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What's our membership tally?


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I have no doubt that there are a few thousand furphies amongst ours too. But its been well publicised and facilitated that a lot of North tickets are non North folk feeling sorry for the buggers. As household cash becomes tighter going forward such altrusitic donations become fleeting.

Optimistically many of those who didnt renew this year ( MFC ) will climb aboard next year. We too will have some that amy not. I am genuinely suprised we are nudging 30000. we havent played the "sign up of club dies" card yet. North have...You can only use trumps once !!

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Strange how everyone is accusing North of inflated numbers, but assume that ours are all genuine.

Maybe we are in for a rude shock next year?

The bounce since Stynes came on board hasn't been anywhere near that of the spike North received when they stated they were going to stay in Victoria or die trying.

Our tally this year isn't significantly increased on last year, whereas North has had a 50% increase.

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Strange how everyone is accusing North of inflated numbers, but assume that ours are all genuine.

Maybe we are in for a rude shock next year?

No we aren't. Only a handful of non-MFC supporters have signed up as MFC members this year.

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Above the bottom line sits a figure called Revenue...11,000 members X $165.00 11 Game Red & Blue Membership = $1,815,000

So it rather does matter whether your club has 43,000 or 32,000 members.

Also more members makes us even more attractive to sponsors.

A strong membership means we dictate our own future.

Of course its extra revenue. And yes it would add extra attractiveness to sponsors. I don't doubt that for one second. My point is IMO, a club can have 32,000 members ie Richmond, and a club could have 43,000 ie Essendon, yet if both have good management and budget for whatever, they can both return a profit of up to $1million, regardless of sponsors and membership members.

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Word is counting is still going but we may have hit 29,500.

That would be great if we even cracked 29,500. The target was 30,000. Its a great effort and great sign for things to come.

Question: - Is our MFC tally numbers based on fully ticketed members only ? ie ($165 +). Because checking other clubs websites they have 2 tallies, Fully ticketed and Total members.? My guess would be yes but could someone tell me otherwise? Cheers.

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That would be great if we even cracked 29,500. The target was 30,000. Its a great effort and great sign for things to come.

Question: - Is our MFC tally numbers based on fully ticketed members only ? ie ($165 +). Because checking other clubs websites they have 2 tallies, Fully ticketed and Total members.? My guess would be yes but could someone tell me otherwise? Cheers.

Yes. We were burned by the AFL about three years ago, when they downgraded our tally of members.

Our tally is "ticketed" members, or at least the ones the AFL counts.

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The AFL only recognise certain members which is included in the official membership or full members as other clubs call them... all other members are not included...

I'm not sure about our total but last year the $40 MCC/MFC membership was included into the official membership by the AFL due to the large amount of MFC members at the MCC.

I'm sure the 29500 is our official membership including the above mentioned.... there are other members like the red and blue army that are not included in our total

I might be wrong about the 29500 but I hope that helps


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Of course its extra revenue. And yes it would add extra attractiveness to sponsors. I don't doubt that for one second. My point is IMO, a club can have 32,000 members ie Richmond, and a club could have 43,000 ie Essendon, yet if both have good management and budget for whatever, they can both return a profit of up to $1million, regardless of sponsors and membership members.

If you disregard the difference in sponsorship and membership revenue...how does the management of the smaller club generate the same profit figure?

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If you disregard the difference in sponsorship and membership revenue...how does the management of the smaller club generate the same profit figure?

Through merchandise, pokies venues, other assets, land, hotel ownership etc.

For example, and this is just an example. Collingwood stand to make a huge loss this season. Up to $2million. Now because they have posted a string of consecutive profits, it won't really put them in trouble, because they can cope. Their loss is because of -in some part - due to mismanagement.

Now, who would of though that a club with over 40,000 members would post a result like that for this financial year.

I'm not totally disregarding sponsorshiip and membership revenue at all, for they are the lifeblood, like I said.

i am simply emphasising the importance of good management, and good management in all departments. Which I imagine would be very difficult to do, as the football side of it is an integral part of it. So performances on the field are somewhat critical.

