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Everything posted by Clark_Kent

  1. I think there is merit to the games experience differentials that are always mentioned. Even though Port were less than ours they had more experience where it counts (middle of the ground), and they are really on fire at the moment but we will see how long that lasts. But I don't want Neeld and Craig to continue bringing this up al the time. Everyone knows we are young but if they keep mentioning that, especially to the players they may get to comfortable thinking they are young and it's ok to lose. They still need to be driled that winning is everything even if we aren't expected to win many games. It's a fine line between the two.
  2. I don't agree with people saying this is 'Neeld's' team. Yes he has turned over some of the list but really he's only had 2 off seasons and hasn't yet put together the excact team he wants. I think this is more like half his team and he is still working out who best suits his gameplan and who gives 100%. I'm all for seeing through with him as coach coz I think so far he's done a pretty good job with recruiting competitve players and the coaching part will come.
  3. Can I point out that the Giants did push the Swans in round 1 and also pushed the Power as well. They aren't that bad and will sneak a few wins this year so the win should still be seen as a big positive. We desperately need to build a strong midfield though coz we get smashed there every week.
  4. I can't believe Kent can't get a game and they are continue playing Toumpas! I like Toumpas and think he is gonna be a ripper player for us but what ever happened to giving the in form player a game as a reward?
  5. I can't wait for this guy to play. From the looks of him he could be an absolute steal at pick 40 odd!
  6. I am all for persisting and seeing what happens. No point jumping ship early we will never get anywhere.
  7. People saying if I was Frawley I would leave blah blah blah. He is part of the LEADERSHIP group and shows zero leadership. If his answer is to just leave this club then that is poor form and shows he isn't a leader. He should be one of the guys pushing everyone to improve and want to take this club up. Instead it seems he's happy to just take his pay cheque for the year then leave. If this is the case it shows he isn't a leader and perhaps would do better just being a bit part player at another club. We need strong leaders at this club and it seems he doesn't want to be one.
  8. There is a bloke named Chris Masten who cut us apart yesterday. His first few seasons he was much maligned and struggled to find the pace of afl. Get off Toumpas back you poor excuses for supporters.
  9. Well done everyone really good to hear the great support happening. Can't wait for some training reports/pics.
  10. Gotta work today unfortunately but wish I was there. Great work guys let us all know how it goes!!
  11. I read the articles and it makes some good points. I genuinely think Watts confidence is so low that he is struggling to put in a good performance. Either he needs to go back to VFL to find confidence or Neeld has to grab him and remind him of why he was a number 1 pick. I'd even through him in the middle or the wing and just tell him to get as much of the ball as he can. Sylvia has always been a frustrating player to watch but while watching the game I kept an eye on him to see whether he looked disinterested or not. I think he is trying but he is being played in the wrong position. Deep forward is just not right for him they should chuck him in the middle from the first bounce. He's got to take on responsibility for once in his playing career. I really hope they both find form as it would really help us to become a more competitive outfit.
  12. Does anyone think if we were to win less games than GWS and Gold Coast this season then the AFL would give us the first priority pick under the new rule?
  13. Dees are a great value bet I've got a cheeky $10 on them @ $8.00. Won the last 3 encounters and surely going to be firing this weekend. If they aren't then I'll need more than $10 to drown my sorrows.
  14. I think we are now past that type of recruitment crap now. If only we had had Neeld and Viney heading our recruitment at the start of our rebuild in 08 I'd imagine we would have a very different squad at the moment. You can just see by the players he has brought in Hogan, Viney, Kent, Toumpas, they are all ultra competitive and want to be the best they can be.
  15. The reason Neeld brought in these mature age recruits is to promote competitiveness for spots in the team. Most of our young guys have come in and not had to compete for a spot, therefore their actual competitiveness in games is lacking. By creating more competition for spots this will lead to players competing better in games. Any journalist who doesn't get this should probably consider a career change because it is pretty clear. This problem stems from the last FD prematurely moving on certain players which was a terrible mistake. We needed guys like McDonald, Miller and Bruce (left us but really we could've given him two years he was a great servant). These guys should have been leading the young charges. I agree with Neeld's policy on this as it is clear to see the leadership void we have. And if a Byrnes or Rodan can improve the young players leadership then the recruitmen of them would be a great success in my eyes.
  16. After what Neeld said my guess is: In: Trengove, Terlich, McDonald and Jetta. Out: Dunn, Nicholson, Tapscott and Sellar.
  17. My team for this week: Backs: Jetta Frawley Garland H/B: Watts McDonald Terlich Mid: Trengove N.Jones Viney H/F: Howe Dawes Kent Fwds: Byrnes Clark Blease Ruck: Spencer Grimes Sylvia Int: Pederson, M.Jones, D. Rodan Sub: J. Toumpas Outs: Gillies, Jamar, McKenzie, Tapscott, Sellar, Nicholson, Dunn. Point 1: We have got to sort out or defence it is way too top heavy how does the coaching department not see this? We should have 4 talls and 2 smalls and make Watts accountable for a player as well as running off. Point 2: Send Jamar back to Casey and tell him to work on competitiveness. Spencer is no where near good enough but at least he competes hard. Point 3: If Mckenzie isn't going to tag then dont bother picking him. Point 4: I want to see how Pederson goes as third tall. God help us.
  18. Great debut I am so impressed with this kid it actually brings me back to the days when I loved some of the players like Yze and Green. Hopefully there wil be more players I love to watch for the Dees coz at the moment there's very few.
  19. There better be some serious changes to personnel this weekend. Some of these guys need to realise they can't just turn up and expect to play. I want Terlich, Jetta, Kent, Dawes, Mcdonald, Trengove, Spencer in and out: Garland, Gillies, Nicholson, Tapscott, Sellar, Mckenzie and Jamar. Frawley and Watts hang on just for one more week. I don't care if the players are less skilled I want guys who give 100%. There's no point having good skills when you can't get the ball anyway.
  20. The effort of the majority of this team is disgusting and for Don Mclardy to come out and have a go at certain supporters he should shut the [censored] up because I think what we get dished up is so poor it's impossible to continue wanting to support. I will always support them but it's is firstly embarassing but more importantly an insult to us as supporters to see this crap!
  21. As much as I hate the hawks I think their clash jumper is a good one and should be an example to other clubs. I wouldn't mind having a demon picture on the front with white back ground and the same could be done for the bombers and tigers. The eagles also do it. Every other sport in the world has no problem with wearing clash guernseys why are we so special??
  22. Ahhh k so two more. Probably makes quite a big difference in those leagues. We found that having too many makes it really difficult. Ours is a keeper league starting from now though so we've got squads of 30 with 18 on your field and 4 emergencies. At the end of the season you have to turn over a minimum of 7 players.
  23. Actually we have 14 this season last year was 12
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