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McLardy, Schwab and Co must go

Muvver Jones

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Did you miss the actual outcome mate? Schwab = no case to answer. Stupid is trying to blame him after the decision has come out.

Believe what you want Cam. I don't think even Gill and AD truly believed the garbage that came out of their mouths.

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The players were not happy with Schwab and went to Don about their griefs, in the end they got shafted.

How do you think they feel in the rooms when Schwab is standing there before a game or at half time, do you reckon it inspires them to perform. Even with the best of intentions it will be in the back of their mind.

...and as for the new players, I'm sure they've been given the story. There was a rumour on here a month or so back that Schwab was gone, it apparently came from a players father, one of the new players. It was not true but it is a concern if that talk is going around the club

On another point, how many club CEO's do you think attract the same negative response as ours does? Why do you think he does? Is he just unlucky? Being picked on for no apparent reason? did he just cost us 1/2 a mill?

He is a protected species at the MFC and no longer seems to be able to talk for the club. Yes Brian you can run the business of the club but you are not allowed to give any interviews or speak on behalf of the Geelong FC unless it is a closed meeting where we can shield you from the hard questions...yeah right.

Neeld will not have a clear reign to coach this club until he is gone, he is coaching with one hand tied behind his back and maybe he doesn't even know. Judging by some Malthouse comments about the club last year my guess is he does know though, and is doing his best.

Honestly this is beyond a joke. The fact is Jim Stynes asked Cam Schwab to take a look at the FD as he was too ill to do it himself this was after the Andrews report I believe? I don't know what he found but I take it Schwab didn't approve of the professionalism under Bailey & reported as such. If the players had an issue with this that's there right however playing to get a CEO sacked for doing his job is not in their job description. I can think of a few other words but will refrain. I find it hard to believe the players are still holding a grudge & if they are it's time for this BS to stop, for all parties to act like men, air their grievances in a closed environment, get it off their chest & move on. If there are any grievances that is. Even if there were, don't the players see that most of all it would reflect poorly on them? I just find it hard to believe after 18months we are still at that point. But if the club is they need to sort it out now. Edited by Bonkers
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Stuie you wrong on this. Rjay you right. Schwab pushed tanking buttons. Many reasons why this is obvious - one that comes to mind is Mclean said he felt sorry for Bails. Pressure was coming from above - Schwab. Connoly was just an enforcer then scapegoat for Schwab's (A CEO OF CLUB FOUND GUILTY OF TANKING FFS!!!).

Webber you right on admin being stable since 186. Rjay you took it wrong way. Scwab has had full reign since that day. Terribly unsuccessful and fraught reign, but unhindered by power struggles which was Webbers point. Bailey was vanquished completely. Bail's key supporters among the coaches and players were marginalised, disenfranchised and/or delisted (Rivers, Green, Moloney, Davey, Jurrah, Wona etc*).

*wow a fair bit of talent there could've used them against Port!

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I cant believe all of this. Now is not the time to be calling for heads to roll. If the media dont do it for us we may start something that no one really wants and end up with no club to support. Is that what you all really want. I doubt it. I still want to be able to watch my Club for a long time to come.

The usual suspects are again churning up the masses. We saw it during the tanking affair and we all knew that whoever was doing the stirring had not finished and would take any opportunity to keep stirring that same pot. Dont give them fodder which is what is happening now. A lot of people here it would seem by the comments/rants would prefer to see the Club go under than wait for clear air and then make productive comments. Just think what Caro will come up with after reading some of the posts here. Ah yes Melbourne supporters call for Schwab's dismissal. Is that what we need at the moment.

Some of the comments here are outrageous and are only made to keep adding fuel to the fire. We all used to poke fun at Richmond as to how often they turned their coaches over. It is game 1. FFS give the FD and players a little bit of time to sort this out. They would not have seen it coming. How could they. They were pumped prior to the game. They had a great pre-season etc etc. They all said that they had never been so fit (an indictment in itself on Bailey) so just maybe they thought it would just happen. It didn't. So I am as upset as anyone and I was one that booed. But I didnt see Don drop a mark or Cam shirk a mark. Unfortunately the players and the FD let everybody down including themselves. They are the ones we were booing.They are the ones with the FD that will be doing the soul searching as to why. I hope they do bounce back next week. I wont take it as a slap in the face. I will be happy for them and the Club. Did anyone take our win against Essendon as a slap in the face after losing so many games. No, we revelled in the players obvious joy. We are all in pain, supporters, players and the Club. We are in this together like it or not. Don't divide this Club because that is what calling for McLardy and Schwab to stand down now could end up doing.

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I cant believe all of this. Now is not the time to be calling for heads to roll. If the media dont do it for us we may start something that no one really wants and end up with no club to support. Is that what you all really want. I doubt it. I still want to be able to watch my Club for a long time to come.

