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Dank involved at Demons?


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I don't necessarily disagree on a failure of governance. I just want to know the true facts, not just the media version, which I clearly don't accept on every issue, before I judge people. Call it a handicap of my job.

Good point well made. Lets hope we get to the true facts as soon as practicable. Perhaps i've just had too much dees related drama but worry there will be more. Time will tell.

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Well Schwab was fired for being "divisive" amongst supporter groups.

That was the spin surely not even you would be so dumb as to think that is the case?? Even if it were, I repeat what does that say about the decision making capabilities of McLardy & the Board if they are willing to sack a CEO who they believe is performing his job well just because the fans are restless?

Haha... Oh dear. How many conspiracies do you think this "incompetent" board can run at once? How do you even have internet in your bomb shelter?

Oh dear, so publicly stating a "PR-friendly" reason for the sacking of the CEO is a conspiracy now?? Surely you can't believe the tripe you write. Do you also believe Schwab "resigned" and Bates decided to "step down" or do you think they were pushed? Uh oh more conspiracies!!! You're a fruit loop mate, I don't know how much you get paid to run this damage control on behalf of the club but it's not enough.

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Might be the best thing that could happen, our issues are not completely the boards fault but neutral people would come in, identify the problems and ruthlessly fix them.

I whole heartedly believe that surrendering control to an extent to the AFL would equate to on field success sooner rather than later, the talent is there but the player development and culture isn't, we need to give our talent a reason to stay.

IMO we have had Business acumen running out of our Ears, since the late 60's!

...... but little of the footy acumen until the 80's. it took 5 to 6 years to sort the club out, & we had another 5 or 6 Years of FUN !!!

then it all went pear shaped, outside of the playing List again.

this must be what Barass was saying, when he suggested that we run the club as a Footy club..... as against a business.

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That was the spin surely not even you would be so dumb as to think that is the case?? Even if it were, I repeat what does that say about the decision making capabilities of McLardy & the Board if they are willing to sack a CEO who they believe is performing his job well just because the fans are restless?

Oh dear, so publicly stating a "PR-friendly" reason for the sacking of the CEO is a conspiracy now?? Surely you can't believe the tripe you write. Do you also believe Schwab "resigned" and Bates decided to "step down" or do you think they were pushed? Uh oh more conspiracies!!! You're a fruit loop mate, I don't know how much you get paid to run this damage control on behalf of the club but it's not enough.

I'm just sick of this never ending witch hunt.

At some stage you guys need to grow a pair and do something constructive for the club or [censored] off.

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Finally an answer to why we been playing so [censored]

We basically had supplements until the strt of the season until the Essendon story broke.

Same issue essendon had 2nd half of last year.

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I'm just sick of this never ending witch hunt.

At some stage you guys need to grow a pair and do something constructive for the club or [censored] off.

Yeah, I'll take that as an admission that you really have no idea what you're talking about. Getting rid of the people running this club into the ground is doing something constructive for the club, if only you weren't so blind you'd see that.

I repeat what does that say about the decision making capabilities of McLardy & the Board if they are willing to sack a CEO who they believe is performing his job well just because the fans are restless?

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Why doesn't corporate governance extend to Demitriou? After all, there are at least 2 clubs officially involved in this now, and he is the boss.

It does. Its the job of the AFL Trustees to oversee the measures that AFL administration have put in place with the regard the monitoring the situation.

The AFL have been to the clubs. MFC have not been so with the AFL.

At some stage you guys need to grow a pair and do something constructive for the club or [censored] off.

I am at loss why you berate posters with opinions you dont to do something constructive when you dont see to do more than engage in trivial and puerile [censored] for tat with them.

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Yeah, I'll take that as an admission that you really have no idea what you're talking about. Getting rid of the people running this club into the ground is doing something constructive for the club, if only you weren't so blind you'd see that.

You must hope the club is never truly successful, what would you have to complain about? SO I assume you're putting together your ticket for the board this weekend?

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It does. Its the job of the AFL Trustees to oversee the measures that AFL administration have put in place with the regard the monitoring the situation.

The AFL have been to the clubs. MFC have not been so with the AFL.

I am at loss why you berate posters with opinions you dont to do something constructive when you dont see to do more than engage in trivial and puerile [censored] for tat with them.

