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Ox says Neeld must go, McLardy too


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Sorry had to go to the Urban Dictionary for the meaning of HTFU.

You have simple proved me first belief of your comments. To use such language only belittles your comments in my view.

Not really sure the MFC is for you have you ever thought of becoming a Collingwood supporter? I think you will fit right in there!

Oh dear...

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A good president reflects the feeling and thoughts of his constituents. Schwartz has done just that.

The only MFC supporters I know that support neeld and the current board are a scattered few on this site.

We are pathetic, the pain must end, if a wholloping is the only thing that get the dimwitted board to act, then a wholloping it is.

I thought I had guts, the ox makes me look insipid.

Schwartz is what we need, he possesses the attitude of stynes, whatever it takes!

Imagine the strife the club would get into following the Shwartz' line of 'whatever it takes.'

Good Lord.

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A good president reflects the feeling and thoughts of his constituents. Schwartz has done just that.

The only MFC supporters I know that support neeld and the current board are a scattered few on this site.

We are pathetic, the pain must end, if a wholloping is the only thing that get the dimwitted board to act, then a wholloping it is.

I thought I had guts, the ox makes me look insipid.

Schwartz is what we need, he possesses the attitude of stynes, whatever it takes!

Then when is the Ox gonna nominate for the Board?

There are 33000 members, is that regarded as few?

They support the team

We have a new CEO who will recommend and implement changes, we don't need Ox, supposedly who bleeds red and blue, stoking the fire

If and when Peter Jackson carries out his actions, and if one of them includes sacking Mark Neeld, you will then find the few will support this, may not be happy, but support, coz they support the Club

By the way your definition of 'guts' seems a little skewed, guys fighting in Afghanistan have it, the Ox typing on a computer, taking cheap shots doesn't

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Then when is the Ox gonna nominate for the Board?

There are 33000 members, is that regarded as few?

They support the team

We have a new CEO who will recommend and implement changes, we don't need Ox, supposedly who bleeds red and blue, stoking the fire

If and when Peter Jackson carries out his actions, and if one of them includes sacking Mark Neeld, you will then find the few will support this, may not be happy, but support, coz they support the Club

By the way your definition of 'guts' seems a little skewed, guys fighting in Afghanistan have it, the Ox typing on a computer, taking cheap shots doesn't

Saty, you're not allowed to mention war and football in the same thread... :ph34r:

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Oh dear...

I am sorry I have gone too far!

As no one should be a Collingwood supporter, they are CRAZY people,

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Poor form by Ox.

Billy Brownless (who I consider to be equivalent in stature and presence) NEVER, EVER bagged the Cats, even in their darkest moments.

He offered his unconditional support in any way the Club wanted, not vice versa.

Have you heard of the word "perspective" ?

Geelong have barely been out of the finals in 25 years and have NEVER finished bottom 4. There hasn't exactly been much to complain about. Yet you talk of their "darkest moments".

Get a clue, pal.

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The club presently has a madman steering it towards various icebergs, so I can hardly be surprised that a passionate ex-player says enough is enough.

Wow, wow and wow.........forgot the medication this morning did we?

At least you gave me laugh, listen to what Brad Scott said yesterday, now there is an ex player who speaks straight from the hip

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The Ox is dead right.

Neeld must go and go quickly. The board made a very poor decision giving him a life line this week.

Was it the board or were they approving what Jackson recommended?

The club presently has a madman steering it towards various icebergs, so I can hardly be surprised that a passionate ex-player says enough is enough.

BH, I prefer passionate ex-players who are heavily invlved in the media to not use thier current positions to make a point. I think most posters on here who have said Schwarz was out of line are coming from the same angle.

We are not disagreeing with what he is saying, but there are enough jokers working in the media that are calling for the same thing.

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Have you heard of the word "perspective" ?

Geelong have barely been out of the finals in 25 years and have NEVER finished bottom 4. There hasn't exactly been much to complain about. Yet you talk of their "darkest moments".

Get a clue, pal.

