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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. What the hell would stop gays from raising a family if they had the same legal rights of other heterosexual couples via a civil union? I don't get your point about 'marriage' being disallowed, but civil unions being OK. WTF is the actual difference, the religious aspect?
  2. It's like I just drank 2lt of vodka and read the opening post and all the words jumbled up. Epic!
  3. My thoughts on the matter is that I DON'T GIVE A CRAP, and it's very sad that you are so engrossed in this whole thing that you're now starting a whole new argument about a comment some nobody made on some silly show a few weeks ago. So GWS approached Scully's management last year did they? Maybe those are just rumours circulated by management trying to raise Scully's price? or by GWS? or maybe they approached Tom's management and they never told Tom because they knew he didn't want to talk contracts. OMG GET ME THE HELL OUT OF THIS THREAD NOW!
  4. I choose not to spend all day every day fretting about what decision some 19 year old kid is going to make, because I have a life and more important things to worry about. Put it into perspective for god's sake and stop lying on the floor in the fetal position crying yourself to sleep every night while pulling your hair out and sucking your thumb. It will all be alright, and even if it's not, you can't do sh*t about it. Writing 10,000 posts a week about how Scully is a liar, how everyone's rumoured mail must be right despite lack of evidence and chest beating like a trained monkey is not actually helping the situation. Trengove can see many reasons to stay at Melbourne and I believe that so does Scully. If he chooses to chase after a bigger pay packet than good luck to him, but money does not buy you happiness or success, and Tom will have to live with that for the rest of his career. That is his worry and not yours.
  5. WTF do you choose to believe every idiot and his dog but not Scully? It's sick, it really is. P.S.- I want to punch myself in the face everytime I skim (read: scroll) through any Scully-related thread.
  6. There are quite a few people in this thread who just need to get a life. FFS, don't you people work/ sleep/ socialise/ eat/ have sex? Find something else to do and stop preoccupying yourselves with Tom Scully. It's unhealthy and frankly it's pointless. If he wants to go he will, if he wants to say, he will. At least journalists writing rubbish about it are getting paid for it, you lot are actually just spending your time writing meaningless crap for nothing!
  7. You never explained why, if in your opinion the point of marriage is to procreate, is it OK for heterosexual couples to get married and not procreate (we're talking by choice obviously), but it's not OK for gay couples to do so? Besides, I find the whole notion of marriage being a sacrade union as utter crap. That notion went out the window when people start getting divorced as often as they changed their underpants. Or when people started getting married for self serving reasons like getting citizenship, or money. Even putting aside your unsubstantiated notion that kids are better off with heterosexual parents (has this ever been actually proven by anyone on a large scale? Because for every unhappy kid growing up with gay parents I can find you 20 unhappy kids growing up with straight parents), it still has no barrings on your very contradictory views about gay marriage. I know you understand that being gay is not choice, and yet you still find it acceptable that gay people don't have the same equal rights as those who are born heterosexual. That's almost like saying that if you are born with black skin you are different and should have different rights to those born with white skin. Both are silly notions that completely dismiss the individual characteristics of people and makes broad judgements based purely on one genetic trait. If you love someone you should be able to marry them. If you want children and have the emotional, physical and financial means to support them, you should be able to have them. Race, religion, ethnicity and sexuality should never be an issue, and in fact, apart from sexuality none of those are in modern day society.
  8. Never good when they open you then close you right back up again! This world is just [censored] up. Talk about someone who deserves this sort of crap less. Fingers and toes crossed that he keeps on fighting and somehow gets better.
  9. My bench preference: Blease, McKenzie, Morton, Petterd I actually think Nicholson needs a rest. McDonald should debut at the G next week
  10. Sure did! We actually ended up ordering nearly everything on the sampling/sharing menu, and it wasn't expensive at all (we did not have the pig thank you), and the atmosphere was great even though it was extremely busy. Probably one of my recent favourites, along with New Market in St Kilda which is more pricey but just as delicious (great cocktails too!)
  11. Absolutely 100% spot on. I worked in childcare for years and I can tell you from first hand experience how many fwit parents there are in the world. Parents who don't want their kids, and who certainly don't know how to raise them. And there are millions of orphaned and abused children in the world who would be better off with loving homosexual parents, and if given the choice would absolutely jump at the chance of having loving parents, regardless of their gender. Are you against mixed race or faith marriages? Does it bother you if people of different religions get married? Because gay marriage is exactly the same. I have a very close friend who recently came out and it would break my heart if in the future he gets denied the right to marriage and a family if he chooses to have one, because he would be a brilliant father and partner and nobody has the right to take that away from him.
