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Trade Sylvia - just do it


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Not running or hiding.......I see your arguement and you have made some great points.......All you have said can be said of a lot of our players and I am not saying that Sylvia is the great player we all thought.....but I think we need him and other mature older players to play with our youth otherwise we will just keep playing kids that cannot cope

I still believe he has a lot more value than a draft pick at this stage and has been improving after an injury interupted pre season...

The infuriating aspect is we do need him. In a fashion. We need his maturity, though Im somewhat loathe to acredit him with a great deal. Maybe I should ( theres that word again ), but he is an older body out on the pitch, no argumnent. We could certainly use his ability is only he was gracious enough to dein to give it

I have no argument either that what many of us say of Colin could also be said of others, wonderful isnt it. However here we are talking of Colin. Im not one who particualrly want s paddock full of kids or recently there of. We need some decent go at it types in the 25-29 bracket. This to some degree opens the door to the scenarios of putting Sylvia on the block and taking the best we can and utilising eithher trade or picks or combinations to grab a few who fall under the 'moneyball " banner. Colin himself in a manner does. he may well extract more results at another club, just as some who are starved of opportunity might should they come to Melbourne.

For whatever reasons we dont get good value from Colin. What he could be is long past being a caveat for many a supporter and I beleive this also rings true for those who employ him.

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Answer this then...who would you be happy to trade for him that is willing to come to us......not looking for a fight but it is all very well to say trade...trade ...trade....but give me a name that will be better.....and good luck to you f you could play this game after recovering from a broken back....

Clearly none of us know who would be willing to come to us but I for one would trade him for Travis Boak any day of the week if you want an example. You will get an honest performance week in week out, He is not as talented as Col but he is there every week putting in.

Edit: Just had a look at the Swans trading. They have demonstarted there are plenty of ordinary players out there who are prepared to work hard to a team game plan. They are much more valuable than a Sylvia. They have got players that were deemed NQR or slightly unloved at their original clubs and turned them into a solid team unit. PLayers like Everitt, McGlynn, Mattner, Mumford, Seaby, Spangher, Walsh, Shaw, Richards and Kennedy. Two of these are bona fide stars - Mumford and Kennedy. Even an ordinary player like Roberts-Thompson plays a good team role.

That is what Neeld is trying to do. Get everyone to play a role. And if you can't do it you won't last long. Col has shown some improvement before the last two weeks but then he does the classic let down with two ordinary performances.

Edited by jnrmac
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Would still rather have him on our list rather than trade him for a late 2nd rnd or eaely 3rd so that we can draft another rohan bail...

I'm not sure what makes people think Sylvia has such low trade value.

He is an explosive talent and teams jostling for the cup will love to have him.

IMO Late 1st round pick is attainable. Maybe slightly higher.

Sylvia has been lucky that there has been 3 turnover of coaches. Cause the new coach always think that they will be the one to turn Col Sylvia.

Sure we need mature bodies but we need them to be leaders too. It's time Sylvia is traded while he still has value.

Edited by jacey
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This time last year I was one suggesting that Sylvia is the new Trapper.

I have made little comment about him this year.

I have watched him this year and have made allowances for the fact he started the year with a bad injury.

I actually think he would be very usefull in a good team were he does not have to burn every quarter of every game

I thought we had made a big mistake trading Trapper as it turned out it was the right move.

Have I changed my view.


If the deal is a good one take it, if it is part of a deal for a good player take it.

But lets not give him away for another ordinary player.

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I'm not sure what makes people think Sylvia has such low trade value.

He is an explosive talent and teams jostling for the cup will love to have him.

IMO Late 1st round pick is attainable. Maybe slightly higher.

Sylvia has a higher trade value than Brock McLean to a contending team.

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Guest KingDingAling

Sylvia has a higher trade value than Brock McLean to a contending team.

Yes, but we traded Mclean a couple of years back, in that time Sylvia has ran through a car yard

and barely been able to stay on the park.

Col's behavior has also always been worse than Brocks.

Is Sylvia twice the player McLean is and will be? Yes.

Would we get a first round pick for Colin Sylvia right now? No way.

There is no point trading Colin for a second round pick..

I've said it in the past and ill say it again, Colin Sylvia up and running is our best player.

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Yes, but we traded Mclean a couple of years back, in that time Sylvia has ran through a car yard

and barely been able to stay on the park.

