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Cameron Schwab

Range Rover

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she does love to spin things. lots of young players (high draft picks) have left the club. yes. because we traded or delisted them.

...? Those are pretty much the only two ways a young player will leave a club (unless you're Tom Swift).

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What I hate about this whole thing is how hidden and full of innuendo it all is.

We need to here from past players (BRAD GREEN PLEASE) and current players and Cameron Schwab and have the whole 2011 Geelong issue sorted. Not just rumblings of discontent and so forth.

At the moment it kills me as a supporter that I just have no idea who to believe in all of this.

No doubt Neeld has to improve as a coach, no doubt the players have been insipid. We don't need this speculation on top. Open up this issue and put it to bed one way or another.

It's why I wish we fought the tanking case and partly why I wouldn't mind Schwab to get the sack now because we can't live with this uncertainty.

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...? Those are pretty much the only two ways a young player will leave a club (unless you're Tom Swift).

I think he's saying that we actively shipped off Morton, Martin and Gysberts. The rest were delisted. It's not like we had a long line of young players all asking to be traded (yet).
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"3AW's Neil Mitchell has become one of many high-profile Demons calling for his sacking." ... High profile Demon? Oh paleease!

The guys got more clout than you think.

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according to SEN Shawabble is on around 4/500k per yr so we cant afford to sack him

That makes me want to vommit, our board had no rite to extend his contract for 3 yrs when they were under serious investigation, they throw away 3yr contracts at that footy club.

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I think he's saying that we actively shipped off Morton, Martin and Gysberts. The rest were delisted. It's not like we had a long line of young players all asking to be traded (yet).

See, what's confused me about this issue is that Melbourne fans seem to just say that losing all of those players is ok because the players were no good.

Really, we should be fuming that so, so many of our top 20 picks have turned out to be spuds. The fact that we got rid of them because they're no good does not point to their not being an issue with the list, in fact it states the opposite.

It's fair enough to have a go at the club for losing so many young, first round draft picks.

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That makes me want to vommit, our board had no rite to extend his contract for 3 yrs when they were under serious investigation, they throw away 3yr contracts at that footy club.

Who knows if the quoted $s are correct (but seems high to me), but I think Schwab's contract came up at the end of Aug. The investigation was underway. The club might well have said 1 yr; he might have said no, I want 3. A compromise of 3 yrs, with a 6month clause according to Kero, was struck, because he needed to stay to see out the investigation.

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Who knows if the quoted $s are correct (but seems high to me), but I think Schwab's contract came up at the end of Aug. The investigation was underway. The club might well have said 1 yr; he might have said no, I want 3. A compromise of 3 yrs, with a 6month clause according to Kero, was struck, because he needed to stay to see out the investigation.

Imagine if he was implicated in the Investigation, Mclardy wouldnt have known what the end result wouldv been in August, i think a 1 year deal would be a smarter option.

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Imagine if he was implicated in the Investigation, Mclardy wouldnt have known what the end result wouldv been in August, i think a 1 year deal would be a smarter option.

By giving him a three year deal The Pres has welded his fate to CS and vice versa.

IMO there is a very simple dynamic at work here .

This team have been together since 2008, CS as the GEO and DM as VP and then President.

During that time the talent list playing for the MFC has slipped backwards every year.

The results show that.

In 2013 we now have a list that is not capable of being even competitive let alone winning games.

By anyone's standards they have failed their responsibilities to have at the very least a team that is competitive.

They are the two heads of the MFC.

To say they don't run out to play and they don't coach the side so they are not to blame does not cut it.

Their responsibility is to have the MFC playing in a competitive manner and have a progressive improvement on the field.

Under their watch that has clearly not happened.

It is time for them to leave their respective positions.

IMO the only thing left to discuss is when.

I believe now but that clearly won't happen because the don't accept that the problem in the end comes back to them.

So when?

It would take a blood bath to remove them before the end of this season.

The only hope is that members of the board have to break ranks and tell DC and CS it is time guys.

