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Sherman out for racial abuse


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Pfft, You'd better not visit the Courier Mails website and subsequent story on the issue, they lay the kids name out there plain as day. Once its out there, its impossible to 'undo'.

Maybe so, but Gerard Healy certainly seemed to agree with my moral stance on the issue, both on 3AW and On The Couch last night... and then Mark Stevens tweets again last night "courier mail first to name Wilkinson. Once that happened rest of media had to follow".

I still contend that his (and Jon Ralph's) behaviour was disgraceful, and whilst I am only a mostly irrelevant fan of the game, they've lost any respect I had for either of them...

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That's just a low thing to do on the field or off. Must be low in confidence in his own talent to try that on a young kid . Hope he is highly remorseful and volunteers some of his own cash to Indigenous kids or African kids . Would love to see him try it on NicNat or Krackouer or Buddy .(Dont' think he would though, would he?).

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To me abuse is abuse and is unacceptable, whether it be racial, religious or personal.It's totally unacceptable. I just don't understand why others find one acceptable and the other not.

There is still a massive difference between criticism of someone for not performing, and sustained abuse (yes, I agree, of any sort). What gets said about players on here is generally not abuse. There may be instances from time to time, and I am sure those instances would be suitably howled down, but they ar miles off being the general rule. I suggest you go find a dictionary and look up the difference between abuse and criticise. That outlines exactly what I mean.

I didn't realize until this morning that he abused the boy for the ENTIRE match. AND that he was a first game player making his debut in the AFL.Imagine how the kid and his family must have felt, having their son's debut in the AFL sullied by that moron.If it was a one-off sledge, that's bad enough and deserved the four weeks. But to have a go at him all day shows that it was much more than just an off-the-cuff piece of stupidity. Should have got 8 weeks and a $50 grand fine. The AFL needed to make the heaviest statement possible. This crap filters down through the leagues if it's not knocked on the head at the top.

I didn't realise that either RR, where did you read or hear this?? If so, then I am even more convinved that this act has not been dealt with nearly as severely as required.

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There is still a massive difference between criticism of someone for not performing, and sustained abuse (yes, I agree, of any sort). What gets said about players on here is generally not abuse. There may be instances from time to time, and I am sure those instances would be suitably howled down, but they ar miles off being the general rule. I suggest you go find a dictionary and look up the difference between abuse and criticise. That outlines exactly what I mean.

I didn't realise that either RR, where did you read or hear this?? If so, then I am even more convinved that this act has not been dealt with nearly as severely as required.

Kent, I don't understand why you seem to be so much out for blood

He got quite a substantial punishment. Suspended for four games, $5000, shamed and named and made an unqualified public apology including what seemed like genuine remorse.

As well as being racist this behaviour was poor sportmanship and I've made my point before about poor sportsmanship on the football field so I am in no way condoning his behaviour.

You need to get this into perspective and avoid the hyperbole. There are far worse incidents than this (including those of racism) that attract little punishment or public condemnation. Leave it be, it was reasonably handled.

My 2c worth

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Kent, I don't understand why you seem to be so much out for blood

He got quite a substantial punishment. Suspended for four games, $5000, shamed and named and made an unqualified public apology including what seemed like genuine remorse.

As well as being racist this behaviour was poor sportmanship and I've made my point before about poor sportsmanship on the football field so I am in no way condoning his behaviour.

You need to get this into perspective and avoid the hyperbole. There are far worse incidents than this (including those of racism) that attract little punishment or public condemnation. Leave it be, it was reasonably handled.

My 2c worth

As I said before, what happened to the spectator who yelled those famous words at Buddy??? I can't remember for sure, but wasn't he banned for at least the season, maybe longer? Here is a link to an article which quotes Demetriou saying that anyone found to be acting in this way would be subjected to being ejected from the ground, revocation of membership and subject to equal opportunity and anti-discrimintation laws. Now why is a player allowed to escape equal punishment, especially considering the amount of money spent by the AFL on education? Yes he was apologetic, but did he have any other option?? I hihgly doubt it. He says he has mates who are black, then why do these thoughts even come into his head?? And it isn't like it was one comment, there were other instances throughout the game. Therefore, not an off the cuff remark made in the heat of competition (not that that is an excuse at all).

I don't know whether you have witnessed the damage that situations such as this can cause, but it is horrendous that this happens in this day and age. Unfortunately we will probably never rub it out completely, but soft punishments dont serve to help the cause. If a tackle is worth 3 weeks, with no games anywhere, how is sustained racial abuse of a 19 year old kid from Nigeria playing his first game only worthy of 4 weeks and being allowed to keep up his fitness at VFL level, so he can slot straight back in enough? Maybe there is something wrong with me, cause I can't see any fairness or equality in this at all.

I don't believe that he deserves to be rubbed out forever, and he does deserve a second chance, but for me the punishment does not fit the crime.

