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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Very pleased for Cam. Seems like one of those guys who isn't necessarily endowed with heaps of natural talent. But, gives it everything, and has been a good servant of the club. Hope he has a blinder today, and goes on to contribute to the resurgence of the Mighty MFC!
  2. Fitzy? Oops! Guess he aint on that list! (But, he WOULD be the tallest, if he was...)
  3. They made this point last night on AFL 360. Said he is nothing like the outside player that was recruited from Adelaide. Has become a real weapon under Roosy's watch, with a touch of agro about him. And, he really seems to be enjoying himself in the new role. (Almost comes across as the mischievous kid who is managing to get away with his mischief, with that cheeky grin of his!) Great to see!
  4. Well put, DC! Nice to know at least one person on here got it. Seems like some people have nothing better to do than tear down what little positivity we have!
  5. I'm sure there's been lotsa love for Fitzy on other threads. But, I reckon the lad deserves a thread of his own. I have to say I had mixed feelings about him being named to play on the weekend, in spite of the reports that he was doing well at Casey in his new role as a defender. I just couldn't get out my head the images of him running around in his previous senior appearances, looking something akin to a stunned giraffe, with his awkward gait and gangly appearance. But, what we were witness to on Sunday was something, at least in my mind, that was truly remarkable. From what I saw of the game on the TV, every time Fitzy went near the ball was a thing of grace and beauty. He really looked like a seasoned veteran, barely putting a foot wrong. I understand his main oponent was Tom Boyd. If true, Fitzy held his man to a single hand ball, finally seeing him handed the red vest. He just didn't look at all out of place and, if anything, added an extra level of strength to our backline. I think Fitzy was taken as somewhat of a speculative pick back when he was drafted, and he certainly didn't look much, with his long, unkempt hair, when he was first photographed with Dean Bailey. And, as I mentioned above, he hasn't exactly set the world on fire with his previous odd few senior appearances. But, hey! If he can build on Sunday's performance, we may really have something special! And, if so, I for one will be stoked! Just so thrilled for the big guy!
  6. That's funny! And, rather appropriate on the eve of Mother's Day, too...! LOL
  7. Nah! How about the "Mitchie Mug"...?? (With Viv playing a blinder and being named BOG, just to show Lyons which of the Clubs was the smartest in recruiting a player from the other Club...!)
  8. How many years did we sit around, hoping "THIS year" would be the one that Trapper finally hit his straps and became the star we all wanted him to be, and could see he had the talent to be? Alas, it was never to be. We just got teased! Then, along came Col... Alas, yet another tease...! Here's hoping the rot has been broken, and Jesse and Gus go on to be more than just teasers...!!
  9. Only 'cos Jesse's shot on goal on the half-time siren grazed the post...!
  10. Vagg

    Nev Jetta

    Paul Roos said in the Press Conference that he doubts Neville will play next week. A real pity.
  11. Wacko Jacko was just a crass full forward...!! Didn't have the class nor polish to be allowed anywhere near the HFF! LOL
  12. Now, look here, Ernie!! Just because most of the posters on here are barely out of nappies and wouldn't have the foggiest idea about us great players of the past, it doesn't give you the right to rewrite history! I was CLEARLY far more talented than Bobby, a far better goal kicker, and WAY more important to the team! And, if there's anyone on here who really is so old that they remember us, and disagrees with my comments, then they are obviously suffering from senility! So, just to put it clearly, Barrie Vagg was the greatest half forward flanker in the history of the MFC! (Written without even the slightest hint of modesty...)
  13. Nice of you guys to remember me! But, I was better than that! (A "vital cog", you might say! LOL) Oh! And, my name is spelt BARRIE...!
  14. And I am very happy about that. Just kinda makes a mockery of the AFL's supposed insistence on avoiding clashes...
  15. After seeing our special Anzac tribute jumper for Friday night I was surprised to see it is actually an away game for us. Surprised the AFL are letting us wear what is basically our traditional strip, with just a few embellishments. Would have thought they'd insist we wear the white jumper. Happy about this. (And further confused by the AFL's weird way of enforcing the clash "rule"...!)
  16. Don't think the hit was actually that high. The replays indicated it was more to the upper body, and not the head...
  17. The turkeys rattling on about anything and everything other than what's happening on the ground drives me around the bend. Just wish they'd quit big-noting themselves, and actually give a commentary on the game. Would be a nice change!!
  18. Meanwhile Carlton and Essendon both played in their traditional jumpers yesterday. The AFL's clash jumper policy is a joke. (Yeah, we already knew that...!!)
  19. Now, if Jesse could just learn to kick straight, he WILL be a weapon!
  20. Loved Bernie's comments in the post-match interview. Said he was just having a bit of fun, that's what footy's all about. Said he didn't care about going from a crowd favourite in Adelaide to being constantly booed. Said he's 100% a Melbourne player now, and will do whatever it takes to get a win for the team. But, at the end of it said the Adelaide players are still his mates, and he was getting together with them last night. Would have loved to be a fly on the wall at that get together. Seems a great guy. Very glad we have him.
  21. Maybe it's not the diet, but rather that 2nd hand source that made them NQR...?!
  22. An on air tribute a few weeks back had a couple of funny stories. Apparently Mark Taylor exclaimed on air it was a tragedy when Shane Warne was dismissed on 99. The next day Richie politely informed Mark that "The Titanic was a tragedy. The millions of starving people in the world was a tragedy. Shane Warne being dismissed on 99 was NOT a tragedy"!! And, when Ian Healy commented on air that "the pitch was moving sideways", Richie corrected him with words to the effect of "Young man, the pitch will NEVER move sideways!" A great man, a fantastic cricketer, a wonderful commentator. Australia is the poorer for his passing! Vale Richie!
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