The monetary cost will be big.

CS has a three year contract that is six months old with 2.5 years to run that would be you would think over $1miilion pay out.

IMO this is where the AFL comes in we have to ask them to provide a CEO for twelve months.

Again unlikely to happen because of the ego's involved.

We look to be between a rock and a hard place.

But that is my view

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We have two single minded individuals running a 160 yr old club into oblivion, old dee hit the nail on the head.

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By giving him a three year deal The Pres has welded his fate to CS and vice versa.

IMO there is a very simple dynamic at work here .

This team have been together since 2008, CS as the GEO and DM as VP and then President.

During that time the talent list playing for the MFC has slipped backwards every year.

The results show that.

In 2013 we now have a list that is not capable of being even competitive let alone winning games.

By anyone's standards they have failed their responsibilities to have at the very least a team that is competitive.

They are the two heads of the MFC.

To say they don't run out to play and they don't coach the side so they are not to blame does not cut it.

Their responsibility is to have the MFC playing in a competitive manner and have a progressive improvement on the field.

Under their watch that has clearly not happened.

It is time for them to leave their respective positions.

IMO the only thing left to discuss is when.

I believe now but that clearly won't happen because the don't accept that the problem in the end comes back to them.

So when?

It would take a blood bath to remove them before the end of this season.

The only hope is that members of the board have to break ranks and tell DC and CS it is time guys.

The monetary cost will be big.

CS has a three year contract that is six months old with 2.5 years to run that would be you would think over $1miilion pay out.

IMO this is where the AFL comes in we have to ask them to provide a CEO for twelve months.

Again unlikely to happen because of the ego's involved.

We look to be between a rock and a hard place.

But that is my view

You are entirely right in everything you say here OldDee.

Caro says Schwab's contract has a 6 month termination clause. Let's hope the AFL brass now force the MFC to exercise it from behind the scenes.

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Having been at the AGM, i'm pretty sure there was a question in regards to energywatch, kaspesky and hankook which would come under the umbrella of the ceo's performance.

I asked Cameron Schwab personally (after the meeting had finihsed) about merchandising. I asked him why do we have our football shop next to a service entrance on a road you cannot park on..his answer was that we pay no rent on the existing shop.

I asked him if we are part of the MCC then surely there is room in the MCC to construct a Demons shop. This would give us better exposure as the shop would actually be seen on ground level rather than driven past at 60kmh. His answer was that the MCC didn't have the room to do this and there would be some cost involved, plus also with the switch to e-commerce and more customers purchasing online, there wouldn't be a cost benefit to the club.

I also mentioned that surely we could get some merchandise in the Melbourne Visitors Centre (@ Fed Square) where tourists would purchase their koala bears and melbourne trinkies. Put some jumpers, footys, jackets etc so when a tourist goes back home , the jumper he took home or the footy they were going to kick would be our clubs. I also mentioned we should be doing the same thing at the airport shops and have our club as the one that customers think about rather than Essendon. By this time i think he had enough of me talking (as there were a few other members wanting to speak) and sort of answered the question without answering it.

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Didn't she say 5 months ago that he was gone over tanking?

Not exactly Nostradamus is our Caro?

Nostradamus, nostraflared - vindictive,,, is caro. thats about all she is.... yesterday's woman.

guessing, & letting her hatred form her views.

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She's at it again.

"Frustrated at being unable to prove Schwab played a part in the plan to lose games - which became messy and panicked after the club won two games in a row in the second half of the season - deep animosity at head office lingers."

No, Caro. There was no plan to lose games.

She's a bitter mess of a journalist whose agenda over the summer was thwarted by a complete lack of truth. Go away.

It's a long way from her opinion on Schwab in this article: -


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It was of course only a matter of time before Caro took the opportunity to throw more muck in the direction of Cameron Schwab. For a long time now she has done her best to make his position untenable. She has persistently blurred the differences between supposition and fact - and between causality and coincidence.She produced nothing new this morning - just returned to her anti CS hobby horse.