The usual suspects are again churning up the masses. We saw it during the tanking affair and we all knew that whoever was doing the stirring had not finished and would take any opportunity to keep stirring that same pot. Dont give them fodder which is what is happening now. A lot of people here it would seem by the comments/rants would prefer to see the Club go under than wait for clear air and then make productive comments. Just think what Caro will come up with after reading some of the posts here. Ah yes Melbourne supporters call for Schwab's dismissal. Is that what we need at the moment.

Some of the comments here are outrageous and are only made to keep adding fuel to the fire. We all used to poke fun at Richmond as to how often they turned their coaches over. It is game 1. FFS give the FD and players a little bit of time to sort this out. They would not have seen it coming. How could they. They were pumped prior to the game. They had a great pre-season etc etc. They all said that they had never been so fit (an indictment in itself on Bailey) so just maybe they thought it would just happen. It didn't. So I am as upset as anyone and I was one that booed. But I didnt see Don drop a mark or Cam shirk a mark. Unfortunately the players and the FD let everybody down including themselves. They are the ones we were booing.They are the ones with the FD that will be doing the soul searching as to why. I hope they do bounce back next week. I wont take it as a slap in the face. I will be happy for them and the Club. Did anyone take our win against Essendon as a slap in the face after losing so many games. No, we revelled in the players obvious joy. We are all in pain, supporters, players and the Club. We are in this together like it or not. Don't divide this Club because that is what calling for McLardy and Schwab to stand down now could end up doing.


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I cant believe all of this. Now is not the time to be calling for heads to roll. If the media dont do it for us we may start something that no one really wants and end up with no club to support. Is that what you all really want. I doubt it. I still want to be able to watch my Club for a long time to come.

The usual suspects are again churning up the masses. We saw it during the tanking affair and we all knew that whoever was doing the stirring had not finished and would take any opportunity to keep stirring that same pot. Dont give them fodder which is what is happening now. A lot of people here it would seem by the comments/rants would prefer to see the Club go under than wait for clear air and then make productive comments. Just think what Caro will come up with after reading some of the posts here. Ah yes Melbourne supporters call for Schwab's dismissal. Is that what we need at the moment.

Some of the comments here are outrageous and are only made to keep adding fuel to the fire. We all used to poke fun at Richmond as to how often they turned their coaches over. It is game 1. FFS give the FD and players a little bit of time to sort this out. They would not have seen it coming. How could they. They were pumped prior to the game. They had a great pre-season etc etc. They all said that they had never been so fit (an indictment in itself on Bailey) so just maybe they thought it would just happen. It didn't. So I am as upset as anyone and I was one that booed. But I didnt see Don drop a mark or Cam shirk a mark. Unfortunately the players and the FD let everybody down including themselves. They are the ones we were booing.They are the ones with the FD that will be doing the soul searching as to why. I hope they do bounce back next week. I wont take it as a slap in the face. I will be happy for them and the Club. Did anyone take our win against Essendon as a slap in the face after losing so many games. No, we revelled in the players obvious joy. We are all in pain, supporters, players and the Club. We are in this together like it or not. Don't divide this Club because that is what calling for McLardy and Schwab to stand down now could end up doing.

No mate that's what the Schwab supporters were calling for after the Geelong debacle and look where we are now. This carp about don or Cam not getting a kick is just a furphy, of course they don't but they set the club up and CS has overseen one failed rebuild and has gone back to ground zero with another. Don't you think the club is already divided? CS is the only CEO that causes this level of angst in the football world.

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I have kept my powder dry until now because I wanted to let the anger I felt after that dreadful display on Sunday subside

As far as I can remember neither Don McLardy or Cam Scwab ran around the G in the team

Those two have been working their arses off to get the Club on a stable footing, we do not need or want to fracture the Club, getting rid of them is not an answer

I attended the training session on Saturday morning and walked away even more optimistic about the following day bug


Do what I have done, I have tweeted my anger, I have emailed the Club on how I feel, but I have made sure I sheeted the blame at the players

Neeld must wonder what sort of players he has, he thought he had players of character, he may need to rethink that as well

Edited by Satyriconhome
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Something is still not right from the 186 fallout. I don't know exactly what it is but something is still festering from that fallout. IMO trust has been broken between players and the board. DM & CS have tried to sweep things under the carpet without actually addressing anything as if nothing ever happened.

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Something is still not right from the 186 fallout. I don't know exactly what it is but something is still festering from that fallout. IMO trust has been broken between players and the board. DM & CS have tried to sweep things under the carpet without actually addressing anything as if nothing ever happened.

Spot on.

