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But isn't that change meant to have been happening.....

well yes... and its not surprising is it that teh Andrews report might have something to say about the Football Dept.

I await ...not holding breath...but I'll wait ;)

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Losing teams always have their game plan broken open, their weaker players exposed and their supporters moaning. Should we throw away the progress of the past three years that Bailey has led as a result of one week? Talk of sacking Bailey denies those players that were woeful taking responsibility for their performance. Should he have dropped Gysberts and Frawley if he could have know what they would produce last night? Would we have been happy with him if he had? Yet in retrospect we can see that Warnock and Petterd may have been better choices last night...

If we are committed to long term success we need to get better at sucking up the INEVITABLE floggings as we blood kids and they struggle to perform. Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior a year too early, his absence combined with MacKenzie and Scully being injured means we are lacking poise and grunt in the centre... and for me this is not a hanging mistake.

Enough of the moaning, and coach bashing, lets move on..?

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Losing teams always have their game plan broken open, their weaker players exposed and their supporters moaning. Should we throw away the progress of the past three years that Bailey has led as a result of one week? Talk of sacking Bailey denies those players that were woeful taking responsibility for their performance. Should he have dropped Gysberts and Frawley if he could have know what they would produce last night? Would we have been happy with him if he had? Yet in retrospect we can see that Warnock and Petterd may have been better choices last night...

If we are committed to long term success we need to get better at sucking up the INEVITABLE floggings as we blood kids and they struggle to perform. Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior a year too early, his absence combined with MacKenzie and Scully being injured means we are lacking poise and grunt in the centre... and for me this is not a hanging mistake.

Enough of the moaning, and coach bashing, lets move on..?

Hi Dean...hows your day been ??

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Losing teams always have their game plan broken open, their weaker players exposed and their supporters moaning. Should we throw away the progress of the past three years that Bailey has led as a result of one week? Talk of sacking Bailey denies those players that were woeful taking responsibility for their performance. Should he have dropped Gysberts and Frawley if he could have know what they would produce last night? Would we have been happy with him if he had? Yet in retrospect we can see that Warnock and Petterd may have been better choices last night...

If we are committed to long term success we need to get better at sucking up the INEVITABLE floggings as we blood kids and they struggle to perform. Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior a year too early, his absence combined with MacKenzie and Scully being injured means we are lacking poise and grunt in the centre... and for me this is not a hanging mistake.

Enough of the moaning, and coach bashing, lets move on..?

Rubbish - DB has had 4 years to define & refine a game plan. He has failed miserably as this year's results attest. We have no forward structure whatsover - on the occasions we fluke a turnover there's no-one to kick it too because the whole team is assembled across half back. Simple fact - we went shopping for a coach in the bargain basement and we are now seeing the result. :mad:

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Losing teams always have their game plan broken open, their weaker players exposed and their supporters moaning. Should we throw away the progress of the past three years that Bailey has led as a result of one week? Talk of sacking Bailey denies those players that were woeful taking responsibility for their performance. Should he have dropped Gysberts and Frawley if he could have know what they would produce last night? Would we have been happy with him if he had? Yet in retrospect we can see that Warnock and Petterd may have been better choices last night...

If we are committed to long term success we need to get better at sucking up the INEVITABLE floggings as we blood kids and they struggle to perform. Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior a year too early, his absence combined with MacKenzie and Scully being injured means we are lacking poise and grunt in the centre... and for me this is not a hanging mistake.

Enough of the moaning, and coach bashing, lets move on..?

Still doesn't explain why our senior Players showed no Fight. I like Dean Bailey, but i think he is a man at the end of his Road...Keep him on as an assistant , i can deal with that. But i do not think he can cut it as a match day coach.

The Game style against Hawthorn (3 rd Q) was repeated for the entire 4 Quarters last night. We only got done by 53 points last night because Judy Garland tried his Guts out.....Happy Birthday Col for yesterday.

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People forget games like Round 17 last year so quickly...

The two main reasons we lost last night are:

1. West Coast's zoning which we couldn't/took too long to penetrate.

2. Our shithouse performance from Green, Moloney, Sylvia, Jurrah, Frawley, Bennell, Morton, Rivers, Jones, Dunn and to a lesser extent, Grimes and Davey.

Our entire leadership group is in that list, plus key players in Jurrah, Frawley and Morton. No team can win a game of footy when that happens.

That's a player problem and Dean Bailey will not be sacked because our senior players were crap.

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Name the forwards we could build a structure around? Liam (22 game 53 goals), Watts (23 games, 14 Goals), Dunn (75 Games 70 goals), Wonaeamirri (29 Games, 35 Goals), etc... Even your top shelf coach can't make a silk purse out of a Sows ear...

It is delusional to think Mick or Paul will waltz in and Dunn will start playing like Cloke and Liam like Plugger.

