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Does 2010 start now ??


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Well barring the end of the world and other such minor impediments we are all but now assured of not only the PriorityPick which we so need but also the likelyhood we will follow pick one with pick 2. we also of course have ( or ought to ) pick one in the other drafts. This as we all know is the last time this will happen as we know it. GC looms.. West Sydney may of may not get of theground and either way the draft as we all have come to love it ( :huh: ) is coming to a close.

There is not a shred of doubt in my mind that Dean Bailey has piloted his ship through not one but an achipelego of reefs and amazingly sailed out the other side intact. In the same frame of thinking we now are in clearer waters and and face less turbellent weather.

Can we now put the tank back in the armory and bring back some real 'guns' and play properly ? Two questions arise from this. One, do we actually have any guns ( fit ) and can we ( i.e actually know how to ) play real football in a genuinely competitive manner ?

Im not really sure about the first question , yes we have some real talent but is it 100% fit to go . To the second I would suggest we can. Much to do about footy is in your approach and belief. No matter what any pundits offer players dont live in a vacuum. They will have been affected by the little song and dance we have had to perform but similalry they ought to know that the gloves can now come off.

Season 2010 will in my estimation go down as the year that the Dees arrived. We will play and we will surprise. A huge climb may now effect but all and sundry will will know and see a truly competitive outfit forming. But who will they be. Without doubt some have already stamped their claim on jumpers but some ( players) are either at doors of careers or crossroads. Some will simply take a bow and join th ehistory of our club.

In this vein some need to prove a thing or two and its only fair that todo this in any meaningful maner that it must be allowed to happen within the framework of 'fair dinkum' footy

I think it wouldnt do any harm for this band of Demons to taste some real satisfaction , hell even a real win as we conclude season '09. We can now probably afford to begin 2010 now.

Time to restore some pride to the MFC

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I agree.

The win of Freo puts us in a position where we are now highly likely to get Scully, plus possibly pick 2.

Without playing anyone who is under any sort of injury cloud, lets see the experimentation toned down and see the start of Bailey's game plan that he plans on eventually taking us to a premiership with.

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I tend to agree, although it is dependant upon who is available (ie. injuries permitting). By all means unleash the shackles so to speak. However, I would like to see the likes of McNamara and Bail continue to be utilised. I would like to see Buckley back into the fray. I would like to see a fit Whelan return to try for his 150th.

The return of Jurrah and Watts would be most welcome and perhaps Robbo if he is to receive a 'send - off'.

I think the experimentation continuing -as it has all year- is ok and would be beneficial to the team & Bailey to see what is in store for 2010, but also who needs to be culled & retained.

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I suppose there's experimentation..and theres "experimentation" . Happy to see things tried but not for the sake of minimising results ( so to speak ) No need now to contain the soreboard. Injuries will probably still afford others more chances, just like to seem them used a littel closer to their talents.

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I suppose there's experimentation..and theres "experimentation" . Happy to see things tried but not for the sake of minimising results ( so to speak ) No need now to contain the soreboard. Injuries will probably still afford others more chances, just like to seem them used a littel closer to their talents.

Not at all concerned about a Carltank turning up in two weeks time? ;)

Surely, they'll be pulling out all stops for a chance at top 4. So I think they will be switched on to beat us in Rd21. They can do it if they beat Port this week, which is likely considering it is "Port."

Brissy play Dogs this week at the Gabba, Dogs are on shaky ground for top 4, they've lost 4th spot. Crows face Hawks this week. I think Collingwood will secure 3rd. But No.4 is up for grabs between Blues, Lions and Crows IMO because the Dogs still have Lions, Cats and Pies to play.

If the Lions can beat the Dogs, they might just secure 4th spot with Port and Swans to come. But if they drop 1 game, the Blues might snag it.

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Not at all concerned about a Carltank turning up in two weeks time? ;)

Surely, they'll be pulling out all stops for a chance at top 4. So I think they will be switched on to beat us in Rd21. They can do it if they beat Port this week, which is likely considering it is "Port."

Brissy play Dogs this week at the Gabba, Dogs are on shaky ground for top 4, they've lost 4th spot. Crows face Hawks this week. I think Collingwood will secure 3rd. But No.4 is up for grabs between Blues, Lions and Crows IMO because the Dogs still have Lions, Cats and Pies to play.

If the Lions can beat the Dogs, they might just secure 4th spot with Port and Swans to come. But if they drop 1 game, the Blues might snag it.