  12. Love it love. It knows no boundaries or gender and who are we to judge who should or shouldn't be allowed to marry. 50% of heterosexual marriages end in divorce. Should we start preventing heterosexuals from getting married if we believe they are unfit to do so? It is not our place to pass judgement or indeed get involved in the personal lives of people. Just as I have no issues with divorce, abortion, IVF or adoption for single parents/gay parents, I have no issues with gay marriages. The notion that one way is the only way is just wrong. I am not religious or morally rightious enough to give a shite and I think that as long as you are happy and not harming others, you should be left alone.
  13. If I celebrate with a glass of nails, is that OK? It's great news, especially since we are now certainly going to avoid a "Trengove to GWS" thread next season. Phew!
  14. Had dinner at George Koulambaris' new restaurant- St. Katherines tonight. Would highly recommend. I may have sweet talked my way to some free desserts from him too B)
  15. LOL. Great news. Absolutely brilliant! P.S.- how much do we love Jack Trengove?! Would marry sex
  16. A miracle... a truly undeserved one.
  17. If this latest Scully thread doesn't resolve itself in either a signing or resignation then I am going to poke both my eyes out with a fork. Thank god there is only 4 rounds left of this season, and therefore only 4 more weeks of this Scully rubbish.
  18. I'll be there... again. I clearly hate myself Would say 14k is a generous figure sadly.
  19. Absolutely, I think we need to have one more really big crack at a win against a decent side (and possibly a push for a top 8 spot ), and then spend the last three games blooding some more kids. If we are serious about winning at all costs next week then Morton, Sylvia and Jurrah will come in and I think so will Warnock (perfect match up for Lynch). If we have written off the season then I think Blease, McDonald and maybe even Fitzpatrick may come in. It's taken us a long time to find someone to perform Strauss' role, and we don't have a real natural replacement for him in the wings, but this is the perfect time to either give Blease that role (I don't think he's defensive enough), or give Davis the role. Whoever it is, I just hope it's not Morton, because as your match report says, he is a midfielder and he needs to play in the midfield. His confidence has been shot to sh*t with all the positional changes he's had in his time at Melbourne.
  20. Brilliant, thanks for the report. Morton has heaps of talent and a lot to give, and I just hope that a new coach and possibly a more tightly defined role will bring out the best of him. With the season all but done, we should bring back Blease for a full match (good replacement for poor Strauss) and maybe blood Tom McDonland who has worked really hard and had a very consistent season with Casey.
  21. I see your point, but I actually think that Stynes' comments probably came out the wrong way. He was obviously proud of the fact that we went in harder this week than last, and that the player remained focused on footy despite all the drama, but I doubt he was proud or happy with the result. We can't seriously be at a point again where we are accepting of a 70 point loss, unless we've gone back to tanking? It's just silly to ever call a 12 goal loss a good effort, and heaven help us if we are ever happy with that because it's better than losing by 31 goals! The players keep escaping the brunt of the media criticism, so it's about time someone came out and put it back onto them. Lyon is not my favourite person and I'm skeptical of the short lived role he's going to play at the club, but he is 100% correct with these comments. We should not be so forgiving and easy on our players, especially those who are meant to lead this club, because they have done a crap job of it this year. It's a sad state of affairs that for two weeks running the only players who could leave the field satisfied are those who have played only a handful of games.
  22. Amen. A club of scum, and I can say that because just about every person in my life who I love barracks for them. They are a pack of cheating, arrogant [censored] and I hope they never ever experience success again. The day we beat them again will be one of the happiest.
  23. It's because he is a bloody smart player. Sadly most players around him, aren't. Davey, although coming back from a long lay off, was woeful in that crumbing role yesterday. He should have been following Jack around to capitalise on his good work. He was super super impressive yesterday. My favourite was his mark at full back (WHY THE F' IS HE PLAYING SO FAR DOWN BACK?!?!?!?! ). Never in doubt though really. Kid will be a star!
  24. Sam Blease is back playing, Barlow is back playing. This will put his career 2 years back, but he is so young, and it's definitely not the end for him. If he wants to come back, he will. It's an absolutely horrid injury to go through, and it will take a lot of emotional and physical strength to get through, but I'm confident he will with the help of the club. He showed so much promise this year, that he just has to back himself and get better. There is a place in the team for him if he fights for it. But what sh*t luck. So unjust
  25. No offense to Jimmy, because he is a bloody amazing human being, but the effort yesterday was poor, verging on crap, not just from Green but from many players. Had we not lost by 186 points the week before and sacked Bailey, there would be calls for his head this week. To lose by 70 odd points is NEVER an effort that we should be proud of, or else we are setting the bar so friggin low it's not funny. I'm proud of the fact that some players went really hard and we tackled with more intent, but there is nothing to be proud of as a whole, and Green giving away a stupid free kick in the 3rd is just one example of poor leadership which starts at the top. Not a single player in our leadership group stood up yesterday, when they needed to the most. Rivers, Jones, Moloney and Davey were extremely poor and even though we single out Green, the rest of the group around him isn't much better. We will never be a successful club with this sort of leadership group.
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