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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Well done, Jonesy! A top player for whom Club Loyatly actually means something. One of a diminishing breed! Very pleased with this, and even more pleased with the attitude of the guy. Go Dees!
  2. Certainly agree re Essendon. However, I don't understand why people drag Collingwood into this issue. While their traditional Guernsey is primarily black, their alternate one is primarily white, and perfectly fine.
  3. Very pleased to see this. While Shannon didn't exactly set the world on fire during his short tenure in our team, he is well known for being a top club man. Even won the award at Geelong as "Best Club Man" in his final year there. Personally, I think it's a great appointment. I'm really pleased to know Shannon will remain around the club in an important role. Seems he will also be pulling on the boots for Casey. Congratulations, Shannon!
  4. Correct, Daisycutter. I'm suggesting something closer to the shade of blue Carlton wore in their clash jumper a few years back. However, given the venom chucked at that jumper, I chose to be more diplomatic, and suggest it be akin to the blue on the RAAF flag...
  5. Okay. I've got big shoulders, so will drop my suggestion on the plate and await the inevitable howls of derision & scorn!! I'll begin by pointing out that my preferred jumper will always be the traditional one. But, if we MUST wear an alternate strip, it is my humble opinion that we go with the current one, but with one major change. That is, replace the white with pale blue, something akin to the colour of the RAAF ensign. That way, we are still the "red & blue". Will still also have the dark blue bits, as currently. Just eliminates the white. Personally, I think it would look quite good. Yep. I know. Go for it, guys...!
  6. The answer is simple. By making it a home game for Essendon, the AFL don't have to address the issue of a clash jumper! Weak as...!
  7. Have been hoping all weekend that Kurt's info was correct. Was thrilled to log in a few minutes ago to discover he was, indeed correct! Excellent get for the Club. Starting to look forward to next Season. (As I have every year since 1964...! LOL) Go Dees!
  8. Absolutely tragic news! Sincerest condolences to his family. What a truly great he was of our great footy club. Loved the way he played. Was gutted for him when he missed out on playing in a Grand Final back in 1987 due to Jimmy's unfortunate blunder. Then further gutted for him the next year, when Melb made the Grand Final, and he was given the honour of presenting the medals, only to have to do it to the OTHER team, with Melb being well and truly thumped that sad day in Sept 1988! I guess I'm even more sobered due to the fact he was just 59, and I'll be marking my 61st birthday tomorrow. Will make my celebration just a little more hollow. How fragile is life, and to be treasured while we have it. RIP Robbie!!
  9. Mr Roos will NOT be impressed!!! Has already said as much...
  10. Port Have every right to be outraged! Time the AFL brought equalisation into the clash jumper arena! EVERY club MUST conform. No exceptions! I reckon Port should defy the AFL, and wear their home jumper this weekend, anyway! The AFL should fine themselves for bringing the game into disrepute, because this clash jumper situation borders on high farce!!!
  11. Let me be the first on here to congratulate Bail, Riley and Terlich for being re-signed. Some "experts" on here claimed most, if not all three, of these guys were done & dusted at the MFC. Well, clearly the coaching staff have a different view. Well done to them all. I hope they all rise to new heights and make a meaningful contribution to the team in coming seasons.
  12. Thanks, Saty. I always appreciate your contributions. Well done!
  13. Can someone explain why the Seniors play FIRST, at 11am, followed by the 2nds at 2pm? The VFL just gets nuttier & nuttier...!!
  14. Great news! Hopefully, two games at Casey, and then his AFL debut in the final round...
  15. Very happy for Nev. Must have been gut-wrenching to be delisted. Really admire his balls to do what was required to not only get himself re-rookied, but to force his way back on to the main list, and then excel throughout the year. That takes exceptional guts and character, not to mention lots of HARD work! Well done, Nev! Certainly one of the good news stories of the MFC in 2014!
  16. Sad, but true, Jack! Some real potential there that never really materialised. Seems like the story of the MFC...!
  17. Personally, I think Hardwick's comments are about the most sensible that I've heard to date. If we must have Free Agency (and, it seems we must...!), then restrictions like this to stop the top clubs pinching all the good players can only be a good idea, in my humble opinion.
  18. Well done, Shannon! Has clearly been a committed club man who gave his all at both Geelong and Melbourne. Thanks for your contribution to the MFC, and all the best for the next phase of your life. If you tackle it in the same way you tackled your footy, you will be a great success!
  19. How on earth did that Flag ever get out of the Club's possession? There were no Premiership Cups back then, so this Flag was the only tangible symbol of that win. I'm staggered to think it wasn't on display at the Club
  20. Vagg put in a blinder, and won the game off his own boot...???
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