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THE WILSON FILE - the arrogance at the heart of the innuendo


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yes ABC NEWS during the halcyon times of Andrew Fraser. When News meant something!

LoL, good ol' days... robbo, he was great, dry sarcastic yet innocent wit.

i loved his late night shows.

# who was andrew fraser?


Do you really think I have any influence over what happens at the MFC?

Have you forgotten about the importance of the written word, which is why you took the time to stand up for the club under adversity ? It was a salient point you made to me many years ago. You were talking about on-line criticism of the club and the adverse impact it could have.

Of course you favoured the Board in those days.


AFL looks at former Demon fitness coach

Its lucky for Julia that Caro does not investigate her past professional dealings :)

In news just in - an auskick player representing Preston primary school has been been interviewed by Brett Clothier for the fourth time about his observations of the demons body language as they ran out onto the field in the 2009 game against the tigers.

Sources advise that Timmy told investigators 'the red and blue players looked sad'


In news just in - an auskick player representing Preston primary school has been been interviewed by Brett Clothier for the fourth time about his observations of the demons body language as they ran out onto the field in the 2009 game against the tigers.

Sources advise that Timmy told investigators 'the red and blue players looked sad'

Fairfax Media understands that Clothier stopped the recording at various times to remind Timmy that his future as Year 5 SRC Rep is at stake.


I just pray someone with a similar axe has her in court exploring her rumours stated as fact!

Will pelican denham be giving evidence in carowhine's defence or is he still licking stamps and taping wires to the floor?


If true, that piece of rubbish clearly shows that the leak source is from the AFl; probably the investigators.

Is that AFI as in Australian Film Institute (in which case, we're talking fiction) or AFL (in which case, we're definitely talking fiction)?

The investigation. Is truly becoming an embarrassment to the sport, to journalism and those working in both professions.


I used to think that CW was a good Journo but her standards have slipped and now she has been reduced to the lowest order of "If it bleeds it leads" type of Journalism which is just the last gasp in hope of Media outlets searching for relevance in a AFL Media saturated market. Whether CW finds her Mojo or continues to decline remains to be seen. Until then I will take anything she has to say with a grain of salt. and maybe a slice of lemon and shot of tequila.


Desperation is kicking in for Caro.

She keeps running around with the same old bone but there is no meat on it.

Adam Paulo is now in the firing line?

Lynden Dunn urged us to win at 3/4 time v Richmond.

Haddad to re-interview Bailey.

There was a rebellion in the rooms lead by Lynden?

She is all over the place like a mad womans poop.

She may actually be obsessing over this in an unhealthy way.

I fear for the remnants of her sanity.

The investigators are clutching at straws and feeding the scant "evidence" directly to her which seems a little prejudicial.

She has toned down the attack on CS but there are still issues in her closet with him.

She's fkn Radio Rental.


AFL looks at former Demon fitness coach

Its lucky for Julia that Caro does not investigate her past professional dealings :)

It's lucky for you The Herald Sun explains politics in simple words and has lots of pictures.

Red hair , woman = bad.


I would suggest that the follow up to Wilson's screeching editorial of a fortnight ago has been a major embarrassment to herself and her newspaper.

I'm afraid that if Caro wants to win a Walkley Award for journalism now, then she has to volunteer to go to Gaza and embed herself with whoever happens to be the latest leader of the Hamas military wing and ask some tough questions whilst on a casual drive through town.


Desperation is kicking in for Caro.

She keeps running around with the same old bone but there is no meat on it.

Adam Paulo is now in the firing line?

Lynden Dunn urged us to win at 3/4 time v Richmond.

Haddad to re-interview Bailey.

There was a rebellion in the rooms lead by Lynden?

She is all over the place like a mad womans poop.

She may actually be obsessing over this in an unhealthy way.

I fear for the remnants of her sanity.

The investigators are clutching at straws and feeding the scant "evidence" directly to her which seems a little prejudicial.

She has toned down the attack on CS but there are still issues in her closet with him.

She's fkn Radio Rental.

I think you might be right Biff. She seems to be obsessing about this story in a very unhealthy manner. I have this vision of her crouched over and rocking in the corner of a room that is plastered with pictures of Cameron Schwab , whilst wearing a tin foil hat so she can stop demonland posters from reading her mind. Quite sad really. With this in mind for the sake of Wilson's own well being can I ask my fellow demonland posters not to mention what a fine Journalist Emma Quayle is in any of your posts, it might just send Keroline over the edge.


Why write 'Fairfax Media understands...' instead of just 'The Age understands...'? Is Ron Walker somehow the puppet master behind C Wilson, pulling the strings to discredit his former employees in a long-game revenge scenario?

Also, I love that we had a 'losing strategy' (a late contender for oxymoron of the year) and that it had been 'subtly' activated earlier in the season. What's subtle about losing 12 out of 13 games in the first half of the season?


