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Play on, Adam. Play on

Lucifers Hero

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An article by Tracey Holmes has prompted me to start this thread of support for Adam Goodes.


Last night I watched the Magarook Football show. I am a fan of Goodes and support his stand but I never fully understood the issue. From the show I learnt:

- Until 1967 Indigenous Australians could not vote.

- Until 1967 Indigenous Australians came under the 'Fauna and Flora' Act. It pains me to even try and tell you what that means. But it means they were legally considered animals. I hang my head in shame over that. I now fully understand why words like 'ape', 'zoo', 'king kong' are so devastating for them.

- Indigenous Australians are still not recognised in our Constitution (this is in the process of being remedied).

- They feel racism differently to that of migrants to Australia because Australia is their Homeland and colonisation was forced upon them. (Before you jump on me for supporting this, I am the child of European immigrant parents so I know exactly how racism feels, for as long as I can remember even to this day. Racism is racism but I can now see how it is felt differently by Indigenous Australians.)

- Adams Goodes did not call Australia Day, Invasion Day. Check the transcript.

- Adam Goodes did not vilify a 13 year old. In fact he did the opposite. Listen to his comments.

Nev Jetta was on the show and he said the team had something lined up to show their support but couldn't say as they were discussing it with the AFL. I look forward to my team proudly supporting Adam. I support my team in this and this thread is to support Adam Goodes. If you can't do that you might choose to refrain from posting.

The mods may shortly close this thread and I will understand why.

In the meantime, I agree with Tracey Holmes' call: Play on, Adam. Play on!

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An article by Tracey Holmes has prompted me to start this thread of support for Adam Goodes.


Last night I watched the Magarook Football show. I am a fan of Goodes and support his stand but I never fully understood the issue. From the show I learnt:

- Until 1967 Indigenous Australians could not vote.

- Until 1967 Indigenous Australians came under the 'Fauna and Flora' Act. It pains me to even try and tell you what that means. But it means they were legally considered animals. I hang my head in shame over that. I now fully understand why words like 'ape', 'zoo', 'king kong' are so devastating for them.

- Indigenous Australians are still not recognised in our Constitution (this is in the process of being remedied).

- They feel racism differently to that of migrants to Australia because Australia is their Homeland and colonisation was forced upon them. (Before you jump on me for supporting this, I am the child of European immigrant parents so I know exactly how racism feels, for as long as I can remember even to this day. Racism is racism but I can now see how it is felt differently by Indigenous Australians.)

- Adams Goodes did not call Australia Day, Invasion Day. Check the transcript.

- Adam Goodes did not vilify a 13 year old. In fact he did the opposite. Listen to his comments.

Nev Jetta was on the show and he said the team had something lined up to show their support but couldn't say as they were discussing it with the AFL. I look forward to my team proudly supporting Adam. I support my team in this and this thread is to support Adam Goodes. If you can't do that you might choose to refrain from posting.

The mods may shortly close this thread and I will understand why.

In the meantime, I agree with Tracey Holmes' call: Play on, Adam. Play on!

The ignorance with the topic is shameful and galling.

I think you've made an excellent contribution.

Any understanding of social psych - and I mean 2nd year uni level - leaves no doubt as to what the booing is and represents. That people justify it as their right, or worse, that being criticised for it suggests some sort of reverse racism are just deluded tools. Get an education and some flippin' humility.

It is also sickening that middle class white men sook about being called names. I am ashamed that my country is so backward. It seems that tolerance is a virtue except when you have to exercise it. FMD.

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Adam is an all time great of our game and should be respected us such, i think he can be a bit of a dick at times but so can we all, dual brownlow medalist, two flags, 300 games. People should look at his overall contribution to the game and if they boo, go to the nearest bridge and jump off :)

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Love this thread.

Modern Australia, now courtesy of the right (Howard, Hanson, Abbott, Brandis, Bolt, Devine, Alan Jones), allows bigotry as some form of freedom of speech. Still can't work out why the "Haka" is so great, but the emerging Aboriginal war dance is too provocative.

Keating predicted Howard would send us back to the 50's. The white-picket fences, flip toasters, etc.... Many supporters of the right suggest that 1996 was a turning point for our finances. I say it was a turning point for every other aspect of Australian life.

Don't know how this Goodes thing will stop. Sydney supporters throwing eggs might be a bit too far. Maybe standing up at the footy for 10 seconds when someone behind you boos him, might hit the spot a little better.

