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Bombers scandal: charged, <redacted> and <infracted>


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Mate, it was absolutely insane that he was allowed to leave Melbourne at the time, some leader, runs off when things get hard.

Yes. Don't forget "Tanking" either. It was all happening whilst the Fat one was away getting fatter...
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Yes. Don't forget "Tanking" either. It was all happening whilst the Fat one was away getting fatter...

Shocking leadership, he seems to be good at knowing when to take off though

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Jesus. That has got to be the end of Vlad's reputation. No wonder he bailed early.

That is huge news if substanciated...

Remind me again how many clubs he rang with this concern ? :rolleyes:

Vlad's legacy will be as tainted as Jacques Merde's: both have done good stuff, but both will now be remembered as snake oil salesmen..

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That's the way I read it too 'Redleg'.

I seem to recollect something about this conference and Harcourt's speech being reported before but nothing much was made of it.

Now it seems to be the biggest news in town.

Maybe I'm dreaming...

I have some vague recollection of a sports conference in Johannesburg and the issue being discussed. The funny thing abut Harcourts comments is they are completely spot on and his views are shared by most footy fans. Its actually refreshing to hear comments from an AFL person sans the usual spin

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Vlad's legacy will be as tainted as Jacques Merde's: both have done good stuff, but both will now be remembered as snake oil salesmen..

I disagree, his legacy won't be too badly trashed.

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And it will all ramp up to mega hot once infractions are issued.

Bummerland will go into meltdown..

Stay true ASADA !!! The force is with you

So what? They were doing their job.

Gerard healy is on the record as saying he contacted the AFL after hearing rumours about the peptide program at the Bummers and the number of tell-tale soft tissue injuries.

A lot on the footy industry knew about Dank and the Weapon. Why do the [censored] bummers and HSun think this is great news?

They are truly pathetic

PJ_12345 You pose this question "If you think that's how the word bummers is used correctly then I implore you to walk up to someone and call them that.

Even better, please do it on a Saturday night, on Kings Street, preferably to a group of guys or bouncers."

That is not how bummers was used, see above "program at the bummers" surely you can see this is a reference to the club.

Your context has nothing to do with the context of this thread. Essendon are the bombers. Bummer has negative connotations (NOT SEXUAL) in this context

It is a clever play on words to transpose bombers with bummers. If you are offended I think that is your issue. I am usually the first one to jump onto the moral outrage train if someone on here is inappropriate, but language should not be reduced because one person misinterprets a correctly used word.

I would never use bummers to describe a group of guys in the street. But on here describing Essendon I think it fair. If that offends you please block me.

Edited by ManDee
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PJ I think you need to let this one go.

It was clear to everyone that this was not a homophobic slur in any way. In addition it is clear that bum and bummer have many other meanings other than the one you thought of. I thought, if anything, it was just a childish pay on the word bum. Or perhaps a reference to homeless people.

It is no different to other demonlanders call West Coast "wet toast", the cats the "pussys" (does anyone get angry about that being sexist?) or Calton "Carltank".

I understand you took offence, and maybe a appropriate response was "sorry I didn't mean to offend you" BUT at the end of the day it was not intended as offensive, it was hardly even "accidentally" offensive and surely is something that could be let go pretty easily.

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Has anyone got a copy of the " self reporting" conference? Essendon even way back then was trying to distance itself from the accusations. As I remember it the three Essendon officials were backed by an AFL sheet board not Essendons. Also not one piece of Essendon clobber was on show.

Not Hird nor anybody else even wore an Essendon tie, zip , nothing. How often do you see any teams officials appearing on TV or anywhere without team clobber. Even at that early stage they were in denial.

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Fair dinkum unbelievable!

Essendon players shrug off cancer talk

First it was Little and now it's Bomber Thompson telling the world that they know what the players were injected with on thousands of occasions after we've all been led to believe that the records have been lost or eaten by Hirdy's dog (except for that one bottle labelled "good thymosin" that mysteriously turned up in someone's locker at about 3.00am after Dank's Tb4 goof in the Baker & McKenzie interview). I'm looking forward to the release of the documentation that proves what he's saying, which of the supplements actual aids the treatment of cancer and why they were treating supposedly healthy footballers with the stuff.

Thompson said on Friday the Essendon players had been extensively briefed by club officials regarding the supplements given to them.

Essendon coach Mark Thompson says his players arent facing health risks over the clubs 2012 supplements programme.

"I think it's okay. The players have been communicated to by specialists and the drugs, the supplements that we have given the players, they know that they're not harmful," Thompson told reporters.

"There's no risk. One actually helps in part of the treatment for cancer.