I too am [censored] off about last night, I'm just inclined to be less generous about the players (who played the game) that Bailey has to work with at this time.

Edited by PaulRB
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Yes there were some potential question marks over character but I doubt the decision was anywhere near that simplistic.

Was it also that 12 < 26?

We weren't the only ones to pass and the decision to take Cook is in keeping with the longer term plan.

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What longer term would that be?I have a feelng that we are in for more than one year of pain

The competition seems to have gone past us

It appears we have wrong game plan wrong coach and not enough hard firce determined players

I really hope im wrong

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People forget games like Round 17 last year so quickly...

The two main reasons we lost last night are:

1. West Coast's zoning which we couldn't/took too long to penetrate.

2. Our shithouse performance from Green, Moloney, Sylvia, Jurrah, Frawley, Bennell, Morton, Rivers, Jones, Dunn and to a lesser extent, Grimes and Davey.

Our entire leadership group is in that list, plus key players in Jurrah, Frawley and Morton. No team can win a game of footy when that happens.

That's a player problem and Dean Bailey will not be sacked because our senior players were crap.

But your first point is something the coaches have to take credit/flak for. And last night wasn't the first time we've struggled to move the ball through a press.

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Name the forwards we could build a structure around? Liam (22 game 53 goals), Watts (23 games, 14 Goals), Dunn (75 Games 70 goals), Wonaeamirri (29 Games, 35 Goals), etc... Even your top shelf coach can't make a silk purse out of a Sows ear...

It is delusional to think Mick or Paul will waltz in and Dunn will start playing like Cloke and Liam like Plugger.

I too am [censored] off about last night, I'm just inclined to be less generous about the players (who played the game) that Bailey has to work with at this time.

No it is delusional to think so

But perhaps the players may be made to be more accountable

I for one an sick to death of the excuses and soft She will be right smarmy attitude of DB. He is hiding a soft underbelly

I really dont think the players are playing for him but as i have said else where its only my opinion i hope im proved wrong

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What longer term would that be?I have a feelng that we are in for more than one year of pain

The competition seems to have gone past us

It appears we have wrong game plan wrong coach and not enough hard firce determined players

I really hope im wrong

The same longer plan that includes Jack Watts.

Fwiw I'm not defending it necessarily, just sayin the decision seems to fit the plan, as opposed to merely being worried the kid was some kind of nasty headline waiting to happen.

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Agree the coaches have to take some of the flack but surely the players execution, intensity and ability to execute any gameplan is equally if not more critical than the plan itself. The kicks out of bounds, missed targets, poor decisions, etc.. last night were all made by players...

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Losing teams always have their game plan broken open, their weaker players exposed and their supporters moaning. Should we throw away the progress of the past three years that Bailey has led as a result of one week? Talk of sacking Bailey denies those players that were woeful taking responsibility for their performance. Should he have dropped Gysberts and Frawley if he could have know what they would produce last night? Would we have been happy with him if he had? Yet in retrospect we can see that Warnock and Petterd may have been better choices last night...

If we are committed to long term success we need to get better at sucking up as we blood kids and they struggle to perform. Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior a year too early, his absence combined with MacKenzie and Scully being injured means we are lacking poise and grunt in the centre... and for me this is not a hanging mistake.

Enough of the moaning, and coach bashing, lets move on..?

a couple of points

  • many are doubting the "progress of the last three years"
  • it is fanciful to say "Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior" - only mistake?
  • "with MacKenzie and Scully being injured" - FFS we had our best injury position in the last 4 years (2 inj + 1 rookie)
  • we were lacking a lot more than "poise and grunt in the centre"
  • this was more than just "the INEVITABLE flogging", haven't you been watching the whole season (incl pre-season)

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Last night occurred "inevitably" in the context of the clubs (not just Bailey's) stated strategy of recruiting and blooding a team capable of contesting for a premiership post 2013. Many want their cake (wins now) and to eat it too (a premiership), however the strategy requires a short term cost. Last night as a down payment on developing a battle hardened team that may bring us what we all crave. That said, many player were well below par last night, and that needs to be addressed for next week.

Edited by PaulRB
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a couple of points

  • many are doubting the "progress of the last three years"
  • it is fanciful to say "Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior" - only mistake?
  • "with MacKenzie and Scully being injured" - FFS we had our best injury position in the last 4 years (2 inj + 1 rookie)
  • we were lacking a lot more than "poise and grunt in the centre"
  • this was more than just "the INEVITABLE flogging", haven't you been watching the whole season (incl pre-season)

exactly mate. it is not the loss or even the size of the margin. it is the insipid way in which it happened. has anyone watched the lions this year. they haven't won a game, but they've fought hard in every loss. their first game against freo. yes they lost, but christ they were impressive in that loss. we on the other hand are not even impressive in a win against gold coast

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Losing teams always have their game plan broken open, their weaker players exposed and their supporters moaning. Should we throw away the progress of the past three years that Bailey has led as a result of one week? Talk of sacking Bailey denies those players that were woeful taking responsibility for their performance. Should he have dropped Gysberts and Frawley if he could have know what they would produce last night? Would we have been happy with him if he had? Yet in retrospect we can see that Warnock and Petterd may have been better choices last night...

