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IS IT WINTER YET? by the Oracle

I was discussing matters with a colleague not long after the conclusion of yesterday's game in which Port Adelaide crushed Melbourne by 57 points when he uttered the throw away line about this being "another winter of discontent" for the Demons.

It was a comment that made me think.

Surely, the Great Bard would most certainly not have been brooding four centuries ago about the challenges facing Dean Bailey? The exact words which the bard put into the mouth of Gloster were:

"Now is the winter of our discontent

Made glorious summer by this sun of York"

Clearly, the poet is thinking far beyond a dismal winter and is actually placing the House of York in happier times?

Similarly, the coach of the Melbourne Football Club is preparing his charges for better times. Times that supercede what happened for instance at AAMI Stadium yesterday.

Over there in Adelaide, Melbourne went into the game with one of the most inexperienced combinations ever to represent the club. There were very few wise heads out there to act as mentors for a side that half comprised of players with less than 25 games at the highest level, whose bodies are still to harden and whose minds await the maturity that will only come with the passing of time.

You only need to look at Port Adelaide and its leading players on the day; Warren Tredrea and Peter Burgoyne have both been struggling of late. Tredders didn't kick a goal in either of the first two rounds while Burgoyne has barely had his name mentioned in despatches. Yesterday, the Port power forward snagged six goals while Burgoyne outshone his team's other midfielders with 35 disposals at a high rate of efficiency. You can't buy their experience along with that of the other Burgoyne and the Cornes brothers. They lead the way for the rest of the team and make the coach's job so much easier.

The Demons started the game sluggishly but fought back in the second half of the opening term. They remained in touch early in the second term but some poor decision making and bad turnovers took their toll giving Port Adelaide enough openings to draw away with seven unanswered goals on either side of the main break. Melbourne received good service and leadership from Cameron Bruce, Brad Green and Aaron Davey while Cale Morton, Jamie Bennell and Neville Jetta were lively among its younger group and John Meesen produced a solid first up performance in the ruck. The problem for the Demons was that they simply didn't have a strong marking power forward capable of wreaking havoc in the way that Tredrea was doing at the other end of the ground.

Dean Bailey is trying to develop his young playing list and knows his plans simply cannot reach fruition in the space of one or two seasons.

You work to a plan and the plan needs players to develop both physically and in mind over time. There's so much to learn. It's no quick fix.

And Bailey is doing it all under great difficulty as a result not only of the inexperience of his team but also of the weight of carrying an injury plagued team into yet another season.

I make no apologies for raising the injury situation. I see it not as an excuse but as an explanation why the process that is already expected to take some time, will take even longer and why patience is an important virtue when discussing the Demons' fortunes.

Melbourne has not had anything close to an injury free list since July 2006 when it thrashed the Western Bulldogs on the MCG but lost Aaron Davey, Byron Pickett and soon after Travis Johnstone to hamstring injuries. The run never stopped. Brock McLean, Brent Moloney and Jared Rivers are back on the field after missing many games over the past two seasons but are still short of their best form. Out with injury yesterday were Simon Buckley, Jack Grimes, Colin Garland, Daniel Bell, skipper James McDonald, Paul Wheatley, Austin Wonaeamirri and Mark Jamar and on top of that list there are a good few making their return after recuperation from injury including Russell Robertson and Matthew Whelan. That's a hell of a lot of talent and depth players with which Bailey is unable to work at present as he seeks to avoid a winter of discontent.

Melbourne has lost the opening three games of the season again. This is the fourth year in a row this has happened. It's also likely that more defeats will come and there will not be a quick revival as there was in 2006.

It's worth repeating that the process will be slow and sometimes painful but the build up will bring rewards and better winters in the years to come.

Melbourne 2.1.13 4.4.28 7.5.47 14.6.90

Port Adelaide 3.3.21 10.5.65 16.12.108 22.15.147


Melbourne Green 3 Bate Bruce Miller 2 Bennell Dunn Jetta Moloney Morton

Port Adelaide Tredrea 6 Motlop 3 Brogan C Cornes Gray Pearce 2 Boak P Burgoyne Carr Cassisi K Cornes Lade Thomas


Melbourne Davey Bruce Morton Green Bate Jones

Port Adelaide Tredrea Brogan Pearce Krakouer P Burgoyne Carlile Salopek Cassisi C Cornes Gray


Melbourne Moloney (corked thigh)

Port Adelaide Surjan (cut forehead) S Burgoyne (leg)


Colin Sylvia (Melb) by umpire Kennedy for allegedly striking Josh Carr (Port Adelaide).