"So we haven't got a problem there at all as far as our communication and our players' awareness of what's healthy and what's not.

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It staggers me that the EFC have told their players that they have nothing to worry about with regard to the supplements program. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/essendon-players-shrug-off-cancer-talk-20140704-zswcf.html

Is this the same EFC that have no records about what the players were given?

No records, drugs from Mexico, drugs from unmarked vials, thousands of injections but the EFC have the temerity to tell their players they have no risk as a result of the program.

How gullible do the EFC think we are?

I am outraged!

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Fair dinkum unbelievable!

Essendon players shrug off cancer talk

First it was Little and now it's Bomber Thompson telling the world that they know what the players were injected with on thousands of occasions after we've all been led to believe that the records have been lost or eaten by Hirdy's dog (except for that one bottle labelled "good thymosin" that mysteriously turned up in someone's locker at about 3.00am after Dank's Tb4 goof in the Baker & McKenzie interview). I'm looking forward to the release of the documentation that proves what he's saying, which of the supplements actual aids the treatment of cancer and why they were treating supposedly healthy footballers with the stuff.

Following those comments I hope Thompson comes no where near our club. I have lost all respect for the man.

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Curiouser and curiouser.

So they know what they stuck into their players' bodies and they "think" it's all hunky dory?

So why are they in court?

Why are they challenging the investigation?

Why are the players not answering the show-cause notices with the simple statement that as far as they and their club is concerned they were given stuff that was all legal and here's the list provided by Paul Little and Bomber Thompson just to prove it?

Why the farce of the last year and a half?

Why is James Hird in Paris?

Why was Robson sacked?

Why are they saying in their defence to the Weapon's action that he didn't provide a safe environment?


The BS meter at Essendon is off the wall!!!

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Doc Thompson reckons one of their drugs helps treat cancer. So all good then. If you have cancer. Chemo helps treat cancer also. I wonder if doc Thompson reckons that would be good for their players also

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thats right. He didnt need to utter "you are being investigated by the ACC" He told them by calling them

And they would naturally guess that they were being investigated by the ACC? Don't think so.

IMO he was just warning them that the word was around that they were up to something and the best thing for them would be to come forward, or risk harsher penalties if it came out. Just like the ATO.

That is what a CEO should do.

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Curiouser and curiouser.

So they know what they stuck into their players' bodies and they "think" it's all hunky dory?

So why are they in court?

Why are they challenging the investigation?

Why are the players not answering the show-cause notices with the simple statement that as far as they and their club is concerned they were given stuff that was all legal and here's the list provided by Paul Little and Bomber Thompson just to prove it?

Why the farce of the last year and a half?

Why is James Hird in Paris?

Why was Robson sacked?

Why are they saying in their defence to the Weapon's action that he didn't provide a safe environment?


The BS meter at Essendon is off the wall!!!

Damn, you ask a lot of very good questions.

I will give an attempt at the EFC answers.

So why are they in court? To defend our good names and reputations.

Why are they challenging the investigation? It is an outrage we have been set up, Vlad was out to get us, he and the Martians are jealous of our success.

Why are the players not answering the show-cause notices with the simple statement that as far as they and their club is concerned they were given stuff that was all legal and here's the list provided by Paul Little and Bomber Thompson just to prove it? We have nothing to hide, and we refuse to waste our time dealing with jealously.

Why the farce of the last year and a half? What farce, James wanted a holiday in the farce capital of the world on full pay, worked didn't it.

Why is James Hird in Paris? Wouldn't you be if you could, he will be back after le tour.

Why was Robson sacked? You make cakes, eggs get broken c'est le vie

Why are they saying in their defence to the Weapon's action that he didn't provide a safe environment? Obvious isn't it, look at the s4it we are in.

WTF? You may well ask.

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And they would naturally guess that they were being investigated by the ACC? Don't think so.

sorry Red but thats just incredulous. They knew full well they were doing "kinda norty" things.

Subsequent events suggest they took full advantage of that h'heads up" Did they not immediately go on the front foot ....how odd if they werent guilty as all hell

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sorry Red but thats just incredulous. They knew full well they were doing "kinda norty" things.

Subsequent events suggest they took full advantage of that h'heads up" Did they not immediately go on the front foot ....how odd if they werent guilty as all hell

I think we are talking at cross purposes.

I agree that AD rang Evans, I just believe him and the ACC when they say he didn't know of the investigation.

He clearly knew however that the Bombers were up to something.

I think he just told them to fess up if they were doing something naughty, as they would be caught eventually and it would go better for them if they owned up.

They did own up as a result and got a pretty light penalty as a result IMO.

The heads up IMO came from AD because of heavy speculation in the industry that the Bombers were cheating.

