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Slandering our players

Bobby McKenzie

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Now I am ASSUMING we all barrack for the same team on this forum. Sadly, there are a few who seem to delight in denigrading our players. Not just constructive criticism but really nasty, personal, insulting stuff. The great majority do not engage in this type of behaviour and back our boys rather than dragging them in the mud. Sure, people have a right to voice an opinion about how a player went in a certain match etc. But the personal, incorrect insults are not desirable postings. Do these slanderers really think for one moment that the given player or team management are going to EVER READ their inane thoughts? Any player would be crazy if they read the rubbish that is posted here. And if by the remote chance they did would they say, " Gee, so and so reckons I'm not a footballer's bootlace, I'll have to address that!" If a poster in critical mood really wanted to make an impact they should send their ravings to Dean Bailey and co. We are all disappointed when we lose, but don't start a witch hunt on a couple of players when we do. Let's be united on all fronts and see our beloved Demons rise up the ladder.

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Now I am ASSUMING we all barrack for the same team on this forum. Sadly, there are a few who seem to delight in denigrading our players. Not just constructive criticism but really nasty, personal, insulting stuff. The great majority do not engage in this type of behaviour and back our boys rather than dragging them in the mud. Sure, people have a right to voice an opinion about how a player went in a certain match etc. But the personal, incorrect insults are not desirable postings. Do these slanderers really think for one moment that the given player or team management are going to EVER READ their inane thoughts? Any player would be crazy if they read the rubbish that is posted here. And if by the remote chance they did would they say, " Gee, so and so reckons I'm not a footballer's bootlace, I'll have to address that!" If a poster in critical mood really wanted to make an impact they should send their ravings to Dean Bailey and co. We are all disappointed when we lose, but don't start a witch hunt on a couple of players when we do. Let's be united on all fronts and see our beloved Demons rise up the ladder.

Yeah agreed. Any person player bashing should state the amount of AFL games they have played in thier post.

Seriously, of course no-one should insult or abuse our players in a personal manner, regardless of thier credentials.

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Guest Schtacker

I agree with you but it's just always going to happen

You can't call it a forum of free speech and attach a condition to it that says it's not that free. For one it involves drawing a metaphorical line in the sand that nobody is sure whether they have stepped over it.

Really nasty stuff is not on, but people's definitions of constructive criticism and honest comment tend to differ

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If a poster in critical mood really wanted to make an impact they should send their ravings to Dean Bailey and co.

I'm sure that'd be appreciated by DB :unsure:

Tbh, I think that sort of stuff's better off here.

That said, the fact the Board often goes into meltdown after a loss - and conversely, is ridiculously optmistic after a win, ie. my favourite is our "great depth" - is a bit lame.

Yeah agreed. Any person player bashing should state the amount of AFL games they have played in thier post.

Sure. Before you tell me about the bad movie you saw the other night, let me know how many Hollywood productions you've been involved in.

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Player criticism and observations of weaknesses as a football spectator is fair enough. Its part of what these forums are about.

If you are going to call someone useless etc etc then it would be assumed that you have the credentials to make that claim.

There are criticisms and then there are childish insults that are often hurled around.

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What? No slander??

It would certainly cut down the number of posts we see here!

Each to his own - Everyone is entitled to their comment regardless of how many games they have played, or if the clsoest they get to 'pulling on the boots' is to get their Uggies out to go to Fountain Gate. However, perhaps we should all think about the fact that we are making comments about people, YOUNG people, who are trying to make their way in the game. Instead of saying 'player X is crap', perhaps we could move up the logic pyramid and say their behaviours or actions are crap. That is what we can see and judge.

Consider if you were a young footballer and copped the grief that some get here - Isnt it better to define what it is that is crap (maybe this could be constructive criticism) than to nail the individual?

Anyway, everyone is entitled to their say (or spray).

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Ooo Lordy we have some sanctimonious twits on here. These players get paid in 5 years what most people would be lucky to see in 15-20, depending on how good they are (or deemed to be when they sign their contracts). Just like anybody else in a privileged position, they deserve to cop their fair whack when they don't live up to their paycheck. God knows everybody else in the world does.

I have no sympathy for somebody who is earning $100,000+ at age 21, and fails to deliver without a very good reason.

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Ooo Lordy we have some sanctimonious twits on here. These players get paid in 5 years what most people would be lucky to see in 15-20, depending on how good they are (or deemed to be when they sign their contracts). Just like anybody else in a privileged position, they deserve to cop their fair whack when they don't live up to their paycheck. God knows everybody else in the world does.

