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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Its totally up to him, but I hold out some hope. He's got the speed , skills and footy smarts. Makes a few booboos as players who take the game on tend to do, but if he gets it right he has the capacity to be very damaging for us.
  2. Its totally up to him but I hold out some hope. He's got the speed , skills and footy smarts. Makes a few booboos as players who take the game on tend to do, but if he gets it right he has the capacity to be very damaging for us.
  3. What have you got there OD? Something nice from the Coonawarra perhaps? Oh and the end up with Patton thing to make any Hogan thing fly sounds ok too!
  4. Looks like a few of them will be ready when its their turn, they will also be aware they will need to grab that chance, need to fight hard for it and that they have competitors. Think Roos might know what he's about.
  5. Be surprised if we are going to lose on young Hogan. Really hope he stays but if he elects to leave Freo or WCE will need to stump up big time and Hogan would need to be rolled gold. So no problem here for me. Possibility interstate clubs could get this horribly wrong.
  6. Be surprised if we are going to lose on young Hogan. Really hope he stays but if he elects to leave Freo or WCE will need to stump up big time and Hogan would need to be rolled gold. So no problem here for me. Possibility interstate clubs could get this horribly wrong.
  7. Give it a rest. Playing his part and improving in areas he needs to.
  8. We've tried inexperienced young coaches with a young inexperienced list before. Prefer the experienced with a track record. Seems to be working now.
  9. Might need a few 200cm defenders looking at tonight's game.
  10. Or they just might be seen as listening to the masses and being a reasonable outfit for a change. Who would argue with that?
  11. Individual Insurance company risk is capped the amount above this is sold down to other underwriters. If the players and supporters are no longer major stakeholders in the game what will be their future level of commitment? If you don't put on a show the supporters want how long does the show last?
  12. Good on the club for appealing the decision. Don't agree with BB. The rule is cloudy and then there is the issue of the non bump and the outrageous decision of the tribunal panel.
  13. It still might and should happen from Evans but probably some protocols to be dealt with first.
  14. If AFL don't listen to the people who feed them, they do so at their own peril. Club supporters across the board, players assn, coaches, players, former players, blind Freddy just know in their heart of hearts this is manifestly unjust. If the AFL are so arrogant to not listen to their own people, they justput another nail in the games coffin. They made fools of themselves last night, if they do it again, what does that say about they treat their own people, the future of the game and what should be done about them?
  15. Or if Schimmelbush ( cant be bothered to check spelling ) was the problem? As a matter of interest who sat the Trengove case?
  16. Currently 89% on Age poll believe the decision to be the worst in AFL history. Its always a shame when people charged to find the appropriate outcomes put themselves above such action as evidenced here in public response. The three wise monkeys are for ever tarnished and should be informed that their services are no longer required.
  17. I think Judas at least recognises that calling Roosy a sook might not be a smart play, Dumbo on the otherhand..........................
  18. Football community polarised. NFI reigns supreme. After being stitched on Trengove didn't think it was possible it could happen twice. Now hope the club and players galvanise behind Jack. AFL have made fools of themselves tonight. Good work boys.
  19. We've seen Gillon oversee the tanking issue and now this? How's he doing do you reckon?
  20. Ok once referred you are now guilty as nothing could have been more cloudy than this. Game changed tonight.
  21. Too hot/hard/unclear for the MRP. If they cant make a judgement ( and I don't blame them) how on earth can anyone else. This accident is unique and shouldn't have got this far.
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