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Cam Schwab


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I have not passed judgement on cam's time as ceo yet. I didn't really feel comfortable with it, given Ive got no personal knowledge of what goes on.

However, after last night, its pretty clear that this is all his mess.

a new CEO comes in and says we cant sack the coach because the footy department is too messed up, we don't even know if he can actually coach or not.

the same new CEO says he cant believe that the 4 different facets of the footy department report to him.

its clear that Cameron was trying to run the footy department and clear that he wasn't doing it very well.

personally, im stoked that we didn't sack anyone last night. and that the clear message to the blood thirsty media was that "its just another board meeting".

let peter Jackson sort out the footy department by hiring a gun as head of department, give neeld the rest of his contract and judge him at the end of next year.

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I agree BR but I think the CS threads have been done to death (I wrote one that was tentatively anti-Schwab but more an indictment of the current board). The bloke is gone now. We can't rehire him to fire him again.

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At the risk of opening a can of worms...

What right do we have in bagging the blazer? Why do we as supporters think that we know best in regards to having or not having these things?

Ask the players, if they all think it's a big [censored], then fine, get rid of them. Personally, I think you will find that a majority of the players enjoy receiving the blazer and are respectful of our history. As we all agree, a players career is quite short, some a lot shorter than others, so if they appreciate a small token (in the forms of a blazer) from their brief time at the MFC, then let's leave it.

FWIW - did the players not train in their grass-roots club jumpers prior to the Freo game? You always keep (steal) a momento from any club you have played for, it's just part of keeping memories.

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At the risk of opening a can of worms...

What right do we have in bagging the blazer? Why do we as supporters think that we know best in regards to having or not having these things?

Ask the players, if they all think it's a big [censored], then fine, get rid of them. Personally, I think you will find that a majority of the players enjoy receiving the blazer and are respectful of our history. As we all agree, a players career is quite short, some a lot shorter than others, so if they appreciate a small token (in the forms of a blazer) from their brief time at the MFC, then let's leave it.

FWIW - did the players not train in their grass-roots club jumpers prior to the Freo game? You always keep (steal) a momento from any club you have played for, it's just part of keeping memories.

I have seen two blazers with a similar design to those at Vinnies over the past couple of months.. They are soooo bloody 50's and Grammar School style. To me ,they are an embarrassment !! [censored] them off on ebay or donate them to some insignificant English County cricket club where they would look more "at home" .... B)

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Guys, you need to settle down. Express disappoinment, discuss how you think hee wasn't up to it. But name calling and abuse isn't appropriate.

Regardless of how he performed as CEO, Schwab has been a big Melbourne person over the past 30 years, holding various roles. He is a true Melbourne person, like us, and while he may not have done well, I'm sure he did what he thought was right. His poor management wasn't malicious and want for personal gain, it was because rightly or wrongly he thought he was doing what was best.

The same goes for Don McC, Stynes, Garry Lyon, Paul Gardener, Joe Gutnik and the others who have tried to help this club but failed.

Discuss their failures but don't attack them personally. We don't need the club to be fractured, we need it to be united. We don't have so many supporters that we can choose to kick out some of them because of their mistakes or performance.

NB I an not defending his performance.

Edited by deanox
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I was always a Schwab fan but the more I hear about the structure of the club the more it makes me realise I was soooo wrong. Freo fans on BF tried to tell us and there were red flags occuring everywhere but I was blind to it. In a way what's happening this season is the best possible thing for the club in the future because it means that real changes will be made. If we had of one a couple of games early (against Port and GCS) then we would have just stumbled on with the same inept people in control, at least now we have a chance to be better in the future.

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I have seen two blazers with a similar design to those at Vinnies over the past couple of months.. They are soooo bloody 50's and Grammar School style. To me ,they are an embarrassment !! [censored] them off on ebay or donate them to some insignificant English County cricket club where they would look more "at home" .... B)

Well soxy, left leaning labor voter....class war again hey.....Schwab made some errors but the blazer and the crest was trying to establish a club identity it reflects the Club history, I have asked face to face about 95% of the current playing list, they all love the blazer because of what it stands for, it is only meant to be worn on special occasions, so where is the problem?....Jim Stynes and Barassi were both proud to wear one......

