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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Seconded. Congratulations to Troy, I hope he goes well. For my part I'm pleased to see he got a game and think he has earned it.
  2. Players , football dept, administrative staff would never read Demonland and ask themselves what the f..k goes on between these internal waring factions? They might not ask themselves "do we have an unity around the joint"? They might not ask themselves "Geez the expect unity and loyalty from us and they cant get their own s.it together"? In any case I just fail to get any "positive take out" from any of it whatsoever. Its just a dumb thread for me, sorry. P.S. I was generalising re the suggestion some might be wanting the club fall.
  3. I take that as conciliatory from you Rhino, and at the risk of seeming patronising, I congratulate you for it and see it as one of the club's positives for the year. Alas however, on we go with more and more of the crud. Is the for ever ongoing b.llshit , still coming, ever going to help the club progress? I doubt it. So whilst a few of our players might be spuds, they have plenty of bitter mates who simply get their jollies by being/ and seemingly enjoying being stuck knee deep in the smelly stuff. Could it be that all this assists with destabilising the place? For some pretty intelligent people I'm surprised that many just have to keep going with this and wonder if the real agenda might be to see the club fall.
  4. Isn't all this a bit meaningless? I just cant see how playing the blame game, looking back and pointing fingers helps when all that matters is what happens in the future. I'm non aligned with any current or past group associated with the club, although I'm sure they all gave it their best shot,(if they didn't they are gone now anyway) however you don't have to be all that clever to realise that there a number who use the Demonland site are more interested in looking back and trying to point score, rather than looking forward. I also doubt if this would have gone unnoticed at the AFL level. Even they might be able to see there is an issue here. What's happened in the past has happened and nothing is going to change that, constantly rehashing yesterdays news gets a little boring, so how about we all get over it as we have one or two more serious problems to deal with.
  5. Roos seems very laconic/ disinterested even on the coaching position. Certainly I have seen no evidence of a great desire for the role, hope he is not simply enjoying the courting whilst pushing the dollars up without any real and genuine interest. This is a pretty dark place we are currently in and we don't need a bloke to be motivated by simply sucking more dollars out of the place. Think I prefer Choco Williams and Rodney Eade as better alternatives.
  6. Thought Craig's presser ,was actually reasonable under the circumstances. He was clearly filthy and talked about toughness, digging in and coming to perform amongst other things, but then I thought about the game and wondered are we able at this point ,to make Davey, Blease, Watts, Pederson and others tough or to do the tough things or even the 1%ers? We have recruited some soft candy.
  7. That's fair enough. He has a clean slate and I hope it works. More of the same'wasn't getting us too far.
  8. Bingo! Players remove coaches not board members. Wehave wanted not to blame the players, its always the boards or coaches fault etc etc. Well the board doesn't pull on the boots, is now different, the admin is different, the coach is different, but we are still soft and stink! Where could the problem possibly be?
  9. No its trying to find an excuse for a woeful performance and IMO it doesn't stack up. if you are saying that they should have perhaps considered some young fresh legs from Casey, might be prepared to consider that.
  10. You stand and fall by your decision making. Any chance Davis next week?
  11. Agreed and maybe Mark Jamar could assist.
  12. The point about that is we have had a chance to assess Pederson ( quite often and without any success and here we go again) and not the 21yo Davis who has consistently been in our VFL side ( refer this weeks coaches notes - are they fairdinkum?). Sorry don't buy you argument and frankly them as wishy washy and maybe to placate some ordinary selection in my eyes..
  13. Actually I prefer blokes who know how to go and get the bl..dy footy but that begs the only question here. Who should have been rewarded for performance? The club has its view I have mine. If I'm wrong I will gladly say so but already Pederson has had far more chances than Davis. Would you not agree? Will they both get a fair shake at proving themselves on this basis? Time is running out for one of them it would seem, not to mention a contract already in place that doesn't exactly thrill me.
  14. Disappointing! Some may even see it as manifestly unfair, making a mockery of rewarding people for performance and showing gross disrespect to a young fellow who has consistently put his hand up in favour of a bloke who has already had repeated chancs and failed to deliver. But sadly i'm not surprised, even picked it. I cannot blame Pederson for being selected ( Good luck to him) but expect him to play very, very well. On the other hand the judgement of the football dept/selection panel are clearly on the table, I hope they are smart enough to realise that decisions like this will make them or break them. For mine its just rubbish.
  15. Understand the desire to boost the midfield but we need someone better than Cross. His time is or is almost up. Not too much upside there. He also falls over a lot.
  16. Agree. Fitzy's just beginning to make it happen is quick and is 200cm+. Big Keeper, while I'm at it so are Frawley, Watts and Gawn. Wonder when we might here some news on this? Re trading, there are better options and an opportunities for us to clear excess.
  17. Every player has the same opportunity to put their hand up, so what does it tell you about those that didn't?
  18. See he fluked it into the best players again. Watch them go for Pederson or Gillies next week.
  19. Like to see that! Still a push up for Davis. I know there are only a few of us. But would still like to see him given at least some opportunity. Don't think he has done much wrong and would hate to see him on Geelong or some other clubs rookie list.
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