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I have kept my powder dry until now because I wanted to let the anger I felt after that dreadful display on Sunday subside As far as I can remember neither Don McLardy or Cam Scwab ran around the G in the team Those two have been working their arses off to get the Club on a stable footing, we do not need or want to fracture the Club, getting rid of them is not an answer I attended the training session on Saturday morning and walked away even more optimistic about the following day bug IT WAS THE PLAYERS THAT LET US DOWN Do what I have done, I have tweeted my anger, I have emailed the Club on how I feel, but I have made sure I sheeted the blame at the players Neeld must wonder what sort of players he has, he thought he had players of character, he may need to rethink that as well

You're blaming the players only Sat, but the overwhelming trend coming out of the media analysis since Sunday is the bafflement at how the team is structured and set up. This is purely a coaching issue, and they're all talking about it. Ask yourself why James Frawley is looking so bereft out there, when he was AA 3 years ago. Garland same, Jamar too. There's something seriously wrong with the way these players are being coached. Why were Viney and Matt Jones the only ones who seemed to play with confidence and instinct? Do you think it's a coincidence that they've only been there for a few months. The rest just seem confused and frankly at a loss. They have NO confidence!!!! It just has to be the coaching, and now the best footy experience in the media (Roos, Walls, Etc...) are on to it.

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Schwab either a) orchestrated the events of 2009; b) turned a blind eye to the events of 2009 or c) was oblivious to the events of 2009. Either way, his presence is divisive and his role untenable. Add to that the negative media coverage he attracts makes him unsuitable to a position in which media/PR is important.

We cannot allow the same people to remain in charge after two failed rebuilds.

And those giving him credit for the club making a profit need to get their heads out of the sand. We are only profitable because of the AFL’s support.

Edited by Fat Tony
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You're blaming the players only Sat, but the overwhelming trend coming out of the media analysis since Sunday is the bafflement at how the team is structured and set up. This is purely a coaching issue, and they're all talking about it. Ask yourself why James Frawley is looking so bereft out there, when he was AA 3 years ago. Garland same, Jamar too. There's something seriously wrong with the way these players are being coached. Why were Viney and Matt Jones the only ones who seemed to play with confidence and instinct? Do you think it's a coincidence that they've only been there for a few months. The rest just seem confused and frankly at a loss. They have NO confidence!!!! It just has to be the coaching, and now the best footy experience in the media (Roos, Walls, Etc...) are on to it.

Webber, I agree blame has to be also put back on the Coach and his assistants. My main question is we were never going to win the game with the structure/game plan that Neeld has developed. Where was Plan B. Malthouse went to Plan B and nearly won the game. Why were there no changes made in the last quarter. Put Frawley at CHF or Jack Watts in the forward line. Making changes is no admission of being wrong. In my eyes making changes is a sign that someone can be flexible. Neeld seems to be inflexible. Anyway whats the worse thing that could happen - we could just get charged with tanking - again!

The team played woefully - that is the players and the FD. They have to work out why is that they can carry out the game plan at Gosch's but they cant when there is an opposition. Lack of confidence, Neeld is uninspiring - well JV and Matt Jones and Jimmy Toumpas seemed inspired. Gillies and Pederson to some extent were just outplayed - duds and should never have been recruited. Rhodan and Byrnes from what I could see tried their hardest. But where was the run and carry that gives your fellow team mate confidence that there will be someone else with you. Where were the leads - just standing flat footed. To me they were standing out there with a whole of lot of football plan in their brains saying now I have to stand her or I have to go there - oh thats not to plan what do I do now. Any semblance of individuality and flair has been coached out of them with the exception of Blease because he is expected within the "Plan" to run and carry.

I dont think it is the Plan as such but the way it is being coached, its inflexibility, the lack of player confidence to carry out the Plan when it gets tough. Only winning can get back that confidence. Jack Grimes can say that they all move on quickly but in their subconscious there must be something telling them that they just cant do this.

It is now up to the Club including Don and Cam to sort out with the FD why the players cannot implement the Plan and why there does not seem to be Plan B.

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Schwab either a) orchestrated the events of 2009; B) turned a blind eye to the events of 2009 or c) was oblivious to the events of 2009. Either way, his presence is divisive and his role untenable. Add to that the negative media coverage he attracts makes him unsuitable to a position in which media/PR is important.

We cannot allow the same people to remain in charge after two failed rebuilds.

And those giving him credit for the club making a profit need to get their heads out of the sand. We are only profitable because of the AFL’s support.

Tanking started under Gardner and Harris in 2008 when we went for the youth policy with our list and Bailey as our coach.

2009 was the culmination of that. And if we had won 1 too many games for the third time in 7 seasons we would have been the laughing stock of the AFL (I am sure we all know what that feels like).

Stop trying to reallign the past to suit an agenda - you can't spend 6 months berating the AFL for bringing this on us and then malign Schwab for being apart of what he was absolved for and what we all think was a BS investigation.