Edited by Satyriconhome
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Well soxy, left leaning labor voter....class war again hey.....Schwab made some errors but the blazer and the crest was trying to establish a club identity it reflects the Club history, I have asked face to face about 95% of the current playing list, they all love the blazer because of what it stands for, it is only meant to be worn on special occasions, so where is the problem?....Jim Stynes and Barassi were both proud to wear one......

I don't have an issue with the blazer, nor the emblem, in fact I quite like them both, however at the risk of talking for others perhaps what people are angry at is the time and effort gone into those ventures whilst our FD was rapidly going down the toilet.

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I was always a Schwab fan but the more I hear about the structure of the club the more it makes me realise I was soooo wrong. Freo fans on BF tried to tell us and there were red flags occuring everywhere but I was blind to it. In a way what's happening this season is the best possible thing for the club in the future because it means that real changes will be made. If we had of one a couple of games early (against Port and GCS) then we would have just stumbled on with the same inept people in control, at least now we have a chance to be better in the future.

Schwab polarised people, so now every mistake that is supposedly evident is his fault, have you seen Peter Jackson's list, the only thing I have heard Jackson say re the Footy Dept was that it was perhaps too inexperienced to deal with all that has been thrown at it in the last 18 months, all the rest again is media speculation.......Caroline Wilson who hated Scwhab is driving this again

I am not defending Schwab, he went with dignity, but let's see what Peter Jackson SAYS....not what the media think he is going to say

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Well soxy, left leaning labor voter....class war again hey.....Schwab made some errors but the blazer and the crest was trying to establish a club identity it reflects the Club history, I have asked face to face about 95% of the current playing list, they all love the blazer because of what it stands for, it is only meant to be worn on special occasions, so where is the problem?....Jim Stynes and Barassi were both proud to wear one......

He did help oversee debt demolition so he gets a big tick for that.

I would like to know the real reason for his perosnal loan a few years back. does anyone know ?

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The FD structure is screwed up. That does not give you all to treat Schwab like Rasputin.

And as if our troubles will be solved by the required restructure of the FD.

Schwab is gone and blame can be given but if you think that 'this is all his mess' you are kidding yourselves and falling over yourselves to find the bad guy to lay all the blame with.

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Schwab polarised people, so now every mistake that is supposedly evident is his fault, have you seen Peter Jackson's list, the only thing I have heard Jackson say re the Footy Dept was that it was perhaps too inexperienced to deal with all that has been thrown at it in the last 18 months, all the rest again is media speculation.......Caroline Wilson who hated Scwhab is driving this again

I am not defending Schwab, he went with dignity, but let's see what Peter Jackson SAYS....not what the media think he is going to say

You're presuming that I'm making my comments based on media articles. You're barking up the wrong tree, I stopped reading media articles on Melbourne about 6 months ago so don't accuse me of something which is not true.

My opinion comes from listening to PJ's comments about how the FD structure was set up. It was everything that Freo fans said about what was bad about him.

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The FD structure is screwed up. That does not give you all to treat Schwab like Rasputin.

And as if our troubles will be solved by the required restructure of the FD.

Schwab is gone and blame can be given but if you think that 'this is all his mess' you are kidding yourselves and falling over yourselves to find the bad guy to lay all the blame with.

No, it's not all his mess and no, fixing the structure of the FD will not be an instant success but he was the one in control overseeing everything and making decisions. How many times do you see the players getting together and demanding that the CEO be sacked? I can't remember it ever happening but more importantly what were the events leading up tot hat point that caused that friction? I have no idea, would love to find out.

How they let the club get into this state is staggering, and yes, it is a collective 'they' but Schwab played a big part of 'they'.

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You're presuming that I'm making my comments based on media articles. You're barking up the wrong tree, I stopped reading media articles on Melbourne about 6 months ago so don't accuse me of something which is not true.

My opinion comes from listening to PJ's comments about how the FD structure was set up. It was everything that Freo fans said about what was bad about him.