It is beginning to look like she is going to win .............CS - whatever good he may have done off the field - is starting to look like a dead duck

Caro - facts please.

CS has "history with the AFL" .The AFL set out to" get him" on tanking - but couldn't pin him. How clever must this man be?

Jack Watts is struggling.Somehow that gets back to CS apparently. Does Jack regard CS as the arch villain? Where are you getting all your up to date info from Caro?

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It was of course only a matter of time before Caro took the opportunity to throw more muck in the direction of Cameron Schwab. For a long time now she has done her best to make his position untenable. She has persistently blurred the differences between supposition and fact - and between causality and coincidence.She produced nothing new this morning - just returned to her anti CS hobby horse.

It is beginning to look like she is going to win .............CS - whatever good he may have done off the field - is starting to look like a dead duck

Caro - facts please.

CS has "history with the AFL" .The AFL set out to" get him" on tanking - but couldn't pin him. How clever must this man be?

Jack Watts is struggling.Somehow that gets back to CS apparently. Does Jack regard CS as the arch villain? Where are you getting all your up to date info from Caro?

Does any other AFL CEO cop this scrutiny?

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Does any other AFL CEO cop this scrutiny?

They are not running clubs that are currently irrelevant to the competition.

The buck stops at the top.

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They are not running clubs that are currently irrelevant to the competition.

The buck stops at the top.

You bet the buck stops at the top, time to cut this poison out.

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She's at it again.

"Frustrated at being unable to prove Schwab played a part in the plan to lose games - which became messy and panicked after the club won two games in a row in the second half of the season - deep animosity at head office lingers."

No, Caro. There was no plan to lose games.

She's a bitter mess of a journalist whose agenda over the summer was thwarted by a complete lack of truth. Go away.

Hope our legals are watching this stuff. Got to be pushing it. Weren't we exonerated.

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See, what's confused me about this issue is that Melbourne fans seem to just say that losing all of those players is ok because the players were no good.

Really, we should be fuming that so, so many of our top 20 picks have turned out to be spuds. The fact that we got rid of them because they're no good does not point to their not being an issue with the list, in fact it states the opposite.

It's fair enough to have a go at the club for losing so many young, first round draft picks.

Yze, Bruce, Green, White, Robbo were all underperformers, as far as they're talents were concerned... We have a history of Not developing players since Barassi/Jordan & Northey had gone.

the clubs culture, the nature if you will of the MFC has perennially underperformed as far as the big stage is concerned. ITis Not fierce enough...

this is not the fault of the current admin or Board.

the pain now, in the cuttingaway of the infected wood & regenerating healthy growth, cannot be blamed on the current management... so we have some big losses over 2 weeks as the ship is being patched up & everyone is panicking because of the last 45 Yrs.

When we start doing the tough things to Fix it, everyone is up in Arms....... why do you think danners wouldn't do it?

The junior list fell away after Barassi/Jordan had gone ???? the development & professionalism at the junior level had stagnated, & we ended up with many talented footballers who didn't realise their full potential.....

Stars,,, but Not their full potential... this leads to being teased, with teams making the finals & threatening to breakthrough to the Premeirsjip,,, but falling short... this leads to the club appearing weak,,, & the general perception is the Club is "Soft".

and then us, we become more impatient for the promised land & at the first sign of Pain, we want to self destruct...

... think back to the Tigers of the 80's... they were in disarray, & wouldn't give any plan time to work as they thought the good old days we can build a new club in 40 days & 30 nights.

Its time Now for MFC to settle to allow this ongoing rebuild to take effect... we are 5 Yrs into an ongoing restructure which started with good & bad decisions, but all the same is still rebuilding the list & the club....

much has been a great success, except where it is most visable.

don't be panicked by an illusion....yes we were pants'd a couple of times, but wait to see the next 10 weeks unfold.

... we have players with some experience returning, & others gaining match fitness, & form will return.

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