It's fair to say we owe them one

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I think we can safely return to a more regimental structure to our team with "out of posistio" experiemtns done as an aside and not the team game plan !! :lol: Freo will want to beat us I reckon. They have forfeited their PP and now its game on. Carlton will be looking for a percentage booster and the Sainters... well... my daughter's going to love whipping Dad's Dees. I think the players themselves will sense there are no chains upon them now and will want to show all and sundry we are a little better than portrayed.

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I think it is time to stop the tanking and prepare for 2010. We need to start developing a winning culture into these kids and even if its just one more win it creates a culture and feeling around the club that would be different to the current one.

We are no chance against the saints, and if the Blues are for real we are no chance against them, so look out dockers

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As far as I'm concerned (and I may be a little short sighted in this respect) 2010 starts when we can get our best 22 out on the park - free from injury.

Interestingly, journalists reporting on yesterday's game seem to have finally realised how decimated our list has been by injury. Hardly surprising that we got thumped when you look at our set-ups! Frawley was really the only defender in our back line who has consistently played that role this year. With Riv pulling out, Warnock on ice for the rest of the season AND JACKY GRIMES (champion, future captain and soon to be on the back of my 2009 guernsey!) the side looked much weaker in defence. Add to that the return of Garland who has looked very promising and the result might have looked very different.

I am more than happy for Bails to keep experimenting with the side and playing players into new positions. I would love to see MFC being the new hallmark side of the AFL with players being able to cover any number of positions across the ground. In my opinion it would give us such a competitive edge and lessen injury-related performance fluctuations.

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Unless there is a significant change to the injury list we are unlikely to win a fourth game. Having been surprised at the lengths we had to go to against the Tiges I am back to my earlier position of telling people Tank? We don't need to tank!

2010 starts on October 12 when all but the veterans begin their preseason. If we knock off the Dockers, that'll be great but that medical room will need to clear some out.

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Guest Rojik of the Arctic

Might as well stick to the "experimentation". For one the season is a write off so why not see if you can learn something you won't get a chance to find out next year, and second it will just fire the media up more if we suddenly get fair dinkum once the pick is sown up. Oh yeah, and Carlton. I wouldn't trust those pricks as far as I could spit them. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they realise they can't get a top 4 spot they screw us over.

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As far as I'm concerned (and I may be a little short sighted in this respect) 2010 starts when we can get our best 22 out on the park - free from injury.

I am more than happy for Bails to keep experimenting with the side and playing players into new positions. I would love to see MFC being the new hallmark side of the AFL with players being able to cover any number of positions across the ground. In my opinion it would give us such a competitive edge and lessen injury-related performance fluctuations.

Might as well stick to the "experimentation". For one the season is a write off so why not see if you can learn something you won't get a chance to find out next year, and second it will just fire the media up more if we suddenly get fair dinkum once the pick is sown up. Oh yeah, and Carlton. I wouldn't trust those pricks as far as I could spit them. It wouldn't surprise me in the least if they realise they can't get a top 4 spot they screw us over.

Totally agree. Well said.

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Just keep playing the kids..That is paramount.

Experience for them is what we need.

There are still 12 Points up for grabs in the ether, that we really don't need (I hate saying that!!)

Our win for the year will be on draft day, so its business as usual for the next 3 weeks.

Play the Kids & the Fringe Players. Who will stay for 2010?? That's what we need to know.

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I think it is presumptious to believe that we can switch our form off and on based on where we are on the ladder and how many wins we have. Its not that easy particularly with the fit players we have to choose from.

All I want to see in the last three games is the MFC going flat out to win all three games but only win one! We won't need to tank against the Blues or Saints to be left on our desired 4 wins - we're not that good. The last 2 weeks have done my head in. First it was players trying while the coaches orchestrated a loss and yesterday it was half hearted efforts by both.

Let's get back to having a red hot go and give the Blues and Saints something to think about before their finals campaign.

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My essential thinking is it is time now to start construcint and instructing the team in football more akin to that which we know it. This still allows for some experimenting but not as the cause celebre as it was. Maybe we stat putting people where we want them to be.

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We have to continue to experiment to a degree, otherwise what kind of confusing message is that sending to the playing list?

At the moment the players, especially the young ones, seem to really be buying into the whole "trying things out for the good of our future". If you suddenly stop doing that, knowing those picks are ours, the players will realise very quickly that the last two weeks have been nothing but a calculated losing tactic.

