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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Remember him fondly! He held down full back with aplomb while my namesake was slotting them from the Half Forward Flank. Ah, the glory days of my youth! Sorry Tassie didn't live to see our next Premiership!
  2. Yep, if he can play consistently at the level of that highlights package, we'll have a gem. But, knowing our history, the chances of that are...?? Ah, well. It's pre pre-season, so we can dream...! LOL
  3. Read the article on the MFC website. Col told his Manager to not even bother looking elsewhere, 'cos he was going nowhere, and is determined to help the MFC continue its climb up the ladder. Good on him!
  4. Great to see that kind of commitment from Col. Seems to be a rare commodity these days -- loyalty to your Club. He said he told his manager he wouldn't even consider looking at any other Club! Fantastic! I really hope he's there when we finally make the Finals. Really deserves it. Under-rated, blue collar defender who gives his all for the MFC. Can't ask any more than that from him. Very pleased about this -- and his attitude. Go Dees!
  5. Just had a read of the interview with Bernie on the MFC website. Gotta love this guy! Really think he's got his head screwed on right. Basically said he's never expected anything, but gives his all to whatever comes his way. Says footy lasts for maybe 10 years, but friendships are forever. Very glad this lad is at the MFC, and hope his great form continues through the next coupla days.
  6. Really don't want to lose McCartney. Think he was the perfect replacement for Stone, and is very important for the continued development of our young guys. Why don't the Bummers just promote Neeld to the top job...? LOL
  7. The initial question to Bomber was to the effect of whether he, as coach, would keep Jack on the list. Bomber's response was an emphatic "YES!" Said he's seen a lot of Melbourne's games this year, and is convinced there is a lot of up-side to Jack -- reinforced by comments to him by Brendan McCartney. He said there was a reason why he was taken at #1 in the draft, and that he definitely has the talent. Based on the above, as well as Jack's own comments that he wants to stay, and have a really big 2016, I'm looking forward to seeing Jack hopefully become an important part of Melbourne's rise up the ladder.
  8. Now, we just need to turn it into a habit!!
  9. I told you it would work! LOL (And, Whitey did some nice things, too!)
  10. The things some guys will do to get carried off TWICE in their last game!! However, I reckon Crossy would have been a tad happier to have just gone with the second, more traditional send off! What a champion bloke! The commentators said Matty Boyd said a few words in the rooms before the game too, which was a nice touch. Oh! And my news flash about the cunning plan to defeat the Etihad Hoodoo also worked a treat! (Last time we won at Etihad, we had a White in the team. Couldn't win again until we brought in our great WHITE hope... who, incidentally, did some very nice things in his first game.) Yep, nice to get a win last game of the year! Bring on 2016!!! Go Dees!!
  11. NEWS FLASH! I can now reveal that White's recruitment was part of a far-sighted, cunning plan by the MFC to finally destroy the Etihad Hoodoo. Last time we won a game at that ground, we had a White in the team (Jeff). With Mitch making his appearance on Sunday, the Mighty Dees will sweep to victory, all due to the presence of our Great White Hope...!
  12. If by "winning" you mean winning THIS WEEK, that's true. But, they certainly DO have their eyes firmly set on winning the games that matter -- in the Finals. Just another way of best managing your resources to achieve the ultimate goal.
  13. Agreed. I thought it was very funny. (Certainly didn't take it seriously...)
  14. What a load of bull! Tanking is deliberately throwing a match. That's NOT what's happening here. Rather, these clubs have won enough games during the season to put themselves in the enviable position of being able to rest some of their key players, giving them what they believe to be their best chance of ultimate Finals success. Good luck to them! (Maybe, some year soon, the MFC will be in this position, too! We can only hope!)
  15. Okay. Dumb question: What makes everyone so convinced this is Mark's final season?
  16. Good pickup, Chris. Fixed now. (Maybe I was just thinking at the time about some of the current crop who seem to think they're God's gift...! LOL)
  17. Phew!! For a moment there, I thought you were him...! Was looking forward to reading his response to all the love notes on this thread! LOL (Why is it so hard for the media outlets to find good commentators, these days? Ah, for the good ole days, when good commentators were a-plenty!)
  18. Sadly, yet another of the passing parade who flirted with our hopes of seeing a gun recruit coming to the club, but never bringing it to fruition. Very sad. I wish him well in whatever life holds next for him...
  19. So, why didn't we wear it against the Doggies?? (Yep. I know. Dumb question...!)
  20. Great news! Love the big guy, and have been waiting impatiently for him to start to deliver. Think he's only whetted our appetites so far, and really look forward to him being a dominant part of our move up the ladder.
  21. Absolutely! It was a very special moment in Jack's rehab, and for the entire club to celebrate it in that way was special. I'm proud of them all!
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