Edited by Redleg
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Red..The ACC told Vlad they had deep reservation about the carryings on of a particular club in relation to certain performance enhancement drugs . These being AOD9604 and Thymosin Beta 4. These emanating form the Danks affair.

The ACC informed Vlad as some sort of courtesy and warning of impending involvement of other ruling authorities as a result of these investigations. No team was mentioned thats true , however Vlad must have been fully aware of the AFL's suspicions about Essendon and the earlier testing of samples in relation to their nefarious ideas of Player Health Enhancements .

In my mind all Demetriou has been simply been following the time honoured practice of "Plausible Deniability"

So we get done for something everyone did ...and Essendon gets a helping hand to get out of jail...

really ??

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I think we are talking at cross purposes.

I agree that AD rang Evans, I just believe him and the ACC when they say he didn't know of the investigation.

He clearly knew however that the Bombers were up to something.

I think he just told them to fess up if they were doing something naughty, as they would be caught eventually and it would go better for them if they owned up.

They did own up as a result and got a pretty light penalty as a result IMO.

The heads up IMO came from AD because of heavy speculation in the industry that the Bombers were cheating.

True but AD would have covered his rear better if he had called all the clubs.

I'm reminded if the old Jewish joke about the man who murders his parents and asks for mercy from the judge because he is an orphan. Essendon have taken that to a new level.

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True but AD would have covered his rear better if he had called all the clubs.

I'm reminded if the old Jewish joke about the man who murders his parents and asks for mercy from the judge because he is an orphan. Essendon have taken that to a new level.

exactly Sue

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PJ_12345 You pose this question "If you think that's how the word bummers is used correctly then I implore you to walk up to someone and call them that.

Even better, please do it on a Saturday night, on Kings Street, preferably to a group of guys or bouncers."

That is not how bummers was used, see above "program at the bummers" surely you can see this is a reference to the club.

Your context has nothing to do with the context of this thread. Essendon are the bombers. Bummer has negative connotations (NOT SEXUAL) in this context

It is a clever play on words to transpose bombers with bummers. If you are offended I think that is your issue. I am usually the first one to jump onto the moral outrage train if someone on here is inappropriate, but language should not be reduced because one person misinterprets a correctly used word.

I would never use bummers to describe a group of guys in the street. But on here describing Essendon I think it fair. If that offends you please block me.

ManDee, I want you to read this very carefully. This is my final post on the matter.

As I've said from the beginning: of course its a reference to the club and that it was a pun. (pun = play on words)

My issue is the word he has used in the pun and it's colloquial use when used to describe a group of people.

Bummer has many meanings. You've gone to great lengths to explore this.

Now I ask you. Can you use bummer in the sense that you mean it (using your first quote "a disappointing or unpleasant situation or experience") to describe a group of people?

Hint: no.

What other meanings does bummer have when you describe a group of people?

Hint: go back to that original link I posted and that will show you.

PJ I think you need to let this one go.

It was clear to everyone that this was not a homophobic slur in any way. In addition it is clear that bum and bummer have many other meanings other than the one you thought of. I thought, if anything, it was just a childish pay on the word bum. Or perhaps a reference to homeless people.

It is no different to other demonlanders call West Coast "wet toast", the cats the "pussys" (does anyone get angry about that being sexist?) or Calton "Carltank".

I understand you took offence, and maybe a appropriate response was "sorry I didn't mean to offend you" BUT at the end of the day it was not intended as offensive, it was hardly even "accidentally" offensive and surely is something that could be let go pretty easily.

I never said it was homophobic, quite the opposite: "I think calling them bummers is a pun in poor taste, and whilst given the context of it isn't homophobic, it's still offensive."

The difference between Carltank, West-toast and cats as the "pussys" is that bummers is derogatory.

It's something that got said twice. Out of all the words that can be used to describe Essendon, I don't think that was an appropriate one.

All I asked was if it was necessary. That reply would have been alot better than someone rushing in saying "And you think calling them bummers isn't necessary. " when they clearly didn't understand the situation.

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This is my final post on the matter.

good news... and we can all move on

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What astounds me is how Essendon have conjured up such a powerful media and publicity campaign. There is some serious money, Influence and power there to take on the AFL and ASADA. No way we could match them in that respect. Scary but I hope they lose and crumble.

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What astounds me is how Essendon have conjured up such a powerful media and publicity campaign. There is some serious money. Influence and power there to take on the AFL and ASADA. No way we could match them in that respect. Scary but I hope they lose and crumble.

God wouldn't you love to see the books, where the money has gone... Wowee

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I think part of is is just dumb luck. These bastards simply have some supporters in influential positions

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