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Kent, I don't understand why you seem to be so much out for blood

He got quite a substantial punishment. Suspended for four games, $5000, shamed and named and made an unqualified public apology including what seemed like genuine remorse.

As well as being racist this behaviour was poor sportmanship and I've made my point before about poor sportsmanship on the football field so I am in no way condoning his behaviour.

You need to get this into perspective and avoid the hyperbole. There are far worse incidents than this (including those of racism) that attract little punishment or public condemnation. Leave it be, it was reasonably handled.

My 2c worth

+ 1 (another 2c worth).

Front/back page of major papers around the country and now part of history under racial vilification for life and most likely after his life is just as significant if not more than the 4 weeks and fine. Not only for Sherman, but his family.

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No place for it all.

Dermott B spoke about things being said in the heat of the moment but did not condone it any way shape or form. However if RR says is correct and it was going on the entire match then that is a disgrace as this is not equivalent to heat of the moment.

I still have very unpleasant memories of sitting in the top deck of the western stand during the 2000 GF with my then 10 year old daughter and watch Long take out the big snake ( pardon the pun). The racial abuse from our own supporters behind me was so ugly and I had to remind them that they were shouting racial abuse to Long and Jeff Farmer was right in between Long and the abusers. What Long did was wrong and would have been wrong if Jeff White, Brad Green, Jonno Brown or Alvin Purple had done it.

I have no problem with anyone calling a footballer a scumbag - although I prefer wittier sledges. I do have a big problem with the need for any descriptors placed before the insult which relate to race,religion or creed.

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Kent, I don't understand why you seem to be so much out for blood

He got quite a substantial punishment. Suspended for four games, $5000, shamed and named and made an unqualified public apology including what seemed like genuine remorse.

As well as being racist this behaviour was poor sportmanship and I've made my point before about poor sportsmanship on the football field so I am in no way condoning his behaviour.

You need to get this into perspective and avoid the hyperbole. There are far worse incidents than this (including those of racism) that attract little punishment or public condemnation. Leave it be, it was reasonably handled.

My 2c worth


If it went on all game as indicated he should be suspended properly.

Don't understand how he's allowed to play in the VFL

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As I said before, what happened to the spectator who yelled those famous words at Buddy??? I can't remember for sure, but wasn't he banned for at least the season, maybe longer? Here is a link to an article which quotes Demetriou saying that anyone found to be acting in this way would be subjected to being ejected from the ground, revocation of membership and subject to equal opportunity and anti-discrimintation laws. Now why is a player allowed to escape equal punishment, especially considering the amount of money spent by the AFL on education? Yes he was apologetic, but did he have any other option?? I hihgly doubt it. He says he has mates who are black, then why do these thoughts even come into his head?? And it isn't like it was one comment, there were other instances throughout the game. Therefore, not an off the cuff remark made in the heat of competition (not that that is an excuse at all).

I don't know whether you have witnessed the damage that situations such as this can cause, but it is horrendous that this happens in this day and age. Unfortunately we will probably never rub it out completely, but soft punishments dont serve to help the cause. If a tackle is worth 3 weeks, with no games anywhere, how is sustained racial abuse of a 19 year old kid from Nigeria playing his first game only worthy of 4 weeks and being allowed to keep up his fitness at VFL level, so he can slot straight back in enough? Maybe there is something wrong with me, cause I can't see any fairness or equality in this at all.

I don't believe that he deserves to be rubbed out forever, and he does deserve a second chance, but for me the punishment does not fit the crime.

Really Kent, just move on! You are just throwing petrol on the fire.

When people over-react in such situations is when real trouble starts to happen.

Just take a deep breath.....we don't need no crucifixions here....

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+ 1 (another 2c worth).

Front/back page of major papers around the country and now part of history under racial vilification for life and most likely after his life is just as significant if not more than the 4 weeks and fine. Not only for Sherman, but his family.

Maybe his family raised him to think that way.

Theres a Sudanese community in Footscray as well as Ethiopian and Somalis .

Really bad for their club .

Really Bad .

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I don't need to take a deep breath, and I'm not trying to crucify him daisycutter. I believe the punishment should fit the crime, and whilst you disagree, others agree. So we're gonna have to agree to disagree.

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I don't need to take a deep breath, and I'm not trying to crucify him daisycutter. I believe the punishment should fit the crime, and whilst you disagree, others agree. So we're gonna have to agree to disagree.

I agree ( hang on...what ?)

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There is still a massive difference between criticism of someone for not performing, and sustained abuse (yes, I agree, of any sort). What gets said about players on here is generally not abuse. There may be instances from time to time, and I am sure those instances would be suitably howled down, but they ar miles off being the general rule. I suggest you go find a dictionary and look up the difference between abuse and criticise. That outlines exactly what I mean.

