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22 hours ago, bingers said:

The Club would be attracting very few new supporters. Why would any person choose to support MFC other than for family type reasons? And even then, some kids may refuse to support MFC because of the team's longstanding lack of success. 

The Club is a laughing stock.

How many supporters, let alone members, will the Club have in 10-20 years time? I suspect that a high proportion of supporters/members are oldies like me. We may have dropped off the perch by then. Or be in nursing homes.

I started following the Dees in 1968. Zero success until the John Northey years. And that success was limited. There were a few years where the Club could have pinched a flag, but sadly it didn't happen.

I am a cheerful soul. I'm not angry, just slightly wistful. I am so jealous of Bulldogs' fans who saw their time just pinch a flag along the way. Something I'll never see. 

Excuse these ramblings... 


Has a familiar ring to it bingers.  I was on board from about 70/71.  Not much joy in all those years.

I try to take the positives wherever they might be but just feels like we've been treading water and/or slowly sinking in quick sand since our last GF appearance in 2000.  And although i enjoyed the build up, both GF appearances were very forgettable.

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the funny thing is, we're not even the most hard up against it when it comes to club finances and future prospects

we're very fortunate that the afl / broadcasters want 18 clubs currently, and perhaps 20 clubs in 10-20 years - might've even been sooner if covid hadn't come along and changed the world

on field we are missing a LOT but off field we're not too different to a host of other clubs that are just surviving

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Disclaimer MFCSS in full effect on this point but.......


Are we just the case and point of wrong place wrong time as a club? Granted by our own failings.

Consider this, we decided to head to the draft and turn the entire list over during a period of league expansion causing a heavily compromised draft for 5-6 years and in effect creating a double "rebuild" due to lack of available high end talent that was drafted.

Now when we do get access to the "elite" talent via the draft we overload on inside/contest ball mids based winning at a game that had become rolling maul stoppage footy league wide.......the run and gun style of the 90's & early 00's was over.

With that in mind just as our so called re-built rebuild starts to come of age we go on an amazing run winning more game each year and climb up the ladder crescendoing into a Prelim final appearance with the 1st or 2nd youngest list in the league.

the very next year after 4-5 years of talent pooling and game style planning the AFL decide enough is enough, No More Rolling Maul Football. 

Insert the 6-6-6.........

we no longer have the ability to line up our extra mids around the centre square and have to rely on traditional hand/foot skills to control the passage of play. I'd be preaching to the choir to start delving into how they currently go by hand/foot ?


Was it all just the perfect storm leading to completely nullifying our squads ability to compete and basically rendering any "innovations" Goodwin and his group of under-achieving assistants yesterdays news?

none of this should stand as an excuse for our current level of success but it may very well have been the silent catalyst for our demise.


DurriePirate signing off,

Sad and Alone in17th position again 


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On 7/5/2020 at 10:04 PM, Beetle said:

I sat with my old man today, who played reserves during the late 50s golden years and he literally apologised to me, for making me follow the MFC.

He is now 80 and resigned to the fact he will never see another Premiership, but is worried I will never see one in my lifetime at 44.

I was resigned to the fact I probably won’t see one years ago...yet I can’t walk away from this diabolical [censored] club!

I almost wish we’d just fold or relocate. My weekends are so much more enjoyable when I’m not thinking about the MFC.

this is the post that affected me the most. it reflects how sad the situation is. it feels only a miracle can get us to the mountain top.

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2 hours ago, Sargent Shultz said:

For me the difference between the Neeld era and the Goodwin  era is that Goodwin has some seriously good players- they both IMO simply can’t coach. It now appears that Goodwin tinkered with Paul,Roos method which was fine before the rule changes ( 6,6,6 etc) It concerns me greatly that Goodwin likes to frequent the Sorrento Pub over summer with “the boys” and punt and drink with them.There must be a separation between a leader and those he/she leads. You simply can’t just be a mate. They are playing like a suburban club- perhaps he has found the Sorrento Footy clubs game plan?

you're right but fratenising need only be banned when it's with the enemy. A strong coach isn't just someone moving the pieces on game day. They need to be personal and career coaches as well, and there are some things that can be only be learned over a beer.

