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POSTGAME: Rd 18 vs Essendon


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5 hours ago, DemonOX said:

Thank god our season is over.

I was at the game and we STILL LOOKED TOTALLY CONFUSED, can’t hit targets, kick goals, don’t look in the centre when playing, always playing the boundary side, players casually jogging around and play is stop and start with no flow or system what so ever. 

Goodwin has to go. If he is there next season I hold NO HOPE that we will be any better. 

We look totally lost and don’t play as a team at all. I saw ONE shepherd all game. 

Not good enough. Bye bye Goodwin (I hope) 

I agree @DemonOX there's a real lack of intensity and almost laziness to pressure the opposition by a number of players.

I watched Fritsch missing a critical Shepherd for ANB as he was running into goal.

Midway through the 4th, Essendon were switching play across our forward line and Hunt just watched Daniher stand free on a flank before finally starting to chase him.

I don't give a rats how much the players like Goody. We need to be ruthless, switched on for 4 qtrs and play well when under the pump.

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21 minutes ago, Hogan2014 said:

Trac was touching Viney at 3/4 time & laughing sums up their last qtr fade out 

Lets not forget this was moments after another conceded goal right at the end of the quarter. Glad their minds were firmly on the job at hand. 

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10 minutes ago, Brownie said:

I agree @DemonOX there's a real lack of intensity and almost laziness to pressure the opposition by a number of players.

I watched Fritsch missing a critical Shepherd for ANB as he was running into goal.

Midway through the 4th, Essendon were switching play across our forward line and Hunt just watched Daniher stand free on a flank before finally starting to chase him.

I don't give a rats how much the players like Goody. We need to be ruthless, switched on for 4 qtrs and play well when under the pump.

Shepherding is non existent in our team and we NEVER perform well when the opposition pressure us. It’s been a massive problem for a very long time now Brownie and won’t improve next season either if no changes are made in the coaching department. 

TEAM FIRST needs to be the attitude of ALL players and needs to be drilled into them from the coaching department and based on what I have seen isn’t happening. 

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24 minutes ago, stranga said:

im in this game for premierships not 8th place. #GoodwinOut 

yeah. it's amazing how low the standards are by some posters. groveling over being the team to lose first week of the finals. 

Goodwin has a great list at his disposal and he has [censored] it against the wall since 2018.

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Just logged in to this thread after family obligations... what a pack of sad non-entities Demonlanders are at this time of night. Really, if you don't have an intellect that goes beyond "my team didn't win the premiership therefore I don't exist" then please, don't clog up what used to be an important part of a supporters weekly diet with your vomit!!!!

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13 minutes ago, Dr.D said:

yeah. it's amazing how low the standards are by some posters. groveling over being the team to lose first week of the finals. 

Goodwin has a great list at his disposal and he has [censored] it against the wall since 2018.

So you don't think we need our players to be better?

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31 minutes ago, waynewussell said:

Just logged in to this thread after family obligations... what a pack of sad non-entities Demonlanders are at this time of night. Really, if you don't have an intellect that goes beyond "my team didn't win the premiership therefore I don't exist" then please, don't clog up what used to be an important part of a supporters weekly diet with your vomit!!!!

Sorry mate, I know you probably think this place is all about you and your enjoyment but there's others here as well and there's no gun to your head forcing you to read. You're welcome to remove your head from your bum anytime.

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RE: Weideman, I think the real problem is that he doesn't move with intensity - just can't (or won't) get into top gear. It explains why he gets so easily blocked/shoved away from the contest.

If you look at other forwards who consistently create a contest, they see where the flight of the ball is taking it and are then moving towards that point with real intensity - not just loping around. The difference between him and Hogan in this regard is stark, and it has nought to do with talent IMO.

I think there are a lot of issues with our play that come down to effort and poor habits, and I think you can blame coaches for letting players get away with substandard efforts. As others have pointed out, it's the little things like making legitimate shepherding attempts, and running hard to man up the opposition before they get the footy, rather than jogging along until they have the footy and it's too late.

Edited by Rogue
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43 minutes ago, waynewussell said:

Just logged in to this thread after family obligations... what a pack of sad non-entities Demonlanders are at this time of night. Really, if you don't have an intellect that goes beyond "my team didn't win the premiership therefore I don't exist" then please, don't clog up what used to be an important part of a supporters weekly diet with your vomit!!!!