Results like Sunday's result is like an injection of new blood.

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Through merchandise, pokies venues, other assets, land, hotel ownership etc.

For example, and this is just an example. Collingwood stand to make a huge loss this season. Up to $2million. Now because they have posted a string of consecutive profits, it won't really put them in trouble, because they can cope. Their loss is because of -in some part - due to mismanagement.

Now, who would of though that a club with over 40,000 members would post a result like that for this financial year.

I'm not totally disregarding sponsorshiip and membership revenue at all, for they are the lifeblood, like I said.

i am simply emphasising the importance of good management, and good management in all departments. Which I imagine would be very difficult to do, as the football side of it is an integral part of it. So performances on the field are somewhat critical.

Results like Sunday's result is like an injection of new blood.

OK so we agree you need good management, and that membership and sponsorship are the lifeblood of the club.

Amazed that the Pies are recording that big a loss...how the hell did they manage that? I'll be very interested to see those accounts.

What are they... the Opes Prime Pies? [owned and liquidated by proud sponsors, the ANZ]

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The collingwood loss isn't an actual operating loss and sadly its the same with most clubs.... it's actually on paper not cash at bank.

The collingwood loss is because the bought a pub 'the beach' for seven million dollars. On the balance sheet it is an asset for seven million but with the property downturn and the pub not going so well they have revalued it at five million... instant two million dollar loss but it doesn't do that much to them as they are not selling it.... If in five years the property market is up the pub is going great and they revalue it at ten million... bang instant three million profit and they haven't sold it....

During that five years they have also made revenue from the asset.

The problem is clubs also include assets like stadiums and stand which eventually have to be written off.

When the MFC invest 500K into the new stadium we will put that as an asset but really it is worthless... so over time when we are making a profit we will slowly down grade the asset to mean we don't get hit with one big 500K write off....

I'm not an accountant but I'm pretty sure this is right.... I think alot of media beat up happens over profit and loss when the figures are reported...

Although I haven't read MFC Profit&loss statement or their balance sheet I don't think our problem is writing off assets rather cash flow into the club.

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I'm not an accountant but I'm pretty sure this is right.... I think alot of media beat up happens over profit and loss when the figures are reported...

Although I haven't read MFC Profit&loss statement or their balance sheet I don't think our problem is writing off assets rather cash flow into the club.

Right on both counts.

P.S. By that I mean media beat-up and MFC problems...sorry if it read as if I was casting apersions on your accounting knowledge.

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The Kangaroos have cracked 34,000?!!! No WAY! Surely that's a typo?

They have 15,000 members. The other half and a bit are corporates and sympathy buys.

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Strange how everyone is accusing North of inflated numbers, but assume that ours are all genuine.

Maybe we are in for a rude shock next year?

because north jumped by over 50% and we haveincrease by a few thousand each year over the past few years.

we also havnt had a big 'buy or membership or the mfc goes down' drive which encourages one of spending.

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The collingwood loss isn't an actual operating loss and sadly its the same with most clubs.... it's actually on paper not cash at bank.

The collingwood loss is because the bought a pub 'the beach' for seven million dollars. On the balance sheet it is an asset for seven million but with the property downturn and the pub not going so well they have revalued it at five million... instant two million dollar loss but it doesn't do that much to them as they are not selling it.... If in five years the property market is up the pub is going great and they revalue it at ten million... bang instant three million profit and they haven't sold it....

During that five years they have also made revenue from the asset.

The problem is clubs also include assets like stadiums and stand which eventually have to be written off.

When the MFC invest 500K into the new stadium we will put that as an asset but really it is worthless... so over time when we are making a profit we will slowly down grade the asset to mean we don't get hit with one big 500K write off....

I'm not an accountant but I'm pretty sure this is right.... I think alot of media beat up happens over profit and loss when the figures are reported...

