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McLardy on pressure on admin etc


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Yep and it's on all of them.

In a way I don't mind this scandal, because it's going to give the AFL a reason to clean our rabble of a board out.

I hope the AFL cleans out everyone from McLardy to Neeld.

In Neelds interview before the game, he says that he was unaware that Don Bates was in contact with Dank.

If that is the case, then why wasn't he aware? Craig would've been, Neeld would've as well, so he is most likely lying right there.

As a club, we need to start fresh with an ethical board, then a good culture will flow - from the top down.

was that a radio I/V with Neeld?

Love to hear it.

Neeld would have to know about any recovery program.

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He's both right and wrong.

His argument is right. It's an unforgiving role sometimes - when the club is successful, who points to the President or Board? But when we're struggling, they're the first names to get thrown up as at fault.

However, that's probably not something a President should be saying. Whilst I agree with him, he needs to own up to the fact that it's a reality of AFL that senior members of clubs are going to feel pressure when the club isn't performing. Don needs to accept that. Try changing mantras when we're on top of the ladder, not at the bottom.

Eddie everywhere and Costa at Geelong are ones that immediately spring to mind as to Presidents who have been given a great deal of credit for success at their clubs. They have their critics, as it comes with job, but they also have their share of back slappers as well.

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In Neelds interview before the game, he says that he was unaware that Don Bates was in contact with Dank.

If that is the case, then why wasn't he aware? Craig would've been, Neeld would've as well, so he is most likely lying right there.

On the contrary, given the circumstances, unless he was telling the truth it would be very stupid in the circumstances to say anything on the topic. Just hide behind the no comment because investigations are underway,

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I am not sure what "facts" you are waiting for and whether you will find it in a tell all exposé or an underbelly like series.

But there is enough information in the public arena to raise series questions about the conduct of the Board and the executive.

Either you don't want to face it or can't bear to do so. Your choice. But reality may be uncomfortable when it arrives.

why don't you read the context before replying. I was responding to mjt saying I'd back the board during the TANKING issue. Your response appears to relate to the drug issues.

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It relates to a multitude of issues including tanking and danking.

You have consistently berated the lack of "facts" in both those issues when the opposite situation is clearly the case.

In regard to tanking the club did a reasonable job digging their way out of a hole that they were fully responsible for getting into the hole.

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When Jim Stynes stepped up to take the Presidency when no one else would his first choice was to cajole Dees supporting experienced and successful business types to also step up and join the board. This is the board that resulted. Some had previously refused offers to join the board for fairly obvious reasons and it was only Jim's cajoliung that persuaded them. I am still waiting for those who advocate throwing out this board to to tell us who is going to replace them. I don't think you are gong to find it as easy as you think to persuade experienced and successful business types to devote 20 - 40 hours a week to the Melbourne Football Club.

And anyone who thinks Don McLardy is out of touch have never had a chat with him about the Dees at a club function or after a game.

My Name is Tom Potter And I Approve This Message.

You have some good points re finding quality board members - granted, but don't you consider Dons comments about the cheap seats derogatory and divisive at a time when he should be continuing to do the good work Jimmy started by healing the club as one?

You have spoken to him, and thats good, so you understand him but what about all the supporters in the cheap seats who don't have the same access? The best they have is to read what he talks about in his Presidents Lunch today and here he is making statements that don't help the club heal.

How does Don think what was a premeditated prepared Presidents Lunch speech is going to be taken by the members in the cheap seats. We need as many members sitting in cheap seats as we do corporate support and alienation of either is unacceptable for a President.

Don needs to realise perception is reality and perception is he is playing the blame game instead of telling us constructively what Club is doing about all this mess. Don't start with the poor me story Don as we all feel it albeit not in the gun.

Edited by Footynut
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'it is the topic' to you because you are obsessed with it. But it isn't the topic in this particular thread.

BTW, I don't have any special love of the current Board or McLardy. I just think they are often unfairly bagged by some who blast them when the known facts on their latest failing could be counted on the fingers of a mutilated hand. Anyway I suspect DM didn't really want the job in the first place but has been doing it for the club.