You must be watching another team... I’m sorry we need to call it as it is! The same issues continue since Goodwin took over, they failed to secure a finals spot losing to bottom teams just like 2017... if your happy with 1 finals appearance since 06 well that sums up our supporters base 




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1 hour ago, layzie said:

Wow fox sports had the headline "Dees saved by joke of a free kick decision" for its main story on the game. Wow, literally wow. Never fail to disappoint.

That's hilarious given the number of frees they failed to pay to us, not to mention a clear mark that they called touched then paid two identical marks to the bombers in the next couple of minutes. 

For my two cents' worth:

I think Brown was up for it today to show his old side what they had lost and it was great to see.  A huge game from him. 

Fritta needs to be put in the hands of a seriously good kicking coach to sort out his set shots.  He should have had five today.  Also a good gym program.  If he can put on a little muscle and improve his fitness he'll be a great player.

Baker is starting to look like he fits at this level.  Has great pace and neat disposal.  If he can improve his positioning to get more of the ball we're on to a good thing. 

I agree that Smith is not worth a spot in the side right now.  He is a physical beast, but nothing much else. 

Overall, we basically played one quarter and trod water for a half and still won the game.  You can say that we were ok or that the bombers were terrible.  Possibly both. 

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18 minutes ago, RalphiusMaximus said:

That's hilarious given the number of frees they failed to pay to us, not to mention a clear mark that they called touched then paid two identical marks to the bombers in the next couple of minutes. 

For my two cents' worth:

I think Brown was up for it today to show his old side what they had lost and it was great to see.  A huge game from him. 

Fritta needs to be put in the hands of a seriously good kicking coach to sort out his set shots.  He should have had five today.  Also a good gym program.  If he can put on a little muscle and improve his fitness he'll be a great player.

Baker is starting to look like he fits at this level.  Has great pace and neat disposal.  If he can improve his positioning to get more of the ball we're on to a good thing. 

I agree that Smith is not worth a spot in the side right now.  He is a physical beast, but nothing much else. 

Overall, we basically played one quarter and trod water for a half and still won the game.  You can say that we were ok or that the bombers were terrible.  Possibly both. 

Some of Baker's disposal was far from 'neat', IMO - in fact quite a few disposals were diabolical.

Agree with 1.5 of your cents though; on the money re: Fritsch, Brown and Smith though. Smith is not a defender, and neither is Harmes, whose season we've cruelled by making him play in defence. I've said it before, but I think Smith's defensive IQ is terrible - must hope that Petty can get fit and firing next year.

Can't understand why Brown didn't play more footy for us this season, particularly with Tom Mac's form falling off a cliff. Picking Preuss as a KPF was a ridiculous call, but I do think he should look for a trade to a Club that needs a ruck as he could do more than some of the blokes getting a game elsewhere.

Also think we were in control for the first three quarters, and should have been further in front if not for some terrible kicking - it wasn't just Fritsch that could have been more accurate today. You're never going to get it all your own way, but thought we were well on top in the first, despite being behind at the first break, and also in the third.

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15 minutes ago, RalphiusMaximus said:

That's hilarious given the number of frees they failed to pay to us, not to mention a clear mark that they called touched then paid two identical marks to the bombers in the next couple of minutes. 


I just love it how we lament the ones that go against us and the one slice of luck we get and there's a federal case about it. The video in that article was titled 'Essendon robbed'. Bit of leap to assume they would have kicked 2 more with 3 mins left had they got the free.

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5 hours ago, layzie said:

Good result, bon voyage season 2020. Was nice to go out with a win, can already hear the freedom fighters about to lash out and scream "it's not over yet!", yeah an early xmas present from Freo would be fantastic but we've done all we can for now. 

I love these games where Gawn just makes the other ruckman look like they shouldn't have even turned up. Jayden Hunt take a bow, I think we can all agree that's exactly how we'd love to see him play just running the lines and getting into good positions to be on the end of thrusts forward. Christian Salem, what a sterling performance to cap off a great season, some of his kicks out of tight spaces were just sublime. Ed Langdon another good stint, I just want him to take off every time he gets it now! 

