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Over-rated "boom" recruits, in alpha order:

bush demon

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All of which put him clearly outside our best 22 for this season. His average possession tally was below average, his efficiency WELL below average, his contest abilities (tackles, contested possessions) ordinary at best. He was not the messiah for MFC, and won't be for GWS, but he's smart enough to jump on what is the most ridiculously undeserved 6 year contract in Australian football history. Truth is stranger than fiction.

oh dear. Scully had a terrible season yet still averaged over 20 touches a game.

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He squibbed it b badly running with the flight against (?) Richmond,after a long, accurate pass from Sylvia.

Funny you should mention that JJC - I know the episode you mean, and wanted to see a replay of it, as it looked that way from where I was sitting (he was running directly away from me), but didn't want to "hang him" without another look at it.

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He was referred to in the media as a 'boom recruit', (from a friend's scrapbook) i just mixed him up with Burston. too young and too long ago! alright wj, what's your files say on vearing, catlin and dowsing, and ricky gervais wants to know whether you can throw a shoe over a house.

Dowsing, Vearing and Catlin were all rovers who had brief careers in the 60s. None of them would have been considered "boom" recruits but Catlin was what I would call a "kaboom recruit".

He came from McKinnon High School and started 1966 playing with the Melbourne Fourths in the now defunct Melbourne Boys League. He had a meteoric rise through the thirds and reserves and by Round 14 he was in the firsts against Richmond (it was the game immediately after Ed Burston's 6 goal haul v Hawthorn). He was just 16 years of age and did well enough to retain his spot and start as a rover in his second game. He injured his knee and missed all of 1967, played 1 game in 1968 and then crossed over to South Melbourne.

In those days, I used to live in Ormond which is close to McKinnon and somebody once stopped me in the street and asked me if I was Sid Catlin. Years later I met him when he was involved in junior football and he didn't look anything like me. However, if you've likened him to Scully in any way then it's gratifying for me to know that I'm only two degrees of separation off earning $2m from playing professional football which makes Kevin Sheedy an absolute genius and me overrated.

As for Ricky Gervais, no I don't think he was a boom footballer but he's an overrated comedian. The skit the Scullys did for Hutchy at Tullamarine was so much funnier than anything he can do.

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Yeah, you can take your head out of the sand now. Scully is better than any young player on our list. Thats why GWS went after him and they got him. Not his fault though. It's the AFL's.

But just because he is gone now there is no need to trivialise his elite speed, elite handballing, awareness, reflexes, courage and elite endurance.

Exactly. This is why we need to push for adequate compensation for this kid. IMO, needs to be above what Geelong got for Ablett. Rigging the B&F, anyone?

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Dowsing, Vearing and Catlin were all rovers who had brief careers in the 60s. None of them would have been considered "boom" recruits but Catlin was what I would call a "kaboom recruit".

He came from McKinnon High School and started 1966 playing with the Melbourne Fourths in the now defunct Melbourne Boys League. He had a meteoric rise through the thirds and reserves and by Round 14 he was in the firsts against Richmond (it was the game immediately after Ed Burston's 6 goal haul v Hawthorn). He was just 16 years of age and did well enough to retain his spot and start as a rover in his second game. He injured his knee and missed all of 1967, played 1 game in 1968 and then crossed over to South Melbourne.

In those days, I used to live in Ormond which is close to McKinnon and somebody once stopped me in the street and asked me if I was Sid Catlin. Years later I met him when he was involved in junior football and he didn't look anything like me. However, if you've likened him to Scully in any way then it's gratifying for me to know that I'm only two degrees of separation off earning $2m from playing professional football which makes Kevin Sheedy an absolute genius and me overrated.

As for Ricky Gervais, no I don't think he was a boom footballer but he's an overrated comedian. The skit the Scullys did for Hutchy at Tullamarine was so much funnier than anything he can do.

the reason i bring up these names is because we had just returned from a year in england (1965) only to discover that melbourne had unbelievably plummeted down the ladder. so when norm smith had a massive influx of players in '66 i naively hoped that the new players would sweep us back up the ladder. unfortunately the top players were going to the 'expansion clubs' (ie richmond carlton stkilda hawthorn collwd) which hadn't won premierships in generations. i'm glad scully's gone, am sick of the daily charade and the divisiveness. gws can't go to the well after next year so may their arrogance bring its just desserts.

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Nice work! You must be as old as me. Ed Burston!! I watched him kick 6 goals against Hawthorn one day in 1966. He now lives on the Mornington peninsula. I bumped into him about 10 years ago. He couldn't beleive that I remember him. A couple of other boom recruits in my time: Tony Thiessen, Hugh Bromell, Graeme Molloy.