The buck stops at the top.

If you don't understand that Don give the spot to someone who does.

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What a misguided, entitled opinion to have Don.

If this was his actual business he would not tolerate the level of ineptitude that has plagued this club for far too long.

The issue is that those on the board at the club see it as their knighthood. They've been successful in business and so they see this as the reward. Well guess what? It's not. On paper we have some extraordinarily talented people on our board. I read all of their profiles last night. But, as our drafting has painfully taught us, success isn't measured on paper. It's measured on the ground and on the financial report. They've failed, they've admitted they've failed and now we are expected to feel sorry for them.

They need to accept that Jim may have put them in place but he did so so they could take the club forward. They seem at a complete loss to want to lead, and at a loss to evolve the culture of our club and begin to stand for something.

It's not a thankless task. You get to make decisions for, and represent, the greatest football club in the world. If that's not enough for you then please move on.

My Internet name is Heart Beats True, but in the real world I run a successful multimillion dollar company with offices in Australia and New York, and it would be an honor to represent the MFC's proud, passionate and wonderfully stubborn members. I think there are people here on this forum that have much better credentials than I do. Lets find those people and put them on our board, and when we put them there lets remind those in power that we'll continue to judge those in charge, and replace them if need be, because that is how our special breed of democracy works.

Until then I implore our board to stop asking what everyone can do for them and instead start representing the club with the pride and honor that our club deserves. It starts at the top.

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What a misguided, entitled opinion to have Don.

If this was his actual business he would not tolerate the level of ineptitude that has plagued this club for far too long.

The issue is that those on the board at the club see it as their knighthood. They've been successful in business and so they see this as the reward. Well guess what? It's not. On paper we have some extraordinarily talented people on our board. I read all of their profiles last night. But, as our drafting has painfully taught us, success isn't measured on paper. It's measured on the ground and on the financial report. They've failed, they've admitted they've failed and now we are expected to feel sorry for them.

They need to accept that Jim may have put them in place but he did so so they could take the club forward. They seem at a complete loss to want to lead, and at a loss to evolve the culture of our club and begin to stand for something.

It's not a thankless task. You get to make decisions for, and represent, the greatest football club in the world. If that's not enough for you then please move on.

My Internet name is Heart Beats True, but in the real world I run a successful multimillion dollar company with offices in Australia and New York, and it would be an honor to represent the MFC's proud, passionate and wonderfully stubborn members. I think there are people here on this forum that have much better credentials than I do. Lets find those people and put them on our board, and when we put them there lets remind those in power that we'll continue to judge those in charge, and replace them if need be, because that is how our special breed of democracy works.

Until then I implore our board to stop asking what everyone can do for them and instead start representing the club with the pride and honor that our club deserves. It starts at the top.

Any room in your multimillion $ company to sponsor the club?

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Such as?

This reply always amuses me.

IT is in effect saying we should accept mediocrity because no one has their hand up.

If there truly is no one ( which I don't believe ) we are seriously stuffed.

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This reply always amuses me.

IT is in effect saying we should accept mediocrity because no one has their hand up.

If there truly is no one ( which I don't believe ) we are seriously stuffed.

I agree old dee I think there are a lot more out there willing and able than people realise.

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What a misguided, entitled opinion to have Don.

If this was his actual business he would not tolerate the level of ineptitude that has plagued this club for far too long.

The issue is that those on the board at the club see it as their knighthood. They've been successful in business and so they see this as the reward. Well guess what? It's not. On paper we have some extraordinarily talented people on our board. I read all of their profiles last night. But, as our drafting has painfully taught us, success isn't measured on paper. It's measured on the ground and on the financial report. They've failed, they've admitted they've failed and now we are expected to feel sorry for them.

They need to accept that Jim may have put them in place but he did so so they could take the club forward. They seem at a complete loss to want to lead, and at a loss to evolve the culture of our club and begin to stand for something.

It's not a thankless task. You get to make decisions for, and represent, the greatest football club in the world. If that's not enough for you then please move on.