The bigger issue is how did the board allow this FD structure after they supposedly told him to keep his nose out of the FD after 186? Where's the accountability? It seems like amateur hour all round and I really struggle to understand how those involved with the club are meant to be successful business people - if they operate their businesses the way they run the club they would be bankrupt.

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You're presuming that I'm making my comments based on media articles. You're barking up the wrong tree, I stopped reading media articles on Melbourne about 6 months ago so don't accuse me of something which is not true.

My opinion comes from listening to PJ's comments about how the FD structure was set up. It was everything that Freo fans said about what was bad about him.

When did Jackson comment about the set up, are you on the board? I have listened to everything, and all he quoted was what I said above that perhaps it was too inexperienced, he did mention four people reported directly to the CEO but did not elaborate further, so you are interpreting that as criticism of Schwab. We have heard nothing since, except from the media

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Into what mess, we have covered this a thousand times on previous posts, the membership is a bit below expectations, we have a fine and Schwab's payout, cause of blowout........we still have over 30000 members, 2 major sponsors and a myriad of other sponsors

Maybe the Footy Dept does needs restructuring (we are told Peter Jackson is looking at it, and the rest of the Club as well)

We have signed him till the end of 2014, let's wait and see what he says and does before blowing off

A lot of this is caused by the on field, if we had another couple of wins under our belts, half this rubbish wouldn't have even hit the papers, hopefully now Neeld and the players can concentrate on the next couple of games and get that right

As for the rest, I will wait until Peter Jackson speaks

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It's said that those who win wars write their history and this is a clear example of that saying.

Cameron Schwab was forced to resign as a result of our abysmal on field performance which most of us around here have identified as being due to a number of factors ranging back some time and encompassing different boards, different ceo's, different coaches and playing groups. He might well be responsible for many of the failings that we now see and he certainly took the responsibility when he accepted the inevitable and resigned but now he is the scapegoat and the bunny responsible for everything.

Peter Jackson expressed the view that Schwab's system of having four people report to him was problematic from his viewpoint but that's his way of doing things. It doesn't make what Schwab was doing necessarily bad or evil as some are suggesting. No doubt many systems put into place by Jackson at Essendon are still being used by whoever is in charge there and we've seen how perfectly things are working with the Bombers.

Similarly, with some Freo fans allegedly saying bad things about Schwab. Others still recognise that he took them from being a financial basket case and a non entity on the field into a finals side and I doubt they would be the strength they are now without his input at the time.

Schwab's gone now. The exercise of reinventing history to satisfy one's bloodlust is truly futile.

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When did Jackson comment about the set up, are you on the board? I have listened to everything, and all he quoted was what I said above that perhaps it was too inexperienced, he did mention four people reported directly to the CEO but did not elaborate further, so you are interpreting that as criticism of Schwab. We have heard nothing since, except from the media

No, I'm not on the board and if i was I wouldn't tell you anyway but I certainly wouldn't post info on here about what goes on behind doors if I was, but I'm not regardless.

Let me first say that I've dealt with CS personally and I think he is a great person and I'm sure he'll be very successful with whatever career he goes onto. He's a genuinely really nice guy. He has a strong opinion on how a club should be run and that structure used to work really well, the last time he was at the club he did a great job (apart from the Salary cap issue which he inherited from someone else). He's works bloody hard, he puts everything into his job, no question, but where I think he fell down was that he didn't move with the modern way of running a club.

PJ has said a lot more than that, not always to the media.

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The bigger issue is how did the board allow this FD structure after they supposedly told him to keep his nose out of the FD after 186? Where's the accountability? It seems like amateur hour all round and I really struggle to understand how those involved with the club are meant to be successful business people - if they operate their businesses the way they run the club they would be bankrupt.

That's a great question.