My prediction is that the AFL/Sydney will use a dead-rubber to stage a total walk-off by players and officials. It will be a win-win without too much damage, and will be a ratings bonanza for the network.

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No doubt this blanket booers are all racists line makes you feel good.....all warm and politically correct...you are good people....all the rest of us who don't like the footballer Adam Goodes are bad racist people....it's a simplistic view. I'm bored with your outrage and juvenile arguments about racist Australians. Ok now over to you.....there will be a prize for the poster who expresses the most hearfelt righteous indignation at my total lack of understanding and cruel racist sentiments.

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It is a very complex issue and I don't think simplistic explanations will further our understanding of what really is going on.

There has to be a racist element to it which is despicable but I can't believe that everyone who has been booing over the past months is motivated by racist intent.

I wonder if it has become a protest movement against political correctness and people having the feeling that they are constantly being lectured about what is right and wrong. People feel like they are being treated as idiots.

I don't believe it is fair that Goodes is bearing the brunt of this and I condemn those that boo but I think a deeper exploration of the origins of this phenomenon is needed.

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No doubt this blanket booers are all racists line makes you feel good.....all warm and politically correct...you are good people....all the rest of us who don't like the footballer Adam Goodes are bad racist people....it's a simplistic view. I'm bored with your outrage and juvenile arguments about racist Australians. Ok now over to you.....there will be a prize for the poster who expresses the most hearfelt righteous indignation at my total lack of understanding and cruel racist sentiments.

Whether racist or not and for whatever reason.

Let me take the high moral ground here and be very PC, whatever the f...that is...the booing is simply childish.

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Whether racist or not and for whatever reason.

Let me take the high moral ground here and be very PC, whatever the f...that is...the booing is simply childish.


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I will never boo Goodes.

But similar to Judd, him being a great player will never make me forget the sniping, tripping, dropping of the knees, taking players legs out, whinging, playing for frees, and general douchebaggery.

He's not alone in this respect.

But he seems to be the only one put on a pedestal, who cries poor me, and who has the race card called for him whenever he is criticised, by those eager for a bit of ill-considered race shaming.

Edited by Mach5
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No doubt this blanket booers are all racists line makes you feel good.....all warm and politically correct...you are good people....all the rest of us who don't like the footballer Adam Goodes are bad racist people....it's a simplistic view. I'm bored with your outrage and juvenile arguments about racist Australians. Ok now over to you.....there will be a prize for the poster who expresses the most hearfelt righteous indignation at my total lack of understanding and cruel racist sentiments.

Would you over proportionately boo every single player you did not like? I'd spend the who game booing and not paying any attention to the match if that was the case. Not saying all people who boo Goodes incessantly are racists, but there are racial undertones to many, and most of the rest IMO are ignorant sheep. Fancy making a point of booing such an absolute champion of the game!

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Modern Australia, now courtesy of the right (Howard, Hanson, Abbott, Brandis, Bolt, Devine, Alan Jones), allows bigotry as some form of freedom of speech.

It truly is astonishing how dysfunctional the modern Left's definition of free speech is.

There is not "some form" of free speech. There is either free speech, or there is not. When you restrict it, you cause more harm than could possibly arise if you were to permit it.

"Progressive" restrictions on free speech during the Weimar Republic are eerily similar to the ones we have in place in Australia. And our response is to tighten the muzzle even more.

Let them speak so we can shout them down! Just as we are in the Goodes situation. This is a movement driven and controlled by the PEOPLE. And the people will win.

Free speech is an important pillar in a liberal, accepting society. Without it, we have no way to differentiate between the good and the bad, what's right and what's wrong.

The "right" shall speak, and those opposed shall challenged. That's how we evolve and improve.

It's ugly atm, but good will come of all of this Goodes situation. We will all be better because of it. A "boo" is harmless when you think about what genuine, literal racism is. He is still driving around in his sports car, earning a million bucks, living in Bondi. Let's get real here. He'll come out of this a better person with a little more perspective about the complexities of race relations and Australia.

Edited by praha
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I will never boo Goodes.

But similar to Judd, him being a great player will never make me forgot the sniping, tripping, dropping of the knees, taking players legs out, whinging, playing for frees, and general douchebaggery.

He's not alone in this respect.

Smokescreen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he's recieved a grand total of 11 frees this year.

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Love this thread.