Col's behavior has also always been worse than Brocks.

Is Sylvia twice the player McLean is and will be? Yes.

Would we get a first round pick for Colin Sylvia right now? No way.

There is no point trading Colin for a second round pick..

I've said it in the past and ill say it again, Colin Sylvia up and running is our best player.

I believe a number of clubs would line up for Sylvia with their first round pick, non of them top 10 but top 8 teams could get alot out of him with an established midfield around him

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Guest KingDingAling

I believe a number of clubs would line up for Sylvia with their first round pick, non of them top 10 but top 8 teams could get alot out of him with an established midfield around him

Trading Sylvia isn't in our best interests.

We are looking to improve and fast - Sylvia up and running quickly improves our side.

He has been injured most of his career, now he is getting right, would be silly to trade him,

Plus, after 13/15 in this years draft, it drops off dramatically.

And, Sylvia wouldn't net us a first round pick anyway, so we would be looking at a mid 20's.

A kid in the 20s guarantees nothing, whereas a fit Colin Sylvia is our best player.

And we haven't even seen the best of Sylvia.

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Without doubt, Sylvia has had a very frustrating MFC career. I would've thought every Demons supporter would agree with that. In fact, it's hard to contend otherwise.

BUT Sylvia is without doubt our classiest player. And that's ultra important to any AFL team, but it's even more important to a team with an exceptionally young list that also lacks class in its senior player ranks.

And Neeld likes class. But he also likes discipline. Neeld is clearly working with Sylvia on building discipline.

Whilst it's clearly still a work in progress, there have been some hugely positive signs in Sylvia's progress over the last two months IMO.

Some people take a bit longer to mature than others. I hope Sylvia's in this category.

I reckon with good effective mentoring from a strong coach (ie, Neeld) and some luck with injuries, Sylvia could have a break out season next year.

In short, I reckon he's a big part of our future. At least, I sincerely hope so.

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Trading Sylvia isn't in our best interests.

That as a motherhood statement is meaningless id suggest. The only criteria for "our best interests" is improving our team by gaining performers, not pretenders.
We are looking to improve and fast - Sylvia up and running quickly improves our side.
The first bit is correct, the second might be but who would know unequivocably as we've never seen it.
He has been injured most of his career, now he is getting right, would be silly to trade him,
He has been injury plagued. Maybe hes getting better but that in no way precludes him from being traded
Plus, after 13/15 in this years draft, it drops off dramatically.
The nature of a trade is more likely to invlove a player. The club has Stated time and time again its hunting players
And, Sylvia wouldn't net us a first round pick anyway, so we would be looking at a mid 20's.
see above, erroneous argument
A kid in the 20s guarantees nothing, whereas a fit Colin Sylvia is our best player.
Neither gaurantees anything, in fact we have a better Idea that Sylvia guarantees nothign as opposed an unknown !!
And we haven't even seen the best of Sylvia.

Some might argue we have...and thats the whole point.
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Yes, but we traded Mclean a couple of years back, in that time Sylvia has ran through a car yard

and barely been able to stay on the park.

Col's behavior has also always been worse than Brocks.

Is Sylvia twice the player McLean is and will be? Yes.

Would we get a first round pick for Colin Sylvia right now? No way.

There is no point trading Colin for a second round pick..

I've said it in the past and ill say it again, Colin Sylvia up and running is our best player.

Getting pick 11 for a player like Brock McLean was a complete fluke, and one which I doubt will be repeated for a very long time.

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I've said it in the past and ill say it again, Colin Sylvia up and running is our best player.

That your highness is simply a mirage.
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He has been injured most of his career, now he is getting right, would be silly to trade him,

And, Sylvia wouldn't net us a first round pick anyway, so we would be looking at a mid 20's.

A fit Colin Sylvia is our best player.

And we haven't even seen the best of Sylvia.

This injury argument is complete [censored]. Go and look at the stats and games played. He has played plenty of games. The club doesn't rate him. Check out he B&F results or don't you like facts??

Yeah right. He has played 3, 16, 17, 16, 18, 17, 15, 19 and 12 games in his 8 seasons. Averaging 16.6 disposals per game. Yep let's wait another 8 seasons to give him a fair crack.

You should demand more of our players.

A fit Sylvia is NOT our best player. A fit Sylvia with a footy brain and some dedicated commitment COULD be our best polayer. He is far from it,

You are right about he last statement. We haven't. And won't.

