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Dockett 32

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Everything posted by Dockett 32

  1. Just a bit of spice. Two issues now, the main game , Did Essendon do the wrong thing with drugs? The secondary item, did the AFL act appropriately in its dealings? Don't think there is much change.
  2. Would somebody mind having a go at unravelling the Roosey speak in his presser re playing players and the pre season bit? About whom was he referring do you think?
  3. Last week the Hawks polished off the Bulldogs by 62 points in a canter. Our effort wasn't that horrible. Couple of babies in the best in the seconds as well. More work needed but we're on the right trail.
  4. Trolls night out? Hawks are top of the table or thereabouts, we found a few who can play against contenders , we've got 1/2 a dozen NQR we know about and a couple who have had plenty of chances were sorted from previous week. Prefer it to last week thanks.
  5. Three maybe four more keepers today. Barry, Gawn and Michie. Riley will be ok too.
  6. Bail tries very hard, no one doubts that, but the clangers!!! He's been around a while and just shouldn't make them. There are no excuses now. Is he going to help cart us up the ladder? I doubt it. Is he likely to be a good finals player? I doubt it. He's not on his own and indeed there probably are even more "delistworthy" players, such has been our recruiting. Someone else made the point that we had inexperienced coaches in recent problem filled past, making responsibility for the season's result clouded. A good point I reckon, made even worse as we had inexperienced players and inexperienced coaches which has proven to be a diabolical mix. Maybe you can have one but not both. Problem for players now is Roos isn't an inexperienced coach.
  7. No offence to Jonesy as he's probably the best we've got, but wouldn't mind another leader like Neitz, Lyon or Barassi. Desperately need an imposing General or two.
  8. Maxxy very stiff not to be in the side this week.
  9. The original injury was convenient, so it seems is the recurrence.
  10. Great that Hardwick has added his two bobs worth and I hope plenty more do as well. Not so clear on the 5th to 8th bit, presume there could be a model designed, that would work for the AFL, to afford the protection he was alluding to. Nice place to start.
  11. The secrecy suggestion is like two little kids whispering in the school ground. If you want to do it, then for God's let it be in the open. The worry about injury may also see players not go near a physical contest for half the season ( who knows we may have even seen a bit of it?) Players having the power of veto makes this type of stuff clearly unfair. Its good that the issue is getting serious airtime because it definitely needs work.
  12. If its $600k over 4 years to get first round compo lets go. Nice natural hedge.
  13. Is this the news that helps Chip? Don't really care if we finish last, 2nd last or 3rd last now, this is the news I hoped for, he's got us on the right trail.
  14. Might go better than some expect, if by some chance Hogan & Cross get a run and level of improvement continues.
  15. He has his rights under free agency, no argument. But if it later turns out that he has committed, verbally agreed or signed a heads of agreement, to be later ratified, and in the meantime has elected not to come clean, its poor IMO. Unacceptable to bite the hand that has fed you for the past 8 years. Its not giving them a fair go re its planning. Not not a good look and would be deserving of "treatment" later on. All he has to do , if he's going, is to say I wont be around next year. Then the bogeys off his back he's done the right thing and the club has some clarity. Its not that hard. Their seems to be a fair bit of fumbling , but Chip has said he hasn't decided so that's cool. If that's a ruse, then he's no better than the he who lied to Jimmy.
  16. Just hope the AFL don't pull the bottom out of the bag downgrading any Frawley compo. Wouldn't surprise to see a derailment to protect GWS. Free agency can be a [censored].
  17. Not that fussed if Chip stays or goes. If it's the latter we should receive good compensation and he's simply operating within the rules as they currently exist. The sound of the sign and trade concept intrigues me however. Such an arrangement sounds like it would dilute the power of the wealthy/ finals positioned aggressor and even up the negotiation a bit. As things are,being down the bottom leaves you mightily exposed on both fronts. Wouldn't mind teasing this out a bit.
  18. 25 Possessions and 87 hit outs from Maxxy is hard to ignore, even given his previous weeks form. Hard to imagine how he could do much more to force his way back in. Maybe its time to be patient with him as we have with others.
  19. I think 'cracking in' is part of Roos process too, in fact I suspect he's even used those words somewhere along the line. But like Lyon and others he's also focussed / unwavering on structures, systems and process. Seems to me that's how the Swans go about it. To date we've shown some glimpses, but can't yet hold either together for long enough and may not yet have enough cattle who are capable of acceptable execution. I think that may have been why he was so [censored] with a number of our more senior blokes falling back into the 'dropping off' mentality.
  20. Dawes and Frawley haven't produced? Boy we all see things differently.
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