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Everything posted by Demon17

  1. Although not playing the true position, i liked the way he semed to be in everything and imposed himself into contests clsoe-in, feeding out the ball, but importamntly continued contesting all day and all over the ground. I would now say we NEED him and would be dissappointed if he was forced out say through injury.
  2. That's because a Melbourne player, and I think it was Stinga - but not certain- , siad that the Richmond team were arguing amongst themselves and he called them the Richmond netball Club. Farmer took mark of the year from memory. Won by 12 goals.
  3. Well said Queen C. IMO we have been largely leaderless since the Viney days (Except Junior that is). I don't susccribe that Neita was a great leader - great warrior isn't the same thing. The evidence is the whole flakiness on field we experienced in the Daniher years and this legacy still lives on. We are only now fixing the list management debacle from those years as well. Our next generation will fix this given how well we have drafted in the leadership stakes - Trengove, Grimes, Moloney, Frawley. This is what needs to be fixed now or for 2012 - along with plans, and team development etc
  4. very true but for players going to GWS - welcome to the world of irrelevance. As anyone who knows anything about Sydney culture in general and in sport, AFL does not register in the media up there. Scully and others will spend 10 years in the wilderness in the outback suburbs. You need to live out in the west because of the diabolical traffic, etc. Anyone who goes there deserves all the money they can get. Remember, Sheedy is in this for himself and don't enyone think otherwise. Lets all move on. We still have a nucleues oof a great future in Trengove, Tapscott, Gysberts, Frawley etc, led next year by moloney. The gamne plan - that's another question.
  5. I feel Morton will never 'look' urgent , he just donen't have that demeanour on field, and we shouldn't demand it from him. He seemed to be everywhere on Friday, and a channel in the last quarter in a number of link plays, winning one-on-ones and backing back for the contest. I think he has it, and consistency will show eventually.
  6. Our kids are getting there. It's the Daniher leftovers that are not doing much...
  7. I was refering to the whole concept of contrived leadership groups being 'luaghable'. They exist or they don't and membership is not a function of a group vote - its a natuarl thing - ask Kevin Rudd! Beamer is in it and will be for the foreseeable future IMO
  8. The 1/2 time vison on TV showed Brent Moloney revving up the team, purposeful and intense - sort of " the game's not over boys" type of approach. Has someone forgotten to tell him he's not in the group? This situation is laughable - he IS the leadership group - with some great backup by example from Trengove, Sylvia, Tapscott etc.
  9. Is it only me, or are others sad if Huddo doesn't get a gig on 7 or Foxtel. If he goes to Foxtel I'll sign up with them. He's the best caller by far IMO
  10. It was a really well written and interesting article BTW. Good Job to get it up on the AFL site
  11. I feel compelled to support LH in this. The concept of an 'Anzac' medal is ridiculous, added to the contrived linkages by pseudo-historical comments we hear from M. Malthouse each year(I don't know which history he is reading) combined with the lack of opportunity to players of other clubs all adds up to a general unfairness embedded in the whole process. Collingwood were formally asked recently for the amount of funds from this 'event' channelled into the RSL - no comment was the reply. Before I get yelled at, my Grandfather survived gallipoli and France and my father survived the Pacific. They would be appalled at this state of affairs.
  12. And in the very next game , IMO, he carried the team. The sign of a class act I reckon. Good decisons all round. Don't compare this incident to others - I don't remember him belting anyone.
  13. I disagree on at least 3 of the 5 charatceristics you nominate. You figure it out. Accepting mediocre skills on any player will just keep on costing us when it counts.
  14. I was thinking the same during the game. Wev'e swapped one poor kick for another, execpt grimes errors are now costing more. How do you get a game in AFL not being able to consistently hit targets.
  15. Yet another example of the media industry, composed of hacks and ghost writers attemtping to justify their existence. 1400 accredited journo-types with the AFL produces crap like this everyday. Crawford was great player - let's leave it there.
  16. As they say in the classics "he would say that, wouldn't he" My son reckons Jurrah might be good for 10 this week!
  17. Great point about his agility. he actually bends down for the ball and can play many positions. A great improver. I used to be mortified when Jamar came off - not so worried now, and allows Jamar to take the odd speckie down forward.(If only he could kick a bit straighter)
  18. The winner here is the MFC. Handled with class, including Beamers press conf comments and will now move on, a lesson learned and continuation of solid standards at the club. Has anyone considered poor Eddie. Now at a low rating FM station, predictable show, up at 4.00am while most of us are tucked up in bed and wondering everyone moring ..."How did I end up here?"....
  19. Well spoken RPFC. I remeber last week many of us clapped them off at 1/2 time after the display in that 2nd quarter. How quickly we forget. This team is now being carried by Brad Green, close to 30, and lot of highly talented 19-22 year olds who are the future. Give them a break and any belting of Brisbane will be good but just a step on the journey this year. If we go 6 points after Round 3 that'll be great no matter how it works. Hasn't anyone considered the draw with Swans was maybe a better effort than first thought after they came back and beat the glamour team bombers?
  20. Agree. Watching him around the ground and in close at times showed yesterday he has football 'Nous". The gerat play with Sylvia running wide in the 3rd 1/4 started from a clever tap from Watts to a running player in the clear. Time is needed and he is frustrating but geez. he's 19 and played maybe 16 games
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