So if the situation between Bates and MFC is a microcosm of that between MFC and AFL, why is it only McLardy who is responsible for governance? Surely by extension of the same philosophy Demitirou is responsible for governance as far as MFC and Essendon (and whatever other clubs are yet to be found out) goes? Why aren't we calling for his head?

I'm more than happy for differing opinions and discussion, it's what this place is for, but I'm just sick of the constant lynch mob mentality here that wants to tear things down but has no input into building it up.

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You must hope the club is never truly successful, what would you have to complain about? SO I assume you're putting together your ticket for the board this weekend?

No, I long for the day this club is successful - do you really think the supporters and die hards on here like complaining about the club? We're just not bind to the fact it is being run into the ground by monkeys. I don't deny what is staring me in the face if that were the case I'd be a bible-thumping moron choosing faith over reason.

I notice you continue to dodge this fairly simple question;

I repeat what does that say about the decision making capabilities of McLardy & the Board if they are willing to sack a CEO who they believe is performing his job well just because the fans are restless?

Oh and by the way I'll make you a deal - I'll put together my ticket for the Board as soon as you lodge your application for the coaching position - because, you know, no-one is allowed to be critical of any aspect of the club unless they are willing to do the job themselves. I better not criticise Jamar ever again because at 179cm and 31 years old with a dodgy knee there's no way I'd ever be able to take over first ruck.

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So if the situation between Bates and MFC is a microcosm of that between MFC and AFL, why is it only McLardy who is responsible for governance? Surely by extension of the same philosophy Demitirou is responsible for governance as far as MFC and Essendon (and whatever other clubs are yet to be found out) goes? Why aren't we calling for his head?

I'm more than happy for differing opinions and discussion, it's what this place is for, but I'm just sick of the constant lynch mob mentality here that wants to tear things down but has no input into building it up.

Why are you intent on shifting the blame? The AFL is the AFL and Demetriou will have to answer to the Commission, clubs and media. But I support the MFC and am worried about the management of my club who have themselves admitted they have failed to achieve the goals they set for themselves 4 years ago.

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We still don't know the full circumstances of this relationship between Dank and Bates. What if Bates went on a frolic of his own in seeking Dank's advice and failed to disclose any part of that to any other person at Melbourne whatsoever? There's no breakdown in governance ecause the best standards of governance might not catch this and it can happen in any organisation and, in modern times we've even seen it in otherwise well run governments. Redleg has a point in that regard.

However, there is the issue of the leadership of the club accepting responsibility. Unfortunately, as we've already seen at the top levels of the AFL and at Essendon, this concept seems to have become redundant. The Bombers' off field leaders are surviving for the moment mainly because their team is performing so well on the field. Their time will come but at Melbourne at the moment there's nowhere to hide.

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So if the situation between Bates and MFC is a microcosm of that between MFC and AFL, why is it only McLardy who is responsible for governance? Surely by extension of the same philosophy Demitirou is responsible for governance as far as MFC and Essendon (and whatever other clubs are yet to be found out) goes? Why aren't we calling for his head?

I'm more than happy for differing opinions and discussion, it's what this place is for, but I'm just sick of the constant lynch mob mentality here that wants to tear things down but has no input into building it up.

McLardy works for MFC. Demetriou works for the AFL.

MFC is required to make representations to the AFL in regard its operations.

Join the dots.......

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No, I long for the day this club is successful - do you really think the supporters and die hards on here like complaining about the club? We're just not bind to the fact it is being run into the ground by monkeys. I don't deny what is staring me in the face if that were the case I'd be a bible-thumping moron choosing faith over reason.

I notice you continue to dodge this fairly simple question;

Oh and by the way I'll make you a deal - I'll put together my ticket for the Board as soon as you lodge your application for the coaching position - because, you know, no-one is allowed to be critical of any aspect of the club unless they are willing to do the job themselves. I better not criticise Jamar ever again because at 179cm and 31 years old with a dodgy knee there's no way I'd ever be able to take over first ruck.

I think the amount of threads on here when we're going badly as opposed to well will tell you the answer there mate.

My point about running for the board is you provide no answers, no positive input, you say sack those monkeys, but then what? Who will come in? Sure, I talk about the coach, but I've offered outcomes from that in the many times I've discussed it, so while I criticise what I don't like, I offer answers to it, rather than just [censored] and moan for the sake of it.

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McLardy works for MFC. Demetriou works for the AFL.

MFC is required to make representations to the AFL in regard its operations.