Although I haven't read MFC Profit&loss statement or their balance sheet I don't think our problem is writing off assets rather cash flow into the club.

Thanks Wolfmother, that clears that up, so its about a pub just having be revalued.. well that's not really mismanagement, that can be just put down to change in property market then. Ah well.

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From members' email:

Sunday’s win was not the weekend’s only positive news, with our membership tally breaking 29,000 for the first time. Our final membership number for 2008 will be announced later this week.

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From members' email:

Sunday’s win was not the weekend’s only positive news, with our membership tally breaking 29,000 for the first time. Our final membership number for 2008 will be announced later this week.

The club says the official number is likely to be announced tomorrow.

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When the MFC invest 500K into the new stadium we will put that as an asset but really it is worthless... so over time when we are making a profit we will slowly down grade the asset to mean we don't get hit with one big 500K write off....

I'm not an accountant but I'm pretty sure this is right.... I think alot of media beat up happens over profit and loss when the figures are reported...

Although I haven't read MFC Profit&loss statement or their balance sheet I don't think our problem is writing off assets rather cash flow into the club.


You may be right on the Pies.

The MFC problem is as much cashflow as it is writing off assets. The lack of positive cashflow is constraining the expenditure on critical areas like football operations and facilities.

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sorry never liked harvey since he bagged Melbourne really badly on fox years ago.. saying we'd never be a top team always just an ok team.. he was really arragont about the way he said it..


I don't like Harvey to me he comes across as a self centered ego maniac.. :) how loves himelf way to much. and thinks he's the best..

ok now i feel better :)

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You may be right on the Pies.

The MFC problem is as much cashflow as it is writing off assets. The lack of positive cashflow is constraining the expenditure on critical areas like football operations and facilities.


I agree the MFC can't get enough coin at the moment is racking up the debts to pay for day to day running of the club. The interest on 4.5 must be around 400K.... if we didn't have all the debt just putting the interest payments in an account paying 10% compound for 10 years we would have a return of 6.5mil.

We don't need to spend more on football operations and facilities although these are great things and our primary business is winning matches, we need to establish revenue streams away from football... Purchasing pub and clubs and running them is one way... nightclubs are another... property development.... share packages.... I don't care if they buy all the strip clubs and brothels in Melbourne... if we can suck it up for another eight years with only modest spending on the football department (compared to the big clubs) and get an asset base that allows a revenue stream that isn't concerned where we finish in football we would enable ourselves to avoid any talk of moving/folding etc


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I agree the MFC can't get enough coin at the moment is racking up the debts to pay for day to day running of the club. The interest on 4.5 must be around 400K.... if we didn't have all the debt just putting the interest payments in an account paying 10% compound for 10 years we would have a return of 6.5mil.

We don't need to spend more on football operations and facilities although these are great things and our primary business is winning matches, we need to establish revenue streams away from football... Purchasing pub and clubs and running them is one way... nightclubs are another... property development.... share packages.... I don't care if they buy all the strip clubs and brothels in Melbourne... if we can suck it up for another eight years with only modest spending on the football department (compared to the big clubs) and get an asset base that allows a revenue stream that isn't concerned where we finish in football we would enable ourselves to avoid any talk of moving/folding etc


You cant skimp on the football operations and expect to compete against richer clubs with the primary business or bojective of winning matches. In past years we have been woefully underfunded in the area of player development. If we crimp the football department in quality personnel and resources we knee cap our on field performance. Unfortunately memberships and sponsorships ride to great extent on the ability to foster and generate a winning culture. And the alternative non football revenue sources have a high commercial risk and may not fit the charter or skills set of football club boards.

While we have the debt it constrains us from being able to actively and financially pursue other options. We must reduce that debt as a priority.

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I don't care if they buy all the strip clubs and brothels in Melbourne... if we can suck it up for another eight years

A very "hands on" solution Wolf

P.S. See how easy it is to twist people's words by editing and quoting out of context!

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