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My trade week wish complete!

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PSD 1 - I'm happy to wait for Rookie pick 1 for the speculative option. I'm a sentimental guy and I've already condemned another two players to exit the club (beyond those we already know about) with the picks I've used. So, unless something particularly juicy turns up for the PSD, I'll skip it this year.

If a team had PSD1, they should never complete their list at the ND.

You never know what OOC player could find themselves there.

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TAKE II A little less controversy. Ha Ha!!!

Pick 1 - Scully

Pick 2 - Trengove

Pick 8 - Tapscott (trade Pick 18 and Jamar to Port for Pick 8)

Pick 11 - Panos/Temel/Talia etc. (best available KPP or player)

Pick 22 - Best available

Pick 34 - Majak Daw (trade Miller and Valenti to Sydney for Pick 22)

Pick 51 - Dylan Grimes

PSD1 - LJ MkII or best available player out of contract

Note: - Port will most likely have Pick 9 from Hawthorn allowing them to trade Pick 8 to us.

Gone - Robbo, Whelan, Wheatley, Miller, Valenti, Meesen, Zomer, Bell and Pick 51 to Port for Pick 89?, ????.

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TAKE II A little less controversy. Ha Ha!!!

I have to be honest, when you came on these boards last year and were thinking up every single trade under the sun, I found it pretty annoying to read. This year I see your posts and it makes me smile to myself. Its pretty clear that you will not be stopped by anything that anyone writes about your posts. And I love how passionate you must be, and how much time you must spend thinking up trades. You clearly love this time of year. As do I.

Pick 8 - Tapscott (trade Pick 18 and Jamar to Port for Pick 8)

Note: - Port will most likely have Pick 9 from Hawthorn allowing them to trade Pick 8 to us.

If Port end up with Pick 8 + 9, they would definitely only give us Pick 9 for Jamar + 18. Jamar played a ripper against them this year. They might have liked what they saw. But I doubt they would give up a first round pick for him. Prior to this year Jamar was a decent 2nd ruck/poor 1st ruck. He improved a lot this year, but was still injury prone. Port are bastards to trade with, they will try and shaft us at every opportunity.

(trade Miller and Valenti to Sydney for Pick 22)

Pick 34 + Miller + Valenti would be closer. I think Sydney would be able to pick Valenti up as a recycled rookie for nothing at the end of the year.

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I have to be honest, when you came on these boards last year and were thinking up every single trade under the sun, I found it pretty annoying to read. This year I see your posts and it makes me smile to myself. Its pretty clear that you will not be stopped by anything that anyone writes about your posts. And I love how passionate you must be, and how much time you must spend thinking up trades. You clearly love this time of year. As do I.

If Port end up with Pick 8 + 9, they would definitely only give us Pick 9 for Jamar + 18. Jamar played a ripper against them this year. They might have liked what they saw. But I doubt they would give up a first round pick for him. Prior to this year Jamar was a decent 2nd ruck/poor 1st ruck. He improved a lot this year, but was still injury prone. Port are bastards to trade with, they will try and shaft us at every opportunity.

Pick 34 + Miller + Valenti would be closer. I think Sydney would be able to pick Valenti up as a recycled rookie for nothing at the end of the year.

Yes I do love this time of year! I like to put trades out there. And yes you maybe correct in your above comments. Some might be a little over the top at times. But I always hope we will get the best out of a trade for the club. I am an ideas man so I like to be creative! I hope BP & DB are a little the same.

You will hear more from till the end of the week. In Thailand for trade week so I might leave the board alone and give you guys a break! Ha Ha ! :rolleyes:

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Pick 8 - Tapscott (trade Pick 18 and Jamar to Port for Pick 8)

Pick 10 - Panos (trade Garland and Dunn to Essendon for Pick 10 & Alwyn Davey)

Pick 22 - Majak Daw (trade Miller and Valenti to Sydney for Pick 22)

Note: - Garland (serious injury????)

- Port will most likely have Pick 9 from Hawthorn allowing them to trade Pick 8 to us.