I have no sympathy for somebody who is earning $100,000+ at age 21, and fails to deliver without a very good reason.

Sanctimonious twits, useless, etc, etc. The usual stuff.

Maybe they are just not good enough to play AFL. They still don't deserve a lot of the personal abuse that gets dished out here regardless of what they get paid.

Col Garlands brother popped up on this site a while back. He had read a lot of the garbage that was writtten about his young brother. It made me cringe.

Perhaps those that sling mud should use thier intellect to present thier observations and criticisms instead of resorting to the usual name calling etc.

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Sanctimonious twits, useless, etc, etc. The usual stuff.

Maybe they are just not good enough to play AFL. They still don't deserve a lot of the personal abuse that gets dished out here regardless of what they get paid.

Col Garlands brother popped up on this site a while back. He had read a lot of the garbage that was writtten about his young brother. It made me cringe.

Perhaps those that sling mud should use thier intellect to present thier observations and criticisms instead of resorting to the usual name calling etc.

I didn't say useless, and I'm sure you realised that 'sanctimonious twits' was a rip at your good self and Bobby, not a player.

I don't think too many people resort to flat out name-calling (at least not to players... other posters are fair game as long its not crude or gratuitous ;) ). Most people just criticise, or 'slander' if you want to get all pious, players' football failings. For example, people have been panning Newton this week because they felt he appears to lack application, or because they felt he was awful once the ball hit the ground, etc. If that constitutes 'slander', then I'll be jiggered. Some of the nuff-nuffs take it too far, but the heat of the moment does that to people.

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Can someone tell us how many players are earning over 100K p/a on our list, and how many of those are 21 or under?

How many players earn less than 100K, and how many of those are 21 or under?

These would be an intersting stats....

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I didn't say useless, and I'm sure you realised that 'sanctimonious twits' was a rip at your good self and Bobby, not a player. Also, their* is an exception to the rule 'i before e, except after c'.

I don't think too many people resort to flat out name-calling (at least not to players... other posters are fair game as long its not crude or gratuitous ;) ). Most people just criticise, or 'slander' if you want to get all pious, players' football failings. For example, people have been panning Newton this week because they felt he appears to lack application, or because they felt he was awful once the ball hit the ground, etc. If that constitutes 'slander', then I'll be jiggered. Some of the nuff-nuffs take it too far, but the heat of the moment does that to people.

In that case you are in agreement with me and Bobby for that matter as if you read the original post the gratuitous stuff was what he is referring to. So tell me why you are calling people names again. Slandering and criticising are different by the way.

If you are going to spend the night correcting posters' spelling you have a seriously long night ahead of you. :lol:

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You can't call it a forum of free speech and attach a condition to it that says it's not that free. For one it involves drawing a metaphorical line in the sand that nobody is sure whether they have stepped over it

Who's ever called it that? I personally don't think any forums with moderation in place promotes freedom of speech at all. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have a right to slander or abuse people who you've never met, never spoken to and aren't here to defend themselves. Neither to Jack or Andy, who wrote the rules we as mods are here to enforce. You're not entitled to do or say whatever you please.

I disagree about the premise that you must have played X number of AFL games to be allowed to be critical (which is completely different to abusive) of players. That's rubbish. We might as well close the forum now if that's going to be the rule.

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Well said mate I can tell you from personal experience that AFL footballers can find far more occupation for their time than to downgrade themselves to looking at some of the rubbish which sadly creeps onto ths sight from time to time.Although the majority of the supporters are perochial barrackers at best some use their own personal short comings as a motive for bashing players on this sight. Sadly scumbags like this seem to revel in the hommage of a comupter screen at home and often sit in boaring, unsatisfying day jobs wondering if they had made the most of the minute glitch of sporting tallent they themslves posssesed maybe they could have been an afl star.I can not imagine a life so dull and uninspiring.I wonder what it is like to play with yourself all day and wonder what if it was a bit longer? what might have been.seriously wake up people.

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Who's ever called it that? I personally don't think any forums with moderation in place promotes freedom of speech at all. As far as I'm concerned, you don't have a right to slander or abuse people who you've never met, never spoken to and aren't here to defend themselves. Neither to Jack or Andy, who wrote the rules we as mods are here to enforce. You're not entitled to do or say whatever you please.

I disagree about the premise that you must have played X number of AFL games to be allowed to be critical (which is completely different to abusive) of players. That's rubbish. We might as well close the forum now if that's going to be the rule.

Agree with you on all points. My initial response to the thread was a tongue in cheek line meant to affirm this. Of course no-one should insult or abuse our players regardless of thier credentials.

