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OUT: Abbott IN: Turnbull


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The libs navy is a bit more posh- they smoke pipes and call each other chaps.

The Labour navy has too many tattoos and when they came to shore they would spend all their wages like a drunken you know what.

but they didn't get lost?

morrison probably switched their maps or relabelled indonesia as new zealand

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but they didn't get lost?

morrison probably switched their maps or relabelled indonesia as new zealand

We the great unwashed will not know until the board of review advises the minister who may decide that it an operational matter and will advise us that accordingly.

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you should be the foreign minister bbo

straight to the nub as usual

Can we process the kiwis offshore?

Some of them have hardly seen their own country.

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Jolly good idea Biffen. What's that largish island south of the Peninsula?


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I'm not even sure what this thread is about. Tony Abbott - an internationa embarrassment. Everytime I travel I am an international embarrassment - isn't that requirement for all Australians enshrined in our constitution?

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Forget Abbott, this Morrison is another clown in a long line of LNP scumbags. ALP are corrupt but LNP are soulless fascists. Not only their treatment of asylum seekers in general (most of whom are seeking asylum from countries we have helped blow the [censored] out of and destabilise making them havens for persecution and terrorism) but now the issue of the Vietnamese student who didn't meet his visa conditions because he was in hospital recovering from an almost fatal bashing from neo-nazi scum and has now been told while at the airport leaving to visit his family that he won't be allowed back to complete his final year of study is shameful. This country (the people and the government) can be quite disgraceful at times.

Edited by Dr. Gonzo
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Forget Abbott, this Morrison is another clown in a long line of LNP scumbags. ALP are corrupt but LNP are soulless fascists. Not only their treatment of asylum seekers in general (most of whom are seeking asylum from countries we have helped blow the [censored] out of and destabilise making them havens for persecution and terrorism) but now the issue of the Vietnamese student who didn't meet his visa conditions because he was in hospital recovering from an almost fatal bashing from neo-nazi scum and has now been told while at the airport leaving to visit his family that he won't be allowed back to complete his final year of study is shameful. This country (the people and the government) can be quite disgraceful at times.

Exactly, Afghanistan was such a peaceful, stable country, ruled by the caring sharing Taliban who had nothing but compassion for their citizens. Iraq was the same ruled by the benevolent dictator Saddam who showed nothing but goodwill to all; the 1,000,000 who died in the 7 year war with Iran will attest to that.

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Just an update

I notice that Tony hasnt been reported lately went to france for skiing holiday and I havent seen him since


the country has been left in the hands of Warren truss of the mandate party who has managed to continue the main policy of saying nothing and referencing it to the unknown policies and particularly avoiding any local comment. good work !

Meanwhile Robb has been quoted at an American convention as stating how well this countries economy is. Ok os just dont let the locals know.

OECD and economists are already wondering what the economic audit will find given that it hasnt even got the terms of reference correct.

Theres a degree of uncertainty about the medical charge but that will be sorted out by Joe and Tony on his return

unfortunately cory hasnt written another book so the party cant display its democratic structure where it can accommodate so many divergent views,

better to leave that to the faceless man and the factions of that Labour mob

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I don't recall saying that, but they have to bear a great deal of the responsibility for their academic progress; that's what they get paid for, they aren't there as baby sitters. There are a lot of bad kids about now and I guess they all know their "rights", so they don't have to take as much notice of the teachers as they did when I was at school.

Anyway, if teachers don't have the commitment they shouldn't be there; equally if they don't have the intelligence, they shouldn't either.


VTAC yesterday also revealed that 29 of the 30 courses at Victoria University's main Footscray campus had cut-offs of 60.90 or below. But many courses, such as education with a cut-off of 55, made up to 60 per cent of their offers to students with ATARs below that rank.

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Forget Abbott, this Morrison is another clown in a long line of LNP scumbags. ALP are corrupt but LNP are soulless fascists. Not only their treatment of asylum seekers in general (most of whom are seeking asylum from countries we have helped blow the [censored] out of and destabilise making them havens for persecution and terrorism) but now the issue of the Vietnamese student who didn't meet his visa conditions because he was in hospital recovering from an almost fatal bashing from neo-nazi scum and has now been told while at the airport leaving to visit his family that he won't be allowed back to complete his final year of study is shameful. This country (the people and the government) can be quite disgraceful at times.