If we are committed to long term success we need to get better at sucking up the INEVITABLE floggings as we blood kids and they struggle to perform. Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior a year too early, his absence combined with MacKenzie and Scully being injured means we are lacking poise and grunt in the centre... and for me this is not a hanging mistake.

Enough of the moaning, and coach bashing, lets move on..?

That is if progress has been made to throw away. That is the question!You can't be seriously happy with where we are. Poor disposal, half-hearted efforts, lack of accountability. Four years is along time for a coach to have achieved very little in terms of a game plan.

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Agree the coaches have to take some of the flack but surely the players execution, intensity and ability to execute any gameplan is equally if not more critical than the plan itself. The kicks out of bounds, missed targets, poor decisions, etc.. last night were all made by players...

Failure may to excute the game plan may mean there isn't one. Ever thought of that. Anyway, the coach must take responsibility. If players don't carry out the game plan, they get the chop. We have had the same side for the past two games.

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Losing teams always have their game plan broken open, their weaker players exposed and their supporters moaning. Should we throw away the progress of the past three years that Bailey has led as a result of one week? Talk of sacking Bailey denies those players that were woeful taking responsibility for their performance. Should he have dropped Gysberts and Frawley if he could have know what they would produce last night? Would we have been happy with him if he had? Yet in retrospect we can see that Warnock and Petterd may have been better choices last night...

If we are committed to long term success we need to get better at sucking up the INEVITABLE floggings as we blood kids and they struggle to perform. Baileys only mistake was to ditch Junior a year too early, his absence combined with MacKenzie and Scully being injured means we are lacking poise and grunt in the centre... and for me this is not a hanging mistake.

Enough of the moaning, and coach bashing, lets move on..?

Is this what we've come to? Accepting floggings? And we're relying on a 19 year old (Scully) lucky to weigh 75kg's for grunt? Other clubs have 1 bad season and want a shake up - Bailey is in his 4th. I used to think it was arrogance, maybe it's just expectations.

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Smacks of Knights...

If they can't come up with a gameplan that at least gets us competing with the good teams, and breaking even with the crap ones... then we're cooked.

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Last night occurred "inevitably" in the context of the clubs (not just Bailey's) stated strategy of recruiting and blooding a team capable of contesting for a premiership post 2013. Many want their cake (wins now) and to eat it too (a premiership), however the strategy requires a short term cost. Last night as a down payment on developing a battle hardened team that may bring us what we all crave. That said, many player were well below par last night, and that needs to be addressed for next week.

Now wouldn't your last point have been made after the Hawthorn Game?? The MAJOR point here is that after 3 years the message is not getting through. Yes we need to get games into our list, but not average insipid crap like last night, games like that actually Retard development.

Cast your mind back to Anzac Day...The Names Heppell & Crammery...2 first year draft picks who had a real crack on the big stage. That type of loss is invaluable. Our Games this year have equated to very little. We need some FD changes before this list fragments.

Let me use your job as an example...if you went to work for 3 years but continued to do your job wrongly or very poorly..Are you actually gaining experience?

No you are not, and the longer it continues the harder it is to retrain you in the correct ways. Essendon realized that last year & acted swiftly..very cold & Harshly yes, but they did it...because they know how to win.

We at the MFC have got to learn fast, or we will lose all our good kids like fitzroy did....and we all know what finally happened to them don't we.

Edited by why you little
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A few years back I did a couple seasons as a ski instructor. During the hiring process, one of the things they told everyone was that they really don't care how good a skier you are because they can teach you to ski. What they care about is that you have the ability to teach. Out of some 300 odd people, only 40 of us were chosen. Not everyone can teach. That seems to be part of the problem. He's been trying to teach for 4 years and it is not working. The same issues keep rearing their ugly heads. Something is wrong.

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A few years back I did a couple seasons as a ski instructor. During the hiring process, one of the things they told everyone was that they really don't care how good a skier you are because they can teach you to ski. What they care about is that you have the ability to teach. Out of some 300 odd people, only 40 of us were chosen. Not everyone can teach. That seems to be part of the problem. He's been trying to teach for 4 years and it is not working. The same issues keep rearing their ugly heads. Something is wrong.

I think Bailey is a Very Good Assistant Coach.

I just don't think he is suited for the Top Job. Not having a go at him at all. He has done a mighty job keeping this place together and we should Never forget that, but we cannot keep putting Garbage games into these talented kids. They will get bored and leave. And we the supporters will have to keep copping sh!t for another decade.

Keep Bails on as an assistant by all means, But the search for the Top Job starts NOW!!!!

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