Dom Cassisi (Port Adelaide) by umpire Kennedy for allegedly striking Lynden Dunn (Melb).

Umpires Hayden Kennedy Shane Stewart Michael Avon.

Official Crowd 21,030 at AAMI Stadium

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I have no Great Expectations for this year, and Our Mutual Friend, Dean Bailey will often find his team with No Thoroughfare to travel through in its' forward thrusts, so lets not Turn the Screws to early. We live in a Bleak House and must endure Hard Times yet. Sure, most games will seem like a Tale of Two Teams, but our bell will Chime.

Chuzzlewit., Drood, Pickwit, Rudge - Definitely not names you'll see in a Demons side anytime soon.

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I make no apologies for raising the injury situation. I see it not as an excuse but as an explanation why the process that is already expected to take some time, will take even longer and why patience is an important virtue when discussing the Demons' fortunes.

You're dead right about the injury situation. This is where the Melbourne list was at over the weekend:

BAIL, Rohan injured?

BARTRAM, Clint Melbfc

BATE, Matthew Melbfc

BELL, Daniel injured

BENNELL, Jamie Melbfc

BLEASE, Sam school

BRUCE, Cameron Melbfc

BUCKLEY, Simon injured

CHENEY, Kyle Melbfc

DAVEY, Aaron Melbfc

DUNN, Lynden Melbfc

FRAWLEY, James Melbfc

GARLAND, Colin injured

GREEN, Brad Melbfc

GRIMES, Jack injured

HEALEY, Rhys ® Casey Reserves returning from a back injury

HUGHES, Daniel ® Casey Reserves returning from hip surgery

JAMAR, Mark injured (long term injury list)

JETTA, Neville Melbfc

JOHNSON, Paul Melbfc

JONES, Nathan Melbfc

MARIC, Addam Casey Seniors returning after off season hip surgery

MARTIN, Stef Melbfc

McDONALD, James injured

McKENZIE, Jordie Casey Seniors

McLEAN, Brock Melbfc

McNAMARA, Tom Casey Reserves returning after groin injury

MEESEN, John Melbfc

MILLER, Brad Melbfc

MOLONEY, Brent Melbfc

MORTON, Cale Melbfc

NEWTON, Michael emergency Melbfc

PETTERD, Ricky Melbfc

RIVERS, Jared Melbfc

ROBERTSON, Russell Casey Seniors retuning after Achilles heel surgery

SPENCER, Jake ® Casey Seniors

STRAUSS, James Casey Reserves returning after ankle injury

SYLVIA, Colin Melbfc

VALENTI, Shane Casey Seniors

WARNOCK, Matthew Melbfc

WATTS, Jack school

WHEATLEY, Paul injured

WHELAN, Matthew Casey Reserves returning after calf injury

WONAEAMIRRI, Austin injured

ZOMER, Trent Casey Seniors

Note that a number of those who went to Adelaide are on the comeback trail after missing several weeks in 2008 with various injuries.

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I have no Great Expectations for this year, and Our Mutual Friend, Dean Bailey will often find his team with No Thoroughfare to travel through in its' forward thrusts, so lets not Turn the Screws to early. We live in a Bleak House and must endure Hard Times yet. Sure, most games will seem like a Tale of Two Teams, but our bell will Chime.

Chuzzlewit., Drood, Pickwit, Rudge - Definitely not names you'll see in a Demons side anytime soon.

What the Dickens are you on about?

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You're dead right about the injury situation. This is where the Melbourne list was at over the weekend:

BAIL, Rohan injured?

