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Changes v Collingwood

picket fence

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3 minutes ago, Jaded said:

ABN BOG 2 weeks running in the VFL but Wagner gets a game last week. Makes no sense. 

Anyway, ABN deserves a game. Garlett an automatic in. Pederson better than Frost as backup ruck option. What happens to us if god forbids Gawn is injured. Who rucks? 

Haven't seen the game so I can't comment on outs accept Vince. 

Look at the post above yours.

Sometimes players need to come in for team balance and attribute diversity. It doesn't always come on the back of 'form' and the Wagner inclusion is proof of that.


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Vince out. Garlett if right to go is an automatic inclusion. That could be the only change but I think it's important to find the right team balance.

Question marks over: Vanders isn't doing much. Kent's first half was terrible but 2nd half saves him. Bugg needs to use it better. Dunn, I see why they left him out now. The Frost v Pedersen debate rages on. Did Wagner do enough? 

Speed and run are the keys to everything we do. 

Out: Vince (susp), Vanders
In: Oscar,  Garlett

FB: Jetta   Dunn  Oscar
HB: Wagner T Mc  Salem
C: M Jones  Jones  Stretch
HF: Harmes  Hogan  Kennedy
FF: Garlett  Frost  Watts
Foll: Gawn  Viney  Tyson
Int: Oliver  Bugg  Lumumba  Kent

To replace Vince: Bugg to play on the ball/tag with a bit of defensive forward as well. He'll provide the pace and run around the ground and his disposal issues shouldn't matter so much compared to when he's on the wing. Oscar gives us some needed aerial strength down back. Frees up Wagner, Lumumba and Salem to attack more and then can even spend time on a wing. Or in another way Oscar takes Wagner's spot, who pushes up and takes Salem's spot who can then replace Vince with stints on the ball and down back. 

Change for Garlett: Vanders is the unlucky one. I liked having the 4th tall and his physical presence but he's just not finding it or using it well enough. I don't think he's got full confidence in his ankle yet. Kennedy, Kent and Harmes have out played him. I don't think we can play 5 small/medium forwards when none of them are legit midfielders. One has to miss. Garlett should also do a stint per quarter on the wing. 

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9 hours ago, jackaub said:

Someone who will sacrifice his game and clean up Howe so he doesnt kick a record number of goals against us in the usual fashion that Melbourne seems always prone to allow

Jetta should get Howe back for the kick in the head he got last year from Howe vs Richmond that left Nifty out for 4 wks.

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7 minutes ago, stevethemanjordan said:

Not sure we need Dunn and both McDonald's against Collingwood..

Who do you see him playing on if he was to come in?


I'm bringing in him now despite not really needing him because 
1. He should be able to play on Howe. Jetta to Fasolo, Dunn to Cloke, T Mc to Moore I'd have though. Rotating as necessary and giving us enough strength in the air. Frees up Lumumba from a dangerous opponent. Same for Wagner, Salem etc. I don't want us losing the run and skill aspect but I'm hoping Oscar can contribute with that.

2. I want to win a flag and I don't think Dunn is going to be the answer and I'm not even sure Tom will be (although he should make it as an above average two way defender).

3. Richmond are likely to have 3 talls next week. As will most sides up the top of the ladder. If we can find 3 key defenders who give us enough run, skill and intercept play then we need to play them. 

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18 hours ago, Go the Biff said:

A myth. Frost rarely lays a tackle. Runs around a lot. Quite quickly. Not sure what else he brings to the table. Pederson is no tackling machine either but when he does they stick and he is more of an offensive threat. 

wouldn't be against Pedo,  'run with'  on Grundy all game.   Gawn to rest in pocket,  between ruck duties.

Frost or Omac in defence? 

Brayshaw's gotta be in,,,  Garlett if fit, straight in.   Grimes for maturity.  & Its time for ANB.


So INS;  Brayshaw Garlett, Grimes, Pedo/OMac,   --------  Outs;  Vince, AVdb, Frost, Wagner,

emerg:  ANB, Pedo,

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5 hours ago, picket fence said:


Vince ( susp

Bugg ( nqr)

Stretch ( too small and light)

Frost ( nqr)


Garlett ( given)

Pedo ( chop out for Gawn + plays front and back

Weeds ( chf)

Petracca ( hff)

Also possibly Brayshaw for Vanders!



i still don't get the few people on here pushing for weideman! he's a kid still.. he's only played a few games at casey and hasn't dominated there yet. how do you expect him to go at afl level?? there's no rush with key position players (as has been previously said on here). just relax and and wait until AT LEAST mid season. until then, #pedomyth can play the role given to him and help out gawn too.