Alistair Clarkson?

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Exactly. This is why we need to push for adequate compensation for this kid. IMO, needs to be above what Geelong got for Ablett. Rigging the B&F, anyone?

Will it matter if he somehow finishes 9th after missing half a season with poor form ?

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Yeah, you can take your head out of the sand now. Scully is better than any young player on our list. Thats why GWS went after him and they got him. Not his fault though. It's the AFL's.

But just because he is gone now there is no need to trivialise his elite speed, elite handballing, awareness, reflexes, courage and elite endurance.

And is that why GWS went after Israel Folau and are paying him $1M/year, because he's "better" than any other player they could have gone after with that size pay cheque??

I suggest they went after $cully largely because he was a #1 draft pick, with potential undoubtedly but more importantly, like Folau, with a big profile that they can blow up even larger in their advertising.

I differ with you that $cully is/was "better than any young player on our list". That's your (subjective) opinion, and I respect it as such. Mine is different.

Yes he's got elite skills. Of course every #1 pick will have them. As will #2 and #3 and so on. Did you watch Nic Nat on Saturday? How good can $cully be? Far too early to tell. But for GWS, it's his marketability that earns him a fair whack of that $2M pay cheque in 2012, imo.

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Ah, Diamond Jim Tilbrook. What did we pay for the guy? I once knew and remember it seemed an outrageous amount. Compared to $cully, it will be peanuts (in both now and then dollars, I suspect).

He came as our "saviour". If we'd not had such high expectations as kids, he probably would have been an inspiring player. Massive kick I seem to remember, huge thighs and an amazing barrel chest. That's my recollections anyway.

As it was, he disappointed. Just checked, 59 goals in 53 games. In 10 years time, we could have some fun comparing the cost per goal of Tilbrook to the same stat for $cully at GWS. Ha!

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Nutbeans law - do not whack any under 23 - it will ultimately bite you on the bum.

Have we learned nothing ?

I have not whacked Watts or NicNat as they are still learning their trade - mere 20 year olds. I will not whack Tom's performance to date as he is a second year player who spent most of his second year injured or underdone.

Get into him as much as you like for accepting the pot of gold and debate all your like whether he was honest or dishonest but writing him off as just not that good right now is lunacy. (Brendan Goddard says hello)

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The whole Tom Scully thing is just a joke as is the whole GWS, looking in the Herald Sun today

Callum Ward

Phil Davis


Israel Folau

Tom Scully

Are all paid more than Chris Judd... One of them hasn't even played a league game yet and the one that left our club is a second year player.

They better pay some body guards to suit up for GWS next year because at this stage they are all overrated and somehow the players will have their say next year!

Edited by Rhino Richards
Crass unncessary reference
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Ah, Diamond Jim Tilbrook. What did we pay for the guy? I once knew and remember it seemed an outrageous amount. Compared to $cully, it will be peanuts (in both now and then dollars, I suspect).

He came as our "saviour". If we'd not had such high expectations as kids, he probably would have been an inspiring player. Massive kick I seem to remember, huge thighs and an amazing barrel chest. That's my recollections anyway.

As it was, he disappointed. Just checked, 59 goals in 53 games. In 10 years time, we could have some fun comparing the cost per goal of Tilbrook to the same stat for $cully at GWS. Ha!

$38,000.00 (or was that my street address?) I saw a clip of him on utube the other day having a shot for goal for Sturt in a final. he launched a big torp that went 45% off course. obviously the dees brains trust didn't have access to that footage. i always had a soft spot for 'tilly', 'Diamond Jim', 'topaz' tilbrook, 'tillendrium' tillbrook as lou richards variously called him.

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Nutbeans law - do not whack any under 23 - it will ultimately bite you on the bum.

Have we learned nothing ?

I have not whacked Watts or NicNat as they are still learning their trade - mere 20 year olds. I will not whack Tom's performance to date as he is a second year player who spent most of his second year injured or underdone.

Get into him as much as you like for accepting the pot of gold and debate all your like whether he was honest or dishonest but writing him off as just not that good right now is lunacy. (Brendan Goddard says hello)

100% Agree, however...

I think he really risks not become as good a player as he has the potential to be by playing at GWS. Unless they can recruit some experience he is not going to have any big bodied protection and will receive the number one tag every week. At Melbourne he would have had the likes of Jones, Moloney, Sylvia, Trengove and Jamar in the midfield with him.