You speak with forked tongue.

Most illegals (love that word) that try to come here throw away their papers and are not fleeing persecution. They've travelled through safe countries to get here.

You're just stupid enough to buy the spin that their lives are in peril. The boats are stopping and people will stop drowning at sea.

You should save your disgust for the Labor party that rid themselves of a successful Howard policy only to lure people to their deaths. But no, you're so compassionate you don't say a word. The left are such hypocrites.

Edited by Hannibal
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VTAC yesterday also revealed that 29 of the 30 courses at Victoria University's main Footscray campus had cut-offs of 60.90 or below. But many courses, such as education with a cut-off of 55, made up to 60 per cent of their offers to students with ATARs below that rank.


A revealing study would be to see how such people go during their degree, how long they stay in it for and whether or not they get jobs.

Being offered a place at a uni to study is not the same as getting a job with that degree.

It'd be nice if all the brightest wanted to study teaching, unfortunately (for a multitude of reasons) this is not the case. Raising the entry score to study teaching won't improve teaching standards, it'll lower the amount of people who could become teachers. The only result to that would be astronomical class sizes which would negate the skills of the teacher in the first place.

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A revealing study would be to see how such people go during their degree, how long they stay in it for and whether or not they get jobs.

Being offered a place at a uni to study is not the same as getting a job with that degree.

It'd be nice if all the brightest wanted to study teaching, unfortunately (for a multitude of reasons) this is not the case. Raising the entry score to study teaching won't improve teaching standards, it'll lower the amount of people who could become teachers. The only result to that would be astronomical class sizes which would negate the skills of the teacher in the first place.

Meanwhile the standards get lower and lower.

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I only went through school once so I can't really comment on standards slipping.

If you're referring to student results I standardised tests against other nations, perhaps it says as much for other education settings improving?

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Exactly, Afghanistan was such a peaceful, stable country, ruled by the caring sharing Taliban who had nothing but compassion for their citizens. Iraq was the same ruled by the benevolent dictator Saddam who showed nothing but goodwill to all; the 1,000,000 who died in the 7 year war with Iran will attest to that.

What's that got to do with anything? I guess we should just invade/overthrow/assassinate any foreign government/official we dislike slaughtering hundreds of thousands if not millions in the process?

This is of course completely overlooking the fact that our great allies the US who spearheaded these invasions assisted both Saddam Hussein and the Taliban get into power in the first place and likely trained them in all manner of things including using chemical weapons and torture just like they did in Iran when they overthrew the democratically elected Mossadegh government, put the Shah in power and trained the deadly SAVAK secret police to help torture and assassinate political opponents all because Mossadegh didn't want to completely hand over his nations resources to BP.

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You speak with forked tongue.

Most illegals (love that word) that try to come here throw away their papers and are not fleeing persecution. They've travelled through safe countries to get here.

You're just stupid enough to buy the spin that their lives are in peril. The boats are stopping and people will stop drowning at sea.

You should save your disgust for the Labor party that rid themselves of a successful Howard policy only to lure people to their deaths. But no, you're so compassionate you don't say a word. The left are such hypocrits.

It's hilarious how you speak with such conviction yet wouldn't really have any idea whatsoever of the circumstances of those who would risk their lives, sell off all their possessions just for an opportunity to escape their third world hellholes that have been destroyed by wars and domestic terror just because they happened to be born in a country that was part of the west's "grand chessboard" to conquer.

It's easy to judge from a keyboard in Richmond but I could easily say the same for you, that you have been stupid enough to buy the spin of the government that their lives aren't in peril, that they aren't fleeing persecution. I guess it's easier to cheerlead invasions and war crimes when you can laugh off the fact that the people from those nations are just devious criminals trying to game the system. The entire Australian government policy towards asylum seekers (not "illegals" according to the law) from Keating on has been a disgrace. Don't think that I have any love for Gillard or Rudd's policies either.