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4 hours ago, PaulRB said:

A key factor in determining who comes in is how quickly the young mids already in the team can build their engines 

Against North the players with the least game time were Wagner (63% - 1st game), Oliver (65% - 3rd game), Tyson (68%) and Harmes (71%). These players would ideally be building to 80% (where Viney, Vince Vandenberg, etc are). Until they can play at that level of game time there's a limit to how many young players (especially mids) we can add to the team.   

Hence, the realisation of the Brayshaw error Vs Dons, and why Petracca and Trenners will be need to be playing 80+% game time at VFL before they can even be considered, as we simply can't afford to rest them along side those kids already in the team.

good points Prb.   The ability of these guys to run thru the game is a concern,  Re how many we have in the one team.

I wonder if ANB has a superior capacity to Wagner,  at this stage? 

On the MCG,  we need more pace as well,  compared to Hobart.

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20 minutes ago, DeeSpencer said:

I'm bringing in him now despite not really needing him because 
1. He should be able to play on Howe. Jetta to Fasolo, Dunn to Cloke, T Mc to Moore I'd have though. Rotating as necessary and giving us enough strength in the air. Frees up Lumumba from a dangerous opponent. Same for Wagner, Salem etc. I don't want us losing the run and skill aspect but I'm hoping Oscar can contribute with that.

2. I want to win a flag and I don't think Dunn is going to be the answer and I'm not even sure Tom will be (although he should make it as an above average two way defender).

3. Richmond are likely to have 3 talls next week. As will most sides up the top of the ladder. If we can find 3 key defenders who give us enough run, skill and intercept play then we need to play them. 

We are miles off a flag, so why bring this up when discussing the merits of selection this week? Either Dunn is part of our best 22 this week or not. IMO he clearly is. O. Mac shows promise, but needs time to develop. 

If the FD haven't got faith in Wagner playing a shutdown defensive role, then I'm not sure why he's in the team. He wasn't horrible against North, but has shown little to suggest that he'll be a damaging half back at this stage.



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21 minutes ago, Rocky said:

i still don't get the few people on here pushing for weideman! he's a kid still.. he's only played a few games at casey and hasn't dominated there yet. how do you expect him to go at afl level?? there's no rush with key position players (as has been previously said on here). just relax and and wait until AT LEAST mid season. until then, #pedomyth can play the role given to him and help out gawn too.

Just watched a replay of the Casey game, and Weideman needs at least a year to develop at Casey before being considered for selection. He just looks like he'd be easily pushed off the ball at AFL, and doesn't have a massive tank like a Hogan.

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I have seven guys whose spots will be discussed at selection table, but realistically if Jeffy's fit, it's a swap for Vince with Kennedy moving back up to wing and either Matt Jones or Bugg moving back into the defensive rotation.

I can't see Brayshaw being brought back in - if you reckon a guy isn't fit and have admitted your error in playing him, why would you want to bring him in the very next week. What happens if he still doesn't look fit - do you stand down as coach for mucking up twice in two weeks.

I also can't see Petracca playing, although a straight swap for Vanders is a possibility - but i reckon they'll want him to debut at our home game v Richmond.  

The only real in that I can see is Grimes, who was the unlucky 23rd player again - they treat him like s... and all DL's do is bag the crap out of him. He could be promoted for Billy, although Matt Jones would be my preference - see comments below.

The seven who are sure  to be discussed are:

Vanders - Not sure what's going on with him, but maybe it's the lack of opportunity in the middle. He had a super pre-season and the thing I'm not seeing now is his amazing speed and intensity - is he nursing an injury or two or struggling with the transition. I watched him slowly hobble on to the plane back home by himself yesterday and I just wondered if he's feeling a little left out. Clearly his form in the three games has been average by last year's standards.

Billy - I love his attack and run, but he did have a couple of howlers into the wind in the third. I'm hopeful he gets another go - as you'd be pretty stiff to miss after just one.

Wagner - He made a terrific start to the game and was among our best in the first term, despite sitting on the bench for the first 7-8 minutes. Unfortunately Harvey got off on him a few times - which wasn't necessarily his fault because a couple of times he went to make a two on one, but ultimately if your opponents kicks six, you question whether a change is required.  But like Billy, I hope he gets another chance and if Howey play - could be his match-up.

Bugg - After dominating against St Kilda pre-season, he really hasn't owned it, being carved up by Scully in Rd 1 wasn't what was required. He is a bit light on for leg speed, but makes up for it with his intensity. Does he go back to stand De Goey or stay on the wing and play on Aish?

