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New Mascot


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Strike fear into the heart of opposition?

Like the prospect of a swan, a cat or a saint?

I think the main aim of a mascot is to appeal to kids, or at least ours should, and I think these mascots do sufficiently.

They still have a human aspect to them, which is important for kids to be able to relate.

I'm more than happy with the result.

Excellent points E25. I agree whole (red & blue) heartedly.


Are you disappointed with the 3 mascots..I'd prefer the old one-Ronnie

Personally, I am not sure- given time I am sure they will grow on me. They look more like mere mortal men dressed up in demon costumes. Where is the lady demon? Is the baby demon their foster kid- do "teenage demon" and "early thirties demon" share equal parenting duties? Confused..

I am just being a d*ck... I agree with E- not targeted at guys like me who prefer things a little more "R" rated, fine for the kids to which the mascots are aimed at in the first place.


I'm also happy with the strong link to our past and the stories behind the 3 mascots.

It just gives kids (& all supporters) something to get into & even serves as a learning tool in the same way the emblem does.

The fact there are 3 mascots I was unsure of at first, but I think it works well.

It broadens appeal and is demonstrative of a community feel that I think the club is trying to foster.

Kids will be given the feeling that they belong to a group of supporters through the imagery of the 3 mascots, even though sometimes it may feel like one against a sea of opposition (I know at school I was!)

It's very subtle, but I think the intent is there.

(then again, it may all be unintentional and I'm just reading too far into it...)


From a marketing perspective they are fantastic. They weren't designed to scare or amuse moronic adults.

The 3 demons appealing to each age group is very clever. The little demon in particular. Young kids aren't going to be attracted to a scary monster over a tiger for example.

These mascots are not supposed to strike fear into our opposition, that's the team's job.



This is the main demon you'll see.

Nicely done Chop. I think its a ripper. How is it going to work on game day? Are all three going to be wandering the boundary? Or just checker?


Or anything to strike fear into an opposition.

Only very young children or an adults with an equivalent mind would have fear struck in to them by any mascot. That's well wide of what the point of a mascot is.


I'm quite happy with result.

Having 3 demons is a great idea allowing for broader appeal and flexibility of targetting as well as building a family image of the club

I guess though our female supporters might feel left out - maybe there is another 3 demonettes waiting in the wings?

Designing a general purpose cartoon demon is not an easy job. A while back I google searched on demon images. Found 1000's of them but nothing offered something suitable for a football team or broad enough appeal

A good result for a difficult assignment


Don't love them, don't hate them. I think the "Cheeky" Demon is a great idea, give the kids their very own mascot to draw on, i'm not as sure about the teenage one but i understand the reasoning.

Guest Checker

Don't love, don't hate them. I think the "Cheeky" Demon is a great idea, give the kids their very own mascot to draw on, i'm not as sure about the teenage one but i understand the reasoning.



We now have a great emblem and mascot (s) with the Demon back. Two distinguishable references to the club.

Much better than the M above a Demon face and that was all.


The new mascot doesn't really do it for me. I understand the thinking behind it, appealing to different generations etc... but where will we see these mascots used? My understanding of a mascot is an image or a symbol out front to give a tangible rpesence to the values and heart of an club, group, entity. If these 3 figures will appear on matchday at the 'G my kids will love it and it will draw, and hold, their attention. Posters for the kids, stickers in junior membership packs and maybe even some junior clothing would work treat.

If they intend to splash it across internet media, newspapers and promos then it is a big mistake. Those of us who are really into engaging with the Dees through these means are much more likely to be stimulated by the new logo.

BTW, the older demon Checker really DOES remind me of Brian Dixon.


Hilarious (I think) responses from Cam Schwab on twitter, in regards to the new mascots

A few asked why there is'nt a female Demon. Unfortunately looked a little bit adultshop.com.
Mascots will feature on match day, except for the baby Cheeky. Can't find anyone to fit the suit. Might have to give Ricky Jackson a call.

Yes, quite funny.. although the idea of Cam Schwab using adultshop.com is even funnier. Couldn't find what he was referring to, found this instead.

My link

Now that is a mascot I would "get behind" :P


Yes, quite funny.. although the idea of Cam Schwab using adultshop.com is even funnier. Couldn't find what he was referring to, found this instead.

My link

Now that is a mascot I would "get behind" :P

Oh dear god.

I feel very sorry for any potential partner of yours.


I think these Mascots are Fantastic..reminds me of he old Footy cards in the Twistie Packs.

Great Stuff to all involved.....Welcome Back Checker... B)


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