Join the dots.......

MFC is part of the AFL, Demitirou is head of the AFL.... there's some joined dots for ya.

Also, Bates is required to make representations to the MFC, how is that different to MFC making representations to the AFL?

You're being defeated with your own logic.

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Why are you intent on shifting the blame? The AFL is the AFL and Demetriou will have to answer to the Commission, clubs and media. But I support the MFC and am worried about the management of my club who have themselves admitted they have failed to achieve the goals they set for themselves 4 years ago.

Look, I'm worried about how we've been run the last few year also, that's not where we disagree from what I can tell. I just don't understand why corporate governance extends only to the head of a "franchise" rather than the head of the organisation, especially when at least 2 "franchises" are clearly in trouble.

What I'm arguing for is waiting til the end of season and seeing what our options are as far as boards go, who knows, maybe your ticket will get up!

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I think the amount of threads on here when we're going badly as opposed to well will tell you the answer there mate.

My point about running for the board is you provide no answers, no positive input, you say sack those monkeys, but then what? Who will come in? Sure, I talk about the coach, but I've offered outcomes from that in the many times I've discussed it, so while I criticise what I don't like, I offer answers to it, rather than just [censored] and moan for the sake of it.

Yep deflect deflect deflect. No-one likes complaining about the club, we'd rather be cheering it but at times like this the club leaves us little choice.

Umm, get new people in who are far more competent to manage a FOOTY CLUB and not some insurance geeks. How about getting good FOOTY PEOPLE from successful clubs to lead the club and wipe out all the factions/cliques that seem to abound within the club. Neeld/Malthouse - "the MFC is about anything but football" - stop worrying which insider from the top end of town you can brown-nose in the Long Room and which factional foe you can point-score against and start worrying about leading the club and winning games of footy.

I repeat what does that say about the decision making capabilities of McLardy & the Board if they are willing to sack a CEO who they believe is performing his job well just because the fans are restless?

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There's no breakdown in governance ecause the best standards of governance might not catch this and it can happen in any organisation and, in modern times we've even seen it in otherwise well run governments. Redleg has a point in that regard.

I'm assuming you didn't read Baghdad Bob's very clear post on why this is a breakdown in governance.

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What if Bates went on a frolic of his own in seeking Dank's advice and failed to disclose any part of that to any other person at Melbourne whatsoever?

How likely is that ?

Surely you'd agree it's less likely than likely. I look forward to the facts coming out too, if only for people to stop surmising the highly unlikely.

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Look, I'm worried about how we've been run the last few year also, that's not where we disagree from what I can tell. I just don't understand why corporate governance extends only to the head of a "franchise" rather than the head of the organisation, especially when at least 2 "franchises" are clearly in trouble.

What I'm arguing for is waiting til the end of season and seeing what our options are as far as boards go, who knows, maybe your ticket will get up!

The point is waiting til the end of the season will end up doing FAR more damage to the club - it's only round 4 FFS you want us to weather the storm for another 4.5 months after being belted from pillar to post for the last 6 years? The rot has to stop or it will do even further damage than will by done by making a swift cut and removing the people who have failed in their roles over the last few years.

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Umm, get new people in who are far more competent to manage a FOOTY CLUB and not some insurance geeks. How about getting good FOOTY PEOPLE from successful clubs to lead the club and wipe out all the factions/cliques that seem to abound within the club.

Good stuff mate, and I agree with that. This is more what I want 'Land to start discussing rather than the constant "off with his head" threads.

Do you think Freeman is going to take over from McLardy at the end of season? That's my initial instinct, but I don't know Freeman too well.

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The point is waiting til the end of the season will end up doing FAR more damage to the club - it's only round 4 FFS you want us to weather the storm for another 4.5 months after being belted from pillar to post for the last 6 years? The rot has to stop or it will do even further damage than will by done by making a swift cut and removing the people who have failed in their roles over the last few years.

I just don't see any other option at this stage. If someone credible stepped up and offered to take over from now then I'd support it, but so far no one has put up their hand.

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Pretty terrible that a 21 year old young captain of ours had to be shielded by players from reporters because of the danker.

Should spread a rumour he perscribed things to damien barrett to help him talk crap better.

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If Melbourne footballers are playing this alledgaly on drugs then please "Stop Using Them"

Imagine waht they would be like without them

Danks should be sued for releasing MFC players names to the media

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