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Who's ever called it that? I personally don't think any forums with moderation in place promotes freedom of speech at all.


Always makes me laugh when people bring up the 'free country' lines when participating in discussions on privately owned and operated sites.

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In that case you are in agreement with me and Bobby for that matter as if you read the original post the gratuitous stuff was what he is referring to. So tell me why you are calling people names again. Slandering and criticising are different by the way.

If you are going to spend the night correcting posters' spelling you have a seriously long night ahead of you. :lol:

Then I have no idea what either of you are on about. I can't recall a time when people have openly and shamelessly bashed our players. I presumed that this had arisen from the rather fierce criticism of Newton and Bell over the past few days. If that isn't the case, then what is this thread about? About the harshest thing I can recall anyone saying about any of the players is that they never want to see them in the jumper again.

And by the way, I have an hour or thereabouts. I'm quite prepared to donate it to improve the generally appalling quality of language on this forum. Nobody's perfect of course, including moi, but some of it is downright awful. Incidentally yours is mostly very good. A-.

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Then I have no idea what either of you are on about. I can't recall a time when people have openly and shamelessly bashed our players. I presumed that this had arisen from the rather fierce criticism of Newton and Bell over the past few days. If that isn't the case, then what is this thread about? About the harshest thing I can recall anyone saying about any of the players is that they never want to see them in the jumper again.

And by the way, I have an hour or thereabouts. I'm quite prepared to donate it to improve the generally appalling quality of language on this forum. Nobody's perfect of course, including moi, but some of it is downright awful. Incidentally yours is mostly very good. A-.

Read Yze Magic's comments on Bruce before he was banned or more recently those of 'Goose'.( Under the thread title' Disappointed with....'). Completely aggressive and the perfect example of player 'bashing'. It is interesting so far, that not one of the player bashers has tried to defend or justify himself/herself. 'Nicho' too has in the past been most offensive with his comments.

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Now I am ASSUMING we all barrack for the same team on this forum. Sadly, there are a few who seem to delight in denigrading our players. Not just constructive criticism but really nasty, personal, insulting stuff. The great majority do not engage in this type of behaviour and back our boys rather than dragging them in the mud. Sure, people have a right to voice an opinion about how a player went in a certain match etc. But the personal, incorrect insults are not desirable postings. Do these slanderers really think for one moment that the given player or team management are going to EVER READ their inane thoughts? Any player would be crazy if they read the rubbish that is posted here. And if by the remote chance they did would they say, " Gee, so and so reckons I'm not a footballer's bootlace, I'll have to address that!" If a poster in critical mood really wanted to make an impact they should send their ravings to Dean Bailey and co. We are all disappointed when we lose, but don't start a witch hunt on a couple of players when we do. Let's be united on all fronts and see our beloved Demons rise up the ladder.

Y_M thread...

He's over at 'ology now carrying on like twice the tool he ever was here.

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There have been numerous threads along the lines of the current one, and nothing much changes.

Tbh, I haven't found the 'banter' of late to be much different to usual.

Read Yze Magic's comments on Bruce before he was banned.

Y_M was banned, so lets move on.

Some people feed off the attention their controversial comments make, so creating threads about it seems almost counter-productive.

If you have a problem with a user, I'd suggest PM'ing a mod to draw their attention to the post(s), and letting them decide whether it's breaching the rules.

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This is a bloody big business that these players are in and they should be held accountable to us - the members who pay their wages, and I'm assuming most of us seasoned posters are members.

If Colin Garland drops 2 easy marks in a row in the space of a minute against the Bulldos (in rd 2) then I think its acceptable to have a go at him.

If Daniel Bell concedes 3 goals in a quarter, then I think its acceptable to have a go at him.

If Michael Newton's attitude it not up to AFL standard, then I think its acceptable to have a go at him.

As Diablo said, these players earn a crap load of money (as opposed to you and I) and nobody has forced them to play AFL. As long as the criticism is not personal or offensive or obsessive like YM's tirade on Bruce than its open slather.


Player x was pathetic today. (I'm sure the player in question agrees)


Player X is a [censored]. I hate Player X.

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I agree with you but it's just always going to happen

Really nasty stuff is not on, but people's definitions of constructive criticism and honest comment tend to differ

Yes what Schtacker said.

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Can someone tell us how many players are earning over 100K p/a on our list, and how many of those are 21 or under?

How many players earn less than 100K, and how many of those are 21 or under?

These would be an intersting stats....

Good Luck finding out............ . I think it's fair to say that by next year our Dees will be well under the Cap. And so our team should.

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