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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Yes very true, but ill go with Percy marginally in front of Stuie, with apologies to Ian Ridley who was also a fantastic player for us.
  2. Excellent role model behaviour for young Hogan. I hope we can see them operating up forward together.
  3. 200+ doesn't take crap and will try to protect. No cream puff!
  4. Its as it should be. In his own hands, just as it was with us. Good luck to him but I'm happy to have Vince, Michie, Tyson on board as an alternative.
  5. Georgiou was good last Friday and he'll probably get the nod, but it would have been an eye opener for young King and he didn't disgrace himself. In fact I thought he looked quite composed when he got his hands on the footy.
  6. Nice to see what Hogan , Dawes and Viney will add. I don't think we'll be dull. Brighter times ahead.
  7. Don't know that I would quite be looking at it like that. Dawes and probably Hogan set to go next week . If you rush them, who knows what could happen. Expect us to be like last year. He who expects nothing is never disappointed.
  8. Forward line looks to lack a little grunt, but its just a practice game. . Always interesting to see who will announce themselves . Competition for a game increased over last year, younger players like Toumpas , Jones, Clisby etc have a year and further pre season under their belt, plus Tyson, Cross, Minchie and Vince are now added to the mix. Chuck in some total unknowns in Georgio, King and JKH, sit back and wait for the ride. Looking forward to seeing a bit of our future game style and who puts their hand up. Think we might uncover a couple. Not going to commit suicide if we lose. I watched Brisbane last night.
  9. Correct. Move on. Just part of footy these days. Ask Hawthorn. Who do we need, who can we get, what do we need to do to get him?
  10. Rather like that Daisy and would add that when you "throw snowballs at city hall" I hope you have a little more serious ammo! Bombers must reckon they have some, or could walk out of the next AFL Commission knee deep in blood.
  11. I think you might be getting close to it Freddy but how come no mention of MF in all of this. Surely it's his time at bat now?
  12. Doesn't seem to reside anywhere in this case. Sgt Schultz come on down.
  13. Who owns the governance responsibilities ( players/club ) then Red?
  14. Interesting stuff and you blokes know more about this than me. Some may say the "no records scenario" could long term end up a far more serious issue than the very dodgy/perhaps illegal administering practices themselves. I haven't explained myself too well here, but if they get a no sanctions reward for their effort,s it would seem odd and what message would it send? Would not seem right to me.
  15. Our recruiters don't seem to travel much. Midfield crunch does not seem evident to me. Realise they are only kids but sooner or later they are going to cop Lewis, Sewell, Selwood, Fyffe etc coming straight at them in tough midfield bone crunching stuff. We shall see I guess.
  16. Like the way you think and believe the new game in town is to stay ahead of the curve. In that regard we probably need a plan "B" for Hogan as well. IMO its simply ridiculous that the stronger clubs in cahoots with the players association and others can entertain the abolition of compensation picks. Doesn't fly and they are simply talking their own book. The whole drafting thing is flawed the way it currently stands. Maybe the drafting club should have the call on player retention for an initial longer period.
  17. Doesn't matter, if we miss him and he's good , he'll be coming to us in two years with his brother who might just be captain.
  18. Don't know about this one. Old , on the slow side and poor kick. I guess the performance trigger suits both parties.
  19. Unfortunately l think you might be right. But you may need to go right back to who suggested the Free Agency argument In the very first place , to establish the real agendas. Doubt if you will find the poorer clubs the instigators. Might find one of the proponents now at Richmond and making somewhat contradictory statements of late.
  20. Oh Dear! Had the salary cap been in existence in the 80"s, its highly likely this mob would have lived in Bagdad which is pretty much where they lived and breathed in the John Kennedy era in the 60's. I remember them as a complete rabble who Laurie Mithen terrified. Take out Tassie, trading his own grandson, raping poorer clubs ( refer Lake, Gibson,Hale) throw in the Neville Bruns incident.,Dippa, Dermie and co. Nice try, but respect is earned.
  21. Offer him plenty and fast. Make him an offer he cant refuse. If we want him to stay get serious with him. If Heath Shaw is worth $800k what's JF worth? Fantastic player and true A grader. If he needs a house in the Bahamas he gets that too!
  22. Yep, surely the opening stanza, otherwise some sort of joke.
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