Add - Alwyn Davey

Gone - Robbo, Whelan, Wheatley, Miller, Valenti, Garland, Dunn, Meesen, Zomer, Bell and Pick 51 to Port for Pick 89?, ????.

contender for most stupid silly season post. and that is quite an achievement.

if you were port would you accept that? would sydney give up a pretty decent pick in the last uncompromised draft for a rookie and a NQR? think about it.

as for garland - that is sheer lunacy. you dont trade away your best players for a speculative pick, when there is no need to. and if he has a career threatening injury you dont think essendon would baulk at giving up their top pick in the last uncompromised draft for a player who may never play again, and a fringe player?? (i feel like im repeating myself)

FFS, we are effectively going to be debuting 7 top 20 picks next year (3 from last, 4 from this year - watts hardly counts). this ridiculous obsession with picks is becoming stupid. at this rate, in round 1 we will have 10 "new" players and will get smashed by 80 pts because our boys will be tossed around like rag dolls.

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Guest Watts=Saviour

1. Tom Scully

2. Jack Trengove

11. Daniel Talia

18. Matthew Panos (if still there)

For the rest, take the best available players.

I'd be happy with that outcome, even if we didn't get Panos.

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trade Pick 18 and Jamar to Port for Pick 8.................. :lol::lol:

easily the funniest thing I have read on the internet this year.

Port are knocking back Hawthorns offer of pick 9 for Burgoyne, yet they'll be happy to take Jamar and #18 for pick 8.

hahaha..it's gold.

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My wishlist:

- No activity during trade week (beyond the deal already done), unless we get really lucky and are able to offload some of the contracted spuds we're stuck with, but I'm not holding my breath.

- Don't know or care who we draft, I'll completely defer to BP and his team for that. I don't know squat about the draftees and unlike so many at this time of year, I'm not going to pretend I do.

Exciting eh?

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Garland is a potential champion - absolutely ridiculous to consider trading him.

After several very ordinary years , Jamar is finally looking like an excellent ruckman who can go forward and kick a goal. If the whispers are right and he is determined to go home , we may have no choice but to trade him - but I'd certainly be trying hard to keep him.

If you want a trade from left field, I'd work on Sydney's interest in Brad Miller. Miller to Sydney for Barry Hall - on-trade to the Bulldogs for Andrys Everitt.

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If you want a trade from left field, I'd work on Sydney's interest in Brad Miller. Miller to Sydney for Barry Hall - on-trade to the Bulldogs for Andrys Everitt.

I don't know much about Everitt, but if he's any good at all then we come out way, way ahead in that deal. Sydney and WB would both be receiving players they could just get for free anyway if they really wanted to.

Everitt would be too high a price for WB to pay for Hall. I imagine the trade for Hall being a fairly token one considering Sydney have lost him whether the deal gets done or not.

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I would be interested in trading pick 35 and a player to try and get another 21-25 pick, but I with out knowing what is really available, I would keep 1,2,11,18 unless a very good player is available.

1 Scully

2 Trengove

11 KPP

18 KPP

21-25 Ruck

50 Pass for PSD

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(trade Pick 18 and Jamar to Port for Pick 8)

(trade Miller and Valenti to Sydney for Pick 22)

Not to pile on, :rolleyes: but when you go to collect your bins in the morning after bin night, do you expect to find them filled with gold? Just wondering.

And the obsession people seem to have have with collecting draft picks. People play way too much fantasy football I think.

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My wishlist:

- No activity during trade week (beyond the deal already done), unless we get really lucky and are able to offload some of the contracted spuds we're stuck with, but I'm not holding my breath.

- Don't know or care who we draft, I'll completely defer to BP and his team for that. I don't know squat about the draftees and unlike so many at this time of year, I'm not going to pretend I do.

Exciting eh?

I would be dead-set thrilled with that.

I don't know much about Everitt, but if he's any good at all then we come out way, way ahead in that deal. Sydney and WB would both be receiving players they could just get for free anyway if they really wanted to.

Everitt would be too high a price for WB to pay for Hall. I imagine the trade for Hall being a fairly token one considering Sydney have lost him whether the deal gets done or not.

Absolutely right. And it's as unrealistic as any Bell/Miller trade scenario... but if you added players and/or picks in there?

Swans: Lose Hall. Gain pick 15. Bargain for them.

Dogs: Lose Everitt. Gain pick 11 and Hall. Bargain again.

Demons: Lose pick 11. Gain Everitt. Perhaps not a bargain. But we wouldn't be big losers.