My Internet name is Heart Beats True, but in the real world I run a successful multimillion dollar company with offices in Australia and New York, and it would be an honor to represent the MFC's proud, passionate and wonderfully stubborn members. I think there are people here on this forum that have much better credentials than I do. Lets find those people and put them on our board, and when we put them there lets remind those in power that we'll continue to judge those in charge, and replace them if need be, because that is how our special breed of democracy works.

Until then I implore our board to stop asking what everyone can do for them and instead start representing the club with the pride and honor that our club deserves. It starts at the top.

Then to paraphrase John Kennedy ' Don't just stand there DO SOMETHING'. If you think you have the business experience and the time to contribute get in touch with the club and offer your help.

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Honestly what was the point of this thread tonight. It should have been a night for enjoying a few positives from a game that at three quarter time looked like a looming disaster. The opening post was worded in such a way that it could only divide. It is my own fault for reading the thread, but it has got my back up and I haven't even called for any board sackings.

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It relates to a multitude of issues including tanking and danking.

You have consistently berated the lack of "facts" in both those issues when the opposite situation is clearly the case.

In regard to tanking the club did a reasonable job digging their way out of a hole that they were fully responsible for getting into the hole.

Yep, I do have a problem with making judgements based on partial facts, rumour, innuendo and 'opinion' pieces by journos whose main interest is in big-noting themselves.

Some of us are bitter by years of failure and so are happy to put the boot at the drop of a hat and on every issue. Perhaps understandable, but as I think Redleg has said, I wouldn't want some of you guys to be on my jury if I was innocent.

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Any room in your multimillion $ company to sponsor the club?

To be brutally honest with you Sue my business likes to be associated with winning and success, so I'll not be sponsoring out current club.

But I love that at the first sign of someone putting their hand up you've sniped at them. Go ahead. I'm not going to accuse you of taking a cheap shot from the 'cheap seats'. I'm smart enough not to do that.

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As a cheap seater, the only thing I have to say to Don is that obviously my money isn't good enough for you. So you will get no more of it. When you resign I will again join the mfc. My supporter afl membership will become general until he is gone!

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Perhaps understandable, but as I think Redleg has said, I wouldn't want some of you guys to be on my jury if I was innocent.

Sue I am sure you will get a fair trial but the jury would certainly take into account that you struggle deal with the reality of a situation and have a deep seated grunge against journalists.

I would always advise chose well with your counsel in these matters. Good luck.

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I agree old dee I think there are a lot more out there willing and able than people realise.

Then where are they? I've been voting in MFC elections since 1988. This Board is hands down the best we have had over that period in terms of their professional achievements. When Stynes was rebuilding the Board these are the business people who were identified as the best candidates and the ones who simply had to be persuaded to commit their time to the Board. To be on the Board you need to be successful in business and be willing to devote the time to to the club that a Directorship entails.

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As a cheap seater, the only thing I have to say to Don is that obviously my money isn't good enough for you. So you will get no more of it. When you resign I will again join the mfc. My supporter afl membership will become general until he is gone!

So if we all stop taking out memberships what'll happpen? Yep 'angrydee' there won't be a Melbourne Football Club for you to rejoin.

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Then where are they? I've been voting in MFC elections since 1988. This Board is hands down the best we have had over that period in terms of their professional achievements. When Stynes was rebuilding the Board these are the business people who were identified as the best candidates and the ones who simply had to be persuaded to commit their time to the Board. To be on the Board you need to be successful in business and be willing to devote the time to to the club that a Directorship entails.

yes I understand all that but what do you to expect them to say when they are elected?

We have the best, hardest to find, most amazing candidates who can't be found anywhere and are irreplacable. Of course that's what we want.

Can you tell if they are so good why the don't plan ahead for the worst case scenario (which plays out daily at the MFC) and proactively approach it rather than be reactive and surprised all the time.

It's a big wide world. These people may be great but the club's handling of some of the issues over the last 2 years has been unacceptable and there would certainly be others who are more than capable of doing the job.

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