Sylvia will get a first round pick from a finals contender. Zero doubt about that.

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If by "best player" is "most potential if all planets align, they are super fit and mentally able to deliver" then I'd rate Liam Jurrah, Mitch Clark, Jones and others before Colin.

Sam Blease strings a couple more performances like the weekend and he'll be in front of Colin...

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Guest KingDingAling

If by "best player" is "most potential if all planets align, they are super fit and mentally able to deliver" then I'd rate Liam Jurrah, Mitch Clark, Jones and others before Colin.

Sam Blease strings a couple more performances like the weekend and he'll be in front of Colin...

Sylvia has played games where he is 'elite', well and truely in that bracket.

He needs consistancy and injuries don't help, no doubt he could also apply himself in a more professional manner.

Make no mistake, Sylvia is our best player, Its fact, I have seen this with my own eyes.

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Obviously my opinion about him being gone but I am definitely in the trade Sylvia camp. He has some currency outside the club.

As for telling him to do the things you suggest he has been told 1000 times. He is not the sharpest tool in the shed our Col.

His B&F finishes tell you exactly what the club think of him. 8 years and not once inside the top 5. A disgrace for someone of his talent.

Yes your B&F point has been raised by you at least 15 times. We understand it .

What you fail to mention is that our club best and fairest isn't a 3-2-1 system. Max votes is 15. Nearly everyone receives one. What that means is that missing games is crucial to being in hunt for our B&F. In 2010, for example he missed 7 games and he still came 5th! Your research is fantastic when you actually give them relevance. Every year he's losing a potential 60 votes to others. Never a chance to get the award.

If we trade him next year will be just another boring year of rubbish, he's the only class we've got and we want to trade him for another pick which is a 50/50 chance with our track record.

Rocks in your head.

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Sylvia will get a first round pick from a finals contender. Zero doubt about that.

Sylvia would benefit from a fresh start. I think he's done his dash but a club like Sydney could turn him around. Imagine him kicking goals off a wing to complement Jetta?

Their first round pick would suffice and perhaps a swap of later-round picks to balance it out.

He is the closest type to an A-grader in our squad, but he's had a 4-year grace period to shake off his "woulda, coulda, shoulda" tag.

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Sylvia has played games where he is 'elite', well and truely in that bracket.

He needs consistancy and injuries don't help, no doubt he could also apply himself in a more professional manner.

Make no mistake, Sylvia is our best player, Its fact, I have seen this with my own eyes.

Unfortunately in my definition of an "elite player" I include

  • Elite players are consistently good, Colin is not.
  • Elite players are best practice in the way they prepare for the game, Colin is not.
  • Elite players turn it up (or turn it on) when the team needs it, Col lacks the ability to control when he turns it up.
  • Elite players have the strength and drive to play at an elite level when injured, Colin does not.

Colin has played some great football games, and as a result, has teased us into thinking he could be an "elite player". But he's not.

And every year that passes lessens the likelyhood that he ever will be an elite player.

That siad he could still be a good player in our team. Just not an elite one.

Edited by PaulRB
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Mitch Clark is our best player. Sylvia is lost in his shadow .


Jones is also easily right up there. They dont have a lot of company really :(

Edited by belzebub59
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Yes your B&F point has been raised by you at least 15 times. We understand it .

What you fail to mention is that our club best and fairest isn't a 3-2-1 system. Max votes is 15. Nearly everyone receives one. What that means is that missing games is crucial to being in hunt for our B&F. In 2010, for example he missed 7 games and he still came 5th! Your research is fantastic when you actually give them relevance. Every year he's losing a potential 60 votes to others. Never a chance to get the award.

If we trade him next year will be just another boring year of rubbish, he's the only class we've got and we want to trade him for another pick which is a 50/50 chance with our track record.

Rocks in your head.

Glad its sinking in.

Plenty of players have performed well in the Bluey without playing full seasons. Nowhere did I say he was expected to win it. His performances are well below par for a so called 'elite' player. It makes me ill the way people on this site refer to him as elite. He is so far from it its a joke.

I think you are the one with rocks. He is lazy, selfish and has a shocking work ethic. The world is full of talented people with the same probelm. Its why some people become stars and others never get there. Not only will Sylvia never get there with that attitude but it has and will continue to tarnish the culture of the club we want to create. We will be better off without him

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