2001, 2002, 2003, er 10 years ago chap

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Part of me agrees with the ox. Part of me thinks "sure, lets get pumped so neeld gets sacked".

But for what? Another coach to come in with a 5 year plan? To start over again?

Mark neeld was never a media charming, charismatic guy hired by the club to woo new supporters and satisfy sponsors. He was bought in to get players who have been lazy, unaccountable and often soft, to play tough, effort driven football. Those that couldn't meet those demands, or those that were a part of the lazy, inept "leadership" group were asked to move on. They were replaced by stop gap, mature players so that the next wave of young, competitive players drafted didn't need to play when they weren't ready, or were eased into senior footy.

The simple fact is, this was never going to be fixed overnight. We've taken a step back onfield because we lost significant experience in Moloney, rivers etc. but those players were not going to lead the club out of that culture or improve enough to make us a top 4 proposition. Sure, they may have given us another 8 win season. But then what? We have taken a step backwards, but we have last players without the required desire or effort. Standards off field are have increased, we now have leaders who are diligent and will leave no stone unturned to improve, encourage and unite every player on the list.

So like I said part of me wants to throw my hands up in the air and sack everyone.

But a greater part of me knows this club has taken steps it needed to,to improve. So ill keep going to games, ill go knowing we probably will get beaten. Ill go knowing that ill get frustrated at moments of poor decision making and skill. But, I will go knowing that we are finally on the right track. Knowing that there is great leadership in Dawes, Clark, grimes, trengove and garland. Ill go knowing that structures are in place to make this club move forward.

In going to games, I know that I'm also helping the club. Every person going to games is helping the club.

So my message to you ox, if you want to help the club, go to the games. Go and watch Nate jones hit every contest like its his last, go and watch Dawes present time and time again. Watch fraweley and garland absolutely dominate tall forwards week in week out. Go and watch Matt jones and dean terlich grab the chance at afl level. Go and watch Kent, toumpas, viney, trengove, McDonald and soon taggert/hogan knowing how competitive they are as young players and how long they will play together for.

If you want to help ox, start being constructive and supportive. It's all too easy to lay the boot in on a team down the bottom. But if you want to help, try some positive reinforcement. Asking for a thrashing helps no one, not now, not ever.

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Part of me agrees with the ox. Part of me thinks "sure, lets get pumped so neeld gets sacked".

But for what? Another coach to come in with a 5 year plan? To start over again?

Any coach we hire will be one that is ready to go right off the bat, and lets face it our list is not bad at all.

We just need a proper coach and FD structure.

Any coach that thinks we need 5 years to be competitive or challenging obviously isnt good enough to be a coach since they don't back themselves, let alone the players.

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He's been down the club mentoring forwards and having meetings with the board, so at least he's pissing in his own tent.

He's done SFA down at the club Stuie. Met once with Don, turned up to 1 or 2 training sessions to chat with the forwards. Unless he's putting a ticket together, he should STFU, otherwise he's outside the tent pissing in.

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They didn't finish bottom 4. I know you know nothing about footy, but don't expose yourself as a complete dullard, old chap.

It is you that consistently displays that, as well as your general offensiveness, nice to see you are now using old chap as well, I am flattered you said they hadn't hardly missed out on finals in last 25 years, I was pointing out a run of 3 years where they didn't, thought that was enough to refute your argument

You are part of a small group on here that thinks they are the only ones that know anything worth knowing about footy, no sorry, you're not, but continue to post and shoot yourself in the foot

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Any coach we hire will be one that is ready to go right off the bat, and lets face it our list is not bad at all.

We just need a proper coach and FD structure.

Any coach that thinks we need 5 years to be competitive or challenging obviously isnt good enough to be a coach since they don't back themselves, let alone the players.

Er Hardwick is 4 years in, Brad Scott is 3 years in...building a list..

Lyon is 2 years in, after inheriting a good team,

Watters is 2 years in and is sliding

I take it you do follow the footy?

