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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Lost interest as soon as I saw Sellar in and no Davis.
  2. Haha The concept might have merit but more detail required. Agree , let's see who else is on the ticket. He seems sincere and at least has put his hand up to have a crack. We all get a vote.
  3. To fight and fight and fight , to never give up, to focus on the major issues and not take the easy road and go those who are trying to fix the problem.
  4. On the way home from the footy I was initially shattered as has been the norm for a while, but upon reflection I think there was some positive baby steps for a few yesterday Kent , Fitzpatrick, Terlich. The performance of Frawley was outstanding and I enjoyed his battle with Buddy ( and it was fierce stuff) Dawes was a real general for us and Jonesey ( who tried his guts out) puts in most weeks and even Joel Mac subdued a dangerous Mitchell. So some of it was indeed encouraging. As we say every week almost, it was lost badly again in the midfield as Sewell ,Lewis, Burgoyne and Puopolo simply tore us to shreds . IMO we know who and what we had in the middle yesterday and it just doesn't stack up. The question that kept going around in my mind was why do we still go with these same people knowing what we do about them? Good kids and good clubmen they maybe, but on the talent front surely its time to experiment now. What do we have to lose?
  5. Not a great Healy lover, but the economic consequences of non performance ends up out weighing what goes on onfield. Neeld probably has a couple of weeks to uncook his goose, or for the board if they don't quit the nonsense currently going on onfield to find a new $3mio sponsor. Reckon CS might have understood this after round one against Port Adelaide when the Sellar let the ball bounce of his head. Anyhow he's secured a decent payout for himself it would seem.
  6. Bingo! and he's got some other senior player " role model" mates! But then again we were going to be the hardest team to play against.
  7. Would have preferred to see Davis two weeks ago.
  8. You may have a point and certainly agree with the 'spirit aspect' ,but there are some very high draft picks in your group. What could that tell us? Further Jordie, Bail and Martin were long shots as draft picks. I don't think its completely about development and reckon we took real some softies with very poor drafting. Not to many 'tatts' in the list :}
  9. Think you're pretty right there. I thought about the second part for a while but McDonald was a very loyal bloke where a tough call was made. Would be welcomed back with open arms, Miller essentially left to stay in the game, cant blame him for that ( actually enjoyed the first part of his career pre suspensions) . Whilst Bruce was also a loyal long playing servant IMO he was also well recompensed and doubt if history will treat him quite as well as the other two as a clubman and I was disappointed in the way he took off. ( I don't think we gave him away)
  10. Fitzpatrick 5, Davis another good performance, (7 in a row, yet we get to watch a mixture of Sellar, Gillies and Pederson) Taggert, Barry are coming along as is Tynan. So not sure how you can say players not developing. Frankly I get the feeling we may die wondering about some of these kids. The easy option for them this week is to drop Gawn for Fitzpatrick and they'll probably go for it, but IMO it should be Jamar who hardly got a kick and is supposedly a role model. So much for our senior role models. Have to say I don't understand their strategy with a number of these kids and even worse why they continue to carry some who are done.
  11. Well thought through response. Ughhhhhhhhh!
  12. Davis hasn't put a foot wrong either? Gillies must be in the headlights surely? The message to the two kids seems very strange. Hope they absolutely rip it up at Casey this week.
  13. Seems to me top clubs like Geelong ( Ottens, Rivers) Hawthorn ( Gibson, Hale) Collingwood ( Jolly, Ball) Swans ( Tippett, Hall) aren't that concerned about draft picks at all. They know they aren't going to get them because they are on top. Just pick off the good players from the cellar dwellers, much easier. IMO Players association and managers have blind sided the AFL on this. Means 5 year plans for cellar dwellers simply can't work as players depart prior to reaching their peak and you are left with immature kids. Its a nonsense to be hoodwinked by them. Winning should be a week to week expectation. The potential losses that worry me most for our club are Frawley & Gawn. Silvia may have a couple of years left and Jack Watts hasn't moved up to the consistently good or match winning status. I think we know where we would be left if we lost all four. Hope we get on the front foot here.
  14. And hence the score perhaps. Both good kids, silly not to have them on a park somewhere. Wasted week for both od them and both sides got done. Don't see the sense in that.
  15. If you've ever done your ankle ligaments you may have some idea of the level of discomfort, pain and running restriction. Cut the kid some slack FCS. Sometimes I wonder about some scribes on here.