Other champion midfielders developed their game with support around them.

For example:

Judd had Kerr and Cousins alongside him with Cox tapping it down their throat.

Ablett had Ling, Selwood and Bartel running with him.

He will have no one to protect or help him out except for a bunch of 18 year old kids (and a Rugby League player!!)

I think next year GWS will be desperately looking for some more experienced players to recruit.

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He will have no one to protect or help him out except for a bunch of 18 year old kids (and a Rugby League player!!)

I think next year GWS will be desperately looking for some more experienced players to recruit.

Maybe that's why Folau is there !!! :)

Seriously, $cully's problem is he's a skinny kid and however much he bulks out in time, he's always going to be on the short side. He's 7 cm shorter than Judd. And currently 8 kg lighter. But Judd's much more developed in muscle strength, of course.

The thing $cully's got going for him is he's had 2 years of coaching/teaching by Bailey as his first senior coach. DB will have put incredibly good grounding into TS and GWS can be very grateful for what DB & the MFC have done for young Tom's development.

This is just my opinion from watching him these past 2 years, but while he's definitely got silky skills, he doesn't have the innate ability of Judd (or Greg Williams who was sublime) in reading the play yet to happen and positioning the ball perfectly for what unfolds in the split seconds after disposal. Experience will help TS get better, but if it's not innate it'll never develop into what makes an elite few those freakish wizards. As I said, just my opinion on what I've seen.

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Tough on George Lakes I would say. What do you expect from a HFF on starvation corner?

Reputedly the best school boy footballer in Australia. Never saw a player less likely. Did not have a clue.


Over-rated boom recruits? Can't go past Tilbrook, Carmen, Templeton surely.


Ah, Diamond Jim Tilbrook. What did we pay for the guy? I once knew and remember it seemed an outrageous amount. Compared to $cully, it will be peanuts (in both now and then dollars, I suspect).

He came as our "saviour". If we'd not had such high expectations as kids, he probably would have been an inspiring player. Massive kick I seem to remember, huge thighs and an amazing barrel chest. That's my recollections anyway.

As it was, he disappointed. Just checked, 59 goals in 53 games. In 10 years time, we could have some fun comparing the cost per goal of Tilbrook to the same stat for $cully at GWS. Ha!

Way I heard it (when I was later living in Adelaide), MFC hadn't done its medical due diligence; Diamond Jim had stuffed shoulders - couldn't lift his arms above shoulder height. Heavens he was huge though; built like a tank.

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100% Agree, however...

I think he really risks not become as good a player as he has the potential to be by playing at GWS. Unless they can recruit some experience he is not going to have any big bodied protection and will receive the number one tag every week. At Melbourne he would have had the likes of Jones, Moloney, Sylvia, Trengove and Jamar in the midfield with him.

Other champion midfielders developed their game with support around them.

For example:

Judd had Kerr and Cousins alongside him with Cox tapping it down their throat.

Ablett had Ling, Selwood and Bartel running with him.

He will have no one to protect or help him out except for a bunch of 18 year old kids (and a Rugby League player!!)

I think next year GWS will be desperately looking for some more experienced players to recruit.

Agreed - there is not doubt that a "scully" would come on quicker at MFC than at GWS and that he would come on even quicker at Collingwood where he would he would be fourth tier mid behind Swan, Pendlebury and Thomas

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Nice work! You must be as old as me. Ed Burston!! I watched him kick 6 goals against Hawthorn one day in 1966. He now lives on the Mornington peninsula. I bumped into him about 10 years ago. He couldn't beleive that I remember him. A couple of other boom recruits in my time: Tony Thiessen, Hugh Bromell, Graeme Molloy.

Graham Molloy and John Tilbrook unfortunately could never play at their best because of injury. Interestingly they came to the club in the Jim Cardwell era. I would not think that Burston, Thiessen and Bromwell would qualify as boom recruits.

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Ah, Diamond Jim Tilbrook. What did we pay for the guy? I once knew and remember it seemed an outrageous amount. Compared to $cully, it will be peanuts (in both now and then dollars, I suspect).

He came as our "saviour". If we'd not had such high expectations as kids, he probably would have been an inspiring player. Massive kick I seem to remember, huge thighs and an amazing barrel chest. That's my recollections anyway.

As it was, he disappointed. Just checked, 59 goals in 53 games. In 10 years time, we could have some fun comparing the cost per goal of Tilbrook to the same stat for $cully at GWS. Ha!

I seem to remember $18000 for 3 years. I loved his nickname "Topaz Tilley".

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