Modern Australia, now courtesy of the right (Howard, Hanson, Abbott, Brandis, Bolt, Devine, Alan Jones), allows bigotry as some form of freedom of speech. Still can't work out why the "Haka" is so great, but the emerging Aboriginal war dance is too provocative.

Keating predicted Howard would send us back to the 50's. The white-picket fences, flip toasters, etc.... Many supporters of the right suggest that 1996 was a turning point for our finances. I say it was a turning point for every other aspect of Australian life.

Don't know how this Goodes thing will stop. Sydney supporters throwing eggs might be a bit too far. Maybe standing up at the footy for 10 seconds when someone behind you boos him, might hit the spot a little better.

My prediction is that the AFL/Sydney will use a dead-rubber to stage a total walk-off by players and officials. It will be a win-win without too much damage, and will be a ratings bonanza for the network.

The thing is you are allowed to be a bigot, we have no laws that stop you from being one, what you don't have is the right to be a bigot and not get called for it, and hopefully shamed and made to feel about 2 inches tall. That's the thing with free speech, say what you like but don't get upset if people shoot you down for it.

Here's hoping Goodes plays on and the masses at the footy start to stand up to the ignorant fools who think this isn't a race issue.

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No doubt this blanket booers are all racists line makes you feel good.....all warm and politically correct...you are good people....all the rest of us who don't like the footballer Adam Goodes are bad racist people....it's a simplistic view. I'm bored with your outrage and juvenile arguments about racist Australians. Ok now over to you.....there will be a prize for the poster who expresses the most hearfelt righteous indignation at my total lack of understanding and cruel racist sentiments.

No one is saying that every one who boos is racist, what they are doing though is supporting racists who are booing due to the race issues identified. They are ignorant of the fact that they are condoning racism by standing side by side with racists and booing someone.

Do you wish to be seen as a supporter of racists because that is what you are if you are booing Goodes.

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A strong argument from one of Australia's most intelligent indigenous commentators on real suffering, Dallas Scott:
"As Adam walks out for his next game, before making his way onto that perfectly manicured stadium lawn, I suggest he take a deep, slow breath and reflect upon the reality of his life. Rather than having to emerge from the sheds for the ‘coloured people’, kept separate from the white folks playing beside him, he will run out after being supported by his entire team, not kept to the back. When he is thirsty, he doesn’t have to take a drink at the appropriately labelled drinking fountain, set aside for only folks with his racial identity, but rather will be served like a prince, with a special servant whose only job is to provide refreshments for the thirsty players, regardless of their skin colour or heritage. As he drives his brand new sports car to training, where he looks around at the other players arriving in their equally expensive vehicles and stops to realise he is paid just as much as them, if not more, he should perhaps pause a moment and wonder about whether he is fighting a war that has already been won, and instead of complaining from his position at the top, realise how those on the bottom rungs might be sick of hearing him whinging and would much rather he just got on with life."

Edited by Fork 'em
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Smokescreen. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe he's recieved a grand total of 11 frees this year.

Hear about the rule change where you're no longer allowed to take people out at the legs? He was one of the bigger offenders of doing that, but should be praised for bringing another rule into the game to make it safer.

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It truly is astonishing how dysfunctional the modern Left's definition of free speech is.

There is not "some form" of free speech. There is either free speech, or there is not. When you restrict it, you cause more harm than could possibly arise if you were to permit it.

Sorry to do this to you Praha, but there is no unfettered right to free speech. That's why laws of defamation exist. And to probably misquote some judge somewhere, you can't just yell "fire" in a crowded theatre, either. Nevertheless, if we want to have a society where we can have as much free speech as possible, society has to accept the responsibility that comes with that.

I also note with some irony that the physical act of booing is probably the least articulate form of speech ever.

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After years of listening to these sorts of debates, one thing is starkly clear to me. Those who are in the mainstream of society just do not understand the feelings of people who are members of a minority group which has been subject to discrimination and worse in previous generations, let alone in current times.

I am in such a minority group though it's not obvious to the casual observer. I personally have not had many problems but it takes very little to be said for me to feel extremely uncomfortable and think of past horrors. Sadly it seems you have to live it to know it.

Good people rattling on about free speech and that there is too much PC are of no comfort to me because I know who hides behind them. Free speech is fine, but so is the free speech to tell racists where to get off.

I wonder if there would be all this booing if Goodes was an outspoken champion of people with disabilities or abused kids, both issues where our society hasn't exactly earned a gold stamp in the past.

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Do you wish to be seen as a supporter of racists because that is what you are if you are booing Goodes.