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Into what mess, we have covered this a thousand times on previous posts, the membership is a bit below expectations, we have a fine and Schwab's payout, cause of blowout........we still have over 30000 members, 2 major sponsors and a myriad of other sponsors

Maybe the Footy Dept does needs restructuring (we are told Peter Jackson is looking at it, and the rest of the Club as well)

We have signed him till the end of 2014, let's wait and see what he says and does before blowing off

A lot of this is caused by the on field, if we had another couple of wins under our belts, half this rubbish wouldn't have even hit the papers, hopefully now Neeld and the players can concentrate on the next couple of games and get that right

As for the rest, I will wait until Peter Jackson speaks

What mess? Is that a serious question? There has never been a poster in the history of this site who seems to be completely and utterly blind to what is happening as you are. I'm not saying that to be nasty, it is just an observation. How can you not recognise that we're amongst the most uncompetitiv e teams in the last few decades and 5m in the red as a mess? Unbelievable.
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When did Jackson comment about the set up, are you on the board? I have listened to everything, and all he quoted was what I said above that perhaps it was too inexperienced, he did mention four people reported directly to the CEO but did not elaborate further, so you are interpreting that as criticism of Schwab. We have heard nothing since, except from the media

Peter Jackson stated on radio prior to the GC game (I believe that was after about a week in the job) that one of the key issues he could see in the FD was that there were too many people reporting directly to the CEO. He also stated this to the premium members at half time of the game in the Hassett Room.

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Schwab's gone now. The exercise of reinventing history to satisfy one's bloodlust is truly futile.

I respect your knowledge on the MFC and I know you're a smart bloke WJ but you're above this post.

Before we can fix the problem we need to first understand the problem. Just saying that he's gone so that's it and pretending it's all about bloodlust is wrong, the supporters need to know what went wrong and if that means those responsible are identified then so be it. CS did do good for the club but he has overseen the club at it's lowest point in history. He also wasn't alone.

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PJ has stated that he is concerned that the footy department is inexperienced.

Schwab has 3 decades of experience in football clubs, both in football departments and admin.

Does it not follow that perhaps the structure was set up was with good intentions, so that Schwab could assist and guide the football department as they gained that experience?

Also I was interested to mitt that we are all in uproar about 4 direct reports from the FD but also read that Jackson has 3 direct reports from the admin department. We could argue the same thing re too many reports, I would have thought you'd have a GM - FD and a GM - Admin, and that each of those may have 3 or 4 reports?

Just a devils advocate thought on this, I certainly don't know anything and have no CEO experience.

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Into what mess, we have covered this a thousand times on previous posts, the membership is a bit below expectations, we have a fine and Schwab's payout, cause of blowout........we still have over 30000 members, 2 major sponsors and a myriad of other sponsors

Maybe the Footy Dept does needs restructuring (we are told Peter Jackson is looking at it, and the rest of the Club as well)

We have signed him till the end of 2014, let's wait and see what he says and does before blowing off

A lot of this is caused by the on field, if we had another couple of wins under our belts, half this rubbish wouldn't have even hit the papers, hopefully now Neeld and the players can concentrate on the next couple of games and get that right

As for the rest, I will wait until Peter Jackson speaks

You really are clueless aern't you.

You have no idea how serious this is, & you claim to be inside the club on a regular basis.

Jackson is callling on a complete restructure of the Footy Dept. & so am i tbh. Because right now it aint working.

Pure and simple.

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No, it's not all his mess and no, fixing the structure of the FD will not be an instant success but he was the one in control overseeing everything and making decisions. How many times do you see the players getting together and demanding that the CEO be sacked? I can't remember it ever happening but more importantly what were the events leading up tot hat point that caused that friction? I have no idea, would love to find out.

How they let the club get into this state is staggering, and yes, it is a collective 'they' but Schwab played a big part of 'they'.

This is the stupid part. A group of so-caled "senior" players went down to Geelong one afternoon with every intention of not trying. They suffered the 2nd worst defeat in history, with a true agenda of making a statement to the club by losing as hard as they could. All along, without them realising, that Schwab was going to get the ass at the end of that weekend, regardless of the result.

If said senior players had've pulled their heads out of their ass, played their guts out and actually challenged Geelong that day, they would've got their wish with the CEO being moved on, Bailey would've stayed coach (for how long who knows), and they would've had a lot more respect from supporters like myself, WYL and Old Dee (not that we are in some special group).

Neeld has done well to get rid of the cancer/s that played that day, but it appears the effects are still lingering (if reports are correct about Watts, Frawley and Sylvia). The sooner the playing group is free of such disease, and I can assure you, it's bloody close, then this club will move forward.

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