The real difference this year is undoubtedly the back line. We all had out hearts in a mouths as we are so accustomed to now late in that last quarter when the Bombers were winning every contested ball for some reason but they really held firm despite all those entries. How good is it to feel safe in the knowledge that they can throw a bit at us but we've usually got it covered down there!

A lot of talk about Joel Smith, honestly I can't see enough on TV to know if he's doing his role well. I just think he lacks the smarts to be that defender, 1 on 1 he's not bad but it be great if he could be a rebounder as well which it doesn't look like he is. 

Liked Mitch Brown's game and was unlucky not to convert early on, you can easily see his routine is miles ahead of Fritsch's when kicking for goal. Speaking of which this is just too big of a problem now for Bayley. He is a very cleaver player and he gets in all the right positions but my word he needs to convert better, the guy could be anything.

Oskar Baker has shown me enough over 2 games to suggest he's worth working with. He runs and runs and with a bit more smart running he could easily be that other wing. 

Undecided on whether I'll watch tomorrow, not that keen for another Sunday to be torched but knowing me I probably will. Well done to everyone for sticking with us this year it's been like no other and at least it's been nice to have the trusty faithful here to discuss with each week. 

Carn the Dees and Freo, give em the old heave ho will you? Cheers. 

Nice to have a sane, clear thinking poster. Too many, who winning an important game does not satisfy. They want perfection which sadly does not exist in the rigours of AFL football. Well spoken layzie.

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6 minutes ago, Bobby McKenzie said:

Nice to have a sane, clear thinking poster. Too many, who winning an important game does not satisfy. They want perfection which sadly does not exist in the rigours of AFL football. Well spoken layzie.

Thanks Bobby, appreciate that. I want success like we all do but the mental energy of being unhappy all the time really takes its toll.

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3 hours ago, Rusty Nails said:

AF if we are ever to bridge the gap with the likes of the Tigers or say the top 4,, part of what we are going to have to bring is some high level pressure inside 50 at ground level.  As you say there's a little from the likes of Tracc, some from Kozzy in spurts.  But it almost ends there for us.  Funnily enough i think Brown and Hunt bring more of this to the team than a number of the usual culprits like Melk, Fritta and Spargo.  Hannan probably the only other that brings this when he's on and who knows when he's going to be on.  So many Dr Jekylls up forward

Absolutely. This has been a massive problem IMV. We've picked forwardlines that don't tackle consistently, yet our game relies on forwardline tackle pressure. Our selections of Melksham and Fritsch this year has meant we're always down two tacklers every game. Spargo is up and down, Hannan is up and down, Kozzie's pressure is great, as is Trac's and then you might get some solid effort from ANB and that's about it.

You might be able to have a forwardline where the big talls don't tackle (this is our situation), but you can't also have a forwardline where two of the mid-sized players never tackle either (this is our situation). It's not conducive to consistent forward system.

I'm glad they've made the move with Melksham into the midfield, because he wasn't doing enough up forward. If Fritsch doesn't clean up his kicking, not only does his lack of defensive accountability undermine our system, but his goal kicking does too.

I think we need to play Weideman and Jackson, with Fritsch has the medium, Petracca resting, Kozzie pressure forward and a more consistent Spargo. We need to add another lively small that knows where the goals are and in the meantime, that's probably Hunt, but he needs to be far more consistent with his pressure. Dr Jekyll's indeed.

2 hours ago, Kick_It_To_Pickett said:

He is very immature at times. I think he has ADD. He owes Goodwin an apology. 

I have ADD and I don't spend my time fingering my work colleagues. It's not an excuse. He's an adult, not a child.

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WTF is wrong with most of you people? We had a simple assignment - to win - and despite the commentary it was never in doubt. We were in second gear for half of the match and stepped it up when we needed to. Assignment completed. Why complain?  

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1 hour ago, waynewussell said:

Just logged in to this thread after family obligations... what a pack of sad non-entities Demonlanders are at this time of night. Really, if you don't have an intellect that goes beyond "my team didn't win the premiership therefore I don't exist" then please, don't clog up what used to be an important part of a supporters weekly diet with your vomit!!!!

And that's your contribution.
The irony.

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