How can you say that? Jobe Watson was/is boo'd for good reason. Was it because he was white?

Edited by Barra17
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An article by Tracey Holmes has prompted me to start this thread of support for Adam Goodes.


Last night I watched the Magarook Football show. I am a fan of Goodes and support his stand but I never fully understood the issue. From the show I learnt:

- Until 1967 Indigenous Australians could not vote.

- Until 1967 Indigenous Australians came under the 'Fauna and Flora' Act. It pains me to even try and tell you what that means. But it means they were legally considered animals. I hang my head in shame over that. I now fully understand why words like 'ape', 'zoo', 'king kong' are so devastating for them.

- Indigenous Australians are still not recognised in our Constitution (this is in the process of being remedied).

- They feel racism differently to that of migrants to Australia because Australia is their Homeland and colonisation was forced upon them. (Before you jump on me for supporting this, I am the child of European immigrant parents so I know exactly how racism feels, for as long as I can remember even to this day. Racism is racism but I can now see how it is felt differently by Indigenous Australians.)

- Adams Goodes did not call Australia Day, Invasion Day. Check the transcript.

- Adam Goodes did not vilify a 13 year old. In fact he did the opposite. Listen to his comments.

Nev Jetta was on the show and he said the team had something lined up to show their support but couldn't say as they were discussing it with the AFL. I look forward to my team proudly supporting Adam. I support my team in this and this thread is to support Adam Goodes. If you can't do that you might choose to refrain from posting.

The mods may shortly close this thread and I will understand why.

In the meantime, I agree with Tracey Holmes' call: Play on, Adam. Play on!

Many people see the wrongs done to the Indigenous population as being 100's of years ago, they fail to see that in their lifetime, or at worst their parents, that the Indigenous population was officially classified as animals, protected under the same legislation as Kangaroos and Koalas.

This isn't some past epidemic, yes things are getting better but there is still so far to go in order to undo the wrongs that have been done. People seem to want to be ignorant and ignore it, maybe because the truth is hard to swallow.

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No one is saying that every one who boos is racist, what they are doing though is supporting racists who are booing due to the race issues identified. They are ignorant of the fact that they are condoning racism by standing side by side with racists and booing someone.

Do you wish to be seen as a supporter of racists because that is what you are if you are booing Goodes.

it will be interesting to see whether Lumumba gets booed by the Collingwood supporters (again).

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No one is saying that every one who boos is racist, what they are doing though is supporting racists who are booing due to the race issues identified. They are ignorant of the fact that they are condoning racism by standing side by side with racists and booing someone.

Do you wish to be seen as a supporter of racists because that is what you are if you are booing Goodes.

Not according to dozens of articles during the last week. Broad generalisations are the most important and effective response and therefore should be perpetuated as much as possible. You've put a balanced argument forward, but sadly that is not what has appeared en mass in the media.

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Sorry to do this to you Praha, but there is no unfettered right to free speech. That's why laws of defamation exist. And to probably misquote some judge somewhere, you can't just yell "fire" in a crowded theatre, either. Nevertheless, if we want to have a society where we can have as much free speech as possible, society has to accept the responsibility that comes with that.

I also note with some irony that the physical act of booing is probably the least articulate form of speech ever.

But perhaps one of the most effective?

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Boo him if you want but have a listen as to why your brethren are booing.

- They don't like him referring to Invasion Day on Jan 26th.

- They don't like that he singled out a 13 year old girl who called him an 'ape'

- They don't like that he won AOTY, seemingly, for that action

- In a cyclical argument, they don't like that he has 'made a thing' about being booed.

Explore the reasons why he gets booed and most are subtly, if not outwardly, about race.

He can call 'Australia Day' or 'The Day We Started A First Penal Colony' anything he wants - he is making a point we want to ignore and don't want to talk about. We should change the date. Hopefully a referendum on the republic happens in the summer in we can have it then...

The girl that called him an ape was failed by her parents, not Adam, some have an issue with how MCG security dealt with her afterward but that isn't Goodes' fault. Frankly, if you are blaming him for 'making a thing' of being called an ape while at work, maybe you should picture someone coming to your work and calling you an equivalent epithet (if there is one for you).

You don't have to like, I didn't have an affinity for the bloke previous to this mess but I am developing a respect and admiration for what he has put up with for the last few years that is manifesting now.

Boo him all you like, but justify it with cold reason and a fair mind and abandon the booing if you can't.

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