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14 hours ago, Cards13 said:

They did that, last year!!!! They came up with Goody needs more experience around him so let’s get Richardson... 

I've always been of the view that every club, from 1st to 18th, should conduct a review at the end of each season anyway. What matters is who does the review and what mandate they are given. In some years it can be internal, in others it should be external. It's important that clubs neither rest on their laurels or assume that the path they have been following - whether it's rebuilding, wholesale change, changing coaches or "topping up" - is the right path.

At the end of this season (assuming we end up somewhere down the bottom) I'd be of the view that the review should be wholly external to allow tough decisions to be made on the structure and personnel of the whole club from the CEO down. I stress that I am not saying that any specific inividual should be moved on. We may have the right people but the wrong structure; alternatively, we may have made some poor personnel choices. A proper independent, external review has the best chance of finding this out.  

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29 minutes ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

I've always been of the view that every club, from 1st to 18th, should conduct a review at the end of each season anyway. What matters is who does the review and what mandate they are given. In some years it can be internal, in others it should be external. It's important that clubs neither rest on their laurels or assume that the path they have been following - whether it's rebuilding, wholesale change, changing coaches or "topping up" - is the right path.

At the end of this season (assuming we end up somewhere down the bottom) I'd be of the view that the review should be wholly external to allow tough decisions to be made on the structure and personnel of the whole club from the CEO down. I stress that I am not saying that any specific inividual should be moved on. We may have the right people but the wrong structure; alternatively, we may have made some poor personnel choices. A proper independent, external review has the best chance of finding this out.  

You have my vote LDC.

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On 7/5/2020 at 7:55 PM, Brownie said:

My great grand father was captain in 1876.

Supported the club for 50 years now.

Interstate member for at least the last 10.

I can't bring myself to donate anymore.

I have previously, because I believed the club could succeed.

As I said to my wife tonight, I no longer have hope that this club can survive or succeed.

Watching Brayshaw, Oliver Melksham etc this year, they've lost hope too.

I'll keep buying a membership but I think this club is toast.


Geez mate

said to mum (tigers as is her side ), “pies?”

she Nearly spewed 

dads dad pies

two grandmothers aints

mums dad tiges

donr think kate would forgive the pies


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On 7/6/2020 at 10:22 PM, Bay Riffin said:

this is the post that affected me the most. it reflects how sad the situation is. it feels only a miracle can get us to the mountain top.

I know exactly how beetles dad feels my dad is long gone but I often think why couldn’t My  father have barracked for The Hawks or almost anyone else. I share beetles view that the club folding would not be the worst that could happen.

Edited by old dee
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On 7/5/2020 at 10:31 PM, dazzledavey36 said:

Yeah look i am ready to pack it i to be honest. Not just the Dee's, but AFL in general. 

I got howled down on here back in March by the likes drysdale demon for refusing to buy a membership due to financial strain, and my brother battling cancer. We've had to do so many round trips each week to Melbourne from Albury just to see him. Now we are barred from seeing him unfortunately. This is on top of my Mrs losing her job over covid and trying to support a young 7 month old as well.

I eventually bought a membership just to at least have some form of hope but also give back to the club during the difficult time.

A part of me wishes I didn't buy a membership now... I'm beginning to lose interest in the game itself. I have other new hobbies that I'd like to invest more time and money into just to keep me sane.

Bit sad to read all the comments to be honest. I only post on here because we are like one big family. We argue, we laugh, and we all love this club. But it's getting to the point where you do ask we'll we ever see success. I've always been someone to at least have some hope, but even now it's just slowly fading away.

I personally also think footy will never be the same again.. the world itself will not be the same also. It scares me to think where will be in 5 years time.


That's a tough story to read.

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There are a select few clubs who can get to the big dance these days. Stupendous amount of funds redirected to no-supporter clubs in rugby states, pole position TV slots monopolized  for the Hawthorns and Richmonds to push their branding/recruitment, Orwellian lies told about how AFL is better than the widely loved state competitions, and once  in a millenium get- lucky flags, cos the feeder teams just know they can win Powerball if they keep buying tickets.

