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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. I'm STILL spewing that I got dropped to 20th man for that match! (LOL) By the way. Also interesting to see Doc Roet at CHB and Ray Groom on a half forward flank. My memory is sketchy, but recall both guys as our CHB. Did Groom take over the spot after Roet departed? Can anyone clarify? Thanks.
  2. The thing that gets my goat is the way the umpires no longer seem to penalise incorrect disposal. The number of times a player is tackled, and the ball just spills loose, with no penalty applied, is ridiculous! What happened to the "must dispose of by handball or kick" rule...???
  3. I, too, was gobsmacked to see the Pies wear their predominantly black jumper against both Essendon & Carlton over the past two weeks. In both games they were supposedly the away team. I really don't see why they would be upset about wearing the mainly white one. As Eddie once said, their home jumper is black with white stripes, and their away jumper is white with black stripes. Both look good from a club point of view, but the mainly white one (with the mostly white back) is quite acceptable as a contrast to the Essendon & Carlton jumpers. Yep, as it was made plain in the classic "Animal Farm", we may all be pigs. But, not all pigs are equal...!!
  4. I must admit I feel a bit sorry for Riley, being named as an Emergency for the game. I recall him saying a few weeks ago how much he wanted to be at a level where he was picked to play against the mob that delisted him. He's apparently put in the hard yards on the training track and at Casey, but fell just a tad short of selection. Seems like a case of "so near, and yet so far..."! So, unless there's a late withdrawal, I guess we'll just have to leave it to Bernie to stick it up 'em...!
  5. Nice to see in a short article on the Club website that Mitch Clark was at training this morning, catching up with the boys, and apparently in good spirits. Hopefully it's a sign that he's on the mend. Sure hope so.
  6. So, Dunny lost his Mo, and found his Mojo...?! Well dunn to him!
  7. I think it's a great idea! (I'm still spewing that we lost the Anzac Day fixture! Wasn't THAT long ago that it was Melbourne vs Collingwood!)
  8. I can see a Rising Star nomination not too far down the road...
  9. Says it all, really! (I'm a 60 year old, life-long supporter who, as Flanagan so aptly puts it, "just keeps on keeping on"...! I just cut and pasted his article into an email to my daughter, another loyal Dees follower. Have to admit doing it through misty eyes. This morning I've watched the interviews with Roos, Jack Viney & Daniel Cross. And, I've read the article reporting there's every chance that Mitch Clark is finished. There's an ache in my heart. And, I'll be watching the game tomorrow, hoping against hope that the boys can get it together for a win...)
  10. Agreed. And, I'm sick of the dumb "experts" prattling on how Melb will regret having taken Tyson instead of Kelly at Pick 2. They fail to realise we got Tyson AND Salem for Pick 2! As you say, Tyson, on his own, has the potential to be a star. Add to Salem to the equation, and suddenly our Pick 2 has the potential of being very special. I'd like to re-visit the debate in 2 or 3 years, and see if anyone would seriously still take Kelly over Tyson & Salem.
  11. I agree with Nutbean. Wasn't all that impressed with him until several occasions last year, when he was a whole lot more understanding of Mebourne's plight than most other media "experts". He's often not as hard-nosed as others when it comes to cutting someone a little slack. That's not a bad thing.
  12. After the Melb-WC debacle, I switched to the Doggies-NM game. And, lo and behold, what did I hear? None other than the dulcit tomes of one Sandy Roberts! Was music to the ears! For the few minutes that I was tuned in, it was like I was in a time warp. I was actually hearing some genuine commentary on the game. And, Sandy just has such a great voice for it! Loved it! So, here's the edict, Foxtel: Sandy Roberts has to be banned from entering the studio. He MUST be forced to commentate at every possible match that he can. He's just such a breath of fresh air! Go Sandy!!
  13. I'm mystified as to why Fox Footy have hired Sandy Roberts to sit in the studio, while the band of fools continue to grate on our ears from the game. Why on earth isn't Sandy being put to work doing what he does best -- commentate games...??? Still reckon Gerard Whateley is the best of the current commentators. He actually tells you what's happening in the game, while most of the other fools are too busy yapping about anything and everything other than what's happening in the game.
  14. Also bleedin' frustrating the the VFL don't have a game this week. Misso said both Jamar and Garlo would have played with Casey this week, if there was a game. Suppose it would have been the same for Viney. Just wish the VFL was in complete sync with the AFL season. makes it so hard for guys coming back from injury if there's no VFL game for them to come back in.
  15. Seems like the medical staff are so cautious these days that, if the guy has a runny nose, he's put on ice as a precautionary measure, and told to rest for "two to three". Have to wonder if they've taken it just a tad too far...
  16. Just back. A single copy left in the Newsagent, obediently waiting for me to walk in and pick it up! Phew! That was close...
  17. Is that right? I just looked in the middle, and threw it back on the pile in digust. Now gotta high-tail it down there again, in the hopes there's still a copy left, as they don't carry many in my local Ashore Newsagency! Thanks for the heads-up, guys!
  18. Raced down to the Newsagency at lunch time, eagerly anticipating picking up the HS with the Dees poster in it. You can therefore understand my extreme disgust at being greeted by a dirty big poster of the Bummers!!! Anyone know when the Melb Poster is REALLY making its appearance?? Or (perish the thoughyt), have I missed it??
  19. Thanks, JTR. I was wondering the same thing!
  20. Yes, Jack, that's right. Played some good games in 1967, before heading home to Sale, where he became a stalwart of the local club in the LVFL. Came back to Melbourne for a second crack in 1971, but didn't get a game. A well-respected local identity in the Sale area. Think it will be a big funeral.
  21. Yep, Collingwood right where they belong! Love it!
  22. There's always been two things that have brought joy to me regarding footy. One is Melbourne winning. The other is Collingwood losing. The 70 point thumping tonight of the Pies was sheer bliss! Now, let's move on to next week, and a nice win for the Dees...!! (Then, we can start anticipating the greatest joy of all -- Melbourne winning and Collingwood losing in the SAME match...!!)
  23. Just heard the sad news that another former Melbourne player passed away on Wednesday after a battle with cancer. Robert Foster played 22 games for the Dees from 1964 to 1967. His dad, Jack Foster, also played around 30 games for Melbourne in the 1930s. Sadly, Robert lost his wife, also to cancer, just 18 months ago.
  24. Really can't add any more to what's already been said. A very sad day for the Bailey family and all who knew him or knew of him. Tragic that he's been taken so young. Can't help wondering if the trauma and stress his life was put under over the past couple of years didn't at least contribute to his swift and untimely demise. RIP, Dean!
  25. Stick it in a pram, and dress it as a baby. (Works for pigs at the cricket...! LOL)
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