"Dunn is one of several players who is believed to have passionately urged his teammates to win during the last change of that game" - this is my favourite extract.

This is irrefutable proof that we tanked and I think the AFL's next stop should be Hawthorn. I watched that match and, at 3/4 time, players clearly implored each other to lift in the last term to claim the win.


You're a very good poster BH. One of the few. I always read what you say, I giggle at some, I learn from some and I enjoy it all.

But it's interesting that of the 20 or so people who post on Demonland and who know me personally and know my background you are the only one who finds it necessary to mention it regularly.

Keep posting mate, I enjoy it; although for obvious reasons I can't respond as you've asked.

If it's any consolation I also feel like I'm stalked by RPFC. It's pretty inoffensive really. I put it in the category of "comic relief" and just attend to it as necessary.

Not obvious to me Dandeeman. The last time we exchanged posts you resigned in embarrassment at your groundless allegations but I see the lure of Demonland was too strong.

I don't mind what you think of my motives or me. You've no idea who I am or what my motives are but for some reason you think that you are the protector of the MFC defending it from the real and present danger of "Fan" of Demonland who is waging a vendetta of destruction upon the Club you love by posting dangerous propaganda at least 6 times a year. But thankfully we have you to save us from almost certain destruction if "Fan" were left unchecked.

Have you any idea how silly that is?? Do you realise that by my posting most of Demonland has mainly galvanized itself in support of the very targets of my comments and against me? Have a look at the support I've garnered. MFC must be shaking in its boots.

Anyway enjoy your crusade.

What a wonderful comment. Thanks TimD. The most worrying thing in this thread for me is the panic that a single reporter has struck into the hearts of many who think our whole club is so exposed that it could be seriously damaged by her articles and then don't ask themselves "why am I worried".

I've enjoyed the banter, I like Caro and hope she continues her career and I hope most of all we fail to give her any ammunition to put us to the sword.

It's actually up to us and it's about time we took responsibility.

To be honest, and as someone who has read most of what’s here, I don’t recall much in the way of panic about what Wilson has had to say. Contempt, as Elwood says, disgust, outrage, concern at journalistic and ethical standards and so on, but panic? Presumably that’s just you in Wilsonian mode. Imitation being the sincerest form etc.

What you’ve glossed over entirely is that people here have largely been concerned not simply with the ‘facts’ Wilson’s has been claiming to report during her campaign against the MFC, but (a) that she’s taken it upon herself to conduct a campaign in the first place; and (B) the manner of her reporting whatever it is she’s actually reporting. Maybe responsibility here rests ultimately with her editor, but Wilson’s rolling philippic has had nothing to do with journalism and everything to do with the op-ed pages.

I don’t think it’s just contributors to this thread who feel abused and defrauded by, or angry at opinion masquerading as journalism. All that’s been added here are various suspicions and concerns and occasional bits of information about what else may or may not be involved in that masquerade … and, of course, an entirely justifiable reaction to Wilson’s vitriolic and hostile bloviating.

I think, by the way, that you flatter yourself just a touch by claiming some role in galvanizing (sic) opinion on this thread. If you’d read more of it you might have noticed how well people had been getting on without you. Any more galvanising and we’d be able to start a roofing business (nearly said a tank-making business, but it’s a touchy subject and most water tanks are plastic nowadays).

Your interventions don’t seem to have contributed anything useful anyway. The recent descent into boys’ club claptrap about who knows whom and who doesn’t isn’t much more than a pretext for a bit of patronising of one poster (if not all of us) and abuse of a couple of others. It’s just plain tedious. Maybe that was your hope, though: to kill off the thread through boredom and irrelevance.

Take another look, though. It’s off and running again, just as you’ve fallen silent. Interesting, that.


Why write 'Fairfax Media understands...' instead of just 'The Age understands...'? Is Ron Walker somehow the puppet master behind C Wilson, pulling the strings to discredit his former employees in a long-game revenge scenario?

Also, I love that we had a 'losing strategy' (a late contender for oxymoron of the year) and that it had been 'subtly' activated earlier in the season. What's subtle about losing 12 out of 13 games in the first half of the season?

As much as I like conspiracies, I expect they say "Fairfax' rather than 'Age' because they put the same article in the SMH, Canberra Times etc.


I like the way they seem to be trying to tell us they're after the disgruntled. Coz the disgruntled always make the best witnesses, after all.


In other words, the AFL still have NOTHING.

Not so sure.

Given the fitness & condition of out list pre-Neeld, the fact that we employed Hocking & Puolo could be construed as systematic tanking.

I wonder if they asked for a reference on departure.


Rumour has it that CW is working on another story that melbourne gave players mandarines instead or oranges in the last two games at 3 quarter time and that they watered down the gaterade. The orangeboy and drinks attendants have been interviewed 3 times each.


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