This is of course completely ignoring the point of my post which was in relation to the Vietnamese student who was bashed senseless by some home grown white supremacist heroes and due to being in hospital was unable to attend classes and so "breached" his visa conditions - not only that but the manner in which the immigration department chose to handle the matter and the manner in which Morrison and the government wipes its hands of it is disgraceful whether it was carried out by the ALP or LNP. I despise both major parties in Australia so trying to paint me as some leftist ALP stooge really does your argument no favours (although it's clear you don't really have an argument and only gross generalisations and baiting.)

Edited by Dr. Gonzo
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You speak with forked tongue.

Most illegals (love that word) that try to come here throw away their papers and are not fleeing persecution. They've travelled through safe countries to get here.

You're just stupid enough to buy the spin that their lives are in peril. The boats are stopping and people will stop drowning at sea.

You should save your disgust for the Labor party that rid themselves of a successful Howard policy only to lure people to their deaths. But no, you're so compassionate you don't say a word. The left are such hypocrits.

Most illegals arrive by air as valid holiday/working visa holders from places like the USA, China, Japan, New Zealand, the UK, European countries and so on. Assylum seekers are NOT illegals. Can you prove a single thing you have said regarding "most" not fleeing persecution and throwing their papers away? There are plenty of sites where you can find stats regarding illegals (overstayers who hide from the authorities), but please feel free to show us the irrefutable evidence for your claims.

YOU buy the spin that the Hansons, Howards (Hanson reinvented) and Abbotts of this world sell to you. These people would not be taking the risks that they take unless they were desperate... and I think even you might realise that.

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i completely agree with your comment about the vietnamese student and i hope it is fixed sooner than later

the rest of your argument is more emotional than practical

"who would risk their lives, sell off all their possessions just for an opportunity to escape their third world hellholes that have been destroyed by wars and domestic terror "

this is is all very caring and emotionally understandable but are you suggesting that anyone who fits this criteria can make their way here by any means and just be accepted?

we have a reasonably bi-partisan refugee quota and a process to meet that.

we could argue whether the quota could be slightly higher but that is neither here nor there

the bottom line is we need a fair process for refugee selection and a line must be drawn somewhere

all the best wishes and moral outrage are not going to solve the world's inequities or refugee problems

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This is of course completely ignoring the point of my post which was in relation to the Vietnamese student who was bashed senseless by some home grown white supremacist heroes and due to being in hospital was unable to attend classes and so "breached" his visa conditions - not only that but the manner in which the immigration department chose to handle the matter and the manner in which Morrison and the government wipes its hands of it is disgraceful whether it was carried out by the ALP or LNP. I despise both major parties in Australia so trying to paint me as some leftist ALP stooge really does your argument no favours (although it's clear you don't really have an argument and only gross generalisations and baiting.)

He may not have even read your post as he doesn't appear to have acknowledged it in any way at all.. it was simply a podium on which Hannibal could rest his soap box. Funny that the name Hannibal was associated with one of the greatest known refugee rescues (Operation Hannibal), yet this keyboard warrior would rather send the refugees back to what they are running from based on some misguided belief that the bulk are coming from a safe environment.

Edited by hardtack
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i completely agree with your comment about the vietnamese student and i hope it is fixed sooner than later

the rest of your argument is more emotional than practical

"who would risk their lives, sell off all their possessions just for an opportunity to escape their third world hellholes that have been destroyed by wars and domestic terror "

this is is all very caring and emotionally understandable but are you suggesting that anyone who fits this criteria can make their way here by any means and just be accepted?

we have a reasonably bi-partisan refugee quota and a process to meet that.

we could argue whether the quota could be slightly higher but that is neither here nor there

the bottom line is we need a fair process for refugee selection and a line must be drawn somewhere

all the best wishes and moral outrage are not going to solve the world's inequities or refugee problems

We are not talking about entire nations migrating here to seek asylum, it is a few thousand tops.

My point is the easiest way to help prevent this problem is to refuse to contribute to the conditions which lead to them needing to seek asylum in the first place. And then when people from these countries which we have helped to invade and destroy do risk their lives to travel by sea in boats to get here the least we can do is treat them humanely and not demonise them to score political points by using them as scapegoats to take the average persons eyes off the fact that the people they should really be angry at are those leading the major political parties and those who head the banks and other large corporations who sell them out and fleece them every single day of their lives.

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