  16. Maybe both of them and Clark. Some light at the end of the tunnel today, but what can we do about that midfield. Bl..dy aweful and continue to let the rest of the unit down. ( They should not be allowed to get away with this type of performance) As for Frawley - been our best player for sometime IMO.
  17. Pass on that one big time, but we could repatriate all our Queenslanders.
  18. The AFL have a bit of form in the 'divide and conquer' art of war routine ( refer Fitzroy and the VFA) and now they have their hands on our throat which IMO leaves us vulnerable, particularly when the AFL have a direct media line through CW who has the capacity to feed out more and more divisive stuff ( eg. the latest one the Todd Viney issue) underpinning any short or longer term agendas either she or the AFL may have or may wish to run. On this basis I wouldn't be taking CW to seriously. Just to contradict myself however, I wonder exactly what CW believes should happen to right our ship? Its easy enough to bring up or create never ending problems, its quite another to bring a few solutions to the table. So far I have never seen any of latter from her. Caroline should be forced to prefix every article with the words "AFL pawn". If we have learnt anything from the tanking saga and its shoddy conclusion, it is that Caroline was on 'drip-feed' from AFL insiders. Accept that premise and you would not be surprised that she writes whatever serves an AFL hidden agenda. The AFL are taking control of our club under the umbrella of 'basket case'. Of course, those in the engine room of our once proud MFC seem to have meekly delivered us up for sacrifice. The danger now is that they can merge us, delete us, or send us elsewhere if it serves them well!
  19. We should know a little more about the coaching abilities after this game. Cant see too may excuses available. This is a game we should win.
  20. Just glad he's finally getting a few minutes in the sun. Has largely flown under the radar and like the rest of you hope he keeps on going forward. Still have hopes that one day he Tommy Mac, Garland and Frawley represent the best backline in the comp. But then again I'm a bit of a dreamer.
  21. How tall is Hale? How long has he been around? Wasn't Hale an "A grade objective of ours" that we were too limp to secure? If young Davis's cards are marked on the basis of his performance against this bloke whilst still in his teens, I reckon the footy dept have put their you know what on the block and have NFI. If you watched Casey for the last half of 2012 you would realise this kid did ok. Not a bad summation, I think they just don't know what to do with him. He certainly gives it a red hot go from what I've seen, a bit like a bloke who plays with GC these days who also copped a bit from his own supporters and coaching staff. Last year in the NAB he got towled up against the Hawks, think it was Hale (like Tommy Mc last week) and that seems to have marked his cards. Would like to see him play, he has deserved a place over the last couple of years on performance at Casey and been a bit stiff to miss. Couldn't do any worse than Gillies or Pederson.
  22. Sorry but got to jump into the ring on this, Re Davis ( And for that matter J.Tynan and R.Taggert) who we have been running around in the VFL seconds recently ??- Good coaching development work guys - even if just a little slow)- We simply don't know what they have got, but what we do know is playing the others ahead of them has got us nowhere! Its almost like a repeat of the Danniher playing the favourite sons era. Cost us big time. We seem to be prepared to hide these blokes , over protect them and menwhile one O.Wines at 18 has played every game for Port Adelaide this year. How does this work? Re Davis for some of the defeatists on here . Oh he cant kick it to well apparently. Mind you gets it a lot ( more than most of our other scrubbers can do) plays on blokes 10cm bigger and does well , gets SFA acknowledgement from his own supporters other than put down remarks from the haters , is 193 or 194 cm runs pretty quick for bloke this size , looks like he has a bit of s..t in him. For my money is still a young lad , has done very little wrong and so far, makes Pederson and Gillies look totally pedestrian. No I'm not a relation just someone who likes the way he goes about things and hopes he gets a fair go. End of Rant!
  23. Would like to see Davis get a running halfback gig this week instead of copping the monsters Danniher and Cordy over the last two weeks. He's a good size with good speed and hasn't done poorly in any game so far this year.
  24. Wonderful Demon. Like many others his career stalled for three years due to the war. R.I.P.
  25. Never let the truth stand in the way of a good story so they say. Nonetheless would like to see Neeld increase his immediate desire about winning, rather than the open ended Bailey like development defence. Flimsy non performance defence after our last few years. Don't see other young coaches like Hardwick and the Scott brothers doing this.
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