BARTRAM, Clint Melbfc

BATE, Matthew Melbfc

BELL, Daniel injured

BENNELL, Jamie Melbfc

BLEASE, Sam school

BRUCE, Cameron Melbfc

BUCKLEY, Simon injured

CHENEY, Kyle Melbfc

DAVEY, Aaron Melbfc

DUNN, Lynden Melbfc

FRAWLEY, James Melbfc

GARLAND, Colin injured

GREEN, Brad Melbfc

GRIMES, Jack injured

HEALEY, Rhys ® Casey Reserves returning from a back injury

HUGHES, Daniel ® Casey Reserves returning from hip surgery

JAMAR, Mark injured (long term injury list)

JETTA, Neville Melbfc

JOHNSON, Paul Melbfc

JONES, Nathan Melbfc

MARIC, Addam Casey Seniors returning after off season hip surgery

MARTIN, Stef Melbfc

McDONALD, James injured

McKENZIE, Jordie Casey Seniors

McLEAN, Brock Melbfc

McNAMARA, Tom Casey Reserves returning after groin injury

MEESEN, John Melbfc

MILLER, Brad Melbfc

MOLONEY, Brent Melbfc

MORTON, Cale Melbfc

NEWTON, Michael emergency Melbfc

PETTERD, Ricky Melbfc

RIVERS, Jared Melbfc

ROBERTSON, Russell Casey Seniors retuning after Achilles heel surgery

SPENCER, Jake ® Casey Seniors

STRAUSS, James Casey Reserves returning after ankle injury

SYLVIA, Colin Melbfc

VALENTI, Shane Casey Seniors

WARNOCK, Matthew Melbfc

WATTS, Jack school

WHEATLEY, Paul injured

WHELAN, Matthew Casey Reserves returning after calf injury

WONAEAMIRRI, Austin injured

ZOMER, Trent Casey Seniors

Note that a number of those who went to Adelaide are on the comeback trail after missing several weeks in 2008 with various injuries.

How far is Wonaeamirri away from playing?

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I know we are a young side rebuilding but surely we still have to be competitive ?

Our percentage is at 60% and we've played North who look like a bottom 4 side and belted by Collingwood and Port who have been patchy at best what is going to happen when we start playing some teams that are in form.

Do we have any goals at all or are going to cruise through the season getting belted every week?

Surely the minimum we should be expecting is a percentage of 70%. I think that if the club can't get between 65 - 70% by RND 12 then Bailey should get the sack and same goes at the end of the year if we can't get to 70% and if the board won't sack him then we should go to an AGM and vote in a board that will.

No other club would cop the crap the club is dishing out under Bailey he is clearly not getting the best out of his team changes have to made Bailey is not the answer.

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I know we are a young side rebuilding but surely we still have to be competitive ?

Our percentage is at 60% and we've played North who look like a bottom 4 side and belted by Collingwood and Port who have been patchy at best what is going to happen when we start playing some teams that are in form.

Do we have any goals at all or are going to cruise through the season getting belted every week?

Surely the minimum we should be expecting is a percentage of 70%. I think that if the club can't get between 65 - 70% by RND 12 then Bailey should get the sack and same goes at the end of the year if we can't get to 70% and if the board won't sack him then we should go to an AGM and vote in a board that will.

No other club would cop the crap the club is dishing out under Bailey he is clearly not getting the best out of his team changes have to made Bailey is not the answer.

I think that Bailey should get the term or his contract (unless no improvement is found at all into next year) as I think that he clearly is a very good development coach. My major concern is the game plan and the structure which I think is poor. The pre-season was very promising and injuries have not helped, but the same problems since round 1, 2007 are still there.

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I know we are a young side rebuilding but surely we still have to be competitive ?

Our percentage is at 60% and we've played North who look like a bottom 4 side and belted by Collingwood and Port who have been patchy at best what is going to happen when we start playing some teams that are in form.

Do we have any goals at all or are going to cruise through the season getting belted every week?

Surely the minimum we should be expecting is a percentage of 70%. I think that if the club can't get between 65 - 70% by RND 12 then Bailey should get the sack and same goes at the end of the year if we can't get to 70% and if the board won't sack him then we should go to an AGM and vote in a board that will.

No other club would cop the crap the club is dishing out under Bailey he is clearly not getting the best out of his team changes have to made Bailey is not the answer.

Haha...That is a remarkable post there mate.

My knowledge of this game,is that, a team needs to kick goals to boost ones percentage. To do this task, a team must have players who are capable of kicking said goals.

Where do you suppose these goals are going to come from?

Are people just completely sick of the football already come R3, and are looking to dig their teeth into anyone and vent by making sensationalist comments, or are people genuinely agreeing with the types of posts that have been floating around on this thing.

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

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Haha...That is a remarkable post there mate.