I've had experiences with players parents who have been dreadfully upset by the vindictive negativity of fan forums towards their sons. I know that the abuse Brent Grgic received had a significant impact on his confidence and desire to play footy. The vilification of Brent Grgic on this site and others was the lowest form of cowardice and bulling I've seen and just as bad if not worse than a "one off" incidence of racial vilification.

In my mind abuse is abuse. Racial abuse is unacceptable, religious abuse is unacceptable and I don't understand how people, who can so clearly see how wrong these forms of abuse are can get on this forum and think it's quite proper, their "right" in fact, to vilify football players, umpires and officials.

I don't defend racial abusers, I just think the same principles apply to all.

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Maybe his family raised him to think that way.

Theres a Sudanese community in Footscray as well as Ethiopian and Somalis .

Really bad for their club .

Really Bad .

The Bulldogs will be absolutely livid about this internally. There are a number of African communities in the west, and the Bulldogs really bust their guts to work with them. In fact, a huge motive behind "Footscray" changing to the "Western" Bulldogs in the first place was their desire to embrace all the cultural groups in the west, and they've worked hard at it over 15 years or so and been in the forefront of standing up against racism in sport. This threatens to undo all of that.

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I've had experiences with players parents who have been dreadfully upset by the vindictive negativity of fan forums towards their sons. I know that the abuse Brent Grgic received had a significant impact on his confidence and desire to play footy. The vilification of Brent Grgic on this site and others was the lowest form of cowardice and bulling I've seen and just as bad if not worse than a "one off" incidence of racial vilification.

In my mind abuse is abuse. Racial abuse is unacceptable, religious abuse is unacceptable and I don't understand how people, who can so clearly see how wrong these forms of abuse are can get on this forum and think it's quite proper, their "right" in fact, to vilify football players, umpires and officials.

I don't defend racial abusers, I just think the same principles apply to all.

Taking a stance about this in this thread is just absurd to me.

Here we all are universally condemning what Sherman has done, a great showing of how far society has come, and you come in here attacking your own supporters for something you've held onto since back when Grigic was playing (I doubt many were even on forums then).

Just a cheap shot fired from a high horse.

There is no comparison to racially abusing someone and anger and frustration being vented over a players performance.

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Taking a stance about this in this thread is just absurd to me. Here we all are universally condemning what Sherman has done, a great showing of how far society has come, and you come in here attacking your own supporters for something you've held onto since back when Grigic was playing (I doubt many were even on forums then). Just a cheap shot fired from a high horse. There is no comparison to racially abusing someone and anger and frustration being vented over a players performance.


I think he's lucky.If I did that at work to any of my collegues I'd be shown the door. How is this any different? The football field is his workplace.I'd sack him.


How come when a spectator racialy abuses a player he gets a 1-2 year ban but when a player does it to another player he gets dropped for 4 weeks into the 2's? Double standards?!

Nail on the head

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I've had experiences with players parents who have been dreadfully upset by the vindictive negativity of fan forums towards their sons. I know that the abuse Brent Grgic received had a significant impact on his confidence and desire to play footy. The vilification of Brent Grgic on this site and others was the lowest form of cowardice and bulling I've seen and just as bad if not worse than a "one off" incidence of racial vilification.

In my mind abuse is abuse. Racial abuse is unacceptable, religious abuse is unacceptable and I don't understand how people, who can so clearly see how wrong these forms of abuse are can get on this forum and think it's quite proper, their "right" in fact, to vilify football players, umpires and officials.

I don't defend racial abusers, I just think the same principles apply to all.

I doubt "Demonland" was up & running when Brent Grgic was playing for the MFC, certainly was well before i joined.

He didn't set the world on fire at Geelong either.

All i remember was "that" goal in the 2000 Prelim. Fantastic goal, but pure Ass, and he knew it.

Edited by why you little
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I didn't realize until this morning that he abused the boy for the ENTIRE match. AND that he was a first game player making his debut in the AFL.

Imagine how the kid and his family must have felt, having their son's debut in the AFL sullied by that moron.

If it was a one-off sledge, that's bad enough and deserved the four weeks. But to have a go at him all day shows that it was much more than just an off-the-cuff piece of stupidity.

Should have got 8 weeks and a $50 grand fine. The AFL needed to make the heaviest statement possible. This crap filters down through the leagues if it's not knocked on the head at the top.

I am in the same boat here....When i first heard of this complaint i had no idea it was fired multiple times during the match.

I thought it was just a once off..4 weeks in the 2's is a pitiful excuse.

He should be sacked on the spot.

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Where have people heard that it was for the whole match out of interest.

They discussed it on Footy Classified, there seemed to be no doubt that it was going on all day. Also Giansiracusa approached them both at the end of the game and he was fully aware of what was going on, if looks could kill, Sherman wouldn't need worry about the 4 weeks, and the 5k would go towards his funeral.

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Guest Thomo

I think he's lucky.

If I did that at work to any of my collegues I'd be shown the door. How is this any different? The football field is his workplace.

I'd sack him.


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