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Tanking started under Gardner and Harris in 2008 when we went for the youth policy with our list and Bailey as our coach.

2009 was the culmination of that. And if we had won 1 too many games for the third time in 7 seasons we would have been the laughing stock of the AFL (I am sure we all know what that feels like).

Stop trying to reallign the past to suit an agenda - you can't spend 6 months berating the AFL for bringing this on us and then malign Schwab for being apart of what he was absolved for and what we all think was a BS investigation.

Firstly, there is a massive difference between going down the youth road and tanking.

Secondly, I think the club made the right call in 2009 in securing the priority pick. But the club still needs clear air from the issue and the best way for that to happen is for fresh leadership to come in. It is not about personalities or how fiscally successful the current administration has been. It is about what is best for the club going forward. My only ‘agenda’ here is to see the MFC succeed.

There are plenty of people out there who can do Schwab’s role who are not divisive and who do not carry his baggage.

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A bit of revisionism here. Bailey was hired under the presumption we still had a viable list. Shows how clueless the Gardner administration were. But our onfield problems were not as bad then and recovery could have been painless with sensible rebuilding which of course has not happened. One has to look at sides that have disastrous seasons except us after 2007. All have recovered to an extent quickly. We are the exceptions. That is the fault of the current administration

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The board and football department should release a book called the idiots guide how to ruin a football club. They've had their chance and have cocked up at nearly every turn. Unfortunately if no one offers a solution then we are stuck with them, although I think a lot of positions at the club will become untenable if we continue playing like this in the coming months.

I'm interested In the AFLs opinion in how the club is Being run. The AFL sells the competiton to the networks as an even competition but most games involving melbourne and the expansion teams is a guaranteed loss. Surely there will be a please explain soon. Perhaps if the board needs to be removed and/or football department positions the AFL could step in and make recommendations to replacements which I'm not against. We can't keep making these monumental mistakes, we won't exist soon.

I have family members who are entrenched in the football industry and the horror stories I hear about the business side of our club is heartbreaking. If the club manages to get off the canvas with the current administration it would be a miracle. It makes trying up support this club, paying your membership, and going to the games hoping for improvement is like entering a boxing ring with your hands tied behind your back.

I really hope the media keeps on their back, keeps them honest. We are being fed so much BS from our club through the media, that there's no problems, and we need to stick the journey, blah blah. There are too many people involved that are more about self interest, than the clubs interest. That's why people like CS stick to their guns in the war, instead of doing the right thing by the club and supporters by leaving.

Sick of this boys club, they are all protecting each other. The AFL rules over all of them though, they will be found out eventually and hopefully we will get our club back into good hands once again.

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I'm interested In the AFLs opinion in how the club is Being run. The AFL sells the competiton to the networks as an even competition but most games involving melbourne and the expansion teams is a guaranteed loss. Surely there will be a please explain soon. Perhaps if the board needs to be removed and/or football department positions the AFL could step in and make recommendations to replacements which I'm not against. We can't keep making these monumental mistakes, we won't exist soon.

How right you are. The history of the current administration leaves us without credibility in pushing the case for greater equalisation measures in the AFL. A fresh administration would give us a voice again.

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I want it put on record that I think the club is responding well to the situation at the moment. That game is Neeld's 186 and at least McLardy and Schwab have learned that the process they went through with Bailey was horribly flawed.

Neeld has the first half of this season to save his job and he should be told that now. He carries Schwab's job in his back pocket. McLardy should arrange a succession plan with another member of the Board but he should stay. He's a good person and a tireless worker but he doesn't have the gravitas we need our Chairman to have. The MFC should look for some experienced football people for the Board, preferably from another club who has had success. We should be talking with the AFL about a possible replacement for Schwab.

All is not lost but the hole that has been dug is bigger than I expected. IMO the only hope Neeld has of saving the situation is to somehow instil some confidence in the players who are without confidence, flair or hope at the moment after 18 months under him. It's sad to see the careers of so many good players being threatened by what's happening.

Neeld has done many good things in his time so far but unfortunately to date coaching isn't one of them. I hope he can turn it around.

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You're being divisive, not Schwab.

He has rebuilt our finances and facilities.

Media is not his job.

He was not implicated in the tanking affair, only Bailey and Connolly.

But don't let actual facts get in the way of a good old fashioned lynching...

How has he rebuilt our facilities?

Our business is founded on an unsustainable model of handouts and donations.

Media most certainly is a part of his job. Where is he? Haven't heard boo from him for quite some time.

He was the CEO of the club at the time therefore responsibility ultimately falls to him. I think they did the right thing by the club in securing the PP but if there is a hangover of division within the club remaining from this then he has to bear ultimate responsibility for that.

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