My knowledge of this game,is that, a team needs to kick goals to boost ones percentage. To do this task, a team must have players who are capable of kicking said goals.

Where do you suppose these goals are going to come from?

Are people just completely sick of the football already come R3, and are looking to dig their teeth into anyone and vent by making sensationalist comments, or are people genuinely agreeing with the types of posts that have been floating around on this thing.

I know we can't kick goals but I'm sure if we kick 10 goals and the opposition kicks 12 then our percentage will go up cause it's not a 10 goal belting like we have been getting.

Do you serously think the club should do nothing and just hope that the beltings don't affect the team?

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

One of the better posts on this subject I think people should sit down and think where we started from as a club in the past and where we are now, big difference if you think about it.

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

Not even arguably, your best-ever post. Positive without being outre and very lucid.

Things really are looking up. Keep up the good work.

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

I always thought you had a bit of sense. Thanks for proving me right.

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

YM, a lucid insightful post. One for the scrapbook!

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

a) The backline got 22 goals kicked against them on Sunday.

B) Isn't your mate Bruce from the Daniher era.

c&d) Don't know about that.

e) I agree

f) If he plays like he did last week he will become another Carroll. He has to realise that you have to be close to your opponent to beat them not 30 metres away the lack of respect he and Rivers showed Tredrea was disgraceful.

g) He has to show it consistantly his last 2 weeks have been good and they had to be cause he has shown nothing for a long time he must keep it up.

h) Don't you remember how Davey used to play.

i) It was Fremantle.

In the end I don't care about the individual stuff I just want the regular beltings to stop.

They way Bailey talks concerns me. His use of competitive is a joke he should talking about winning even if it is unrealistic we need the players confident I can't see us getting any confidence out of Bailey wanting us to be competitive.

He has no confidence in himself either I still can't beleive that when he first got the job and a reporter asked him do you think you will be a good coach and he said I hope so what kind of answer is that ? Imagine saying that in a job interview you would never get the job.

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What a ridiculous thread. Bailey is clearly taking the list in the right direction, what do you expect bjgc? Do you expect Bails to magically re-build the list in 5 minutes? It takes time. You need to be patient with these young players. Knee-jerk reactions are what divides a club, and we cannot afford to go down that path. Jimmy has already publicly backed the direction Dean is taking, which is good enough for me.

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On top of what YM rightly said, we also have to remember the pure magnitude of new players that will need to be tried over a fair amount of games to evaluate them. Apart from the odd player like Grimes, it isn't as simple as giving a new kid 2 games and then either saying pass or fail. Bailey is in the unenviable position of having to rotate players throughout the season (at the expense of team stability) to give them all a fair chance to excel/develop in order to evaluate them. It's painful but it has to be done.

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

Agree completely mate, and we could even add to your list. Was a silly post to begin with... and my theory behind this is this... In the premier league, which is 'soccer' to those that are unsure, the most successful teams are those that have consistency and stability. If the board has faith in the coach, the player have faith in the coach. If the fans have faith in the coach, the players have faith in the coach and so on. Stability and Consistency is what we need. The guy needs to see out his contract. Period. And the only way to do that is to have the support of the players, fans and board, which I think he has got.

Saying that, I would love to see Hird or Buckley come in as assistant coach. Possibly even Viney.

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He has coached 25 games, and in that time he has -

- Completely rebuilt our back line, turning it from a laughing stcock to one of the leagues best

- Weeded out the deadwood from the Daniher era

- Blooded more promising youngsters in one year than Daniher did in a decade

- Made Brent Moloney a less predictable player

- Took Garland, who most fans wanted to delist, and made him arguably our most promising player

- Turned Warnock into a fine backman, after doing nothing under Daniher

- Revived Aaron Daveys career in a new role

- Backed an unknown kid from the Tiwi Islands who electrified us in 2008

- Coached is a to an AFL record come from behind win, 51 points down

On paper the results are awful no doubt, just 3 wins in 25 games. But the guy has literally had to start from the ground up. He inherited an untalented, aging list and has already rejuvenated it and will continue to do so.

This guy knows what he is doing, and once everything clicks, the wins will come.

i agree, i'm not Baileys biggest fan and think there were better choices of coach out there, we got the cheapest! but give him a go until seasons end, then we can [censored] and moan.

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