Matt Jones - I'm sorry to those that love to read his stats out each week, but here's one I'd like you to recite - Who was the last wingman to play more than 50 games and only kick 10 goals? He has to do more, he's been selected to provide dash and run and that's what he's got to do because he's not a freakish talent in other area. Ultimately it's eitehr him or Billy, although this week i suspect he'll be sent back to half back like against the Dons.

Frost - Yes his numbers aren't great and everybody except Paul Roos seems to know he's a backman, but he does chase hard and doesn't get in the way of Hoges and Wattsy. Until Weeds is ready, I'd keep playing him up there and use him as our back-up ruck.

Dunn - His leadership with his booming voice was clearly on display against North, but he did seem a little hesitant at times and Waite proved majorly dangerous. Do they switch him after just one game for Oscar. I doubt it, especially as Cloke appears to be waiting for him.








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11 hours ago, grazman said:

Hard to tell if you're being serious here Jumbo or taking the pizz.  Watts dropped some marks he should have taken, but his intensity and pressure has improved 1000% on previous seasons.  There is no way he gets dropped.  People can single out players as having 'lost' us the game by a single action, but games are made up of lots of single actions and it rarely comes down to one mistake that games are won or lost.  If you are being serious why did you nominate Watts  as opposed to AVB who missed a soda from 20 metres and would have tied the game up for us?  


AVB - off the pace and not finding enough of it ATM - am a fan but needs to find some touch.

Bugg - not sure that he will be dropped, he's hard at it and seems a logical match up for Pendlebury or Sidebottom, but we need to inject more class. 

Vince - if suspended (hoping for a fine)


Garlett - absolute given

Petracca - Cometh the hour, cometh the man - big stage - big opponent.  This isn't throwing a boy to the wolves like we did with Watts.  If not this week then maybe against the Tigers.  I'm excited. 

Brayshaw - for Vince if suspended.  ANB is unlucky to miss out again.


The latter, grazman.

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Garlett In, Vince Out (suspended). Put a few of them on notice and play the same team. We should only be making wholesale changes for matches away from Home the MCG).

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6 hours ago, leucopogon said:

Great way to reward a competitive team effort! 

Out: Vince

in: Garlett

I'd also consider Brayshaw in for Bugg.

Are you serious? Competetive Team efforts should equate to 4 quarter efforts not just 2 quarters. In case you missed it we lost!

I'm picking on form and also with the view of what type of side will beat Collingwood. I would have no hesitation making these changes!

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9 minutes ago, picket fence said:

Are you serious? Competetive Team efforts should equate to 4 quarter efforts not just 2 quarters. In case you missed it we lost!

I'm picking on form and also with the view of what type of side will beat Collingwood. I would have no hesitation making these changes!

Gee ur exciteable   passed on your demand     they will think about it when they stop laughing

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OUT: Vince (suspension), Frost (omit), Wagner (omit), Vandenberg (optional).

IN: Brayshaw, Pedersen, Garlett, Petracca (optional).


Brayshaw should be able to step in and collectively the team should be able to cover Vince's midfield/ half back role. 

Frost needs a run in the seconds - he's certainly no forward. Pedersen should be able to resume that role with ease. 

If Garlett's ankle is good to go so should he.

Wagner appeared out of depth and needs a polish in the VFL.

The only one I struggle with is the Vandenberg / Petracca substitute. Maybe Vandenberg should get another week in the firsts, maybe Petracca needs another week in the seconds to further improve his match fitness. I'm not sure.

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I don't understand this keep giving players are not performing WELL another chance. We want out best team on the ground every week if we have players who are not playing particularly well and we have players who can fill that role in the wings waiting them bring them in. No ones position in that team should be considered safe, well except for Max Gawn. Everyone else needs to play for the position every week. Have an off week or two and someone is playing better then sorry.


Garlett, O Mac, Brayshaw and ANB in

Vince (susp), Bugg, AVB and Wagner out

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57 minutes ago, mo64 said:

Just watched a replay of the Casey game, and Weideman needs at least a year to develop at Casey before being considered for selection. He just looks like he'd be easily pushed off the ball at AFL, and doesn't have a massive tank like a Hogan.

I hope you are wrong 'mo'...if form warrants I would like to see him sooner rather than later. 

KPP may take longer to develop but pretty much all the good ones play senior time early in their careers.

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2 minutes ago, rjay said:

I hope you are wrong 'mo'...if form warrants I would like to see him sooner rather than later. 

KPP may take longer to develop but pretty much all the good ones play senior time early in their careers.

They do, and they generally have one part to their game that makes them AFL ready to compete. With Weideman's current physique, he'd need to have a huge tank to make multiple leads, or be an exceptional mark. Didn't see any evidence of either. He seems to lead well, but wouldn't think he'd get many opportunities in an AFL game. 

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