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Everything posted by Demon17

  1. Great comment RJ!. How could we entertain Goodwin after the Bombers saga. Who leaked the info to Riccuito last year etc? Favourite sons don't work necessarily - Voss, Hird, Barassi, Bucks. Good luck with this Crows. Who are/were the top 4 coaches now - Clarko, Scott boys, Longmire, Hinkley, Roos, Hafey, Jeans, Northey, Balme, Daniher etc. Professionals. Jackson and Roos will get the job done re: succession.
  2. This is one reason I admire Ross Lyon. He got out of the Agents clutches and risk of Conflict of Interest and did his Freo deal himself. Chinese Walls with player/coaches agents are fantasy.
  3. According to SEN last night, Champion Data have a stat they have been collecting for 3 years on who wins and loses one-on-one contests. Of 18 teams Geelong is best losing only 17% of one-on-ones. We'ré next losing only 20%, or in other words when a Melb. player is up against an opponent by himself, in 2014 he wins 80%of the time. Ahead of 16 other teams. Roos effect was Ox's conclusion and he expressed pride in the result as well as a proud former demon
  4. Great call. What's the hype with Ling. We need a well trained experienced asst. not a member of the Geelong Cheer Squad who shows no insight in the media. Not a criticism of him personally, just that this decision is too important to waste airtime on kite flying.
  5. It sure sounded like 25K from where I was standing at the game. The important thing was that the performance of the team was achieved in front of a near 60K crowd and will give the players a taste of the future if they want it.
  6. I'm pretty sure he works for Croc Media (via Craig Hutchy) and they hold a media contract with AFL. Hence when Hutchy is away for Footy Classified, like this week, then Damo steps in. He who pays the piper calls the tune is all Barrett is about. He has never had an original idea and his approach is always something like - "and what do you think Gaz..."- when he's on a panel. Just feeds off better informed people. Ignore - it's a reason I stopped watching the Footy Show some time ago.
  7. Well Said Clint. The bigger crowd the better and some form of huge response to Viney as he walks around the boundary to do an interview or whatever.. Anyway, he'll win the appeal and then get 30 kicks and lay 9 tackles.
  8. Roos said he hoped we could see the progress etc. by Round 5. IMO the saints game was there to win but no big forward ( Fitzpatrick off at 1/2 time and key defender Tom McDonald on one leg gave Reiwoldt a free ride that night otherwise that should have been a win.. West Coast was bad, GWS better and now last weekend.
  9. I'm going for the 6 pack. From the stand I saw a very differnt approach to the game and felt the patient and possession game was handled well, with way better disposal than in the past. Many fans still screamed kick it long - but to whom? I saw composure and the team thinking through threats in defence calmly. The 1st 1/4 was a great example of control, albeit without the reward, and hitting the post twice. Once McDonald was down, and Fitzpatrck gone, Riewoldt was always goin go be the differnerce. Watts best game Iv'e seen. Roos says we should see the plans after Round 5. After last night I am a believer.
  10. Sorry - did I mention the nature rumour. Oh yes I didn't - simply asked for an update from somone who knows. Demonland negativity alive and well.
  11. Just that his foot may be a problem in healing. I hope he's Ok for him personally first, but Gee he'll be great for us if OK.
  12. I have heard some concerning rumours about Mitch Clark. Does anyone have the real story on his recovery?
  13. Like Ian Robson and Ian Dicker fixed the Hawks (not Kennett) so too did Stockdale as Victorian Treasurer - kennett was a sideshow. I briefed him perosnally once in the late 90"s about an issue and found him astute, smart and scary. Would love to see him run the show. As a speaker he holds an audience really well.
  14. I have a theory that our culture slide started when we lost Woey and the start of a breakdown in list management way back in early 2000's when we had just payed off in the GF. No quality lsit management and maintenence/leadership developemnt then by ND and team and the rest is history compounded by awful decisions from 2007. We lost part of our soul when Woey didn't stay along with the halcyon early years of ND. Thoughts?
  15. And at least he has good disposal. Sylvia's effort into an open goal was nothing short of abysmal. - Times up Colin, no futurr there,
  16. People use the term moneyball as a derogatory one. Check how it really works, and for a club in our positon, like the Oakland team, its a goddam smart move!
  17. Good on you - its a free country. Time will tell I guess.
  18. Wrong. His key message was that "... Neil Craig and Missen have now had a full pre season with a new group and its a journey to balance young body development and injuries..."' Ä really smart interview and he now has his stamp on the team as with his own staff. It wasn't spin, just telling it like it is. Get on board for the next few years I say!!! see you on Sunday
  19. Fellow Demonlanders, I'm asking everybody to get on board and post a positive reminder to Ol Dee. Let him know just how much there is to be excited about as we enter the 2013 season. Come on folks let's cheer the old bastard up. I'll start it off. Hey Old Dee, And a full year of Craig and Missen with a cleaned out list Clark, Dawes, Howe, Blease, Byrne, Tapscott, etc. When was the last time we had a forward line with this much potential? The future is bright my friend. Next year we'll add Hogan to that list. I can barely contain myself! GO DEES!
  20. Mark Fine on SEN last week provided a very good analysis of the whole issue and lucidly described issues surrounding also Carlton Collingwood and Fremantle. The conclusion was if the demons go so should they,but actuall the best approach should be to just draw a line under it form now on, and stop targetting just Melb. His view was that the media in general has blinkers on which again was unfair to melb. As a sainst supported he was categorical that in the early 2000's, just prior to reiwoldt and other being drafted, they played their seconds team - as per collingwood and Freo. Caro-take note.
  21. Great Story. This is the first full pre-season under new regime, Misson, Craig and Neeld. Something to look forward to IMO.
  22. We are - read the Annual report, debt free etc. The on-field stuff is now being dealt with by McLardy and team also.
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