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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Thanks Carey, at best, this is not clear cut. Would be totally unjust to proceed with this.
  2. Nup . Cant cop the AFL line. Bit like honesty. Your are either honest or you are dishonest. They either have to find him clearly guilty or he's not guilty.
  3. I'm with Jon Ralph. Seems to make sense. Usual head high stuff remains, but this wasn't usual at all. Get out of jail for all.
  4. Is there a possibility the referral is to allow the AFL to save face? and not penalise as a special case? It is head high damage, but certainly not clear cut as and when or who caused the damage due to the ricochet and three party involvement .
  5. Rubbish for mine, but you don't want Adelaide whinging again I suppose. Two things for me :- The club must get right in behind him hard on this, from Jackson to Roos to team mates. Unlike Brad Miller the boy must never change his approach. For a 175cm bloke to go about it like he does is extraordinary. He and our club get a chance to defend themselves. I hope they go for it.
  6. I doubt Welsh would be silly enough to pot Roosy's game plan. Game plans that win AFL premierships are usually fairly well regarded.
  7. Apart from the bump being side on and normal, even if there was something in it, which I don't think there was , how could it have been avoided in the time available? Unfortunate for Lynch for sure but would be silly if he got rubbed out for that.
  8. Just watching replay I recorded. JKH pretty handy early on with some terrific skills. Lot to like about that kid.
  9. Might keep getting better with better blokes around him, to share the load a bit.
  10. Malcevski getting on with terrible leg injury history. ( Higher risk) Sewell also in the twilight. ( Higher Risk) Others look ok I reckon and I love the idea of GWS and the Suns preparing them for us. Would throw the stand at one of the GWS key forwards.
  11. Good point . Dunne and Pederson have really bought in ( and I put my hand up for not being a Pederson fan) they are both to be commended and I'm happy to eat humble pie.. Lets hope Roos and Co. can get Watts and Howe to respond in the same positive manner. Would be a great result for all. Funny thing is, they both have great skills. We just want more of them.
  12. Watched the game on TV interstate and thought it was a pretty reasonable effort given where we have come from and being a key forward short. Impact of Clark and Hogan situations, together with underperformance of Fitzpatrick is not of benefit. Watts inability to play the role he was recruited for and indeed any position it would seem, is unacceptable to all and particularly Roos who looked like he made that quite clear to him, as did Cross in an indirect way. So balls in your court Jack. Suggest you play with far more purpose, effect and fortitude than you have to date or a VFL career awaits. Re JH I am prepared to cut him a little more slack even though he tends to 'go to sleep' which is very costly, but seems Roos is trying to get him to work both ways. Nonetheless believe we have put in a few worse efforts than that over recent years. Swans have a top class, tough midfield and even though they may have had a small edge on us in this area, we were streets ahead of where we were last year. So happy with defence which is holding up (minus Frawley and Garland), happy with midfield improvement, but the forward set up ex Dawes and JKH, who are excused, needs work. Don't think the young bloke will be a sub next week so he should help so its back to - Who do we have to get our forward line functional? Frawley was ordinary on Saturday so do you give TMc a try and swich with either Frawley or Garland?
  13. The swans are tough, very tough, particularly in the midfield as we saw last week. I just hope our boys really get stuck in and get behind our new coach.
  14. Myopic unwavering commitment to the cause. How many of these type of players do the good sides have? How many do we have? Jonesy and Viney have it, Dawsy seems to have it. Hope a few more join the party.
  15. Maybe still a bit harsh on Spence but I take your point.
  16. Looking forward to the Viney v. Jack battle. Some on here want to give Spence the flick. I would think he would be unlucky, he's young , improving and hasn't done much wrong. The Swans have some really big bodies. Jamar might get a gig somewhere to assist him, but surely our future is with Spencer and Gawn.
  17. Garland and Kent were sadly missed. I think we are slowly getting there though. Apart from some issues particularly in the first half, that have been spoken about, I don't think our blokes turned it up.
  18. No offence to Tulip a truly wonderful player however Jonesy does already have two B & F's.
  19. Kent definitely has a crack and I owe Cross an apology. I thought he was dusted, but not on yesterday!
  20. Just home from the good win which I hope is just the beginning. I think the big Spence continues to improve and has done all that has been asked of him so far. If Jamar wants a game he needs to earn it. Frankly I would prefer Gawn to get involved at some point. Thought Dawes was a major structural factor as was Frawley. New forward line set up was good. Jonesy and the midfield very hard at it, defence very sound also with Garland to further improve. All in all very happy.
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