I must have misread a lot of posts on here as well, you said our list is not bad at all, I must reread the match reports from this season and the three word analysis topic

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He's done SFA down at the club Stuie. Met once with Don, turned up to 1 or 2 training sessions to chat with the forwards. Unless he's putting a ticket together, he should STFU, otherwise he's outside the tent pissing in.

As opposed to sitting inside the tent (read House of Cards) and accepting the effluent you are in.

For all the angst on OX, he is stating the bleeding obvious.

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I work in mining and a colleague (an old Sunbury lad) used to knock around with 'Shwarter' as he calls him, and some of the stories he's told me about what David used to get up to and the people he openly ripped off and lied to (my colleague included) is astounding.

He played some great footy for the Dee's and I'm confident he's got his stuff together nowadays but there's no way he should be commenting on the failings of the MFC with his history. It's hypocrisy at its worst.

I'd go as far to say that this is more about David than the MFC.

You didn't have to be mysterious about it, the Ox would tell you about his failings face to face these days!

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Stuie, who told you that, he came in once to see Don McLardy and made sure everybody knew, never heard he is mentoring forwards and never seen him doing it, he came in once to talk to 1st yr players re the perils of gambling etc, he does that as a job as well

Two great players for MFC, Robbie Flower and the Ox, one came in to chat and encourage the volunteers who were ringing around trying to get members to re sign, the other wrote an article hoping the team he supposedly loves gets smashed, which one would you call a Club champion?

God its frustrating to read. He hasn't been back.. We all know you have some relation with the coaching panel, good for you. Doesn't mean you don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

Ox reached out on radio and said I will coach Melbourne in any way possible to help this club when Mark was asked about it he was very passive with it. Ever since ox has knocked Mark so safe presumption is he turned down schwarta's help.

Fair enough too..

We get you know people at Melbourne. It's good for you. It doesn't make your comment any more right than the next persons though..

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As opposed to sitting inside the tent (read House of Cards) and accepting the effluent you are in.

For all the angst on OX, he is stating the bleeding obvious.

Nobody is actually disagreeing with that, it is the fact that he stated it, it is all about him at the moment, keeping his head in the news and keeping his radio program on air, bloody sad he would sink that low, he supposedly supports the Club, would hate to see what he would say if he didn't

The issue on this board is if posters like myself don't agree with the "sack everybody' crowd, we seem to be endorsing, we are not, I sat bloody miserably through 2 hours last week, but I could see the effort improving, I can see small signs, I have no idea whether Neeld/the players/the Footy Dept/the Board are responsible singly or collectively or for what part etc

I am all for change, if change is warranted and the change will work, I am not in a position to change anything, but we have brought in a highly experienced CEO who can change, so I am willing to wait and see what he does, I may question what he does, but I will support coz it is his job

We all know exactly where we are, we don't need the Ox joining in pointing it out, and 50000 topics on this board saying the same thing, let's just support the team through this to whatever eventuates

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ox could go to the board and say lets end this madness and geta reasonable answer from them

he could gather a group of exceptional dee people and confront the board

he could send out a letter to dee members

he could gather a group to challenge the board at years end


my dad always said close the door of the krapper and dont let people smell your >>>>

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God its frustrating to read. He hasn't been back.. We all know you have some relation with the coaching panel, good for you. Doesn't mean you don't know what goes on behind closed doors.

Ox reached out on radio and said I will coach Melbourne in any way possible to help this club when Mark was asked about it he was very passive with it. Ever since ox has knocked Mark so safe presumption is he turned down schwarta's help.

Fair enough too..

We get you know people at Melbourne. It's good for you. It doesn't make your comment any more right than the next persons though..

So what you are saying is the Ox has sour grapes and is kicking the Club he loves,, sounds a bit Moloneyesque wouldn't you think, and bloody sad

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This pisses me off. If the Ox wanted whats best for his club he'd be using his profile to sin up members and encouraging supporters to attend Mondays game.

Decisions on the coach should be based on an informed assessment of his ability to perform and implement the plan. Peter Jackson will do this.

While passionate the Ox is trying to force Peter Jackson/The Board's hand in removing Neeld. Not cool.

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