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sorry for teh repost but thought i'd put in my 2 cents here...

being resigned to the fact that we will no longer go for butcher with pick 2, here's how i hope it all goes down come draft day.

1 Scully

2 Trengove

11 and 18 Butcher if he slides, Panos, Black or Jetta.

i believe temel will be available at pick 34 where we can take him as sort of a rough diamond to see how he progresses.

pass on pick 50 for a pick in the PSD

Jetta is a must at one of those picks though. i can really see him tearing up the wings of the MCG hitting up Jurrah. Tantalizing. 12 goals from the wing in one game... gees

i guess the only other options i would consider at picks 11 or 18 are vardy, to add to our ruck stocks, or tahlia. tahlia is more of a defender though and i guess we've got a few of them in supply. i guess i'm hoping tahlia has already gone by this stage so it isn't even an option.

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Pick 1 - Scully

Pick 2 - Trengove

Pick 9 - Black (Jamar + player to Port) If Jetta is available he would have to be seriousley considered.

Pick 11 - Chris Knights (ADL)

Pick 18 - Best KPP (Hopefully Panos)

Pick 22 - Best KPP (Miller & Valenti to Sydney)

Pick 34 - Majak Daw

Pick 50 - trade or pass

PSD1 - Best available

Other possible trades - Dunn for Dawes (Coll)

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If it is the last uncompromised draft for a while then what makes you think other teams will be throwing away their early picks to take our fodder off our hands?

Face facts, our picks are solid as they stand and are 90% likely to remain as they are.

Your miller/valenti types will be traded for later pick swapping, not in the first round. And that is optimistic to think that sides want to trade with a team which has scraped together a handful of wins in the last 3 years.

Lets gets a few guns with picks 1 & 2, then lets see what is available for 11 & 18.

Still hoping Burgoyne falls through the cracks to us in the PSD. He is a freakin gun!

As much as it would be nice to clean our shelves of some superfluous players ( Newton, Bell etc) I dont believe we will and so they will eitherbe delisted or we will carry them for another year.

I would have liked Melbourne to offer Newton to Carlton seeing they are trying to offload Fev. I dont pretend that he is anywhere near as good as Fev but if it was thrown in as part of Brock's deal then it couldnt hurt them, could it? I read somewhere that Robbo has been touted as a possible sweetener with Brock and although I am loathe to see any Melb people in Blues jumpers, if it gets Robbo a new home and gets rid of his sour grapes then so be it. Why not offer Robbo, Newton and Brock for 11?

Newton might get a game with the Blues next year, especially if Fev goes, and far more than he will get with us I suspect.

I still wonder what people were thinking when they gave him two years last year. Lunacy I think.

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Pick 1 - Scully

Pick 2 - Trengove

Pick 9 - Black (Jamar + player to Port) If Jetta is available he would have to be seriousley considered.

Pick 11 - Chris Knights (ADL)

Pick 18 - Best KPP (Hopefully Panos)

Pick 22 - Best KPP (Miller & Valenti to Sydney)

Pick 34 - Majak Daw

Pick 50 - trade or pass

PSD1 - Best available

Other possible trades - Dunn for Dawes (Coll)


Miller and Valenti does not equal pick 22, ffs.

Daw is not third round material, and Black is not top 10 material.

Knights will not enter the national draft.

Might want to reconsider those estimates.

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Not to pile on, :rolleyes: but when you go to collect your bins in the morning after bin night, do you expect to find them filled with gold? Just wondering.

And the obsession people seem to have have with collecting draft picks. People play way too much fantasy football I think.

I don't know way everyone wants to get rid of valenti, yes he is a midget,but in this game they always say that all types can play,short tall smart, stupid.if you are under 180 cm tall recruiter don't want to know you,unless you are a true native,look at SAM Mitchell he is a midget, recruiter did not want to know him, he was rookie listed, he was a ball magnet but because of his height, he was almost over look, valenti is the same type of player, he is a ball magnet,and that can never be underestimated, look at Greg williams, slow short but same how he always found the ball,libba is a another example, because of his height he was overlooked, when he had his chance he won brownlow, recruiter have to look harder and stop being sheep, there is gold in them hills you just have to look for it.

Also i think more 21 22 year old players need to be recruited,lots of kids are not as good at 18 as they are at 21,there has been lots of good player over looked. at 18

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