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Jaded No More

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Everything posted by Jaded No More

  1. Amen. Great guy, good player, terrible leader. Welcome to the Yze, Bruce, White camp. History always repeats itself at this club.
  2. Just awful. He finally found his place in the team too. All the best to him. Hopefully he makes a full and quick recovery. [censored] incident to top off another miserable day.
  3. I noticed that I have lost all patience and passion for this team.
  4. I said last week I was done and yet here I am wasting my time. Supporting this team is like being married to an [censored], and I want a divorce. The players should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. In the past two weeks they cost a man his job, made their president even sicker and brought turmoil to the club. To turn this [censored] on today is just gut wrenching.
  5. Davey. Green. Rivers. Sacked from leadership group at half time. Or should be.
  6. Make no mistakes about it. Our problems are 100% on field. We have a pathetic, heartless, soft list. It makes me sick watching us play. It's disgusting.
  7. Something always friggin has to go wrong for us. Shocking goal kicking has cost us this quarter and an early sickening injury to Straussy with a dumb choice of sub. I hate footy sometimes
  8. Unlikely. We're going out with some rather apathetic Melbourne supporters tonight who I know will just take the [censored] out of the club as well. I'm thinking that the ridiculously bad headache I have right now has something to do with the dread I feel about watching us play. I'm scarred after last week. That f*%ker Judd will probably rip us a new one too
  9. Going with my best friend of about 15 years who is a die hard Carlton supporter, and going to sit with the Carlton members. This is going to be a day to remember. Thankfully post match alcohol consumption should wipe most of the bad memories away
  10. I don't want to sell home games period, let alone to Darwin, but can I just say that this latest round of rumours just adds to my thinking that we must have the biggest bunch of sooks playing for us. Has our playing group been doing anything this year except whinge and complain? Maybe if they spent less time carrying on like pork chops and getting involved in club management they might have more free time to work on not getting smashed by 31 goals
  11. We are not even an OK club right now. Discuss.
  12. He was barely going the last few weeks. I reckon he is still really struggling with his knee so it's good that we are resting him.
  13. Because it's super fun to kick us while we're down. The hypocrites having a whinge about this should all look at their own backyard. Buddy? Daisy? Kruezer? How did these guys come about? And let's not even mention West Coast. From wooden spooners to top 4 finalists. Absolute joke. Make no mistake, we were RUBBISH (still are) and we engineered one game to try and secure two top picks, and in a cruel twist of fate we might get robbed of one of these picks by the biggest packs of cheats yet.
  14. This has to be one of the worst weeks in the history of our club, with Taylor Walker being the absolute cherry on the cake of dog poo. I feel like crying.
  15. Brad Green has to pull something massive out of his backside this week because he is LUCKY to have survived, and is only getting a game because he has the captain tag. I'm hoping that our need to make a statement will pull us through because I can't sit through a big loss to Carlton after the shite week we've already had.
  16. For the first time probably ever, I completely agree with Kennett's comments. We don't need a knight on a white horse to sweep in and out. You either want to stick around in a formal role, or don't get involved at all. Nothing will change with Jim's health in 6 weeks (unfortunately), so Gary will want to quite quickly find a very very good replacement for himself or else Jim will just want to come back to take the reins. It's all just too easy for Lyon.
  17. Clearly the biggest issue facing the club right now
  18. This would all be so interesting if it wasn't happening to our club. As it is, it's just damn depressing. I don't think it hurts pushing our players to perform, but pushing them against each other is just dumb. Seriously, WTF is going on at our club and why are we the only club that seems eternally fractured, or at the very least, publically fractured?!
  19. Happy to let the players choose their own leadership group, with one condition, all leaders must be 24 years of age or under (Moloney excepted).
  20. Agreed. But I'll be there. God knows why. I hate this club right now, but I'm a sucker for pain (and also I've been promised alcohol afterwards)
  21. Hey, I do my bit for this club every single year. I take no blame for this, and as I sat there and watched the game, disgusted, it was the players who let this club down and threw it into turmoil. It wasn't how much Schwab is doing, it wasn't how little Connolly is doing, and it wasn't matchday tactics by Bailey. A club does not lose by 31 goals because of administrative flaws, it loses by 31 goals because the players out on the field have no pride and don't give a sh!t!
  22. Finally got some time to watch the media conference, and it was good viewing. God I hope Viney cracked some skulls (no pun!) in that meeting with the players today. Anything less than an amazingly brave, contested, hard effort on the weekend would be an effing disgrace. Like Viney said, we need the leaders of this club to stand up. Saturday will show us who our real leaders us, because last weekend the only players I could call leaders were McKenzie, Watts and Trengove, which is not good enough.
  23. Todd Viney said it best today, and I hope that we can end all TS related discussion until a decision is made after I paraphrase him... The Melbourne Football Club will not end if Tom Scully goes. Now MOVE ON!
  24. The players are 99.9% to blame for what has happened to our club this week. I do not give a crap who they don't like, whether they miss Junior or whether their Nan is sick. Enough with these excuses. If Mckenzie can put his balls on the line in the face of a massive defeat then it absolutely stinks that our senior leadership team cannot. In life and in work you encounter people you dislike and managers who don't always do the right thing, and sometimes it is a real issue that needs resolving (as the case may be here). But only petulant unprofessional halfwits use these sorts of issues as an excuse to perform badly and embarrass their organization so much that it leads to people losing their jobs and risking their failing health. It just blows my mind that in all this mess the players seems to have gotten off most lightly. It's because of this soft attitude towards our playing list that we find ourselves with the record of both the first and second heaviest defeats in AFL history.
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