Having said that, I would like to see a better team this week and more plausible experimental positioning (ie- Sylvia in the backline was great, Ricky and Bate in the middle, Morton up forward).

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i say we lose to freo and then smash carlton for doggin us in 2007, i hate the blue fags

Why do you hate them soo much? Ive found alot of people hate them for the following reasons.

-Tanking, well im pretty sure you cant hold that against them.

-Recruitment of Judd and Warnock, well the have the cash thats good on them, should hate the players rather than the club.

any other reasons, personally i hate carlton as i hate most teams, though beating carlton is always good due to proving judd etc wrong.

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Might as well stick to the "experimentation". For one the season is a write off so why not see if you can learn something you won't get a chance to find out next year, and second it will just fire the media up more if we suddenly get fair dinkum once the pick is sown up.

Totally agree.

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Melbourne side I would like to see play for round 20.

FB: Frawley, Martin, Bartram

HB: McNamara, Rivers, Cheney

C: Morton, Moloney, Davey

HF: Sylvia, Bate, Petterd

FF: Watts, Jurrah, Jetta

FOLL: Spencer, Dunn, McLean

INT: Grimes, Johnson, Jones, McDonald


IN: Whelan

OUT: Bartram


IN: Robertson, Wheatley

OUT: Dunn, McNamara

FB: Frawley, Martin, Whelan

HB: Wheatley, Rivers, Cheney

C: Morton, Sylvia, Davey

HF: Watts, Bate, Petterd

FF: Jurrah, Robertson, Jetta

FOLL: Spencer, Moloney, McLean

INT: Grimes, Johnson, Jones, McDonald

This is all baring injury of course. Round 22 could be farwell game for all McDonald, Robertson, Wheatley and Whelan, also being the laters 150th game. Valuable game time given to Spencer, Watts, Jurrah, Cheney and McNamara. Not to mention Grimes and Jetta also.

Let the planning for 2010 begin!

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Just keep playing the kids..That is paramount.

Experience for them is what we need.

There are still 12 Points up for grabs in the ether, that we really don't need (I hate saying that!!)

Our win for the year will be on draft day, so its business as usual for the next 3 weeks.

Play the Kids & the Fringe Players. Who will stay for 2010?? That's what we need to know.

"Who will stay for 2010?"- right on the money, that's what the remainder of the year should be about

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Bub is right. We should go for the win in the remaining 3 matches.

If Fremantle plays like they did v Port, the win is nowhere near certain. But the chances of Fremantle bringing their Subiaco game to Melbourne aren't high, and we aren't likely to apply ourselves as pathetically as Port did. Still, this could well be a loss, and we shouldn't just assume we will win this week.

We aren't good enough to beat either of Carlton or St Kilda, so there's no need to tank against them. Hence we should play to win.

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Bub is right. We should go for the win in the remaining 3 matches.

If Fremantle plays like they did v Port, the win is nowhere near certain. But the chances of Fremantle bringing their Subiaco game to Melbourne aren't high, and we aren't likely to apply ourselves as pathetically as Port did. Still, this could well be a loss, and we shouldn't just assume we will win this week.

We aren't good enough to beat either of Carlton or St Kilda, so there's no need to tank against them. Hence we should play to win.

No way.

The guy who had $200K on the Dogs over WC was thinking similar I'm sure.

We missed top 4 in 2006 by losing to Carlton twice.

We missed Callan Ward and Nic Naitanaui by beating Carlton twice in 2007.

We've come this far - there's two more weeks to go.

Edited by old55
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No way.

The guy who had $200K on the Dogs over WC was thinking similar I'm sure.

We missed top 4 in 2006 by losing to Carlton twice.

We missed Callan Ward and Nic Naitanaui by beating Carlton twice in 2007.

We've come this far - there's two more weeks to go.

I didn't say we should win our remaining 3 games. That would be stupid. I said we should play like we are trying to win the remaining 3 games. That plan would hopefully net us 1 win (vs Freo) and 2 competitive losses (v Carlton and St Kilda).

Do you honestly think that we are good enough to beat Carlton (bearing in mind the match is at Etihad) or St Kilda?

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No way.

The guy who had $200K on the Dogs over WC was thinking similar I'm sure.

We missed top 4 in 2006 by losing to Carlton twice.

We missed Callan Ward and Nic Naitanaui by beating Carlton twice in 2007.

We've come this far - there's two more weeks to go.


Lets not stuff it up now for all the pain we have endured.

It will be over soon.

(In someways not soon enough)

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