they "toughen up" or is that "toxic masculinity"? Are we as a society doing enough to support mental health? What about our role as an AFL community?

I'd hope that any discussion that does touch on these topics need not be automatically banned because they are relevant to how we think and analyse, interpret and understand. But also how it plays out determines that: arguing, fighting, baiting, trolling, doesn't help. And when these issues derail the conversatio and become the focus, it changes from a footy convo with social commentary to a political, religious or ideological discussion, and this probably isn't the place for that. 


My experience here has been overwhelmingly positive, I think most of us do a good job of avoiding conflicts or derailments. But special thanks must go to the admin and mod team for making it a great space.


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54 minutes ago, deanox said:

I think this is true, in that if you ignore all aspects of politics, social issues etc. you dont make it apolitical, you just make it "conservative" (I'm meaning the current political status quo, not using that as a pejorative). 

For example, the current discussion around coaches mental health is inherently "political". Is calling someone "crazy" offensive or is that "too PC"? Should they "toughen up" or is that "toxic masculinity"? Are we as a society doing enough to support mental health? What about our role as an AFL community?

I'd hope that any discussion that does touch on these topics need not be automatically banned because they are relevant to how we think and analyse, interpret and understand. But also how it plays out determines that: arguing, fighting, baiting, trolling, doesn't help. And when these issues derail the conversatio and become the focus, it changes from a footy convo with social commentary to a political, religious or ideological discussion, and this probably isn't the place for that. 


My experience here has been overwhelmingly positive, I think most of us do a good job of avoiding conflicts or derailments. But special thanks must go to the admin and mod team for making it a great space.


There's some common sense to it. It's not black and white and mods can miss things or different mods might interpret things differently.

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Its a lot like the player who retaliates on here. Always the one who stands accused. Perhaps mods should look for the posters who continually snipe at every comment made by people they have disagreed with in the past. DL is not a welcoming place for newbies. It could all be solved by having people use their real names Now that would be a step forward. It would be also interesting to have a DL lunch where people are unknown. I guarantee the tone would be a lot more respectful.

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11 minutes ago, Half forward flank said:

Its a lot like the player who retaliates on here. Always the one who stands accused. Perhaps mods should look for the posters who continually snipe at every comment made by people they have disagreed with in the past. DL is not a welcoming place for newbies. It could all be solved by having people use their real names Now that would be a step forward. It would be also interesting to have a DL lunch where people are unknown. I guarantee the tone would be a lot more respectful.

I have rarely witnessed this problem. I've been a poster now for over a decade, but when I first came on, I didn't feel unwelcome. I think it depends on how we post.

Edited by A F
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2 hours ago, binman said:

Thanks Andy.

Good timing too given the off season is my favorite time of year - hope springs eternal, all new recruits are guns and we are training the house down.

Just one quibble. I will struggle to avoid political, religious or ideological views in my discussion of footy as all human communal activity is political in nature, footy is my religion and game plan is ideology. 

I live for the day that this coming time of the year is not the best time.

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31 minutes ago, Demonland said:

There's some common sense to it. It's not black and white and mods can miss things or different mods might interpret things differently.


I have a lot of compassion for the mod team too, you are all doing your best. And sometimes, you dont have the time to investigate or the emotional labour capacity to interpret pages of posts to analyses tone, or historical interactions to work out who is trolling, who is reacting etc. So sometimes I'm sure you give a mute or a warning to everyone imvolved becauses that's easier.

No problems with that. 

And also the mods see things through the lens of their own experiences, which adds to interpretation of what is or isnt political ideological etc. 

We are all part of the community, we're all responsible to set the tone and standards together.

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1 hour ago, A F said:

I have rarely witnessed this problem. I've been a poster now for over a decade, but when I first came on, I didn't feel unwelcome. I think it depends on how we post.

I’m new-ish. Definitely a few posters who don’t make you feel particularly welcome but on the whole most people were pretty good to be honest. 

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The mods have an important role to play in weeding out trolls no doubt but I think posters need to take a look at themselves and how they respond to criticism.

My advice:

Don’t take things personally. People are allowed to have a different opinion to yours.

Don’t get defensive. Too often I see posters get abusive when their comments are fairly critiqued. If you can’t handle criticism you’re in the wrong place.

Don’t respond if angry or upset. You’ll regret it. 

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55 minutes ago, Little Goffy said:

Paradoxically, when that day comes this time of year will very much feel like the best times.

I did say "coming" as against the day after GF weekend. I have accepted it won't happen in my life time LG. Just playing  finals is best I can expect.

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3 hours ago, Half forward flank said:

Its a lot like the player who retaliates on here. Always the one who stands accused. Perhaps mods should look for the posters who continually snipe at every comment made by people they have disagreed with in the past. DL is not a welcoming place for newbies. It could all be solved by having people use their real names Now that would be a step forward. It would be also interesting to have a DL lunch where people are unknown. I guarantee the tone would be a lot more respectful.

With all due respect this post, like many of your 500 odd posts since you started posting on Demonland, is obtuse and reflects what appears to be yet another deliberate attempt to foment dissent and wind people up - a behavior consistent with someone trolling. 

And like a very high number of your posts your critique of other posters is remarkably hypocritical - which as i gather is a favorite trope of trolls.

To be clear i am not accusing you of trolling, just pointing out some of your behavior is consistent with a troll. Only you know if you are in fact trolling.

Be that as it may this post is just plain rubbish.

For you to suggest the tone on this site should be more respectful is hypocrisy in the extreme given the approach to posting you have decided to take since joining this community. This thread would not exist if not for that decision.

I have been posting on Demonland for about 10 year. I don't get bothered by posters who decide to take the approach you have, though i fully understand why others do. As result I tend to not people on ignore. I just try to avoid reading their posts or engaging is discussion. 

That said i do have an exclusive club of binman ignorees.

Long term and newer  posters would recognise some of the esteemed twenty four members (though i suspect there are some double ups ie posters who have come back under a different name) of this club -  Tonotopia, Roost it,  mjt, middy malt and Curry & Beer.

Welcome to the club Half Forward Flank. No correspondence will be entered into.

Edited by binman
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2 hours ago, A F said:

I have rarely witnessed this problem. I've been a poster now for over a decade, but when I first came on, I didn't feel unwelcome. I think it depends on how we post.

Demonland does pretty well, I reckon. I watched for a few months before joining and posting. Spent that time identifying obvious trolls and other posters to avoid. I recommend everyone follow a similar strategy wherever you go on the net. It's the nature of the beast that all 'conversations' end in disputes unless individuals take steps to restrain themselves... or that's been my experience since learning to email belatedly way way back in 2002....

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Id say its one of the most civil boards ive visited.

Yeah, we all get riled up and can get carried away. But thats what OMac is there for. To vent our frustrations of decades of rebuilding!

There are very few times where ive seen it get too heated, which leads me to believe the mods are cat like in their reflexes of deleting posts (likely) or we all take it for what it is. Banter about a game of footy.

Just joking about Oscar. Sort of.

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I find it a very fine balance. I quite like some of the snide backhanders that get thrown around here sometimes. It’s actually it’s own form of entertainment - as long as it gets understood by both parties as banter. 

I will say that I think it’s much worse in trade season as you get so many people with varying degrees of ‘inside word’. It does wear you down a bit. No one can ever name their source, so it’s futile trying to find out where the information comes from - especially when it seems dubious. I think it you’re coming on here with the ‘inside word’ you just have to accept that A)There will be skeptics, and B)You can’t prove anything until it happens. Posting under those conditions you’re a very brave person indeed.

I love the diversity of opinion on here, especially when it’s accepted purely as that - opinion. 

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