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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Very, very dissapointed with Gawn . Was really hoping for something, but nup. We need a quality super sized big blokw 210 or so as Maxxy doesnt look like he has it and jamar is way too small and cant hit it to any body. Spence the bestof them by some distance. Smashed b y 10 goals. [censored] poor. Wake up to it Roos we have too many super softs. How about we look north of the Yarra for a few recruits.
  2. We go for the midgets. Us and the saints.
  3. I take WJ's point and for me he writes so well on this . I would just like to add, that if this craziness hadn't been picked up, it probably would be a race by all clubs to get the best illegal enhancing gear. All the sideshows and PR in the world don't cover up the wrongdoing and if the proper decision isn't arrived at, then the AFL and for that matter all Australian sport, could be rebranded and come into the East German and Chinese range for sporting integrity. If Essendon don't pay the price , all of a sudden it becomes a way bigger issue.
  4. Love the way he tackles. Means business. Goes about his work like we would expect an AFL player should.
  5. M'lar, I have the greatest respect for N.Jones and the last thing I would call him was a pretty boy. Was trying to make the point (unsuccessfully it would seem) re the type of players Roos and the Swans recruit for midfield duties. Tough hardarses who get in hard, apply brutal tackles and have no regard for their own safety. Hope he gets a few for us. Re Nathan I believe he has been more effective previously than he has shown the last couple of weeks and I am sure he will bounce back.
  6. Tend to agree with RF , Nathan Jones has been held the past two weeks and this has impacted. He needs to stand up this week and with Vince and Viney get right into the tough stuff at every contest. You take a look at who goes through Sydney's midfield and how they go about it, to get a slight insight as to what Roo's requires and that means no weeks off for anyone. Swans engine room Kennedy, McGlynn, Hannebury,Jack and apologies to others, not a pretty boy amongst them. They just love the challenge of every single contest.
  7. Those first poor 40 minutes came through very strongly in PR presser. So who was up for it and who wasn't?
  8. Another competitive game. But we've been there for a while now, so its no longer good enough and the players have got to understand that next step is required from respectable losses. Its up to the coaching staff to get the message through. Players have to toughen up a lot and win at any cost. Don't care how, or how we go about it, the players just have to get it done. Losing is no longer an option and as a football team they must come to beat Freo next week.
  9. How about we offer him $650k first, to ensure a first rounder, or else he stays. We don't want to end up with a second rounder thanks.
  10. I believe you make some good points. Some blokes yesterday seemed to lack confidence to make the decision to select the kicking option and instead looked to give it off. This can slow up ball movement, the recipient then has to quickly reassess the situation and yesterday that was often to give it off again. The timeframe to do all this isn't large and if you keep on doing the round about sooner or later it will fail you. Whilst I understand some of this may be due to a game plan to keep possession or open things up or whatever, if not executed quickly ,well and purposefully , the opposition is all over you like a flash. Not only that, the opposition do their homework and know the likely extractors, the givers off and the kickers and plan accordingly. For instance lets say Cross ( and I'm not picking him out as he has the grunt to get it) gets a fair bit of the footy and prefers to, or is instructed to give it off, then the opposition may respond accordingly, realise its likely going to end up with Jones or Tyson and if they get this right, well the number of turnovers I believe is likely to increase. Just a personal view.
  11. Not one of his best efforts, but one I'm prepared to forgive on back of age and previous record.
  12. MS that's pretty much what Jackson said today, and make em big please
  13. Too small, too slow, execution pitiful, particularly from the leaders ,which beyond disappointing and totally unacceptable. Frawley playing ( I don't want too get hurt now, football).I wonder why? Surely he must be challenged on this. Very poor message sent to the playing group I thought. Totally embarrassing bruise free effort from him and numerous other senior players who did not risk their bodies and were not prepared to die for the cause. Wonderful effort from Bernie Vince who was the leader today bled for the joint and was prepared to cop plenty. Dawes attempted to impose himself, Jamar tried but he's a lumberer. Was a limp,bad day at the office, the kids are excused but I reckon a few marked their own cards today in terms of having sufficient ability to play finals football including some at the top. Some of the turnover errors from blokes who are required to do better sheesh!!! Still haven't cooled off on the drive home. Message to recruiting staff , make em big, make em fast and they have to be able to play football. We have too many slow midgets.
  14. Did a great job last week, got a bit of the pill himself and set up some quite good plays. One things for sure with Jordie , he'll always try to improve.
  15. We seem to be getting better with the machinations of the overall list management. Good to see the club get on the front foot re the extraordinary position of young Hogan . Does he stay? or could there be a bidding war on the horizon? Crank it up Dees. Re Frawley, personally would love to see him stay, but if not, we will be satisfactorily compensated and Danny might be shown up for telling fibs.
  16. Happy to offer him $650k -$700k, not much more than we were paying Mitch Clarke. If he goes for more than that, so be it and compo should be reflective. Better lock up Tommy Mac quick smart too. Maybe lowered his colours once this year, is long term and decent big blokes don't grow on trees. Terrific kid.
  17. Somewhat interesting no interstate clubs mentioned in that Age article. Thought perhaps the two Coastal Clubs might have been mentioned in dispatches.
  18. Did we employ Dank? That's not my understanding.
  19. Yep, has very few goals kicked on him, plays close and hard, plays his role beautifully in a hard key position and he's 21. Lets kick the s..t out of him.
  20. My apologies Pedo , the Russian has a remote chance of one, but a full consistent year is required.
  21. Agree. Things may have been quite different with either Clarke or Hogan. Hope we are looking at Patton for next year.
  22. We were very one dimensional up forward. Not enough speed or tricks for the opposition to worry about. Kent should be a certainty next week . Defensively passable, but very cautious in the front half. Would love to see more daring and initiative to take the game on, up our end.
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