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2 hours ago, old dee said:

I know exactly how beetles dad feels my dad is long gone but I often think why couldn’t My  father have barracked for The Hawks or almost anyone else. I share beetles view that the club folding would not be the worst that could happen.

Careful what you wish for OD 

You would not be able to contribute your meaningless negative based comments each week No doubt giving you great satisfaction To your miserable life.

Please go and barrack first the .....???? And not waste our time.

Also as an older person it's typical just "Yhe world isn't the same any more type comment ". 

Let is barrack without such false opinions as yours in peace PLEASE.

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1 hour ago, 58er said:

Careful what you wish for OD 

You would not be able to contribute your meaningless negative based comments each week No doubt giving you great satisfaction To your miserable life.

Please go and barrack first the .....???? And not waste our time.

Also as an older person it's typical just "Yhe world isn't the same any more type comment ". 

Let is barrack without such false opinions as yours in peace PLEASE.

And you have a nice day 58er. 

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On 7/5/2020 at 10:31 PM, dazzledavey36 said:

Yeah look i am ready to pack it i to be honest. Not just the Dee's, but AFL in general. 

I got howled down on here back in March by the likes drysdale demon for refusing to buy a membership due to financial strain, and my brother battling cancer. We've had to do so many round trips each week to Melbourne from Albury just to see him. Now we are barred from seeing him unfortunately. This is on top of my Mrs losing her job over covid and trying to support a young 7 month old as well.

I eventually bought a membership just to at least have some form of hope but also give back to the club during the difficult time.

A part of me wishes I didn't buy a membership now... I'm beginning to lose interest in the game itself. I have other new hobbies that I'd like to invest more time and money into just to keep me sane.

Bit sad to read all the comments to be honest. I only post on here because we are like one big family. We argue, we laugh, and we all love this club. But it's getting to the point where you do ask we'll we ever see success. I've always been someone to at least have some hope, but even now it's just slowly fading away.

I personally also think footy will never be the same again.. the world itself will not be the same also. It scares me to think where will be in 5 years time.


I feel your pain DD. Just remember you are not alone even if it is just spiritually. I hope things turn up a bit.

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On 7/5/2020 at 10:31 PM, dazzledavey36 said:


I personally also think footy will never be the same again.. the world itself will not be the same also. It scares me to think where will be in 5 years time.


Feeling your pain re your family DD...and this this sentence. Unfortunately I fully agree. I think whats happening for me is, set against everything else, Im realising how trivial the AFL has been all along. Something has changed in me. That  right next to also realising that this side and this coach  isnt going to bring the success we thought in 2018. So its getting set for another reset at the club and watching the world tremble and shake at the same time. 

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We've lost to 1st, 3rd and 5th from last year and in each game it has been off the back of one quarter where they have gotten on top of us.  I note that the much lauded Lions in this thread got spanked by the Cats and Clarko's Hawks managed 3 goals last night.  "Stubborn" Goodwin has clearly tried to be innovative since football resumed with a smaller, dynamic and athletic line-up and while it hasn't worked out as he would have hoped, but he is trying novel approaches to gain an advantage. 

This week we've returned to a more traditional line-up with the addition of talls at both ends.  I'm looking forward to seeing how we go against the Suns.  It's the first time this year we are putting out a line-up that is older and more experienced than the opposition.

I've been an MFC member and keen supporter since the 60s, I think the best decision I made along the way was to not let the results of a football match affect my overall mood for the rest of the week.  It's worth a try.

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6 minutes ago, Wells 11 said:

Feeling your pain re your family DD...and this this sentence. Unfortunately I fully agree. I think whats happening for me is, set against everything else, Im realising how trivial the AFL has been all along. Something has changed in me. That  right next to also realising that this side and this coach  isnt going to bring the success we thought in 2018. So its getting set for another reset at the club and watching the world tremble and shake at the same time. 

Unfortunately I agree.

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